Issue 44, 2024

Tuning the acidity and textural properties of polyethyleneimine-supported adsorbents for enhanced economical CO2 capture


CO2 capture using amine-based porous solids is a promising field that has received tremendous research interest. Owing to high CO2 capture performance, fast uptake kinetics and easy regeneration, CO2 capture using amine-based sorbents has extensively been studied. Herein, polyethyleneimine (PEI)-based sorbents were developed using pseudoboehmite (PSB) and gamma alumina (γ-Al2O3) as supports, represented as PEI@PSB and PEI@γ-Al2O3, respectively. The dispersion, morphology and dynamics of PEI on a porous support play key roles in the CO2 capture performance of an adsorbent. The dispersion of PEI in an adsorbent is tuned by varying the nature of acidity of the supports. The acid–base interaction between PEI and a support enhances its dispersion in the adsorbent. It was observed that PEI@PSB with enhanced Brønsted acidic sites showed excellent PEI dispersion and consequently showed superior CO2 uptake performance compared to PEI@γ-Al2O3. In situ IR analysis majorly shows the formation of ammonium carbamates and negligible carbamic acid, confirming well-dispersed PEI on the PSB support. Among the series of adsorbents, 25% PEI@PSB exhibited the highest CO2 uptake performance of 4.9 mmol CO2 per g of the sorbent. Nitrogen sorption analysis revealed that 25 wt% of PEI is the loading optimum to retain the porosity of the material, facilitating better CO2 uptake. The long-term stability and regeneration studies confirmed that the PEI@PSB adsorbent was robust and could retain a similar adsorbent capacity of up to 100 recycles. Finally, life-cycle assessment (LCA) depicted a decrease of 19–21-fold in all the environmental impact categories per ton of carbon capture with renewable energy input, indicating the potential for decarbonizing hard-to-abate industrial emissions and achieving net-zero climate targets.

Graphical abstract: Tuning the acidity and textural properties of polyethyleneimine-supported adsorbents for enhanced economical CO2 capture

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Article information

Article type
26 júl. 2024
03 okt. 2024
First published
03 okt. 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 30309-30317

Tuning the acidity and textural properties of polyethyleneimine-supported adsorbents for enhanced economical CO2 capture

B. Ray, S. R. Churipard, A. Cherevotan, D. R. Deka, D. Goud, H. Kopperi and S. C. Peter, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 30309 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA05215C

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