Themed collection 2021 Nanoscale HOT Article Collection

Nanomaterial catalysts for organic photoredox catalysis-mechanistic perspective
Photoredox organic transformation have been growing, and this perspective highlights recent advances in mechanistic understanding, providing strategies to construct high efficiency and low-cost photocatalytic systems.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 18044-18053
Novel optimization perspectives for thermoelectric properties based on Rashba spin splitting: a mini review
This review discussed the typical high ZT materials, traditional optimized strategies, and focused on the Rashba-type thermoelectric (TE) materials, which highlights the development and challenges of Rashba effect in breaking the bottleneck of ZT.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 18032-18043
Recent advances in phosphorus containing noble metal electrocatalysts for direct liquid fuel cells
Here, we summarize our previous efforts and reports from other groups on P containing noble metal catalysts for direct liquid fuel cells, including synthetic methods, composition, shape and electrochemical performance.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 16052-16069
Recent advances in plasmon-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for catalytic reactions on bifunctional metallic nanostructures
This minireview provides a comprehensive discussion on recent advances in plasmon-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for catalytic reactions on bifunctional metallic nanostructures.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 13962-13975
Recent advances and rational design strategies of carbon dots towards highly efficient solar evaporation
By rationally designing and modifying their heterostructures, carbon dots have the potential to be used as solar absorbers for solar evaporation. The roles of carbon dots to improve solar-to-vapor efficiency are thoroughly discussed.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 7523-7532
Emergent electrochemical functions and future opportunities of hierarchically constructed metal–organic frameworks and covalent organic frameworks
Hierarchically constructed metal–organic frameworks and covalent organic frameworks toward emergent electrochemical applications.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 6341-6356
Electrocatalysis in confined spaces: interplay between well-defined materials and the microenvironment
In this minireview, we summarize recent advances in electrocatalysis in confined spaces. Emerging electrochemical reactions are covered and discussed.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 1515-1528
Application of expanded graphite-based materials for rechargeable batteries beyond lithium-ions
In this review, we evaluate and summarize the application of expanded graphite-based materials in rechargeable batteries, including alkaline ions (such as Na+, K+) storage and multivalent ion (such as Mg2+, Zn2+, Ca2+ and Al3+) storage batteries.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 19291-19305
Transition metal-based catalysts for electrochemical water splitting at high current density: current status and perspectives
Current popular transition metal-based electrocatalysts developed for HER/OER in water splitting at high current density are critically reviewed and discussed.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 12788-12817
Ferromagnetism of two-dimensional transition metal chalcogenides: both theoretical and experimental investigations
In this manuscript, we review progress and problems related to magnetism in transition-metal chalcogenides and provide an outlook for this research field.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 12772-12787
A strategy for preparing high-efficiency and economical catalytic electrodes toward overall water splitting
Electrolyzing water technology to prepare high-purity hydrogen is currently an important field in energy development.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 10624-10648
Fabrication of metallic and non-metallic top electrodes for large-area molecular junctions
This Review presents an overview of methods used to deposit top-contact electrodes on electrode-supported monolayers to create ‘large area’ molecular junctions, highlighting the challenges and solutions identified to date.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 9055-9074

Self-assembly of colloidal nanoparticles into 2D arrays at water–oil interfaces: rational construction of stable SERS substrates with accessible enhancing surfaces and tailored plasmonic response
Nanoparticle self-assembly at water–oil interfaces has emerged as a convenient and efficient method to construct stable, active and reproducible plasmonic substrates for SERS. In this review we summarize the progress that has been made in this field.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 5937-5953
Metal organic framework derived porous carbon materials excel as an excellent platform for high-performance packaged supercapacitors
