Themed collection Bioelectronics

50 items

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From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Front cover

Graphical abstract: Front cover
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

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From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

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Graphical abstract: Back cover
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
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Contents list

From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Front/Back Matter

Contents list

From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Journal of Materials Chemistry B & C joint themed issue: organic bioelectronics

Guest editors Christopher J. Bettinger and Natalie Stingelin introduce this Journal of Materials Chemistry B & C joint themed issue on organic bioelectronics.

Graphical abstract: Journal of Materials Chemistry B & C joint themed issue: organic bioelectronics
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Organic bioelectronics for neural interfaces

Organic bioelectronics offers important opportunities to study complex biological systems, such as neural networks, and develop new biomedical tools for the diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases.

Graphical abstract: Organic bioelectronics for neural interfaces
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Taking electrons out of bioelectronics: bioprotonic memories, transistors, and enzyme logic

We highlight our recent efforts in developing devices that control the flow of H+ and OH in biological polymers.

Graphical abstract: Taking electrons out of bioelectronics: bioprotonic memories, transistors, and enzyme logic
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

From commercial tyrosine polymers to a tailored polydopamine platform: concepts, issues and challenges en route to melanin-based bioelectronics

Current issues/challenges in the development of biocompatible eumelanin-based devices ranging from commercial eumelanins through 5,6-dihydroxyindole polymers to mussel-inspired polydopamine are presented.

Graphical abstract: From commercial tyrosine polymers to a tailored polydopamine platform: concepts, issues and challenges en route to melanin-based bioelectronics
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Amyloid-directed assembly of nanostructures and functional devices for bionanoelectronics

Amyloid-directed assembly of nanostructures and amyloid-enabled functional devices are highlighted to show the promise of amyloids for future bionanoelectronics.

Graphical abstract: Amyloid-directed assembly of nanostructures and functional devices for bionanoelectronics
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Open Access Highlight

Toward organic electronics with properties inspired by biological tissue

The carbon framework common to both organic semiconductors and biological structures suggests that these two classes of materials should be easily integrated.

Graphical abstract: Toward organic electronics with properties inspired by biological tissue

Two dimensional nanosheets as conductive, flexible elements in biomaterials

Two dimensional nanosheets have great potential as conductive and/or flexible elements in biomaterials.

Graphical abstract: Two dimensional nanosheets as conductive, flexible elements in biomaterials
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Review Article

“Garnishing” the photosynthetic bacterial reaction center for bioelectronics

Chemical manipulations of the photosynthetic bacterial reaction center for the implementation of this photoenzyme into bioelectronic devices are overviewed.

Graphical abstract: “Garnishing” the photosynthetic bacterial reaction center for bioelectronics
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Review Article

Electrochemical processes and mechanistic aspects of field-effect sensors for biomolecules

Electronic biosensing is a leading technology for determining concentrations of biomolecules.

Graphical abstract: Electrochemical processes and mechanistic aspects of field-effect sensors for biomolecules
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Review Article

Well-designed metal nanostructured arrays for label-free plasmonic biosensing

Well-designed metal nanostructured arrays hold great advantages for on-chip label-free plasmonic biosensing, meeting the need for portable and rapid diagnosis.

Graphical abstract: Well-designed metal nanostructured arrays for label-free plasmonic biosensing
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Review Article

Nano-bioelectronics via dip-pen nanolithography

This review charts the development of dip-pen nanolithography (DPN) for the fabrication of nanoscale bioelectronic and biomaterial interfaces.

Graphical abstract: Nano-bioelectronics via dip-pen nanolithography
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Open Access Review Article

Organic bioelectronics in infection

Organic bioelectronics for dynamic modulation of normal and infected tissue microenvironments, and the development towards fully automated cell culture systems.

Graphical abstract: Organic bioelectronics in infection
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Review Article

Photoelectric artefact from optogenetics and imaging on microelectrodes and bioelectronics: new challenges and opportunities

Blue laser photoelectrically and photothermally exciting a wireless carbon fiber electrode to activate a nearby neuron.

