Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 106, Japan. E-mail: tanaka@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp; Fax: +81-3-5452-6126; Tel: +81-3-5452-6125
First published on 31st October 2013
Liquids are often assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic at any lengthscale and translationally invariant. The standard liquid-state theory is constructed on the basis of this picture and thus basically described in terms of the two-body density correlation. This picture is certainly valid at rather high temperatures, where a liquid is in a highly disordered state. However, it may not necessarily be valid at low temperatures or for a system which has strong directional bonding. Indeed, there remain fundamental unsolved problems in liquid science, which are difficult to explain by such a theory. They include water's thermodynamic and kinetic anomalies, liquid–liquid transitions, liquid–glass transitions, and liquid–solid transitions. We argue that for the physical description of these phenomena it is crucial to take into account many-body (orientational) correlations, which have been overlooked in the conventional liquid-state theory. It is essential to recognise that a liquid can lower its free energy by local or mesoscopic ordering without breaking global symmetry. Since such ordering must involve at least a central particle and its neighbours, which are more than two particles, it is intrinsically a consequence of many-body correlations. Particularly important ordering is associated with local breakdown of rotational symmetry, i.e., bond orientational ordering. We emphasize that translational ordering is global whereas orientational ordering can be local. Because of the strong first-order nature of translational ordering, its growth in a liquid state is modest. Thus any structural ordering in a liquid should be associated primarily with orientational ordering and not with translational ordering. We show that bond orientational ordering indeed plays a significant role in all the above-mentioned phenomena at least for (quasi-)single-component liquids. In this Introductory Lecture, we discuss how these phenomena can be explained by such local or mesoscopic ordering in a unified manner.
The standard liquid-state theory has been constructed on the assumption that liquids have homogeneous, isotropic, and random structures. The most relevant order parameter for the description of a liquid state is the density field ρ() and its two-body correlation has been believed to be able to characterize the state of liquid and control its static and dynamic properties. This is of course valid in the first approximation and the theory is successful in describing the basic properties of liquids.1,2 However, to understand the above-mentioned phenomena, we need to go beyond this level of description and explicitly take many-body correlations into account. To do so, we should first recognise that there are two fundamental symmetries to be broken upon ordering: one is translational symmetry and the other is rotational symmetry. The two-body density correlator basically describes how translational order decays spatially. Crystallization accompanies the breakdown of translational symmetry. In two dimensions (2D), there are sequential breakdown of symmetries upon densification: breakdown of rotational symmetry followed by that of translational symmetry.17 In three dimensions (3D), on the other hand, crystallization has been believed to take place by one step, accompanying the simultaneous breakdown of translational and rotational symmetry. Note that the breakdown of translational symmetry automatically leads to that of rotational symmetry. Here we emphasise that the breakdown of translational symmetry is intrinsically global, but that of rotational symmetry can be local: rotational symmetry can be broken locally before translational symmetry is broken globally. This is a very important point when we consider local or mesoscopic ordering in liquids that preserve global translational invariance.
We argue that any liquids tend to form locally favoured structures, which locally have a lower free energy and a longer lifetime than disordered normal-liquid structures (see Fig. 1). On the basis of this picture, we proposed that the key to solving the long-standing problems in liquid physics is the recognition of the importance of spontaneous breakdown of local or mesoscopic rotational symmetry and thus we need a bond orientational order parameter in addition to density for the physical description of liquids.18,19 We used this two-order-parameter model to explain water's anomalies,20–24 liquid–liquid transitions,18,25 liquid–glass transitions,19,26–32 and liquid–solid transitions.33,34 We also recently discussed a possible unified description of all these phenomena.35 Here we review the current situation of our understanding of liquids and competing views on the phenomena mentioned above.
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Fig. 1 An example of local bond orientational ordering in a liquid. Here blue pentagons are locally favoured structures spontaneously formed in a sea of normal liquid structures (particles with the other colours). They have finite lifetime and thus are transient. This is obtained by molecular dynamics simulations of spherical particles interacting with a special anisotropic potential, which we call two-dimensional (2D) spin liquid.36 |
The organization of this paper is as follows. In section 2, we discuss the origins of mesoscopic ordering in liquids. In section 3, we describe a phenomenological theory, which can capture this feature. In sections 4–7, we discuss water's anomalies, liquid–liquid transitions, liquid–glass transitions, and liquid–crystal transitions, respectively. In section 8, we summarize our paper.
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Fig. 2 Schematic figure explaining the relation between bond orientational ordering and translational ordering. A structure having only bond orientational order has a room of a similar amount of thermal fluctuations (or, free volume) for each particle and thus it reduces the correlational entropy at the expense of the orientational configurational entropy. This situation is favoured in an intermediate density region where the density is high enough for a completely random state not to be favoured but low enough for the reduction of the configurational entropy associated with translational ordering not to take place. Without bond orientational order, the free volume for each particle fluctuates too largely, which leads to the loss of correlational entropy at this density regime. Upon its densification, translational order is automatically gained, if the size polydispersity is not so large. However, this happens only for a spatial region where pre-existing bond orientational order has a phase coherency. This mechanism is crucial when we consider crystal nucleation (see section 7). |
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Fig. 3 Schematic figure representing the densely packed structures made of 13 spherical particles, which have fcc, hcp, and icosahedral configurations. (a) fcc, (b) hcp, and (c) icosahedron. This figure is reproduced from Fig. 36 of ref. 35. |
Here it is worth mentioning the important relation between local rotational symmetry and spatial extendability of locally favoured structures. Among fcc, hcp and ico structures, fcc and hcp are spatially extendable and can grow its size, whereas ico is not extendable and cannot grow its size. This means that fcc and hcp bond orientational order can be mesoscopic, but ico must be localised, which leads to the essential difference in the nature between them. To what extent fcc or hcp bond orientational order grows is again determined by the competition of the two types of entropy: their growth leads to the loss of the configurational entropy of locally favoured structures and the gain of the correlational entropy coming from the reduction of the free energy associated with the spatial gradient of the order parameter. Frustration is another source disturbing their growth.
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Fig. 4 A snapshot of 2D spin liquid in a supercooled state. Red particles have crystal-like bond orientational ordering (more specifically, antiferromagnetic order), which plays a crucial role in glass transition and crystallization, whereas blue particles are locally favoured structures with pentagonal symmetry, which plays a primary role in water-type anomalies and liquid–liquid transitions. The latter also plays an important role in vitrification if it competes with crystallization, which is linked to the above bond orientational ordering (appeared red). A spin on a particle is also shown by an white arrow in this figure. |
In this energy-driven “local” ordering, bond orientational ordering usually accompanies the change in the local density, unlike the above entropy-driven ordering. In other words, there is a non-trivial coupling of bond orientational ordering with translational ordering. For example, both hydrogen and covalent bonding favours not only a particular orientation, but also a particular distance between molecules or atoms. Furthermore, the angular constraint between bonds formed by anisotropic interactions can inevitably lead to such a coupling. The formation of a void in the middle of a pentagon formed in 2D spin liquids is such an example (see Fig. 1). In general, thus, locally favoured structures can have specific volumes different from normal-liquid structures. This feature plays a key role in water's anomalies, as will be shown below.
The relationship between local rotational symmetry and spatial extendability of locally favoured structures is the same as in the case of entropy-driven local ordering. For example, in 2D spin liquids, pentagons are non-extendable local structures, whereas antiferromagnetic order is extendable mesoscopic order (see Fig. 4). We note that unlike locally favoured structures mesoscopic ordering does not accompany a density change since translational ordering must be involved to increase the density at such a mesoscopic lengthscale but it never happens in a liquid state.
![]() | (1) |
We take the normalized average of qlm over a small volume located at , which we express by
). Then, its rotationally invariant combination can be defined as
![]() | (2) |
Here we also define other quantities characterizing bond orientational order.
