Issue 2, 2025

Step-wise assembly of a dysprosium–viologen framework with photoswitchable slow magnetic relaxation under a zero dc field


Lanthanide molecular nanomagnets featuring reversible photoresponsive characteristics and photomediated magnetic behavior are highly appealing for developing next-generation optics and memory devices though the rational assembly of such materials remains elusive. Herein, we demonstrate a step-wise approach, which employs a photochromic dysprosium–viologen compound {[Dy(ipbp)2(H2O)3]·NO3·2H2O}n (1) (H2ipbp·Cl = (1-(3,5-dicarboxyphenyl)-4,4′-bipyridinium chloride)) as the building block and 2,5-pyrazinedicarboxylate dianions (2,5-pzdc2−) as bridges, giving rise to a new framework {[Dy(ipbp)2(2,5-pzdc)0.5(H2O)]·5H2O}n (2) exhibiting a photochromic effect and slow magnetic relaxation under a zero dc field. This finding is notable and exciting, as the starting compound 1 shows no magnetic relaxation on its own. The ab initio calculations demonstrate that by replacing water molecules at the equatorial plane in 1 with the 2,5-pzdc2− bridge, the longer Dy–N bond length and the less charged pyrazine nitrogen atom result in a weaker equatorial field strength, and the coordination geometry around the Dy3+ ion in 2 is thus closer to the ideal triangular dodecahedral geometry than in 1, leading to stronger axial magnetic anisotropy of the Dy3+ ion and switch-on of slow magnetic relaxation under a zero dc field. Further magnetic analysis of compound 2 before and after UV light irradiation reveals the weak ferromagnetic coupling between the photogenerated radicals and the Dy3+ ions, a slight inhibition of quantum tunnelling of magnetization, as well as a modest enhancement of the energy barrier for the slow magnetic relaxation, highlighting the photomodulation of the dynamic magnetic behavior.

Graphical abstract: Step-wise assembly of a dysprosium–viologen framework with photoswitchable slow magnetic relaxation under a zero dc field

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Review Article
01 nóv. 2024
08 des. 2024
First published
10 des. 2024

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025,12, 515-523

Step-wise assembly of a dysprosium–viologen framework with photoswitchable slow magnetic relaxation under a zero dc field

Z. Huang, L. Zhang and H. Sun, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025, 12, 515 DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02771J

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