Graphical abstract: Photoelectric artefact from optogenetics and imaging on microelectrodes and bioelectronics: new challenges and opportunities
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Review Article

Rational design and applications of conducting polymer hydrogels as electrochemical biosensors

Conducting polymer hydrogels (CPHs) are conducting polymer-based materials that contain high water content and have physical properties, resembling the extracellular environment.

Graphical abstract: Rational design and applications of conducting polymer hydrogels as electrochemical biosensors
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Protein nanowires with conductive properties

We have investigated protein fibrils decorated with metallic polymers using conductive AFM.

Graphical abstract: Protein nanowires with conductive properties
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Infrared invisibility stickers inspired by cephalopods

The skin morphology of cephalopods endows them with remarkable camouflage capabilities. Herein, we report infrared invisibility stickers inspired by the structures and proteins found in cephalopod skin. These stickers enable arbitrary objects to acquire reconfigurable infrared camouflage patterning. Our work represents an initial step towards wearable biomimetic infrared stealth technologies.

Graphical abstract: Infrared invisibility stickers inspired by cephalopods
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Open Access Communication

Peptide-directed assembly of functional supramolecular polymers for biomedical applications: electroactive molecular tongue-twisters (oligoalanine–oligoaniline–oligoalanine) for electrochemically enhanced drug delivery

We report the preparation and characterization of films of electroactive supramolecular polymers based on non-electroactive oligoalanines and electroactive oligoanilines.

Graphical abstract: Peptide-directed assembly of functional supramolecular polymers for biomedical applications: electroactive molecular tongue-twisters (oligoalanine–oligoaniline–oligoalanine) for electrochemically enhanced drug delivery
Open Access Communication

Phase angle spectroscopy on transparent conducting polymer electrodes for real-time measurement of epithelial barrier integrity

A PEDOT:PSS based sensor for continuous electronic monitoring of epithelial barrier formation and disruption compatible with microscopy.

Graphical abstract: Phase angle spectroscopy on transparent conducting polymer electrodes for real-time measurement of epithelial barrier integrity
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Photostable AIE fluorogens for accurate and sensitive detection of S-phase DNA synthesis and cell proliferation

Two azide-functionalized AIE fluorogens are synthesized and used for detecting S-phase DNA synthesis and cell proliferation based on EdU assay.

Graphical abstract: Photostable AIE fluorogens for accurate and sensitive detection of S-phase DNA synthesis and cell proliferation
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Open Access Communication

Multiphoton microfabrication of conducting polymer-based biomaterials

Multiphoton microfabrication was used to prepare CP-based materials for drug delivery and stimulating tissues.

Graphical abstract: Multiphoton microfabrication of conducting polymer-based biomaterials
Open Access Paper

pH-induced on/off-switchable graphene bioelectronics

Switchable interfaces can deliver functionally reversible reactivity with their corresponding analytes, which allows one to positively respond to the activity of biological elements, including enzymes and other biomolecules, through an encoded stimulus.

Graphical abstract: pH-induced on/off-switchable graphene bioelectronics
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

The study of polythiophene/water interfaces by sum-frequency generation spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations

Polythiophene/water interfaces are investigated by sum frequency generation spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations, showing a preferential edge-on molecular orientation.

Graphical abstract: The study of polythiophene/water interfaces by sum-frequency generation spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Monitoring of cell layer coverage and differentiation with the organic electrochemical transistor

High resolution monitoring of cell layer integrity with the OECT was up until now, limited to high resistance, barrier tissue type cells. In this work, the sensitivity and versatility of the device is expanded to monitor all adherent cell types.

Graphical abstract: Monitoring of cell layer coverage and differentiation with the organic electrochemical transistor
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Elucidating the deprotonation of polyaniline films by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Incubation of PANI films in physiological conditions leads to deprotonation and loss of dopant from the polymer backbone.

