Kinetic multilayer models for surface chemistry in indoor environments


Multiphase interactions and chemical reactions at indoor surfaces are of particular importance due to their impact on air quality in indoor environments with high surface to volume ratios. Kinetic multilayer models are a powerful tool to simulate various gas–surface interactions including partitioning, diffusion and multiphase chemistry of indoor compounds by treating mass transport and chemical reactions in a number of model layers in the gas and condensed phases with a flux-based approach. We have developed a series of kinetic multilayer models that have been applied to describe multiphase chemistry and interactions indoors. They include the K2-SURF model treating the reversible adsorption of volatile organic compounds on surfaces, the KM-BL model treating diffusion through an indoor surface boundary layer, the KM-FILM model treating organic film formation by multi-layer adsorption and film growth by absorption of indoor compounds, and the KM-SUB-Skin-Clothing model treating reactions of ozone with skin lipids in skin and clothing. We also developed the effective mass accommodation coefficient that can treat surface partitioning by effectively taking into account kinetic limitations of bulk diffusion. In this study we provide detailed instructions and code annotations of these models for the model user. Example sensitivity simulations that investigate the impact of input parameters are presented to help with familiarization to the codes. The user can adapt the codes as required to model experimental and indoor field campaign measurements, can use the codes to gain insights into important reactions and processes, and can extrapolate to new conditions that may not be accessible by measurements.

Graphical abstract: Kinetic multilayer models for surface chemistry in indoor environments

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Article type
13 sep. 2024
30 okt. 2024
First published
31 okt. 2024

Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2025, Advance Article

Kinetic multilayer models for surface chemistry in indoor environments

P. S. J. Lakey and M. Shiraiwa, Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4EM00549J

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