Themed collection Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts: Recent Review Articles

82 items - Showing page 1 of 2

Development of the global measurement system and its ongoing importance for accurate and effective air quality measurements

This article emphasizes the crucial role of metrology, the science of measurement, in modern life.

Graphical abstract: Development of the global measurement system and its ongoing importance for accurate and effective air quality measurements

The reciprocity principle in mulch film deterioration and microplastic generation

Based on the reciprocity principle, this study evaluated the release and accumulation kinetics of microplastics from films, by developing an empirical model that linked the degradation performance of films under light with their molecular structure.

Graphical abstract: The reciprocity principle in mulch film deterioration and microplastic generation

A perspective on iron (Fe) in the atmosphere: air quality, climate, and the ocean

We engage in research motivated by climate change and the impacts of pollution on air, water, and human health. The scientific community need to improve communication and knowledge exchange across disciplines to address pressing research questions holistically.

Graphical abstract: A perspective on iron (Fe) in the atmosphere: air quality, climate, and the ocean
Open Access Perspective

To be or not to be degraded: in defense of persistence assessment of chemicals

Characterizing the degradation behavior of chemicals in the environment is a key component of chemical hazard and risk assessment.

Graphical abstract: To be or not to be degraded: in defense of persistence assessment of chemicals
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles

The case for a more precise definition of regulated PFAS

Many existing definitions of PFAS are overly broad, there is a strong case for a more precise definition of regulated PFAS.

Graphical abstract: The case for a more precise definition of regulated PFAS
Open Access Perspective

Unraveling biogeochemical complexity through better integration of experiments and modeling

A more ubiquitous use of process-based models will enhance the information gained from biogeochemical experimentation through both, a more rigorous interpretation of acquired data and the optimal design of future experiments.

Graphical abstract: Unraveling biogeochemical complexity through better integration of experiments and modeling
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles

Influence of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a review from the climate change perspective

This perspective article reports the possible relationships between climate change and the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic and vice versa.

Graphical abstract: Influence of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a review from the climate change perspective

A case study of SARS-CoV-2 transmission behavior in a severely air-polluted city (Delhi, India) and the potential usage of graphene based materials for filtering air-pollutants and controlling/monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic

This review summarizes the role of graphene-based nanomaterials, which show antimicrobial behavior and have antiviral efficacy, in reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Graphical abstract: A case study of SARS-CoV-2 transmission behavior in a severely air-polluted city (Delhi, India) and the potential usage of graphene based materials for filtering air-pollutants and controlling/monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic

Microbial vesicle-mediated communication: convergence to understand interactions within and between domains of life

Extracellular vesicles are a ubiquitous but often overlooked biological component of all natural environments. Convergent interdisciplinary research highlights an effective approach to understand their properties and functions.

Graphical abstract: Microbial vesicle-mediated communication: convergence to understand interactions within and between domains of life

Vanadium: environmental hazard or environmental opportunity? A perspective on some key research needs

Limited information on the speciation of vanadium in the environment and anthropogenic emissions, coupled with toxicology heavily focused on V2O5 needs to be addressed to balance environmentally beneficial uses against potential harmful effects.

Graphical abstract: Vanadium: environmental hazard or environmental opportunity? A perspective on some key research needs

Electrochemistry coupled with mass spectrometry for the prediction of the environmental fate and elucidation of the degradation mechanisms of pesticides: current status and future prospects

The state of the art of existing/published work in the prediction of environmental degradation of pesticides by EC-MS/EC-LC-MS coupling was reviewed. Ways to improve EC-MS techniques in the prediction of environmental degradation were proposed.

Graphical abstract: Electrochemistry coupled with mass spectrometry for the prediction of the environmental fate and elucidation of the degradation mechanisms of pesticides: current status and future prospects

Towards improved characterization of the fate and impact of hydraulic fracturing chemicals to better secure regional water quality

New approaches to better characterize chemical contamination from hydraulic fracturing of shale and other permeable rock formations for improved risk-based management are presented.