Graphical abstract: Elucidating the deprotonation of polyaniline films by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Open Access Paper

Photostable phosphorescent polymer nanospheres for high sensitivity detection

A simple method is presented for the preparation of photostable phosphorescent polymer nanospheres.

Graphical abstract: Photostable phosphorescent polymer nanospheres for high sensitivity detection

Ionic liquid–water mixtures and ion gels as electrolytes for organic electrochemical transistors

Electrolytes consisting of mixtures of phosphonium ionic liquids and water lead to high ON/OFF ratios in organic electrochemical transistors making use of activated carbon gates.

Graphical abstract: Ionic liquid–water mixtures and ion gels as electrolytes for organic electrochemical transistors
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Open Access Paper

Bioconjugation of hydrogen-bonded organic semiconductors with functional proteins

We report on bioconjugation strategies to functionalize hydrogen-bonded pigment semiconductors with proteins, and demonstrate hybrid bioelectronics devices operating under aqueous conditions.

Graphical abstract: Bioconjugation of hydrogen-bonded organic semiconductors with functional proteins
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Highly-sensitive epinephrine sensors based on organic electrochemical transistors with carbon nanomaterial modified gate electrodes

The sensitivity of OECT-based epinephrine sensors has been dramatically improved by modifying carbon nanomaterials on the Pt gate electrodes.

Graphical abstract: Highly-sensitive epinephrine sensors based on organic electrochemical transistors with carbon nanomaterial modified gate electrodes
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Roll to roll processing of ultraconformable conducting polymer nanosheets

A roll-to-roll process is reported for the preparation of free-standing conductive polymer nanosheets on large areas. Nanosheets are transferred in conformal contact with target surfaces (including skin) and act as unperceivable bio-electrodes.

Graphical abstract: Roll to roll processing of ultraconformable conducting polymer nanosheets
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Tailoring melanins for bioelectronics: polycysteinyldopamine as an ion conducting redox-responsive polydopamine variant for pro-oxidant thin films

Polycysteinyldopamine (pCDA), a polydopamine-like polymer with ionic conductor behaviour, can be used for dip-coating various surfaces with pro-oxidant thin films.

Graphical abstract: Tailoring melanins for bioelectronics: polycysteinyldopamine as an ion conducting redox-responsive polydopamine variant for pro-oxidant thin films
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-ionic liquid coating improves neural recording and stimulation functionality of MEAs

A novel PEDOT-ionic liquid polymer coating was synthesized for improving the performance of MEAs implanted in the brain.

Graphical abstract: Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-ionic liquid coating improves neural recording and stimulation functionality of MEAs
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Sequence-dependent mechanical, photophysical and electrical properties of pi-conjugated peptide hydrogelators

An investigation of how systematic variation of peptide sequence influences the nanoscale and bulk properties of 1D-nanostructure forming peptide–π–peptide hydrogelators is reported herein.

Graphical abstract: Sequence-dependent mechanical, photophysical and electrical properties of pi-conjugated peptide hydrogelators
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Integrated 3D conducting polymer-based bioelectronics for capture and release of circulating tumor cells

3D conducting polymer-based bioelectronic interface (BEI) devices for dynamically controlling circulating tumor cell capture/release performance through the cyclic potential of electrical stimulation.

Graphical abstract: Integrated 3D conducting polymer-based bioelectronics for capture and release of circulating tumor cells
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

A paper based, all organic, reference-electrode-free ion sensing platform

We present a reference-electrode free, all organic K+ sensitive ion sensing platform fabricated by simplest means on a plain sheet of paper.

Graphical abstract: A paper based, all organic, reference-electrode-free ion sensing platform
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Tailored polymeric membranes for Mycobacterium smegmatis porin A (MspA) based biosensors

We show that protein specific tailoring of membrane forming ABA polymers is necessary for optimal pore-based biosensor performance.