This review systematically sums up the design principles and strategies for MOF precursors and discusses the relationship between MOF precursors and the target porous carbon for the accurate architecture of high-performance supercapacitors.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 5570-5593
Defect engineering and characterization of active sites for efficient electrocatalysis
This review highlights recent advancements in defect engineering and characterization of both metal-free carbons and transition metal-based electrocatalysts.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 3327-3345
Information processing based on DNA toehold-mediated strand displacement (TMSD) reaction
We reviewed the recent research on information processing with the DNA toehold-mediated strand displacement reaction, including the basic principles and applications in logic circuit, analog circuit, combinational circuit, and information relay.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 2100-2112
Theoretical investigation on lithium polysulfide adsorption and conversion for high-performance Li–S batteries
The recent advances in the adsorption and conversion of LiPSs are summarized and discussed from the viewpoint of theoretical calculation.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 15-35
Determination of the surface temperature of magnetically heated nanoparticles using a catalytic approach
The surface temperature on catalytically active magnetic nanoparticles (Fe2.2C@Ru) was estimated from their catalytic performances under magnetic induction. In different solvents, surface temperatures well-above the boiling point were determined.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 12438-12442
Unravelling the coupling of surface plasmons in carbon nanotubes by near-field nanoscopy
We experimentally and theoretically investigated the propagation and subwavelength coupling of surface plasmons in carbon nanotube pairs (CNTPs). We found symmetric and anti-symmetric modes formed by plasmon coupling in CNTPs.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 12454-12459
New insight into the aptamer conformation and aptamer/protein interaction by surface-enhanced Raman scattering and multivariate statistical analysis
Combining SERS and statistical analysis, we demonstrated that an aptamer is a flexible molecule that is blocked in a specific conformation to capture its analyte and we provided evidence for the dynamics of the aptamer/protein interaction.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 12443-12453
Passive cancer targeting with a viral nanoparticle depends on the stage of tumorigenesis
The tumor targeting efficiency of a viral nanoparticle is negatively correlated with the tumorigenesis stage in mouse models.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 11334-11342
Restraining polysulfide shuttling by designing a dual adsorption structure of bismuth encapsulated into carbon nanotube cavity
1D cowpea-like CNTs@Bi/S composites were synthesized by a facile method. Under the collaboration of the physical detention of CNTs and the chemical adsorption of bismuth nanorods, the polysulfide shuttling can be effectively curbed.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 10320-10328
A general approach to realizing perovskite nanocrystals with insulating metal sulfate shells
Perovskite nanocrystals with an insulating metal sulfate shell are synthesized. These novel core/shell structured nanocrystals show highly reduced energy transfer in film and suppressed halide exchange in solution.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 10329-10334
Single molecular nanomedicine with NIR light-initiated superoxide radical, singlet oxygen and thermal generation for hypoxia-overcoming cancer therapy
Molecular nanomedicine (BthB NPs) is developed for effective superoxide radical (O2˙−) generation for hypoxia-overcoming photodynamic therapy (PDT), upon irradiation with an 808 nm laser with a high tissue penetration depth.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 8012-8016
Using nuclear magnetic resonance proton relaxation to probe the surface chemistry of carbon 2D materials
Using NMR proton relaxation to rapidly identify surface chemical functionalisation changes of carbon nanomaterials in liquid.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 6389-6393
Visualizing tumour self-homing with magnetic particle imaging
Iron labeled CTCs home to previously established mammary fat pad tumours and can be visualized using magnetic particle imaging and magnetic resonance imaging.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 6016-6023
Electrocatalytic reduction of furfural with high selectivity to furfuryl alcohol using AgPd alloy nanoparticles
The study of composition-dependent electrocatalysis reveals that Ag60Pd40 alloy nanoparticles allow the selective reduction of furfural to furfuryl alcohol.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 2312-2316
A CHA-based DNA stochastic walker that traverses on cell membranes
Here, we introduce a catalytic hairpin assembly (CHA)-based DNA walker on cell membranes. Driven by DNA strand exchange, catalytic strands move on cell membranes and hairpin strands (H2) in the solution are loaded on cells.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 1596-1599
