Themed collection JAAS 30th anniversary

JAAS – 30 years of manuscripts, citations, and scientific impact
David Koppenaal looks back at the top 30 publications over the last 30 years of JAAS.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 18-21
JAAS 30th anniversary
Introducing the JAAS 30th anniversary themed issue.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 13-15
JAAS Emerging Investigator Lectureship
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the journal, it was decided to launch the JAAS Emerging Investigator Lectureship which will be awarded annually. The winners of the 2015 award are Dr Lara Lobo from the University of Oviedo (Spain) and Prof. Dr Gerardo Gamez from Texas Tech University (USA).
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 16-17
Current trends: a perspective from 30 years of Atomic Spectrometry Updates
An overview of the topics covered by, and the importance of, Atomic Spectrometry Updates.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 32-34
History of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectral analysis: from the beginning up to its coupling with mass spectrometry
Knut Ohls and Bernhard Bogdain provide a historical account on the use of ICP atomic emission spectrometry.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 22-31

Isotopes in cosmochemistry: recipe for a Solar System
Studying the isotopic composition of Solar System materials contributes to a better understanding of their nature and genesis.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 841-862
Laser ablation molecular isotopic spectrometry (LAMIS): current state of the art
Laser Ablation Molecular Isotopic Spectrometry (LAMIS) is a direct and rapid technique that measures optical emission in laser-induced plasmas for isotopic analysis.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 119-134
Femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
The presented review summarizes nearly two decades of studies on femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectrometry (fs-LIBS).
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 90-118
Mass spectra of diverse organic species utilizing the liquid sampling-atmospheric pressure glow discharge (LS-APGD) microplasma ionization source
The ability to generate molecular mass spectra is demonstrated for the liquid sampling-atmospheric pressure glow discharge (LS-APGD).
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 145-151

Capabilities of fast data acquisition with microsecond time resolution in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and identification of signal artifacts from millisecond dwell times during detection of single gold nanoparticles
In this paper, a home-built DAQ featuring microsecond time resolution is used to demonstrate advantages of fast data acquisition and to uncover potential artifacts in single-particle ICP-MS.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 135-144
ChemCam activities and discoveries during the nominal mission of the Mars Science Laboratory in Gale crater, Mars
At Gale crater, Mars, ChemCam acquired its first laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) target on Sol 13 of the landed portion of the mission (a Sol is a Mars day).
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 863-889
Underwater measurements using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
New data is presented related to high-pressure underwater laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 328-336
Quantitation of the Fe spatial distribution in biological tissue by online double isotope dilution analysis with LA-ICP-MS: a strategy for estimating measurement uncertainty
A strategy, systematically developed, is reported for the quantitative analysis of the Fe spatial distribution in biological tissue using laser ablation with ICP-MS and on-line double isotope dilution analysis.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 270-279
Accuracy of laser-ablation (LA)-MC-ICPMS Sr isotope analysis of (bio)apatite – a problem reassessed
Accurate in situ Sr isotope analysis of (bio)apatite via ‘robust-plasma’ laser-ablation MC-ICPMS with negligible 40Ca31P16O and reliable 87Rb interference correction.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 259-269
Elemental mapping of biological samples by the combined use of LIBS and LA-ICP-MS
Feasibility of the simultaneous use of LIBS and LA-ICP-MS (tandem LA/LIBS) for bio-imaging of bulk and trace elements is demonstrated.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 252-258
Experimental evaluation of elemental behavior during LA-ICP-MS: influences of plasma conditions and limits of plasma robustness
Hot plasma conditions stabilize elemental fractionation and provide matrix-tolerant operating conditions for LA-ICP-MS.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 234-244
A simple dilute-and-shoot approach for the determination of ultra-trace levels of arsenic in biological fluids via ICP-MS using CH3F/He as a reaction gas
This article demonstrates the potential of CH3F as a reaction gas for the interference-free monitoring of As by ICP-MS.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 245-251
Capabilities of radiofrequency pulsed glow discharge-time of flight mass spectrometry for molecular screening in polymeric materials: positive versus negative ion mode
Comparative investigations between positive and negative ionization modes for the analysis of polymeric materials have been tackled using PP-TOFMS.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 212-219
Assessment of the natural variability of B, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Sr, Tl and Zn concentrations and isotopic compositions in leaves, needles and mushrooms using single sample digestion and two-column matrix separation
Over 240 samples are analyzed for concentration and isotopic composition of eight elements.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 220-233