Graphical abstract: Towards improved characterization of the fate and impact of hydraulic fracturing chemicals to better secure regional water quality
Open Access Tutorial Review

Water monitoring by means of digital microscopy identification and classification of microalgae

This review reports state-of-the-art methods for automated microalgae classification aimed at monitoring water ecosystem conditions by means of digital microscopy, its current state and indications of future directions the field is expected to take.

Graphical abstract: Water monitoring by means of digital microscopy identification and classification of microalgae
Tutorial Review

Fluorophores in surface freshwaters: importance, likely structures, and possible impacts of climate change

Fluorescence spectroscopy is very useful for the characterisation of organic matter in natural water samples. The importance of protein-like fluorescence might be enhanced by several events induced by warming in natural waters such as lake water.

Graphical abstract: Fluorophores in surface freshwaters: importance, likely structures, and possible impacts of climate change
Open Access Critical Review

Microcontaminants and microplastics in water from the textile sector: a review and a database of physicochemical properties, use in the textile process, and ecotoxicity data for detected chemicals

Microcontaminants and microplastics are released at every stage of production and use and end up in wastewater treatment plants and eventually in surface waters.

Graphical abstract: Microcontaminants and microplastics in water from the textile sector: a review and a database of physicochemical properties, use in the textile process, and ecotoxicity data for detected chemicals
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Critical Review

Advancing micro-nano supramolecular assembly mechanisms of natural organic matter by machine learning for unveiling environmental geochemical processes

The nano-self-assembly of natural organic matter (NOM) profoundly influences the occurrence and fate of NOM and pollutants in large-scale complex environments.

Graphical abstract: Advancing micro-nano supramolecular assembly mechanisms of natural organic matter by machine learning for unveiling environmental geochemical processes
Open Access Critical Review

An introduction to machine learning tools for the analysis of microplastics in complex matrices

This work introduces the reader to machine learning principles and highlights its usage in examining microplastics in soil samples.

Graphical abstract: An introduction to machine learning tools for the analysis of microplastics in complex matrices
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Critical Review

Plasticizers: distribution and impact in aquatic and terrestrial environments

The review highlights advanced removal strategies and their impacts on soil algae and nematodes, addressing plasticizer pollution comprehensively.

Graphical abstract: Plasticizers: distribution and impact in aquatic and terrestrial environments
Open Access Critical Review

Finding non-fluorinated alternatives to fluorinated gases used as refrigerants

The critical review scrutinizes some of the public statements on fluorinated gases and gives a detailed overview of the available alternatives to fluorinated gases used as refrigerants.

Graphical abstract: Finding non-fluorinated alternatives to fluorinated gases used as refrigerants
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Critical Review

Review of in vitro studies evaluating respiratory toxicity of aerosols: impact of cell types, chemical composition, and atmospheric processing

This review focuses on the impact of cell types and other experimental factors such as exposure duration, dose, chemical composition, and atmospheric processing of PM, on the results of cell-based assays.

Graphical abstract: Review of in vitro studies evaluating respiratory toxicity of aerosols: impact of cell types, chemical composition, and atmospheric processing
Open Access Critical Review

Critical review of fluorescence and absorbance measurements as surrogates for the molecular weight and aromaticity of dissolved organic matter

Optical surrogates are used to characterize dissolved organic matter composition like aromaticity and molecular weight. We both review the genesis of surrogate-composition relationships and critically evaluate additional supporting evidence.

Graphical abstract: Critical review of fluorescence and absorbance measurements as surrogates for the molecular weight and aromaticity of dissolved organic matter
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Critical Review

Red tides in the Galician rías: historical overview, ecological impact, and future monitoring strategies

The Galician rías (NW Iberia, Spain) are responsible for most of the national shellfish production. This is the first review of red tides in that area including an historical overview, social challenges and proposals for improving their monitoring.

Graphical abstract: Red tides in the Galician rías: historical overview, ecological impact, and future monitoring strategies
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Critical Review

Current and emerging technologies for the remediation of difficult-to-measure radionuclides at nuclear sites

Effective remediation of a range of Difficult-to-Measure Radionuclides (DTMRs) in groundwater is needed to meet nuclear site end-state targets. This paper reviews recent developments in remediation of problem DTMRs, focusing on on-site application.

