Issue 7, 2025

Flexoelectricity-enhanced photovoltaic effect in flexible LiNbO3 nanorod array/PVDF nanocomposites


Recently, the flexoelectricity-enhanced photovoltaic effect has gained significant scientific attention. In this investigation, we successfully fabricated vertically aligned LiNbO3 nanorod (LN-NR) arrays and mixed them with a PVDF (polyvinylidene difluoride) solution to produce LN-NR/PVDF nanocomposites. The flexoelectric coefficient measurement results indicate that the LN-NR/PVDF-91 (91% LiNbO3) nanocomposite has the largest flexoelectric coefficient μ133 of 4.95 × 10−8 C m−1, which is approximately 9-fold that of the pristine PVDF film. The light polarization dependence of the photovoltaic current measurement on an LN-NR/PVDF-91 nanocomposite demonstrated that the increase of photovoltaic (PV) current arises from the flexoelectric effect. Furthermore, the photovoltaic current (Ipv) of the LN-NR/PVDF composites was measured for various nanomaterials. It was revealed that the Ipv of the flat LN-NR/PVDF-67 (0.65 μA cm−2) nanocomposite increased by 13.8-fold compared with that of the LN-nanoparticles/PVDF-67 nanocomposites (43.8 nA cm−2). Next, the photovoltaic current (Ipv) of the LN-NR/PVDF composites was measured at various curvatures. The data indicate that at a downward bending curvature of 20 m−1, the Ipv of the LN-NR/PVDF-91 composites increases by 88% to 1.88 μA cm−2 compared to that of the composite under flat conditions. In contrast, the Ipv of the LN-nanosheets/PVDF-67 nanocomposite (71.3 nA cm−2) only increased by 21.21% to 86.3 nA cm−2 at a curvature of 20 m−1 compared with that of the flat state of the LN-nanosheets/PVDF-67. This demonstrated that the shape of LN nanomaterials can strongly influence the photovoltaic current of LN/PVDF nanocomposites, mainly due to the increase of the flexoelectricity of aligned LN-nanoparticles/PVDF nanocomposites. The DFT (density functional theory) calculation results indicate that the bending process can generate a piezoelectric coefficient e35 of 0.038 C m−2 at a curvature of 20 m−1. Therefore, LN-nanorods/PVDF nanocomposites show great potential application prospects in the non-destructive readout of ferroelectric memory devices.

Graphical abstract: Flexoelectricity-enhanced photovoltaic effect in flexible LiNbO3 nanorod array/PVDF nanocomposites

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Article information

Article type
27 sep. 2024
18 des. 2024
First published
30 des. 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025,13, 4971-4983

Flexoelectricity-enhanced photovoltaic effect in flexible LiNbO3 nanorod array/PVDF nanocomposites

X. Zheng, D. Tan, W. Wang, X. Cao, M. Willatzen, Z. Wang and K. Ren, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, 13, 4971 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA06905F

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