Issue 22, 2024

Research progress in optical materials with cationic organic planar π-conjugated groups containing C[double bond, length as m-dash]N bonds


Recently, organic planar π-conjugated groups have received increasing attention from researchers for the construction of linear/nonlinear optical crystals with excellent performance in the UV/DUV region. Compared with inorganic optically active units ([BO3]3−, [B3O6]3−, [CO3]2−, and [NO3]), organic planar π-conjugated groups have larger microscopic hyperpolarizability and polarizability anisotropy, which enable the synthesis of birefringent crystals with large birefringence or NLO crystals with a high SHG response and large birefringence. Among the various types of organic planar π-conjugated groups, cationic organic planar π-conjugated groups containing C[double bond, length as m-dash]N bonds show several great advantages, including high nonlinear polarizability, high flexibility in molecular design and assembly and easy large-size crystal growth. These merits have inspired researchers to make great efforts to develop high-performance optical crystals for application in the UV/DUV region. In this review, the compounds containing cationic organic planar π-conjugated groups (such as [C3N6H7]+, [C(NH2)3]+, [C5NH6O]+, [C4N3H6]+, etc.) are outlined. The relationship between the optical properties and the structure is discussed in accordance with the available computational and experimental data. The above types of compounds are summarised and evaluated. Finally, the main challenges and future opportunities for the construction of optical crystals using cationic organic planar π-conjugated groups are presented, and the prospects for development are outlooked.

Graphical abstract: Research progress in optical materials with cationic organic planar π-conjugated groups containing C [[double bond, length as m-dash]] N bonds

Article information

Article type
Review Article
03 sep. 2024
26 sep. 2024
First published
04 okt. 2024

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024,11, 7756-7774

Research progress in optical materials with cationic organic planar π-conjugated groups containing C[double bond, length as m-dash]N bonds

H. Jia, X. Hou and S. Pan, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024, 11, 7756 DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02232G

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