![]() | (3) |
Following ref. 41 we also use the tensorial bond orientational order parameter coarse-grained over the neighbours:
![]() | (4) |
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Fig. 5 A two-state model for a liquid: one is normal-liquid structures (energy Eρ, degeneracy gρ, and specific volume vρ) and the other is locally favoured structures (energy ES, degeneracy gS, and specific volume vS). For some liquids, there may be more than two distinct energy states. |
Here we focus on short-range bond orientational ordering, or the formation of locally favoured structures. Our model19,21–25 relies on a physical picture (see Fig. 1) that (i) there exist distinct locally favoured structures in a liquid and (ii) such structures are formed in a sea of normal liquid structures and its fraction S increases upon cooling since they are energetically (entropically for hard spheres) more favourable by ΔE than normal liquid structures: ΔE = Eρ–ES (see Fig. 5), where Ei is the energy of state i (i = ρ or S). Here normal liquid structures simply mean the background normal liquid structures. The specific volume and the entropy are larger and smaller for the former than for the latter, respectively, by Δv = vS − vρ and Δσ = kB ln(gρ/gS). Here vi and gi are, respectively, the specific volume and the degree of the degeneracy of state i (i = ρ or S). Δv can be either positive or negative depending upon a system, whereas Δσ is positive except for purely repulsive systems such as a hard-sphere liquid, where the gain of correlational entropy is the driving force of local structural ordering. We identify locally favoured structures as a minimum structural unit (symmetry element). It is associated with tetrahedral order for water-type liquids, whereas icosahedron for metallic liquids28,29,50,51 and hard spheres.44,52–54 To express such short-range bond ordering in liquids, we introduce the so-called bond orientational order parameter Qlm.
When locally favoured structures are distinct, there should be a clear threshold value separating the two states. For example, the fraction of blue pentagons is the bond order parameter S in Fig. 1. Then we can use the fraction of atoms (or particles) having ql() higher than a certain threshold value as the local bond order parameter S (note that S is “not” entropy and instead σ represents entropy throughout this paper). When thermal fluctuation effects make locally favoured structures obscure, we need to decompose the distribution function of the order parameter into two (Gaussian) populations to estimate S.
As can be seen above, both the scalar density field ρ and the tensorial bond orientational order Q stem from the angle-dependent density field ρ(,Ω). Although Q is tensorial, the fraction of locally favoured structures, S, is linked to the rotationally invariant scalar order parameter calculated from it. As a function of this scalar order parameter S, the phenomenological liquid-state free energy functional associated with locally favoured structures is given by19,21–25
![]() | (5) |
![]() | (6) |
A form of the Landau-type free energy associated with tensorial bond orientational ordering with translational and rotational invariance can be found, e.g., in ref. 63, 65, 66. For simplicity (see also a speculative explanation below), we consider the following free energy form associated with (scalar-like) bond orientational ordering Q:
Frustration effects originating from competing QCRY and QLFS orderings and/or random disorder effects, e.g., due to polydispersity may change the nature of the transition from a continuous (characteristic to a tensorial order parameter) to a discrete Ising symmetry (characteristic to a scalar order parameter).67 We speculate that renormalization of frustration effects changes the symmetry of the transition from the continuous to the discrete Ising symmetry and also shifts the critical point from ϕ0b (or T0b) to ϕ0 (or T0), although this should be carefully checked. In relation to this, we note that such transformation of the phase ordering from (Heisenberg-type) continuous to (Ising (Z2)) discrete symmetry due to frustration and random disorder effects has also been known for spin systems,68,69 implying the generality of frustration and random disorder effects on the nature of the ordering. We also emphasize that frustration effects may not only change the type of ordering, but also lead to exotic critical phenomena accompanying the growing activation energy towards the hypothetical critical point. We note that the Ising nature of the glass transition has also been recently discussed on the basis of a two-state cluster picture by Langer.70,71
![]() | (7) |
Up to the lowest order, ρ is not coupled linearly to Q, and ρ()ρ(−
) is coupled to it. Accordingly, the equilibrium ρ need not have the symmetry of the equilibrium Q. This particular type of coupling leads to an asymmetric coupling between the orderings. If the translational ordering temperature Tρ is higher than the bond orientational ordering temperature TQ then, because the Q–ρ interaction is linear in Q, the ordering of ρ at Tρ will necessarily induce an ordering in Q. This seems to justify the theory based on the density field alone, but which may not be the case as we will see later. On the other hand, if TQ > Tρ then, because the Q–ρ interaction is quadratic in ρ, the ordering of Q at TQ will have the effect of renormalizing the quadratic coupling without necessarily inducing an ordering of ρ. Jaríc proposed that this case of TQ > Tρ should correspond to quasicrystal formation.63
Here we see the relevance of this form of coupling by looking at the two-dimensional probability distribution of density ρ and bond orientational order Q6, for a metastable fluid state of hard spheres at pressure βpσ3 = 17 (before the appearance of the critical nucleus) (see Fig. 6).72 The probability distribution is related to the Landau free energy, F(Q6,ρ) = −kBT logP(Q6,ρ). The free energy can be well fitted with a full cubic polynomial, for which the most important term is of the form Q6ρ2. This term is responsible for the shape of contours lines (black dashed line in Fig. 6): because the interaction is linear in Q6 and quadratic in ρ, the system can increase its orientational order without an increase of its translational order, but the opposite is not true, and an increase in density inevitably accompanies an increase in the average Q6. This is fully consistent with the above form of coupling. Note also that a small linear coupling between Q6 and ρ exists at high Q6, which can be seen in the small slope of the steepest descent path (white dashed arrow) in Fig. 6.
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Fig. 6 Probability distribution for a supercooled state of hard spheres in the ρ − Q6 space. The dashed black line is a contour line. The dashed white arrow is a steepest descent path from the maximum to a high Q6 point of the probability distribution function. This figure is reproduced from Fig. 2 of ref. 72. |
Ftotal = Fρ + FS + FQ + Fint. | (8) |
In the above, however, we need to take special care to avoiding double counting. This may be done with a proper projection procedure.
Below, we consider problems of thermodynamic and kinetic anomalies of water-type liquids, liquid–liquid transition, liquid–glass transition, and crystallization, focusing on these three effects (1)–(3). As shown in Fig. 7, we argue that all these phenomena may be described by a common free energy functional (see eqn (8)) in a unified manner.
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Fig. 7 Schematic figure explaining the relationship between the behaviour of liquid upon cooling and the free energy. A liquid may exhibit water-like anomalies or LLT upon cooling. A liquid also becomes a metastable supercooled state below the melting point Tm and further cooling leads either to crystallization or to glass transition. The former takes place at the crystallization temperature Tcry, whereas the latter at the glass transition temperature Tg. The former is a thermodynamic phase transition, but the latter is a kinetic transition. The key fundamental question here is whether the glass transition behaviour is controlled by the same free energy as that for crystallization or a special free energy? We argue that all the phenomena are governed by the same free energy. |
These anomalous thermodynamic and dynamic behaviours of water have intensively been studied both experimentally and theoretically for a long time. Nevertheless, the very origin of the water anomalies is still a matter of debate and far from complete understanding.6,9,35,75
Many models of water have been proposed to explain the water's anomalies, focusing on the unique features of hydrogen bonding. The models can be classified into three groups:3,6,9,73–75,77 (a) a stability-limit conjecture,78 (b) a second-critical-point scenario (see e.g., ref. 3, 79, 80), and (c) a singularity-free scenario.81,82 Scenario (a) assumes the existence of a retracting spinodal curve and attributes the thermodynamic anomaly to proximity to the spinodal curve. Scenario (b), on the other hand, assumes the existence of a line of first-order transitions between two types of liquid water (low-density and high-density water), terminating at a critical point existing in a metastable state, and attributing the thermodynamic anomaly to critical phenomena associated with the hidden critical point. It is expected that a second critical point exists at a high pressure in the so-called no-man's land.3 Finally, scenario (c) predicts that the thermodynamic quantities exhibit extrema but no divergence.
