Review on Ti3C2 MXene-based binary and ternary composites for photocatalytic applications


2D layered materials have been employed as suitable co-catalysts for many photocatalytic reactions owing to their numerous advantages, such as high specific surface area, surface-active sites and suitable surface acid–base properties. Materials, such as graphene, MoS2, black phosphorous and MXenes, have been extensively explored in this regard, with MXenes gaining tremendous interest. MXenes not only mediate the charge carrier transfer pathways when conjugated with semiconductors but also act as excellent precursors to obtain the respective metal oxides at a moderate annealing temperature. Given that titania is the gold standard photocatalytic material, initially, this review presents the design and fabrication of Ti3C2/TiO2 from the viewpoint of both preparation methods and applications towards pollutant degradation and hydrogen evolution reactions. Subsequently, Ti3C2/TiO2-based ternary composite comprising superior nanomaterials, such as BiOX, AgX, g-C3N4, metal sulphides, metal oxides, quantum dots and metal particles, are emphasized to demonstrate their advancements. Alternatively, the photocatalytic applications of C@TiO2 obtained from the complete oxidation of Ti3C2 and the related ternary systems are emphasized. The charge carrier dynamics specific to the heterostructure and participation of free radicals in the pollutant degradation mechanism are highlighted at the respective stages. Finally, the associated challenges and future perceptions of Ti3C2-based heterostructures are emphasized for broader applications.

Graphical abstract: Review on Ti3C2 MXene-based binary and ternary composites for photocatalytic applications

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Article information

Article type
Review Article
17 nóv. 2024
07 jan. 2025
First published
08 jan. 2025

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025, Advance Article

Review on Ti3C2 MXene-based binary and ternary composites for photocatalytic applications

P. C P, M. Srinivas and S. G. Kumar, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02912G

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