Graphical abstract: Current and emerging technologies for the remediation of difficult-to-measure radionuclides at nuclear sites
Critical Review

Photochemistry of oil in marine systems: developments since the Deepwater Horizon spill

Deepwater Horizon oil was exposed to sunlight in the Gulf of Mexico, changing its composition and behavior.

Graphical abstract: Photochemistry of oil in marine systems: developments since the Deepwater Horizon spill
Critical Review

Mechanism and applications of bidirectional extracellular electron transfer of Shewanella

Electrochemically active microorganisms (EAMs) play an important role in the fields of environment and energy.

Graphical abstract: Mechanism and applications of bidirectional extracellular electron transfer of Shewanella
Critical Review

Impact of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) on secondary sludge microorganisms: removal, potential toxicity, and their implications on existing wastewater treatment regulations in Canada

There is limited data on perfluorinated PFAS, with PFOS and PFOA dominating the research field. Laboratory studies with these two compounds demonstrate potential biodegradation and bioadsorption, but also show negative impacts on the performance of AS and AGS after long-term exposure.

Graphical abstract: Impact of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) on secondary sludge microorganisms: removal, potential toxicity, and their implications on existing wastewater treatment regulations in Canada
Critical Review

Biomonitoring, exposure routes and risk assessment of chlorinated paraffins in humans: a mini-review

CPs are extensively existed in human samples with increased M/S ratio. Dietary intake is the main source. The reported upper bound of EDIs may be close or exceed TDIs, thus further risk assessments are required.

Graphical abstract: Biomonitoring, exposure routes and risk assessment of chlorinated paraffins in humans: a mini-review
Open Access Critical Review

Analytical methodologies for oxidized organic compounds in the atmosphere

Recent findings on oxidized organic compounds in the atmosphere and analytical methodologies for their detection and quantification.

Graphical abstract: Analytical methodologies for oxidized organic compounds in the atmosphere
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Critical Review

Lithium-ion battery recycling: a source of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to the environment?

PFAS are widely used in lithium-ion batteries, which may be problematic for the rapidly growing battery recycling industry.

Graphical abstract: Lithium-ion battery recycling: a source of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to the environment?
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Critical Review

Research status of volatile organic compound (VOC) removal technology and prospect of new strategies: a review

The reaction mechanism on the right is realized in device 6 and the performance of the particle electrode is improved by the bimetallic load. The efficient removal of VOCs is achieved by the overall system.

Graphical abstract: Research status of volatile organic compound (VOC) removal technology and prospect of new strategies: a review
Critical Review

Particulate matter and ultrafine particles in urban air pollution and their effect on the nervous system

Pollutant particulate matter and ultrafine particles have been related to the rise of neurodegenerative diseases and other brain disorders. It is necessary to understand their potential health impacts in order to develop strategies to reduce risks.

Graphical abstract: Particulate matter and ultrafine particles in urban air pollution and their effect on the nervous system
Critical Review

The present and potential future of aqueous mercury preservation: a review

Solid-phase extraction is potentially a safe alternative to in-field dissolved Hg sampling, particularly in challenging environments.

Graphical abstract: The present and potential future of aqueous mercury preservation: a review
Critical Review

Sustainable organic waste management using vermicomposting: a critical review on the prevailing research gaps and opportunities

Overview of vermicomposting and its prevailing research gaps.

Graphical abstract: Sustainable organic waste management using vermicomposting: a critical review on the prevailing research gaps and opportunities
Critical Review

PFAS on atmospheric aerosol particles: a review

PFAS are detected in particulate matter around the world.

Graphical abstract: PFAS on atmospheric aerosol particles: a review
Open Access Critical Review

Assessing and managing environmental hazards of polymers: historical development, science advances and policy options

Approaches to regulatory assessment and management of polymers are reviewed and opportunities for improvements are highlighted based on a critical appraisal of current science on their environmental fate and effects.