In scenario (a), investigation of the thermodynamic properties of water at negative pressure will provide crucial information on its relevance.77 Scenario (b) is based on (i) experimental evidence of the presence of two amorphous forms of ices and a speculation on their connections to two types of liquids3,83,84 as well as (ii) support for the presence of LLT in model waters from numerical simulations.85 However, the connection between two amorphous ices and two liquids is also a matter of debate.86,87 Whether the transition between the amorphous ices has an equilibrium counterpart, with a first-order phase transition line above the glass transition temperature (Tg) that terminates at a critical point (LLCP), has recently become a matter of much controversy.88–95 A major source of difficulty lies in the fact that most modern theories of water concentrate on the supercooled region of the phase diagram, which is difficult to access by experiments due to the rapid crystallization of water below its melting line.6,96 Similar difficulties emerge also in simulations, where the lack of crystallization is sometimes hindered by the limited system sizes and time scales accessible.95 This is one of the major topics of this Faraday Discussion. We discuss this problem from a different viewpoint in section 7.8, focusing on a fundamental difference in the nature of the relevant order parameter between LLT and crystallization.
Both scenario (a) and (b) predict the anomalies of the thermodynamic and kinetic quantities due to the thermodynamic singularity. In these scenarios, the anomalies of the thermodynamic and dynamic quantities have often been analysed with the form of the power-law divergence, ε−γ, where ε = (T − Ts)/Ts (Ts: mean-field spinodal temperature) and γ is a critical exponent, and found to be well described by such relations. However, it should be noted that the critical exponents are often treated as adjustable parameters and no hyperscaling relations between the exponents have been found so far, unlike the case of the typical critical phenomena. Furthermore, we cannot approach to the mean-field spinodal temperature Ts so closely because homogeneous nucleation of ice crystals takes place far above Ts. Thus, the experimentally accessible range of ε is limited to ε > 0.05 in most cases and accordingly there has been no convincing evidence of the divergence of the thermodynamic quantities at a critical temperature. Note that for ordinary critical phenomena, we may approach a critical point to the order of ε ∼ 10−6–10−5. Here it is worth mentioning that the thermodynamics of water has recently been studied in detail on the basis of critical phenomena.80
Finally, scenario (c) predicts no divergence of the physical quantities. Focusing on the temperature dependence of hydrogen bonding, many rather complicated functional forms have been proposed to describe the anomalous behaviour of the thermodynamic and kinetic quantities.
Despite these considerable efforts, there has so far been no consensus on which of these three types of scenario is primarily responsible for the above-described anomaly of water or whether we need a new scenario or not.6 For example, there is still an on-going debate on the presence or absence of enhancement of density fluctuations that is a finger print of the singularity, since the singularity should cause critical-like enhancement of large-scale density fluctuations.97–101
Below we consider how the thermodynamic and kinetic anomalies of water-type liquids can be explained in the framework of our two-order-parameter model.
![]() | (9) |
The rather unique configurations of locally favoured structures and the existence of many possible configurations for normal liquid structures lead to the relation gρ ≫ gS. Then, can further be approximated as
![]() | (10) |
Hereafter we consider thermodynamic anomalies for a case of ≪ 1. According to the above picture, the unusual decrease in ρ upon cooling below 4 °C in water can simply be explained by an increase in the number density of locally favoured structures,
, upon cooling. The specific volume vsp and the density ρ are, respectively, given by
vsp(T,P) = vBsp(T,P) + Δv![]() | (11) |
![]() | (12) |
![]() | (13) |
The anomalous increase in the heat capacity at constant pressure CP upon cooling can also be explained as follows. The locally favoured structures have rather unique configurations and the associated degrees of freedom are much smaller for them than for the normal liquid structures of water. Thus, the entropy σ decreases upon cooling, reflecting an increase in , or short-range tetrahedral ordering:
σ = σB(T,P) − Δσ![]() | (14) |
![]() | (15) |
In this manner, all the thermodynamic anomalies can be expressed simply by the common Boltzmann factor, . We confirmed the relevance of these relations by fitting the above functional forms to experimentally measured ρ, KT, and CP.20–22 Here we show only the temperature dependence of the Boltzmann factor,
, determined by the fitting of our prediction to the experimental data of ρ, KT, and CP at various pressures (see Fig. 8).
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Fig. 8 Temperature dependence of ![]() ![]() ![]() |
We also found that the kinetic anomalies of water such as viscosity anomalies can also be described by the same Boltzmann factor (T,P).22,23 For example, the viscosity is known to exhibit a minimum as a function of pressure at a low temperature. This is a quite unusual phenomenon, but it can be naturally explained by the competition between the increase of the viscosity of normal liquid structures and the decrease of the fraction of locally favoured structures with an increase in P. We note that the presence of locally favoured structures leads to an extra activation energy for flow to take place and thus the decrease of S with an increase in P lowers this part of the viscosity associated with locally favoured structures.
It is known that the T-dependence of viscosity is well fitted by a power law, which is a prediction of mode-coupling theory (MCT).102–104 However, we showed that it can be equally well described by the modified Arrhenius law. Furthermore, the pressure dependence can be explained more naturally by our model.22,23
Here we compare our model with such mixture models to clarify what physical factors are key to the description of water's anomalies. The most crucial difference between our model and the mixture models is the value of Δσ. We assume that the difference in entropy, or the degeneracy of states, between the two states is very large, which is a consequence of the disordered nature of normal liquid structures and the more unique nature of locally favoured structures. We note that normal liquid structures are also made of water molecules temporally hydrogen bonded with neighbouring molecules. The important point is that their structural order is still considerably lower than that of locally favoured structures (gρ ≫ gS). On the other hand, it is assumed (see, e.g., ref. 79) that the difference in the entropy between the two components is small since it is evaluated from the data of solid-state amorphous–amorphous (LDA–HDA) transition. In other words, it is implicitly assumed that both components have unique structures. Considering that a liquid is in a high entropy state and under significant thermal fluctuation effects, our two-state model approach seems to be more reasonable than such mixture model approaches. This subtle, yet crucial difference leads to a drastic difference in the physical picture. In our model, S is very small (S ≪ 1) at ambient temperature and pressure (see Fig. 8), but in most other models79,109,110S (in our terminology) is almost 1/2 or even higher there and in some cases the anomaly was ascribed to critical anomaly associated with the second critical point of LLT (see, e.g., ref. 79). In our case, water's anomalies are explained by a non-critical increase in S with decreasing T: the anomalous parts of physical quantities such as density are proportional to S and can be described by the Boltzmann factor at least in the experimentally accessible region (see eqn (10)).21,22
It is worth mentioning another reason why we prefer to use the term “two-state” rather than “mixture”. This is because a mixture model gives us an impression that a system is composed of A and B components and thus the order parameter (the fraction of A) is conserved. In reality, however, the order parameter should not be conserved: locally favoured structures are created and annihilated without the constraint from its conservation. This point is crucial when we consider the nature and the dynamics of water-like anomalies and liquid–liquid transition18,25 (see below).
Finally, we note a possible historical reason why S is estimated to be rather high. It may be related to the fact that the fraction of ice-like structures estimated from spectroscopic measurements such as Raman and infrared spectroscopy is usually rather high (see, e.g., ref. 73, 112, 113). So if we identify this fraction as the fraction of locally favoured structures, S is estimated to be large. However, our study indicates that there may be no direct connection between them and we need to pick up special modes linked to the translational order of the second shell,114 as will be described below.
Numerical simulations are obviously very powerful in identifying locally favoured structures. Recent simulation results115,116 seem to be consistent with our scenario, which predicts that S is rather small in the experimentally accessible region. Anisimov and his coworkers also showed that a two state model with cooperativity of entropic origin describes well the thermodynamic anomalies of mW water.117 Their results are also basically consistent with ours. However, we should also note that the estimate of the fraction of the LDL-like component by Cuthbertson and Poole is higher.118 Furthermore, Matsumoto showed that expansion of water upon cooling can be explained without invoking any heterogeneity.119 Thus, the situation has been quite controversial. The origin of the controversy is due to the lack of a proper structural order parameter for locally favoured structures of water.