Graphical abstract: Tailored polymeric membranes for Mycobacterium smegmatis porin A (MspA) based biosensors
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

A simple approach for protein covalent grafting on conducting polymer films

By mixing a PEDOT:PSS suspension with the modified biopolymer carboxymethylated dextran (CMD), we obtain conductive films displaying carboxyl (–COOH) groups allowing for covalent grafting of proteins via amide bonds.

Graphical abstract: A simple approach for protein covalent grafting on conducting polymer films
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Small bioactive molecules as dual functional co-dopants for conducting polymers

Scanning electron microscope image of surface morphology of conducting polymer PEDOT doped with bioactive molecules.

Graphical abstract: Small bioactive molecules as dual functional co-dopants for conducting polymers
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Supplementing π-systems: eumelanin and graphene-like integration towards highly conductive materials for the mammalian cell culture bio-interface

Eumelanin and graphene-like integration towards a competitive exploitation in the materials science of the melanic human pigment.

Graphical abstract: Supplementing π-systems: eumelanin and graphene-like integration towards highly conductive materials for the mammalian cell culture bio-interface
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

3D conducting polymer platforms for electrical control of protein conformation and cellular functions

Ice-templating of the conducting polymer PEDOT:PSS yields 3D tissue-mimicking scaffolds that can electrically control protein conformation and various cell functions.

Graphical abstract: 3D conducting polymer platforms for electrical control of protein conformation and cellular functions

UV crosslinked poly(acrylic acid): a simple method to bio-functionalize electrolyte-gated OFET biosensors

A sensitive EGOFET biosensor fabricated by anchoring bioprobes through a UV crosslinked poly(acrylic acid) coating deposited on an organic semiconductor.

Graphical abstract: UV crosslinked poly(acrylic acid): a simple method to bio-functionalize electrolyte-gated OFET biosensors
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Low frequency electric current noise in glioma cell populations

A low-noise measuring system was developed to accurately detect minute membrane capacitive current oscillations across populations of C6 glioma cells.

Graphical abstract: Low frequency electric current noise in glioma cell populations
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics

Conducting polymer electrodes for auditory brainstem implants

PEDOT:PSS films are integrated in a flexible neural implant to safely transduce electrical pulses to stimulate the auditory brainstem.

Graphical abstract: Conducting polymer electrodes for auditory brainstem implants
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Open Access Paper

Post-polymerization functionalization of poly(3,4-propylenedioxythiophene) (PProDOT) via thiol–ene “click” chemistry

Post-polymerization functionalization using thiol–ene “click” chemistry provides an effective, convenient means to modify the surface properties of conjugated polymers such as poly(3,4-propylenedioxythiophene) (PProDOT).

Graphical abstract: Post-polymerization functionalization of poly(3,4-propylenedioxythiophene) (PProDOT) via thiol–ene “click” chemistry
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
Open Access Paper

Poly[3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene (EDOT)-co-1,3,5-tri[2-(3,4-ethylene dioxythienyl)]-benzene (EPh)] copolymers (PEDOT-co-EPh): optical, electrochemical and mechanical properties

With increasing amounts of EPh crosslinker, PEDOT-co-EPh copolymer thin films change colors from blue to red, show reduced charged transport, become mechanically stiffer, and remain cytocompatible.

Graphical abstract: Poly[3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene (EDOT)-co-1,3,5-tri[2-(3,4-ethylene dioxythienyl)]-benzene (EPh)] copolymers (PEDOT-co-EPh): optical, electrochemical and mechanical properties
From the themed collection: Bioelectronics
50 items

About this collection

This joint themed issue of Journal of Materials Chemistry B & C will cover the most recent progress including the design and synthesis of materials systems that conduct both electronic and ionic currents, the development of straight-forward patterning techniques for the fabrication of organic bioelectronics devices for easy integration, the understanding of the working principle of devices operating in aqueous media (where biology takes place), as well as the characterization of organic biological interfaces that mediate cell adhesion. Our aim is to highlight remarkable contributions made by the leading scientists in this important research area and the broad impact of bioelectronics research.

