Themed collection Metallomics 2018 Most Downloaded Articles

Iron–sulfur cluster biosynthesis and trafficking – impact on human disease conditions
Iron–sulfur cluster biogenesis and trafficking enables the function of a number of cellular proteins. As such, mutations or perturbations in these pathways lead to disease states.
Metallomics, 2018,10, 9-29
Exploring the alternatives of biological nitrogen fixation
Most biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) results from the activity of the molybdenum nitrogenase (Mo-nitrogenase, Nif), an oxygen-sensitive metalloenzyme complex found in all known diazotrophs.
Metallomics, 2018,10, 523-538
Protein networks in the maturation of human iron–sulfur proteins
The maturation of human Fe–S proteins is a complex process involving protein–protein interaction networks distributed across different cellular compartments.
Metallomics, 2018,10, 49-72

Single-cell analysis by ICP-MS/MS as a fast tool for cellular bioavailability studies of arsenite
A fast and reliable single-cell ICP-MS/MS method is presented to determine the bioavailability of metal species as well as sulfur and phosphorus as internal control after re-suspension of cells in water.
Metallomics, 2018,10, 73-76
Multimodal LA-ICP-MS and nanoSIMS imaging enables copper mapping within photoreceptor megamitochondria in a zebrafish model of Menkes disease
Coregistering quantitative high-resolution metal imaging with fluorescence imaging identifies copper accumulation in megamitochondria within intact neuroretinal slices.
Metallomics, 2018,10, 474-485

The P-type ATPase inhibiting potential of polyoxotungstates
Polyoxometalates (POMs) are transition metal complexes that exhibit a broad diversity of structures and properties rendering them promising for biological purposes.
Metallomics, 2018,10, 287-295
Synergistic gold–copper detoxification at the core of gold biomineralisation in Cupriavidus metallidurans
Cupriavidus metallidurans escapes synergistic Cu/Au toxicity by re-oxidation of Au(I) back to Au(III) using the periplasmic oxidase CopA.
Metallomics, 2018,10, 278-286

Interdependence of free zinc changes and protein complex assembly – insights into zinc signal regulation
Small and local changes in cellular free zinc concentration affect protein assembly.
Metallomics, 2018,10, 120-131
Mobilization of iron from ferritin: new steps and details
Much evidence indicates that iron stored in ferritin is mobilized through protein degradation in lysosomes, but concerns about this process have lingered, and mechanistic details of its aspects are lacking.
Metallomics, 2018,10, 154-168

Pharmaco-genomic investigations of organo-iridium anticancer complexes reveal novel mechanism of action
Transcriptomic, phenotypic and high throughput data reveal unique anticancer mechanisms shared by organometallic iridium and osmium complexes.
Metallomics, 2018,10, 93-107
About this collection
This themed collection features the top 10 most downloaded articles published in Metallomics in 2018. Congratulations to all of the authors whose articles have been featured.