Recently we successfully identified a structural order parameter for locally favoured structures of model water (TIP4P/2005) at a microscopic level. It is the degree of translational order in the second shell.114 The importance of the structure of the second shell was first shown by Soper and Ricci.120 This new structural order parameter allows us to estimate the T–P dependence of S directly from simulated water structures. We confirmed that the two-state model with the order parameter S that is independently determined in this way can well describe the thermodynamic anomalies. This provides the microscopic basis for our two-order-parameter model. The value of S was found to be low in the experimentally accessible region, consistent with the prediction of our two-order-parameter model (see above). We also showed that we can directly estimate S from the O–O radial distribution function, which provides a method to estimate S experimentally.
We argue that all the thermodynamic anomalies of water originate from (i) this dominance of bond orientational ordering below a crossover pressure Px (∼2 kbar), where the melting point of ice crystals has a minimum, and (ii) an unusually large positive value of Δv. Below Px, the crystallization is due to bond ordering, while above Px it is due to density ordering as in ordinary liquids (see Fig. 9). This gives a natural explanation for the unusual pressure dependence of the melting point of ice crystals, including its minimum around 2 kbar. We propose that ice Ih is S-crystal, long-range ordering of S, while high-pressure ices are ρ-crystals.21,22,24 The V-shaped T–P phase diagram of water-type liquids is just a manifestation of the Clausius–Clapeyron relation.
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Fig. 9 T–P phase diagram of water-type liquids including water itself and water-type atomic liquids (Si, Ge, Bi, Sb, and Ga). |
The above conditions (i) and (ii), which are necessary for having water-like anomalies, should be satisfied for tetrahedral liquids having V-shaped phase diagram. By using this specific shape of the phase diagram as a fingerprint,24 we classified five elements Si, Ge, Sb, Bi, and Ga into water-type atomic liquids. We showed that our two-order-parameter model of water indeed also explains the thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies of these water-type atomic liquids in a satisfactory manner.24
We discuss unique features of these liquids again in relation to the glass transition problem in section 6.13.
Recently there has been growing experimental evidence that even a single-component liquid can have more than two liquid states.3,6,9,74,121–129 The transition between these liquid states is called “liquid–liquid transition” (LLT). There are also experimental indications for the presence of LLT in binary-component liquids such as AsS.130,131 The existence of liquid–liquid transitions has also been supported by a number of numerical simulations for atomic liquids such as Si132–135 and molecular liquids such as water.6,85,136,137 This phenomenon has attracted considerable attention not only because of its counter-intuitive nature but also from the fundamental importance for our understanding of the liquid state of matter. The connection between liquid–liquid transition and polyamorphism is also an interesting issue.
First we describe a simple phenomenological theory, which explains LLT as a transition between a gas state and a liquid state of locally favoured structures. Then we show some experimental pieces of evidence supporting the presence of LLT. However, most of such examples suffer from serious criticisms and thus the situation is quite controversial. Below we also discuss the source of controversies focusing on LLT in molecular liquids.
One is the microscopic cooperativity of directional bonding, which is related to the change in the electronic state by the formation of locally favoured structures. This effect may be important in liquids have directional bondings such as hydrogen and covalent bonding. Its importance is particularly clear for liquids such as Si and Ge, for which transitions accompany a drastic change in the electronic properties and induce metal–semiconductor transitions. How to incorporate the electronic degrees of freedom into our phenomenological model is an interesting but challenging problem. The second is the modification of the degrees of freedom around locally favoured structures due to the local reduction of configurational and vibrational entropy. The third is a possible role of long range van der Waals forces, which are due to the difference in density between locally favoured structures and normal-liquid structures, δρ. The interaction strength may be estimated as
U ∼ U11(δρ/ρ)2(b/a), | (16) |
The equilibrium value of S is determined by the condition ∂f(S)/∂S = 0, or
![]() | (17) |
Sc = 1/2, | (18) |
Tc = J/(2kB), | (19) |
Pc = [ΔE − TcΔσ]/Δv. | (20) |
![]() | ||
Fig. 10 Schematic phase diagram of liquid–liquid transition in T–S plane.25 Liquid–liquid transition can be understood as a transition between a S-gas state and S-liquid state. |
A first-order phase-transition temperature Tt is obtained as
Tt = (ΔE − PΔv)/Δσ. | (21) |
Note that a first-order transition occurs only if Tt < Tc. For Tt > Tc, this Tt is a temperature where ΔG = 0 and thus = 1/2. The maximum of KT is also located near Tt. Δv may be positive for liquids such as water and Si, but it can also be negative for liquids such as triphenyl phosphite (see below and ref. 138, 139). The sign of Δv determines the slope of Tt(P). Liquid I and liquid II are defined as the two possible minima of the liquid-state free energy on the ρ–S plane.
Now we consider the kinetics of LLT. In LLT, the bond order parameter S plays essential roles, and the density order parameter ρ is slaved by S. Using δS = S − , we introduce the following minimal Landau-type free energy density by expanding f(S) in terms of δS, which governs S fluctuations near a gas–liquid-like critical point or mean-field spinodal lines of bond ordering, where S = SSD:
![]() | (22) |
![]() | (23) |
For simplicity, we assume the density ρ is given as a function of S as follows: ρ() = ρN(1 − S(
)) + ρSS(
), where ρN is the density of the normal-liquid structures and ρS is the density of the locally favoured structures. For Δv < 0, which is a case of TPP, an increase in S leads to an increase in ρ.
In our previous papers,18,25,140 we employed a more complex coupling between ρ and S, which leads to the constraint for the global density. However, experiments are usually performed at constant pressure and there is no constraint for the total density. Indeed, our light scattering experiments on LLT in triphenyl phosphite show that the scattering intensity at the wavenumber q → 0 grows upon LLT, which is characteristic of the correlation function of a non-conserved order parameter. Although we need a more complete description, which takes into account the couplings to the density (mass conservation), velocity fields (momentum conservation), and temperature fields (energy conservation), we here stick to the simplest version of the kinetic theory. Here we note that Takae and Onuki recently investigated the roles of latent heat on LLT. This might also play an important role141 when local heating induced by LLT takes place due to a weak thermal contact between the sample and the temperature bath.
Since locally favoured structures can be created and annihilated without the constraint of its conservation, the order parameter S should obey the kinetic equation describing the time evolution of the non-conserved scalar order parameter S:25
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The type of pattern evolution is grouped into nucleation–growth (NG)-type in a metastable state (above TSD) and spinodal-decomposition (SD)-type in an unstable state (below TSD). Here TSD is the spinodal temperature. NG-type LLT is characterized by nucleation of droplets overcoming the activation barrier by thermal noises and its growth with a constant velocity. SD-type LLT is characterized by spontaneous growth of order parameter fluctuations, whose amplitude grows exponentially in the early stage. In both cases, the final state becomes homogeneous again at a constant pressure condition, which is a consequence of the non-conserved nature of the order parameter S.
However, this mean-field picture suggesting a sharp transition between NG- and SD-type dynamics breaks down under thermal fluctuation effects and the transition becomes broader142,143 except for systems of long-range interactions.25
Here we note that mixing a target liquid with another liquid that can prevent crystallization may be a good strategy to reveal such a hidden LLT, since LLT may take place even after mixing with other fluids.144 We actually employed this method in our study of LLTs of aqueous organic solutions145,146 (see below).
