Themed collection Most downloaded articles of 2017: Analytical, Biological and Medicinal Chemistry

Visualization of drug delivery processes using AIEgens
We summarize the recent development of AIEgen based theranostic DDSs for the visualization of drug delivery processes.
Chem. Sci., 2017,8, 2537-2546

Immunological properties of gold nanoparticles
This review summarizes what is known about the application of gold nanoparticles as an antigen carrier and adjuvant in immunization for the preparation of antibodies in vivo and evaluating their potential for the development of effective vaccines.
Chem. Sci., 2017,8, 1719-1735

Antibody fragments as nanoparticle targeting ligands: a step in the right direction
Recent advances in nanomedicine have shown that dramatic improvements in nanoparticle therapeutics and diagnostics can be achieved through the use of disease specific targeting ligands.
Chem. Sci., 2017,8, 63-77

How molecular motors work – insights from the molecular machinist's toolbox: the Nobel prize in Chemistry 2016
The Nobel prize in Chemistry for 2016 was awarded to Jean Pierre Sauvage, Sir James Fraser Stoddart, and Bernard (Ben) Feringa for their contributions to the design and synthesis of molecular machines.
Chem. Sci., 2017,8, 840-845

Double quick, double click reversible peptide “stapling”
A versatile, rapid and reversible approach to constrain peptides in a bioactive helical conformation and bearing a functional handle for inhibition of protein–protein interactions is described.
Chem. Sci., 2017,8, 5166-5171

Formicamycins, antibacterial polyketides produced by Streptomyces formicae isolated from African Tetraponera plant-ants
Ant pharming: antibacterial polyketides from plant-ant associated bacteria.
Chem. Sci., 2017,8, 3218-3227

DNA-barcoded labeling probes for highly multiplexed Exchange-PAINT imaging
We report the development of multiplexed cellular super-resolution imaging using DNA-barcoded binders.
Chem. Sci., 2017,8, 3080-3091

Photoactivatable aggregation-induced emission probes for lipid droplets-specific live cell imaging
Photoactivatable probes for lipid droplets (LDs)-specific live-cell imaging are powerful tools for investigating their biological functions through precise spatial and temporal control.
Chem. Sci., 2017,8, 1763-1768

AIE-active theranostic system: selective staining and killing of cancer cells
A mitochondrion-specific AIEgen is a theranostic molecule, with the function of lighting up and killing cancer cells rather than normal cells.
Chem. Sci., 2017,8, 1822-1830

Green- to far-red-emitting fluorogenic tetrazine probes – synthetic access and no-wash protein imaging inside living cells
Fluorogenic probes for bioorthogonal labeling chemistry are highly beneficial to reduce background signal in fluorescence microscopy imaging.
Chem. Sci., 2017,8, 1506-1510

Reversible ratiometric detection of highly reactive hydropersulfides using a FRET-based dual emission fluorescent probe
A ratiometric fluorescent probe that can visualize endogenously produced hydropersulfides has been developed.
Chem. Sci., 2017,8, 1134-1140
About this collection
We are delighted to present a collection showcasing some of the most downloaded Chemical Science articles of 2017. This provides an easy way to quickly access the most important papers published in Chemical Science this year. These articles highlight exciting and impactful research across a broad range of subject areas, consisting of analytical chemistry, chemical biology, catalysis, energy, inorganic chemistry, materials science, nanoscience, organic chemistry and physical chemistry. We hope you enjoy reading this collection!