Graphical abstract: Assessing and managing environmental hazards of polymers: historical development, science advances and policy options
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Critical Review

The geno-toxicological impacts of microplastic (MP) exposure on health: mechanistic pathways and research trends from a Chinese perspective

Potential genotoxicity of microplastics (MPs) includes accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), DNA damage, cell death, inflammation or genetic regulation which in turn can have consequences for health, such as the induction of carcinogenesis.

Graphical abstract: The geno-toxicological impacts of microplastic (MP) exposure on health: mechanistic pathways and research trends from a Chinese perspective
Critical Review

Chemicals/materials of emerging concern in farmlands: sources, crop uptake and potential human health risks

Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) from different agricultural inputs enter the farmland soils and tend to get transferred to humans through meat from grazing animals and plant produce, causing serious health concern.

Graphical abstract: Chemicals/materials of emerging concern in farmlands: sources, crop uptake and potential human health risks
Critical Review

SARS-CoV-2 airborne transmission: a review of risk factors and possible preventative measures using air purifiers

This critical review presents the best remedy to protect human health by efficient materials-based air filters that can be used to air-purify and kill the dangerous SARS-CoV-2 virus and remove the other air pollutants.

Graphical abstract: SARS-CoV-2 airborne transmission: a review of risk factors and possible preventative measures using air purifiers
Critical Review

Updated knowledge, partitioning and ecological risk of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in global aquatic environments

Distribution of PPCPs in the African, Asian, European, and North and South American continents is presented and discussed.

Graphical abstract: Updated knowledge, partitioning and ecological risk of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in global aquatic environments
Critical Review

Alternative methods of monitoring emerging contaminants in water: a review

Anthropogenic activities have steadily increased the release of emerging contaminants (ECs) in aquatic bodies, and these ECs may have adverse effects on humans even at their trace (μg L−1) levels.

Graphical abstract: Alternative methods of monitoring emerging contaminants in water: a review
Critical Review

Research progresses on VOCs emission investigations via surface and satellite observations in China

1. Investigation of the VOCs emissions and source structure is summarized. 2. Characteristics of VOCs observations including surface and satellite are introduced. 3. Suggestions on improvement for future VOCs observation are provided.

Graphical abstract: Research progresses on VOCs emission investigations via surface and satellite observations in China
Open Access Critical Review

Influences of climate change on long-term time series of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Arctic and Antarctic biota

Time series of contaminants in the Arctic are an important instrument to detect emerging issues and to monitor the effectiveness of chemicals regulation. Climate change can affect the link between primary emissions and concentrations in Arctic wildlife.

Graphical abstract: Influences of climate change on long-term time series of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Arctic and Antarctic biota
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Critical Review

POPs in Antarctic ecosystems: is climate change affecting their temporal trends?

Climate change is affecting Antarctica and the Southern Ocean and effects have been already reported for the abiotic compartments of the ecosystems, e.g. ice loss and iceberg calving.

Graphical abstract: POPs in Antarctic ecosystems: is climate change affecting their temporal trends?
Critical Review

Impact of global warming on regional cycling of mercury and persistent organic pollutants on the Tibetan Plateau: current progress and future prospects

Global warming profoundly affects not only mountainous and polar environments, but also the global and regional cycling of pollutants.

Graphical abstract: Impact of global warming on regional cycling of mercury and persistent organic pollutants on the Tibetan Plateau: current progress and future prospects
Open Access Critical Review

Climate change influence on the levels and trends of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and chemicals of emerging Arctic concern (CEACs) in the Arctic physical environment – a review

Direct and indirect effects of climate change influence contaminant sources, transport, re-distribution and circulation in the physical environment of the Arctic. Linkages of such observations to Arctic ecosystem exposure and effects are needed.

Graphical abstract: Climate change influence on the levels and trends of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and chemicals of emerging Arctic concern (CEACs) in the Arctic physical environment – a review
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Critical Review

The influence of global climate change on accumulation and toxicity of persistent organic pollutants and chemicals of emerging concern in Arctic food webs

Global climate change-driven shifts in physical and ecological processes may alter POPs concentrations in Arctic food webs.