In some model liquids such as the Jagla model,147,148 a liquid–liquid transition is clearly seen. So the presence of LLT in liquids itself has been accepted at least theoretically. For realistic models, however, the situation is controversial even in numerical simulations, as mentioned above. For example, as we see in this Faraday Discussion, whether LLT exists in model waters or not has recently become a matter of much controversy. Some simulations support the presence,88–92 whereas the others do not.93–95,149 This is the case even for the same ST2 water model. A major source of difficulty lies in the fact that LLT exists in a state thermodynamically metastable or unstable against crystallization. Thus the lack of crystallization may be hindered by the limited system sizes and time scales accessible.95 During the meeting we do not see any consensus on this problem. We discuss this issue from a different viewpoint in section 7.8.
Experimentally, there are also few cases for which there is a consensus on the existence of LLT. This is mainly due to the fact that LLT exists in a region which is difficult to access experimentally: for atomic liquids LLT exists at very high temperature and pressure, whereas for molecular liquids it exists only in a metastable state, where crystallization can take place. Because of such difficulties, the situation still remains very controversial.
First we review the case of atomic liquids. For example, Katayama et al. discovered the first order LLT in phosphorus at high pressure and high temperature with synchrotron X-ray scattering.125,126 They revealed the structure factors for both liquid I and II and confirmed the coexistence of liquid I and II during the transition, which clearly suggests the first-order nature of the transition. The distinct change in the structure factor suggests that LLT in phosphorus is the transformation from tetrahedral to polymeric liquid. This is one of the clearest examples of a transition between two isotropic fluids. Such a structural transition was also observed by the first principle simulation performed by Morishita.150 However, Monaco et al.127 concluded that the first-order transition in P is between a high-density molecular fluid (not a liquid in the exact sense) and a low-density polymeric liquid. Thus, the transition is now regarded as a ‘supercritical fluid’–liquid transition rather than a liquid–liquid transition. This explains an unusually large difference in the density between the two states. The existence of LLT in liquid Si was also suggested by high-pressure experiments122,151,152 and numerical simulations,132–134 but the presence of LLT still needs to be checked carefully. LLT was also reported in yttria–alumina.121,122,153–155 However, there are also still on-going debates on the composition range over which this phenomenon occurs and the experimental conditions required to observe it156 and even on its existence itself.157
For molecular liquids, Mishima et al. found an amorphous–amorphous transition in water.158 The transition has recently been studied in detail.6 From the presence of the two forms of amorphous states, the presence of LLT has been inferred. Computer simulations also suggested the existence of LLT(s) in water.3,6,123,136,137,159 On the basis of these findings, the connection of amorphous–amorphous transition and LLT in water was suggested and actively studied.3,6 Some simulations support this connection,86 others not.87 In real water, the LLT is hidden by crystallization, even if it exists. This makes an experimental study on the LLT extremely difficult especially for bulk water. It was also pointed out that the mechanical nature of amorphous–amorphous transition makes its connection to thermodynamic LLT indirect, even if it exists.21 As mentioned above, even for numerical simulations, difficulties associated with the distinction between LLT and crystallization in a deeply supercooled liquid make the situation very controversial.
This situation has been improved by recent direct observation of LLT at ambient pressure in molecular liquids, triphenyl phosphite (TPP)160,161 and n-butanol.162 We observed both NG-type and SD-type LLT, which is well explained by our scenario that liquid–liquid transition is a consequence of the cooperative ordering of a non-conserved scalar order parameter, which is the fraction of locally favoured structures, S(). However, this phenomenon was also claimed by Hédoux et al.163–169 to be induced by the formation of micro-crystallites rather than LLT. Recently, a similar claim was also made for n-butanol.170–172 In this scenario, what we call liquid II is merely a mixture of liquid I and micro-crystallites.
So strictly speaking, there has been no firm consensus on the existence of LLT for any substance from the experimental side, and it remains a matter of serious debate whether the above-mentioned phenomena are the true evidence of LLT or not. Theoretically, on the other hand, the generality of LLT, or possible existence of LLT in various types of liquids, was recently discussed on the basis of phenomenological18,25 and analytical models.173–176
Below we review our study on LLTs in molecular liquids and then discuss the controversies on the nature of the transition for these examples.
This finding stimulated intensive experimental research on this unusual phenomenon. However, the nature and origin of the glacial phase has been a matter of debate and many different, even controversial, explanations have been proposed for it. The glacial phase was thought to be a new amorphous phase178–181 or a highly correlated liquid.182 However, most researchers, including us, have shown that the glacial phase has some crystallinity or anisotropy. Hence the newly formed glacial phase appears to be neither a standard glass nor a liquid. It is this that has led some researchers to conclude that the glacial phase is actually some type of defect-ordered crystals (orientationally disordered or modulated crystal),138,178,183 liquid crystal,184 plastic crystal,181,184 aborted crystallization,163–169 or nano-clustering.185
To access the nature of the transition, we directly observed the process of liquid–liquid transition with optical microscopy for two pure organic liquids, triphenyl phosphite (TPP)160,161 and n-butanol.162 When we quench and anneal TPP in the metastable region with respect to LLT, droplets of liquid II are randomly nucleated in both space and time in liquid I and the domain size R grows with a constant interface velocity as R ∝ t (see Fig. 11(a)).160–162 In the late stage, droplets of liquid II collide, coalesce, and further grow. This behaviour is characteristic of the NG behaviour. Then, the new phase covers the entire region and eventually the boundary between droplets tends to disappear; and, thus, liquid I almost transforms to homogeneous liquid II (see Fig. 11(a)). This is a consequence of the non-conserved nature of S and the off-symmetric quench. If the LLT were governed by a conserved order parameter, the diameter would grow in proportion to t1/3 and the system would never become homogeneous again,186 as long as we do not cross the binodal lines twice.187 We also observed SD-type LLT, which occurs when a liquid is quenched into an unstable region below TSD160,161 (see Fig. 11(b)). The initial stage is reminiscent of the Cahn's linear regime.186 In the beginning, the amplitude of fluctuations exponentially grows with time and thus the contrast increases. Then, the domain size and the contrast both increase. Later the liquid becomes more homogeneous, which leads to the decrease in the contrast. Finally, the liquid becomes almost homogeneous liquid II. These observations are basically consistent with the prediction of our model. The heat evolution was also measured during LLT. This is also consistent with our model, which assumes that LLT is a consequence of the cooperative formation of locally favoured structures with a lower local free energy. According to our model, provided that the amount of nano-crystallites formed during LLT is negligible, which is the case for LLT at a low temperature below TSD, the heat evolution is proportional to the development of the bond order parameter S, since the heat is released in the process of the formation of locally favoured structures. This was supported by the structural study of the process of LLT by X-ray scattering.188 However, the interpretation is complicated by the presence of micro- or nano-crystallites, which are formed during the transformation. We confirmed that LLT accompanies the formation of micro- or nano-crystallites at rather high temperatures (above 214 K), but at low temperatures (e.g., at 212 K) the amount of crystals becomes very small. On the basis of these experimental results, we concluded that this transformation is actually a transition from a supercooled state of liquid I to a glassy state of liquid II.
