Issue 1, 2023

Novel core–shell nanoclusters composed of multiple nickel–cobalt-oxyselenide nanowires wrapped with NiCo-LDH nanosheets for high energy density supercapacitors


Transition metal selenides are widely used in supercapacitors because of their high theoretical capacity but their poor electron or ion accessibility in electrochemical tests leads to low conductivity and weak energy density. Herein, a novel nanocluster made up of a nickel–cobalt-oxyselenide (NiCoO4Se3, denoted as NCOSe) nanowire core and a NixCoy-LDH nanosheet shell on carbon fiber (CF@NCOSe/NixCoy-LDH) is synthesized for the first time. Nanosheets encapsulated with multiple active nanowires have a multitude of active sites and high electrical conductivity simultaneously. This core–shell structure can enhance material stability and also further stimulate the redox reaction activity of the internal core nanowires. Due to the synergistic effect of NCOSe and Ni2Co1-LDH, the nanocluster CF@NCOSe/Ni2Co1-LDH exhibits an outstanding capacity of 3270 F g−1 (454.17 mA h g−1) at 1 A g−1. Significantly, the prepared hybrid supercapacitor (HSC) with CF@NCOSe/Ni2Co1-LDH//AC shows a particularly high energy density of 89.7 W h kg−1 at a power density of 800 W kg−1. In addition, the HSC exhibits an outstanding cycling performance of 95.6% capacitance retention after 10 000 charge/discharge cycles. Therefore, constructing core–shell nanoclusters with an effective electrolyte buffer space can obtain high capacitance electrode materials, which is an effective strategy to build high energy density HSCs.

Graphical abstract: Novel core–shell nanoclusters composed of multiple nickel–cobalt-oxyselenide nanowires wrapped with NiCo-LDH nanosheets for high energy density supercapacitors

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Research Article
10 ágú. 2022
18 okt. 2022
First published
04 nóv. 2022

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2023,10, 192-200

Novel core–shell nanoclusters composed of multiple nickel–cobalt-oxyselenide nanowires wrapped with NiCo-LDH nanosheets for high energy density supercapacitors

R. Luo, Q. Yang, Y. Liu, L. Sun, C. Wang, M. Chen and W. Shi, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2023, 10, 192 DOI: 10.1039/D2QI01739C

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