Issue 6, 2025

The shape of cleaved tethered membranes


A remarkable property of flexible self-avoiding elastic surfaces (membranes) is that they remain flat at all temperatures, even in the absence of a bending rigidity or in the presence of active fluctuations. Here, we report numerical results of these surfaces wherein we alter their topology by systematically cleaving internal bonds. While it is known that a random removal of membrane bonds does not disrupt the overall extended shape of the membrane, we find that cleaving an elastic surface with longitudinal parallel cuts leads to its systematic collapse into a number of complex morphologies that can be controlled by altering the number and length of the inserted cuts. For the simpler case of membranes with bending rigidity but in the absence of self-avoidance, we find that the radius of gyration of the surface as a function of number of cuts is represented by a universal master curve when the variables are appropriately rescaled.

Graphical abstract: The shape of cleaved tethered membranes

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Article type
17 okt. 2024
04 jan. 2025
First published
06 jan. 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Soft Matter, 2025,21, 1134-1140

The shape of cleaved tethered membranes

A. D. Chen, M. C. Gandikota and A. Cacciuto, Soft Matter, 2025, 21, 1134 DOI: 10.1039/D4SM01225A

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