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Fig. 11 Pattern evolution observed with phase-contrast microscopy during the annealing of a supercooled liquid at Ta. (a) Experimental results for TPP at Ta = 219 K. The intensity is proportional to the refractive index. The size of each image is 120 μm × 120 μm. The contrast between droplets (liquid II) and the matrix (liquid I) decreases with an increase in the distance from the interface (decay length: a few microns). This is due to non-ideality of phase contrast microscopy, and does not mean the change in the refractive-index difference. (b) Experimental results for TPP at Ta = 214 K, observed with phase-contrast microscopy. The size of each image is 150 μm × 150 μm. The number in each image indicates the elapsed time in minutes for both (a) and (b). |
We also find that liquid II is stronger than liquid I and the fragility monotonically decreases in the transformation process from liquid I to II. Fig. 12 shows how the upper and lower edge of the glass transition (THg andTLg, respectively) and the ideal glass transition temperature T0 are dependent on the normalized order parameter , which monotonically increases with time during the transformation from 0 to 1. This suggests189 that the fragility is not a material specific property, but rather controlled by the strength of frustration against crystallization (see section 6). This conclusion was supported by the recent experimental study on the pressure effect on the fragility of liquid II.139
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Fig. 12 The dependence of the upper and lower edge of the glass transition (THg andTLg, respectively) and the ideal glass transition temperature on the normalized order parameter ![]() |
Here we also mention the difference in the physical and chemical properties of liquid I and II of TPP. First of all, liquid II has a higher density and a higher refractive index than liquid I. The glass transition point of liquid II is much higher than liquid I, which means the difference in the fluidity between them. As described above, liquid II is less fragile than liquid I. We also found144 that liquid I is miscible with diethyl ether, but liquid II is not when TPP is mixed with a sufficiently high concentration of diethyl ether. As shown in Fig. 13, whether diethyl ether can mix with TPP depends not only on the concentration of diethyl either Φ, but also the order parameter S. This clearly shows that liquid I and liquid II may have a different miscibility with other liquids. We note that both liquid I and II of TPP are miscible with toluene.144 We also revealed that liquid I and liquid II have different wettability to a solid substrate.190 Thus, liquid I and liquid II have differences in density, refractive index, dielectric constant, glass transition point, fragility, fluidity, miscibility, and wettability.
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Fig. 13 The phase diagram showing the miscibility of TPP with diethyl ether on the two-order-parameter plane of the concentration of diethyl either Φ, and the order parameter S at T = 209 K. |
In the case of n-butanol, we observed the pattern evolution behaviour almost identical to that in TPP.162 However, crystallization always occurs even at a low temperature below TSD, the crystallinity is higher than in the case of TPP, and thus the situation is a bit more complicated. For example, Ramos and his coworkers recently claimed that the phenomena observed in n-butanol is aborted crystallization and not LLT,170,171 but we still argue that it is LLT on the basis of the kinetic features of the transformation process (see below).
Recently we took a different strategy: mixing water with glycerol to avoid crystallization of water. Note that glycerol is a well-known cryoprotectant non-crystallizable liquid and can cause strong frustration against water crystallization (see, e.g., ref. 199, presented at this Faraday Discussion). In an aqueous glycerol solution we found the direct experimental evidence for genuine (isocompositional) LLT without accompanying demixing.145 We confirmed that liquid I transforms via the two types of kinetics characteristic of the first-order transition of a non-conserved order parameter, NG and SD, towards homogeneous liquid II (see Fig. 14). The processes of pattern evolution are strikingly similar to those observed in TPP, strongly indicating that the nature of the transition should be the same between TPP and water–glycerol mixtures. The state diagram of water–glycerol mixtures is shown in Fig. 15. The liquid–solid phase diagram of water–glycerol mixtures is very similar to the T–P phase diagram of pure water, which also has a V-shape. We found that liquid I and II differ in the density, the refractive index, the structure, the hydrogen bonding state, the glass transition temperature, and the fragility. We revealed that this transition is mainly driven by local structuring of water rather than glycerol, suggesting a possible link to LLT in pure water.
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Fig. 14 (a) NG-type pattern evolution during LLT at T = 180 K for c = 0.165. (b) SD-type pattern evolution at T = 173 K for c = 0.165. In both cases, the initial state is liquid I and the final state is liquid II. The patterns were observed with phase contrast microscopy. White bars correspond to 50 μm. |
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Fig. 15 Glycerol concentration vs. temperature (c–T) state diagram of water–glycerol mixtures. TSD: LLT spinodal temperature (black filled circles); TgI: the glass transition temperature of liquid I (blue filled triangles). For pure water (c = 0), we use the widely accepted value of 136 K![]() |
In relation to this, it was recently pointed out by Towey and Dougan200 that glycerol molecules act to “pressurize” water. This further suggests a link between a water–glycerol mixture and pure water. However, we note that there is also a change in the vibrational modes of glycerol molecules upon LLT145 and thus we cannot deny a possibility that LLT occurs only in solutions and not in pure water. Thus, further study is necessary to clarify whether water has LLT without glycerol or not.
First we consider the characteristics of pattern evolution observed by optical microscopy. We observed NG-type and SD-type pattern evolution, which can be naturally explained by our scenario, as already explained above. If we take the crystallization scenario, we may still regard droplets formed in the NG-type process as ordinary spherulites with low crystallinity and growth of fluctuations in the SD-process as homogeneous nucleation. However, it is difficult to explain by this scenario why a system becomes inhomogeneous in the beginning but later becomes homogeneous. We might explain this by replacing locally favoured structures by nano-crystallites in our two-order-parameter model of LLT, or assuming cooperative crystal nucleation. However, this model seems not to be so realistic and we need an intrinsic mechanism preventing the growth of nano-crystallites and stabilizing them at a nm-scale size. It is also not so easy to explain why a non-crystallized remaining liquid becomes a glass even far above the glass transition of the original liquid. One possible explanation is that the dynamics of a liquid confined by nano-crystallites slows down and becomes glassy. However, this interfacial liquid (or, confinement) scenario cannot explain why the glass transition temperature of the glacial phase is not so sensitive to the amount of nano-crystallites, which is largely changed by the annealing temperature. According to this scenario, with a decrease in the amount of nano-crystallites, the glass transition should be more similar to that of pure liquid I, but what is observed is the opposite. In relation to this, we should note that the glass transition of liquid II is very broad, which we interpreted as a signature of the strong nature of liquid II160,189 and a possible broad distribution of S due to vitrification in the course of LLT (see Fig. 16 and below). In the crystallization scenario, we might be able to explain this broadness by the spatial distribution of the relaxation time, which is controlled by the distance from the surfaces of nano-crystallites. The temporal change in the broadness of the transition during SD-type LLT189 may be explained by both scenarios at least qualitatively.
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Fig. 16 Schematic T–S phase diagram of TPP. The dashed and dot-dashed lines are spinodal and binodal lines, respectively. CPS is a gas–liquid-like critical point of the bond order parameter S, which might exist at a high pressure. The dotted curve is the glass transition line Tg(S) and the yellow region corresponds to a glassy state. TBN and TISD represent the binodal temperature and the lower spinodal temperature at atmospheric pressure, respectively. Note that the liquid I → liquid II (glass II) transition inevitably accompanies vitrification, which makes a glass II state non-equilibrium in the sense that both ρ and S cannot reach their equilibrium values. This figure is reproduced from Fig. 22 of ref. 35. |
In relation to this, it is worth mentioning a mysterious character of liquid II: liquid II is a strong liquid, but exhibits a very broad structural relaxation spectrum. Usually, a strong liquid has a narrow distribution of the relaxation time.9,201 We explain this as follows: a glassy state of liquid II is formed as a consequence of LLT (see Fig. 16) and the broad distribution of the order parameter S as a consequence of the SD-type ordering161 is frozen by vitrification before becoming narrow. Within the crystallization scenario, we may interpret this as a consequence of the spatial distribution of the relaxation time (see above).
Next we consider the heat production during LLT. The heat released during LLT is much larger than that expected for the amount of nano-crystallites. Even when we detect little indication of nano-crystallite formation by X-ray scattering (below 215 K), there is a significant release of heat during LLT (see, e.g.ref. 160, 202). These are also difficult to explain by the aborted crystallization scenario. We might still be able to argue that nano-crystallites are too small to detect by X-ray scattering, but then it becomes almost impossible to distinguish liquids and crystals any more.
Furthermore, we recently found an indication suggestive of the formation of locally favoured structures whose size is about 3 nm and the increase of the fraction with time during LLT by time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering measurements.203 In the process, we observe little change in the wide-angle diffraction pattern. This suggests that this signal is from locally favoured structures, and not from nano-crystallites, which supports our scenario rather than the aborted crystallization scenario.