Origins of pressure-induced enhancement in thermal conductivity of hybrid inorganic–organic perovskites
The thermal conductivity of hybrid perovskites can be tuned by more than an order of magnitude through application of hydrostatic pressure, thus emphasizing the potential in enhancing their efficiencies in photovoltaic applications.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 685-691
Visualization of nano-localized and delocalized oxidation sites for plasmon-induced charge separation
Plasmonic reactions with relatively positive oxidation potentials occur locally at resonance sites, while reactions with more negative potentials proceed nonlocally.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 681-684
A DiR loaded tumor targeting theranostic cisplatin-icodextrin prodrug nanoparticle for imaging guided chemo-photothermal cancer therapy
A novel theranostic nanoplatform DPtFIP exhibited outstanding tumor targeting ability, imaging and photothermal properties, increased cellular uptake, selective drug release, and potent antitumor effect with decreased toxicity.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 19399-19411
Marrying luminescent Au nanoclusters to TiO2 for visible-light-driven antibacterial application
Marrying highly luminescent Au nanoclusters (NCs) to TiO2 achieves long-lasting yet visible-light-driven antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 18996-19003

Two step promotion of a hot tumor immune environment by gold decorated iron oxide nanoflowers and light-triggered mild hyperthermia
Photoactivated Gold decorated iron oxide nanoflowers induce a hot tumor immune microenvironnment in triple negative breast cancer model.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 18483-18497
Origin of the structural stability of cage-like Au144 clusters
Formation of cage-like 144-atom gold cluster is due to thermodynamic selectivity.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 18134-18139
A binary carbon@silica@carbon hydrophobic nanoreactor for highly efficient selective oxidation of aromatic alkanes
A Co/N co-doped binary carbon@silica@carbon hydrophobic nanoreactor with a hollow structure and Co–Nx active sites shows excellent performance in the selective oxidation of ethylbenzene to acetophenone (the conversion of ethylbenzene is 96.9%).
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 18140-18147
Inversion symmetry broken in 2H phase vanadium-doped molybdenum disulfide
Mono-/bi-layer V-doped MoS2 were synthesized via CVD growth. The second harmonic generation (SHG) response in bilayer 2H and 3R phase V-doped MoS2 indicated the broken inversion symmetry regardless of stacking order and layer numbers.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 18103-18111
Engineered multifunctional metal–phenolic nanocoatings for label-free capture and “self-release” of heterogeneous circulating tumor cells
Heterogeneous CTCs in whole blood can be efficiently captured and self-released by multifunctional metal–phenolic networks without using any labeling molecules and additional interventions.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 16923-16931
Metastable marcasite NiSe2 nanodendrites on carbon fiber clothes to suppress polysulfide shuttling for high-performance lithium–sulfur batteries
Metastable m-NiSe2/CFC films are realized to promote chemisorption, accelerate reaction kinetics and suppress the shuttle effect of lithium polysulfides, resulting in high rate capability and superior cycling stability for lithium–sulfur batteries.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 16487-16498
Electrospun ZIF-derived cavity porous carbon nanofibers as a freestanding cathode for lithium–oxygen batteries with ultralow overpotential
We have developed a feasible approach to establish a freestanding air-cathode based on Co–Nx species trapped in hierarchical porous carbon nanofibers with reduced charge-discharge polarization (0.36 V) and high initial specific capacity (12.12 mAh cm−2) for Li–O2 batteries.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 16477-16486
Biomimetic microcavity interfaces for a label-free capture of pathogens in the fluid bloodstream by vortical crossflow filtration
Our study constructs a novel gill-raker like interface for label-free transport and deposit pathogens rapidly into microcavity instead of introducing active agents to binding bacteria.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 15220-15230
High-efficient ab initio Bayesian active learning method and applications in prediction of two-dimensional functional materials
Ab initio Bayesian active learning method was proposed to generally accelerate prediction of desired advanced functional materials with the ultrahigh efficiency and accuracy.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 14694-14704
Proximity effect of a two-dimensional van der Waals magnet Fe3GeTe2 on nickel films
This paper reveals the proximity effect of 2D vdW magnets on the magnetism of ferromagnetic films. Both the out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy and Gilbert damping of the Ni film are enhanced by integrating with 2D Fe3GeTe2.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 14688-14693