Graphical abstract: The influence of global climate change on accumulation and toxicity of persistent organic pollutants and chemicals of emerging concern in Arctic food webs
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Critical Review

Influence of climate change on persistent organic pollutants and chemicals of emerging concern in the Arctic: state of knowledge and recommendations for future research

Future climate change in the Arctic will lead to loss of ice, snow and permafrost, increasing human activity and development, and changes in wind and ocean circulation patterns, that could alter the pathways, distribution and fate of contaminants.

Graphical abstract: Influence of climate change on persistent organic pollutants and chemicals of emerging concern in the Arctic: state of knowledge and recommendations for future research
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Critical Review

A review of simulation experiment techniques used to analyze wildfire effects on water quality and supply

This review covers 40 laboratory- and plot-scale wildfire and rainfall simulation experiments which focus on wildfire hydrologic and water quality effects, guiding future researchers in the optimal design of their own simulation experiments.

Graphical abstract: A review of simulation experiment techniques used to analyze wildfire effects on water quality and supply
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Critical Review

Microplastic profusion in food and drinking water: are microplastics becoming a macroproblem?

Microplastics are extremely complex, and as the food chain comes full circle, it is dreaded that these could have a deleterious influence on humans.

Graphical abstract: Microplastic profusion in food and drinking water: are microplastics becoming a macroproblem?
Open Access Critical Review

Critical review of antibiotic resistance genes in the atmosphere

Our critical review compares ARG profiles in the atmosphere across different locations and discusses characterization methods, atmospheric transport, and future research questions.

Graphical abstract: Critical review of antibiotic resistance genes in the atmosphere
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Critical Review

Emerging investigator series: contributions of reactive nitrogen species to transformations of organic compounds in water: a critical review

Reactive nitrogen species (RNS) pose a potential risk to drinking water quality because they react with organic compounds to form toxic byproducts.

Graphical abstract: Emerging investigator series: contributions of reactive nitrogen species to transformations of organic compounds in water: a critical review
Critical Review

Mercury pollution in China: implications on the implementation of the Minamata Convention

This paper summarizes the atmospheric release of Hg, distribution of air Hg concentration, human exposure to MeHg and health impacts caused by Hg pollution in China.

Graphical abstract: Mercury pollution in China: implications on the implementation of the Minamata Convention
Critical Review

A pandemic-induced environmental dilemma of disposable masks: solutions from the perspective of the life cycle

Massive use of disposable masks and mismanagement could raise emerging environmental and bio-safety concerns.

Graphical abstract: A pandemic-induced environmental dilemma of disposable masks: solutions from the perspective of the life cycle
Open Access Critical Review

A review of microplastic fibres: generation, transport, and vectors for metal(loid)s in terrestrial environments

Synthetic fibre release is an important source of microplastics to agricultural soils, through the application of sewage sludge. Microplastics are potential vectors for the transport of sorbed metal(loid)s from wastewater to soils and organisms.

Graphical abstract: A review of microplastic fibres: generation, transport, and vectors for metal(loid)s in terrestrial environments
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Critical Review

The oxidative potential of fresh and aged elemental carbon-containing airborne particles: a review

EC-containing airborne particles have diverse oxidative potentials dependent on their physical and chemical properties, which can be also changed by atmospheric aging processes.

Graphical abstract: The oxidative potential of fresh and aged elemental carbon-containing airborne particles: a review
Critical Review

Epidemiological significance of the occurrence and persistence of rotaviruses in water and sewage: a critical review and proposal for routine microbiological monitoring

Globally, waterborne gastroenteritis attributable to rotaviruses is on the increase due to the rapid increase in population growth, poor socioeconomic conditions, and drastic changes in climatic conditions.

Graphical abstract: Epidemiological significance of the occurrence and persistence of rotaviruses in water and sewage: a critical review and proposal for routine microbiological monitoring
Critical Review

Secondary organic aerosol formation from monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: insights from laboratory studies

This review summarizes in detail the current knowledge in the chemical compositions, formation mechanisms, and physicochemical properties of secondary organic aerosols formed from monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Graphical abstract: Secondary organic aerosol formation from monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: insights from laboratory studies
Critical Review

Emerging investigator series: microplastic sources, fate, toxicity, detection, and interactions with micropollutants in aquatic ecosystems – a review of reviews

Hundreds of review studies have been published focusing on microplastics (MPs) and their environmental impacts.