We also found that when we mix TPP with toluene, the final liquid II has a fluidity and has a glass transition temperature Tg different from the initial liquid I.144 In the NG-type LLT, we also observed droplet formation. On noting that liquid II has a fluidity in the mixture, it is difficult to explain by the crystallization scenario what maintains the interface between the two liquids, or the origin of the interfacial tension. It is not obvious whether the liquid and the same liquid containing nano-crystallites can form the sharp interface or not. We need an exotic mechanism to explain it. A scenario of a colloidal gas–liquid transition might explain the formation of a sharp interface itself, but it cannot explain the final homogeneization in a simple manner. To explain the phenomenon with this scenario, we have to assume that nano-crystallites of TPP, which do not grow in size, are kept formed in the mixture selectively at the interface. We also found that the Tg of liquid II is higher than that of liquid I.144 We note that toluene is not crystallized in the mixture and the Tg of toluene is lower than that of TPP. In the aborted crystallization scenario, toluene should be enriched in a non-crystallized liquid I region and thus we expect that the Tg of liquid II is lower than that of liquid I, provided that there is a significant amount of micro-crystallites that is large enough to account for the amount of the heat released during LLT. This is inconsistent with our observation: the Tg of liquid II is higher than that of liquid I for TPP–toluene mixtures. Furthermore, we also found that liquid I is miscible with diethyl ether, but liquid II is not.144 This result is also difficult to explain by the crystallization scenario.
We also observed significant surface wetting effects for liquid II.190 If this is induced by the ordinary dispersion force, we might be able to explain this by the crystallization scenario. But we found that the wetting effects are induced by specific interactions associated with hydrogen bonding and not by a dispersion force. This strongly indicates that the wetting phenomena are induced by the difference in the microscopic nature between the two liquids, and not by the difference in the macroscopic properties coming from the fraction of micro-crystallites. It also suggests the important role of hydrogen bonding in the transition, supporting our scenario.
Next, we consider why we observed a Maltese cross pattern for droplets of liquid II (see Fig. 17(a)). At first glance, droplets look like ordinary crystalline spherulites, but we note that the strength of birefringence is extremely weak, compared to crystal spherulites formed at a high temperature above the binodal line of LLT (see Fig. 17(b)). To explain the presence of a Maltese cross pattern, we need to explain why crystals have specific orientation along the growth direction in the framework of our scenario. Our explanation is as follows. First we mention that liquid II is completely wettable to crystals (see Fig. 17(b)),190 indicating the interfacial energy of crystals is significantly lower for liquid II than for liquid I. Another important fact is that liquid II is a glass and not a liquid. In particular, in the NG-type process droplets of high S is directly nucleated and thus it is likely that droplets are nucleated in a glassy state. These considerations lead to a conclusion that a region where crystal nucleation can take place may be exclusively the droplet interface region since only there the two important conditions for crystal nucleation, high mobility and low nucleation barrier, are met (see Fig. 17(c)). A low nucleation barrier is a consequence of a low interfacial tension between liquid II and crystals. So we expect crystal nucleation selectively occurs in the interfacial region and then crystals grow towards an outward direction perpendicular to the interface, which is selected by the mobility gradient ∇S. This provides a natural explanation on why nano-crystallites have special orientations in liquid II droplets along the radial direction.
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Fig. 17 (a) Droplets of the glacial phase observed with polarizing microscopy under the crossed Nicols condition (60 min at Ta = 220 K). (b) Formation of liquid II in the presence of TPP crystal spherulites formed at 237 K, which was observed with polarizing microscopy under the crossed Nicols condition. The layer of liquid II, which has no birefringence, is formed on the surface of the TPP spherulite (60 min after quenching to 220 K). We can clearly see liquid II completely wets the pre-existing crystal spherulite. (c) Schematic figure showing the spatial change in the kinetic driving force for crystal nucleation (mobility) and the thermodynamic driving force determined by the crystal–liquid interfacial tension. The total driving force should be maximum at the interface. |
Finally we discuss the difference in the temperature dependence of the growth velocity V and the nucleation frequency Γ between spherulites of the crystal and droplets of the glacial phase (liquid II droplets in our scenario). We found that both V and Γ of the glacial phase obey curves different from those of the crystal (see Fig. 18), indicating that droplets of the glacial phase is distinct from spherulites of the crystal. This might be explained if we assume that the symmetry of the crystal formed in the glacial phase is different from that of the ordinary crystal. However, the X-ray and neutron diffraction peaks of micro-crystallites formed in the glacial phase is identical to that of the ordinary crystal formed at a high temperature.167,204 Thus, it is difficult to explain the above fact by the crystallization scenario.
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Fig. 18 Dependence of the growth velocity V (a) and the nucleation frequency Γ (b) on the annealing temperature Ta for the crystal (filled circle) and the glacial phase (open circle). This figure is reproduced from Fig. 2 of ref. 160. |
On the basis of these considerations, we conclude that the transition observed in TPP is more naturally explained by LLT rather than the crystallization scenario, although further careful study is necessary to completely settle this problem.
The transition in a water–glycerol mixture, which we interpreted as LLT, was also interpreted in a different way. Feldman and his coworkers interpreted the final state as a mixture of the solute-rich liquid I phase, ices, and interfacial water around ices, on the basis of dielectric spectroscopy measurements.205,206 Recently Limmer and Chandler95 also suggested the possibility that the phenomena we interpret as LLT in a water–glycerol mixture may be a process of the liquid-to-crystal transition coupled with solute concentration fluctuations. This scenario can also explain the fact that the time over which this coarsening occurs is much longer than the relaxation time of the liquid. It also predicts that for NG-type evolution droplets are rich in ices and interfacial water, whereas the matrix is rich in glycerol. This is because ices are more friendly to interfacial water than glycerol, which causes attraction between ice crystals. Since LLTs in the systems we investigated always accompany the formation of cubic ices, these scenarios should be carefully examined. These proposals have similarity to the aborted crystallization scenario proposed for TPP.
We first examine the above-mentioned prediction suggesting possible enrichment of glycerol in the matrix phase. Contrary to it, we recently confirmed by micro-Raman spectroscopy that the glycerol concentration is the same between droplets and the matrix. This means that the glycerol concentration is spatially almost homogeneous in liquid II. This situation is similar to that in a mixture of TPP and toluene.144 Next we consider the glass transition of the state we call liquid II. For this state we found a single glass transition (see Fig. 19),145 which is located at a temperature significantly higher than that of liquid I at the same glycerol concentration: Tg of a glycerol solution at c ∼ 0.18 prepared at Ta = 164 K is about the same as Tg of liquid I at c ∼ 0.33 (see Fig. 15). We know that the mole fraction of cubic ice is 0.14 from X-ray scattering measurements.145 If we assume that the system is composed of ice crystals, interfacial (pure) water, and liquid I with glycerol (c ∼ 0.33), we may ascribe the glass transition assigned as Tg of liquid II to that of liquid I with glycerol. Then, the mole fractions of these three components can be estimated as 0.14, 0.31, and 0.55, respectively. On noting that the fraction of interfacial water (∼31 mol%) is substantial, we expect two Tg values for interfacial water and liquid I with glycerol, but actually we observe only one Tg. We may still be able to argue that the interfacial water may have a high Tg due to lower mobility near the solid surface (accidentally) near the observed Tg, but then it seems difficult to explain the c-dependence of TgII. As shown in Fig. 19, heating of liquid I induces LLT above the glass transition temperature of liquid I. The resulting state has the same heat capacity as a liquid state of liquid II. If the transition we identify as LLT is crystallization, it seems rather difficult to expect that the state formed by crystallization upon a continuous heating is the same as that formed by crystallization during isothermal annealing.