Tailoring unique neural-network-type carbon nanofibers inserted in CoP/NC polyhedra for robust hydrogen evolution reaction
The network-like CoP-based electrodes are legitimately designed and tailored for 3-D interconnected conductive network, thus providing rich accessible active sites, facilitating reactants diffusion, and reducing accumulation of hydrogen bubbles.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 14705-14712
A nanostructured microfluidic device for plasmon-assisted electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide released from cancer cells
A nanostructured microfluidic device, featuring a series of self-organized gold nanocavities, enhanced with graphene nanosheets, for ultrasensitive, quantitative, and plasmon-assisted electrochemical detection of H2O2 released from cancer cells.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 14316-14329
Thermal manipulation and thermal rectification in π-stacked organic nanowires
Precise control of thermal conduction of nanowires, both magnitude and direction, has been demonstrated, providing novel access for nanoscale thermal manipulation.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 13641-13649
Lamellar carbon-aluminosilicate nanocomposites with macroscopic orientation
A liquid-crystalline hexaphenylene amphiphile and an aluminosilicate precursor were co-assembled and pyrolyzed to form carbon-aluminosilicate nanocomposites with controlled lamellar orientation and macroscopic order.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 13650-13657
Towards an ideal high-κ HfO2–ZrO2-based dielectric
Dielectric properties are improved by fabrication of a Ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2/Antiferroelectric ZrO2 nanolaminate structure. The new design increases the density of morphotropic phase boundary, which consequently enhances the dielectric constant.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 13631-13640
Topological defect-containing Fe/N co-doped mesoporous carbon nanosheets as novel electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction and Zn–air batteries
Topological defect-containing carbons (or high-entropy carbons), which are synthesized from an azulene-enriched precursor, show strong relationship between topological defects and Fe sites for oxygen reduction.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 13249-13255
Cubic-like Co/NC composites derived from ZIF-67 with a dual control strategy of size and graphitization degree for microwave absorption
MOFs with high tunability are considered ideal candidates as microwave-absorbing materials.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 12896-12909
Single transition metal atom embedded antimonene monolayers as efficient trifunctional electrocatalysts for the HER, OER and ORR: a density functional theory study
Transition metal atom embedded antimonene monolayers can be trifunctional electrocatalysts for the HER/OER/ORR.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 12885-12895
H2O2 self-supplying degradable epitope imprinted polymers for targeted fluorescence imaging and chemodynamic therapy
A biocompatible epitope imprinted polymer based on fluorescent calcium peroxide was used for targeted fluorescence imaging and H2O2 self-supply chemodynamic therapy.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 12553-12564
Shape control in seed-mediated synthesis of non-elongated Cu nanoparticles and their optical properties
Tunable synthetic methodology for several Cu nanoparticle shapes is presented along with detailed analysis of their plasmonic and non-plasmonic optical response.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 12505-12512

Polysaccharide-reinforced amyloid fibril hydrogels and aerogels
The inclusion of low-acetylated Gellan Gum and κ-carrageenan into amyloid fibril gels reinforces them mechanically, while preserving the surface functionality of the amyloid fibrils.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 12534-12545
Improvement of alkali metal ion batteries via interlayer engineering of anodes: from graphite to graphene
Interlayer engineering of graphite anodes in alkali metal ion (M = Li, Na, and K) batteries is carried out based on the first-principles calculations.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 12521-12533
Double-site recognition of Staphylococcus aureus using a metal–organic framework material with an alkaline hydrolysis property as a sensitive fluorescent probe
A metal–organic framework material with an alkaline hydrolysis property was used as a sensitive fluorescent probe for double-site recognition of Staphylococcus aureus.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 12546-12552
Bias-tunable two-dimensional magnetic and topological materials
In this work, we proposed a strategy for using fullerenes as building blocks for the synthesis of novel 2D materials.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 12513-12520