Elemental bio-imaging using laser ablation-triple quadrupole-ICP-MS
Elemental bio-imaging using the technological advances of ICP-QQQ-MS.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 197-202
Determination of SeMet and Se(IV) in biofortified yeast by ion-pair reversed phase liquid chromatography-hydride generation-microwave induced nitrogen plasma atomic emission spectrometry (HPLC-HG-MP-AES)
HPLC-HG-MP-AES procedure was developed for the determination of Se(IV) and SeMet in Se-yeast.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 203-211

Preparation and characterization of primary magnesium mixtures for the ab initio calibration of absolute magnesium isotope ratio measurements
Isotope mixtures for the ab initio-calibration of Mg isotope ratio measurements were prepared with unrivalled relative expanded uncertainties as low as 0.005%.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 179-196
Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry elemental mapping with restrictive anode array masks
Restrictive anode array masks are shown to allow large-diameter surface GDOES elemental mapping with improved homogeneity compared to typical approach.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 163-170
Precise analysis of calcium stable isotope variations in biological apatites using laser ablation MC-ICPMS
First method for in situ Ca isotope ratio analysis in bioapatites, allowing quasi non-destructive exploration of tooth enamel isotopic variations.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 152-162

Improvements in Cd stable isotope analysis achieved through use of liquid–liquid extraction to remove organic residues from Cd separates obtained by extraction chromatography
During isotopic analysis of Cd by MC-ICP-MS, organic resin residue can perturb instrumental mass fractionation. These organic compounds can be removed by a liquid–liquid extraction procedure using heptane.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 319-327
Measurement of sample and plasma properties in solution-cathode glow discharge and effects of organic additives on these properties
Effects of organic additives on spectroscopic and electrical properties of a solution-cathode glow discharge are measured. Effects of the discharge on sample solutions with and without additives are measured.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 311-318
Tandem ICP-mass spectrometry for Sr isotopic analysis without prior Rb/Sr separation
The use of CH3F as a reaction gas in tandem ICP-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS) enables the accurate determination of the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio in geological materials, provided that mass discrimination is corrected for by a combination of internal and external correction.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 303-310

High precision 142Ce/140Ce stable isotope measurements of purified materials with a focus on CeO2 nanoparticles
Stable 142Ce/140Ce isotope measurements of CeO2 nanoparticles and purified materials for the purpose of stable isotope tracing.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 297-302
Analytical potential of rf-PGD-TOFMS for depth profiling of an oxidized thin film composite
The capabilities of radiofrequency pulsed glow discharge time of flight mass spectrometry (rf-pulsed-GD-TOFMS) for the analysis of thin film composite membranes have been investigated in this work.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 288-296
Pb isotope analysis of ng size samples by TIMS equipped with a 1013 Ω resistor using a 207Pb–204Pb double spike
The use of a 1013 Ω amplifier to increase the 204Pb signal enables high-precision, double spike Pb isotope data to be obtained for ng-size Pb samples.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 171-178
Use of Ga for mass bias correction for the accurate determination of copper isotope ratio in the NIST SRM 3114 Cu standard and geological samples by MC-ICPMS
The absolute determination of the Cu isotope ratio in NIST SRM 3114 based on a regression mass bias correction model is performed for the first time with NIST SRM 944 Ga as the calibrant.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 280-287
Development and application of a selenium speciation method in cattle feed and beef samples using HPLC-ICP-MS: evaluating the selenium metabolic process in cattle
HPLC-ICP-MS was used to study selenium accumulation and metabolism by cattle beef fed feed enriched with selenium enriched yeast, canola oil, and/or vitamin E.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 1034-1040
Microwave-assisted digestion using diluted acid and base solutions for plant analysis by ICP OES
A reliable, safe and green microwave-assisted digestion procedure employing diluted solutions of HNO3 and NaOH was developed for determining silicon and eleven elements in plants by ICP OES.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 337-343
About this collection
This is a collection of papers in celebration of the 30 th anniversary of JAAS with topics spanning the breadth of analytical atomic spectrometry. Guest Edited by Frank Vanhaecke, Detlef Günther, Gary Hieftje, Joe Caruso, Barry Sharp and Les Ebdon. New articles will be added to this collection as they are published.