Issue 1, 2025

Sugar additive with a halogen group enabling a highly reversible and dendrite-free Zn anode


Aqueous zinc-ion batteries (AZBs) suffer from poor reversibility and limited lifespan due to parasitic side reactions and dendrite growth induced by active water. Although additives are widely used to address these issues by reducing the water content within the Zn-ion solvation sheaths, the strong interaction between the additives and Zn2+ causes poor de-solvation kinetics. Here, we propose a strategy that introduces an electron-withdrawing halogen group to reduce the polarity of the sugar additive. Theoretical simulations and experimental results demonstrate that a sucralose additive with optimal polarity can decrease the coordinated active water without hindering the de-solvation kinetics of Zn2+. This effectively regulates the overpotential and inhibits side reactions. Meanwhile, the additive can adsorb onto the surface of the Zn metal to modify the direction of zinc deposition and suppress dendrite growth. As a result, the Zn//Zn symmetric cell with the sucralose electrolyte additive exhibits an outstanding cycling life of 2400 h at a current density of 1 mA cm−2. Moreover, when coupled with the V2O5 cathode, the full battery also demonstrates excellent operational stability, achieving 4000 cycles with a retained capacity of 51.84%.

Graphical abstract: Sugar additive with a halogen group enabling a highly reversible and dendrite-free Zn anode

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Article information

Article type
24 júl. 2024
28 okt. 2024
First published
29 okt. 2024

React. Chem. Eng., 2025,10, 214-223

Sugar additive with a halogen group enabling a highly reversible and dendrite-free Zn anode

W. Xu, X. Ma, P. Lyu, Z. Gao, C. Yan and C. Lv, React. Chem. Eng., 2025, 10, 214 DOI: 10.1039/D4RE00366G

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