An Mn-doped NiCoP flower-like structure as a highly efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction in acidic and alkaline solutions with long duration
A flower-like structure Mn-doped NiCoP is demonstrated to be an outstanding hydrogen evolution electrocatalyst with highly efficient and long-durable.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 11069-11076
Nanoparticles as a Hedgehog signaling inhibitor for the suppression of cancer growth and metastasis
We explore biocompatible fluorescent silicon nanoparticles (SiNPs) as a Hedgehog pathway inhibitor to suppress the growth and metastasis of tumors with abnormal activation of the pathway.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 11077-11085
ZIF-8 derived hollow carbon to trap polysulfides for high performance lithium–sulfur batteries
The commercial application of Lithium–sulfur batteries (LSBs) is impeded by the shuttle effect. We report zinc (Zn) and nitrogen (N) co-doped ZIF-8 derived hollow carbon (ZHC) as a promising separator coating for LSBs to control the shuttle effect.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 11086-11092
Surfactant-mediated morphology evolution and self-assembly of cerium oxide nanocrystals for catalytic and supercapacitor applications
Surfactant-mediated morphology evolution of CeO2 nanocrystals is fully investigated at the atomic scale and it was found that the exposure of {100} facets largely affects the concentration of Ce3+ and subsequently the OSC performance.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 10393-10401
Magnetic and dielectric property control in the multivalent nanoscale perovskite Eu0.5Ba0.5TiO3
We report nanoscale Eu0.5Ba0.5TiO3, a multiferroic in the bulk and candidate in the search to quantify the electric dipole moment of the electron.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 10365-10384
Yolk–shell structured CoSe2/C nanospheres as multifunctional anode materials for both full/half sodium-ion and full/half potassium-ion batteries
Yolk–shell structured CoSe2/C as multifunctional anode materials show superior performances for both full/half sodium-ion and full/half potassium-ion batteries.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 10385-10392
Temperature dependence of the local field effect in YAG:Ce3+ nanocomposites
A comprehensive test of the local field model was achieved by immersing YAG:Ce nanoparticles in different alcohols at different temperatures.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 10002-10009
Transforming growth factor-β blockade modulates tumor mechanical microenvironments for enhanced antitumor efficacy of photodynamic therapy
Remodeling tumor mechanical microenvironments using TGFβ blockade significantly promotes the delivery of nano-photosensitizers to stroma-rich solid tumors and boosts the antitumor effect of photodynamic therapy.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 9989-10001
Charge-storage mechanism of highly defective NiO nanostructures on carbon nanofibers in electrochemical supercapacitors
An electrode composed of defective NiO nanostructures supported on carbon nanofibers and immersed in an Li+-based aqueous electrolyte is studied using Raman spectroscopy under dynamic polarization conditions to address the charge-storage phenomenon.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 9590-9605
Air-gap embedded triboelectric nanogenerator via surface modification of non-contact layer using sandpapers
A method to enhance the electrical outputs of the triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) is proposed and theoretically/experimentally analyzed. The non-/contact surfaces of the air-gap embedded TENG are polished by the optimum grit number of sandpapers.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 8837-8847
Perturbation of gut microbiota plays an important role in micro/nanoplastics-induced gut barrier dysfunction
Exposure to micro/nanoplastics (M/NPLs) deteriorates the intestinal barrier by disturbing the bacterial composition in the gut.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 8806-8816
NIR-absorbing Prussian blue nanoparticles for transarterial infusion photothermal therapy of VX2 tumors implanted in rabbits
An innovative strategy to transarterial infusion photothermal therapy (TAIPPT) of VX2 tumor implanted in rabbit is reported.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 8490-8497
Biofriendly molecular and protein release substrate with integrated piezoelectric motivation and anti-oxidative stress capabilities
A multifunctional molecular delivery substrate was confirmed to promote molecular releases, molecules/proteins storage and ROS elimination in drug delivery.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 8481-8489
Semiconducting α′-boron sheet with high mobility and low all-boron contact resistance: a first-principles study
Design of fully boron-sheet-based FETs in the real 2D atomically-thin limit.
Nanoscale, 2021,13, 8474-8480
About this collection
This ongoing web collection features all the articles published in Nanoscale in 2021 that were highlighted as HOT by our reviewers. Congratulations to all the authors whose articles are featured!