Graphical abstract: Emerging investigator series: microplastic sources, fate, toxicity, detection, and interactions with micropollutants in aquatic ecosystems – a review of reviews
Critical Review

Effects of carbamazepine in aquatic biota

Carbamazepine (CBZ) is one of the most common pharmaceuticals found in the aquatic environment.

Graphical abstract: Effects of carbamazepine in aquatic biota
Critical Review

A review on nirS-type and nirK-type denitrifiers via a scientometric approach coupled with case studies

The nirS-type and nirK-type denitrifiers have attracted great attention.

Graphical abstract: A review on nirS-type and nirK-type denitrifiers via a scientometric approach coupled with case studies
Critical Review

PFAS fate and destruction mechanisms during thermal treatment: a comprehensive review

Our critical review provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art understanding of PFAS thermal behavior and destruction mechanisms under different thermal destruction technologies and further research needs.

Graphical abstract: PFAS fate and destruction mechanisms during thermal treatment: a comprehensive review
Open Access Critical Review

Occurrence, human exposure, and risk of microplastics in the indoor environment

Pathways of human exposure to MPs and associated risks.

Graphical abstract: Occurrence, human exposure, and risk of microplastics in the indoor environment
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Critical Review

Review of ecotoxicological studies of widely used polystyrene nanoparticles

With polystyrene nanoparticles being widely used in various applications, there is a great need for deeper knowledge on the safety, fate and biological effects of these particles on both individual living organisms and the whole ecosystems.

Graphical abstract: Review of ecotoxicological studies of widely used polystyrene nanoparticles
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Critical Review

Effects of nanoplastics on microalgae and their trophic transfer along the food chain: recent advances and perspectives

Nanoplastics (NPs) have drawn increasing attention in recent years due to their potential threats to aquatic ecosystems.

Graphical abstract: Effects of nanoplastics on microalgae and their trophic transfer along the food chain: recent advances and perspectives
Critical Review

Environmental geochemistry of thioantimony: formation, structure and transformation as compared with thioarsenic

The review presents a way of comparing environmental geochemistry between thioantimony and thioarsenic, summarizing the latest knowledge about their formation, structure and transformation.

Graphical abstract: Environmental geochemistry of thioantimony: formation, structure and transformation as compared with thioarsenic
Critical Review

Emerging investigator series: the role of chemical properties in human exposure to environmental chemicals

We review how chemical properties govern human exposure to environmental chemicals through different routes from different sources.

Graphical abstract: Emerging investigator series: the role of chemical properties in human exposure to environmental chemicals
Open Access Critical Review

Battling the known unknowns: a synoptic review of aquatic plastics research from Australia, the United Kingdom and China

A synoptic review of aquatic plastics research from Australia, the United Kingdom and China is presented, highlighting (a) key research and management challenges, and (b) a need to converge on standardised methods and bioindicator species to make global comparisons more reliable.

Graphical abstract: Battling the known unknowns: a synoptic review of aquatic plastics research from Australia, the United Kingdom and China
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Critical Review

Insufficient evidence for the existence of natural trifluoroacetic acid

Examination of literatures surrounding purported natural trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) reveals that all TFA observations can be reasonably altributed to anthropogenic sources.

Graphical abstract: Insufficient evidence for the existence of natural trifluoroacetic acid
Critical Review

Research progress in the enhancement technology of soil vapor extraction of volatile petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants

At present, volatile petroleum hydrocarbon pollution in soil is still widespread and serious in China.

Graphical abstract: Research progress in the enhancement technology of soil vapor extraction of volatile petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants
Critical Review

Absorption, distribution, and toxicity of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the brain: a review

This review integrates current understanding on uptake, accumulation and distribution of PFAS in the brain, along with potential neurotoxic outcomes.

Graphical abstract: Absorption, distribution, and toxicity of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the brain: a review
82 items - Showing page 1 of 2

About this collection

In addition to high quality research papers, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts features topical review articles. Reviews will be added to this webpage as soon as possible after publication.

