Issue 46, 2012

Enantio- and periselective nitroalkene Diels–Alder reaction


The periselective Diels–Alder reaction of 5-substituted pentamethylcyclopentadienes and nitroethylene has been realized by helical–chiral hydrogen bond donor catalysts. To our knowledge, this represents the first asymmetric catalytic nitroalkene Diels–Alder reaction via activation of nitroalkene, and thus establishes its proof-of-principle.

Graphical abstract: Enantio- and periselective nitroalkene Diels–Alder reaction

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Article information

Article type
24 8 2012
10 10 2012
First published
11 10 2012

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012,10, 9134-9136

Enantio- and periselective nitroalkene Diels–Alder reaction

M. J. Narcis, D. J. Sprague, B. Captain and N. Takenaka, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012, 10, 9134 DOI: 10.1039/C2OB26674A

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