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Fig. 19 Isobaric heat capacity CP of liquid I and liquid II, measured by ac DSC measurements in the heating process (heating rate: 1 K min−1, frequency: 60 s, amplitude: 0.16 K). Stepwise changes around 157 K (liquid I) and 172 K (liquid II) are the onsets of the glass transition. Heating of liquid I induces LLT. The resulting state has the same heat capacity as a liquid state of liquid II, as expected. The figure is reproduced from Fig. 2(d) of ref. 145. |
Another piece of evidence supporting our scenario comes from the following fact: by combining X-ray scattering and ac DSC measurements, we confirmed that the amount of ice Ic in liquid II decreases with decreasing Ta and liquid II become less fragile (stronger) (see the supplementary information in ref. 145 for the details). In other words, the difference in the fragility between liquid I and II becomes more pronounced when liquid II contains less cubic ice. In the above-mentioned crystallization scenarios, however, after transformation the system should increase the fragility towards the fragility of pure liquid I with decreasing Ta, as a consequence of a smaller amount of cubic ice and the resulting decrease of interfacial water. Thus, these scenarios seem difficult to explain why liquid II is stronger when it contains less ice, or is more pure.
Furthermore, we analysed wide-angle X-ray scattering data for liquid I and a mixture of liquid II and cubic ice, as shown in Fig. 20 (see the supplementary information in ref. 145 for the details). This shows that although there is apparently little difference in the line shape between liquid I and liquid II, the line components obtained by the decomposition analysis are significantly different, suggesting a distinct difference in the liquid structure between them, although it may also be possible to claim that the difference comes from the presence of interfacial water.
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Fig. 20 Examples of the decomposition of the wide-angle X-ray scattering spectra I(q) of liquid I and II. (a) I(q) of liquid I at 167 K (c = 0.178). The red curve is the result of the fitting for the total signal. The green curves show the Lorentzian peaks obtained by decomposing the total signal into the individual peaks. (b) I(q) of liquid II at 167 K (c = 0.178). The red curve is the result of the fitting for the total signal. The light blue curves represent the Gaussian and Lorentzian peaks from ice Ic (the Bragg peaks at 16.1 and 16.9 nm−1, respectively), whereas the dark blue curves represent those from liquid II. Please refer to the supplementary information of ref. 145 for the details of the decomposition. |
On the basis of the above considerations, we conclude that the transition we observe should be LLT, although further careful study may be necessary to settle this issue and form a consensus.
The above problem is also related to the most fundamental question of what is the origin of slow dynamics associated with glass transition. There are a few different scenarios: purely dynamical scenarios,210–213 scenarios based on dynamical correlations due to dense packing,214 and scenarios based on growing static order ((i) exotic amorphous order,215–219 (ii) icosahedral order,17,39,220 and (iii) spatially extendable low free-energy configurations such as crystal-like bond orientational order19,33–35,67). We are going to show that at least for weakly frustrated liquids (frustration against crystallization) glassy slow dynamics and dynamical heterogeneity are caused by the development of critical-like fluctuations of static crystal-like bond orientational order.
A state diagram for 2D polydisperse hard disks is shown in Fig. 21. For a monodisperse case (the polydispersity Δ = 0%), there are two sequential transitions: bond orientational ordering followed by translational ordering. Above Δ ≥ 9% (the coloured region in Fig. 21), a system starts to form glass without crystallization even for slow cooling. This shows the increase of glass-forming ability with an increase in Δ. In the glass-forming region, the fragility monotonically decreases with an increase in Δ (see Table 1).
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Fig. 21 A state diagram for 2D polydisperse hard-sphere-like systems. Here ϕ is the volume fraction of colloidal particles and Δ is the degree of polydispersity, which can be regarded as the strength of frustration against crystallization. This figure is reproduced from Fig. 1 of ref. 224. |
Δ 2DPC | ϕ 0 | D | Δ 3DPC | ϕ 0 | D | Δ 2DSL | T 0 | D | ||
9% | 0.78 | 0.24 | 6% | 0.62 | 0.70 | 0.6 | 0.099 | 7.4 | ||
11% | 0.81 | 0.35 | 12% | 0.65 | 1.05 | 0.65 | 0.090 | 11 | ||
13% | 0.82 | 0.47 | 16% | 0.67 | 1.29 | 0.7 | 0.076 | 17 | ||
16% | 0.83 | 0.66 | 0.75 | 0.057 | 30 | |||||
0.8 | 0.026 | 84 |
For this 2D system, the only source of frustration against crystallization is polydispersity Δ. This is because hexatic order is the unique bond order parameter for a particle having 6 nearest neighbours on average and this order does not suffer from any competing ordering upon its growth. We stress that bond orientational ordering in hard-sphere-like systems is a direct consequence of dense packing and a manifestation of low configurational entropy.
For a 3D polydisperse hard-sphere system, on the other hand, there are at least two origins of frustration against crystallization: one is local icosahedral ordering tendency and the other is random disorder effects originating from the size polydispersity of particles52 (see Fig. 23 below). Note that for 3D hard spheres a particle having 12 nearest neighbours can have three types of bond orientational order (fcc, hcp, and ico) (see Fig. 3). Among them, local icosahedral ordering is not a major cause of slow dynamics due to its localized nature and the dominant one is crystal-like (fcc-like) bond orientational order. This tells us that spatially extendable structural order is more responsible for slow dynamics than localized order.44 So the scenario that icosahedral ordering is a major and unique underlying ordering behind vitrification may not be valid at least for a hard sphere system. Nevertheless, local icosahedral structures are formed (see Fig. 23 below)), and their number density increases with an increase in ϕ, which leads to stronger frustration effects on crystal-like bond orientational ordering.44,45 This situation is similar to that in 2D spin liquids,36,223 where pentagons prevent crystallization (see below). In this sense, even a monodisperse hard sphere system is not free from frustration effects on crystallization and suffers from self-generated internal frustration controlled by entropy.35,45,67 This situation might be similar to metallic glass formers,28,29 although the tendency of icosahedral ordering may be more pronounced for these systems due to the chemical nature of bonding51 and the matching of atomic sizes.225
For 3D polydisperse hard-sphere systems, we also found that the increase in the polydispersity, or the strength of frustration against crystallization, leads to better glass-forming ability and a decrease in the fragility as in the case of the corresponding 2D systems (see Table 1).
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Fig. 22 Phase diagram of 2D spin liquid in the T–Δ plane. Here Δ is a measure of the strength of frustration against crystallization, or the strength of the three-body potential favouring a locally favoured structure of five fold symmetry. Energetic frustration is caused by symmetric mismatch in the interacting potential in this system. The basic structure of the phase diagram is quite similar to that of polydisperse colloids (see Fig. 21). For small Δ, or weak frustration, the glass-forming ability is very low, whereas with an increase in the frustration strength Δ the glass-forming ability is increased and the fragility is decreased, as in the case of polydisperse colloids. This basic trend is also very much consistent with the behaviour of water under pressure and water/salt mixtures.228 This figure is reproduced from Fig. 1 of ref. 36. |
In this system, the strength of the frustration, which we express by Δ, controls the glass forming ability, fragility, and criticality.36,223 The state diagram is shown in Fig. 22. For small Δ, a system easily crystallizes into the plastic crystal, where spins can rotate on a hexagonal lattice. For large Δ, where the melting point of the antiferromagnetic crystal becomes higher than that of the plastic crystal, a system can be vitrified rather easily. Thus, the increase in Δ leads to the increase in the glass-forming ability. We also found that the increase in Δ decreases the fragility. This may also be due to the increase in the activation energy Ea dominating the high temperature Arrhenius regime (see section 6.5).
Applying pressure leads to the decrease in pentagons (see eqn (10) and note that Δv > 0 for a pentagon), which leads to the increase in the fragility.223 Since pressure does not alter the energy itself, this clearly indicates that the degree of frustration is a controlling factor of the fragility.
It is interesting that the number density of pentagons has a clear correlation with the growth of crystal-like bond orientational order and the fragility, indicating that pentagons disturb the growth of the correlation length of crystal-like bond orientational order.
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Fig. 23 Typical structures of supercooled liquids for 2D spin liquids and 3D polydisperse colloids. We can see competing orderings between medium-range crystal-like bond orientational ordering and short-range localized ordering in both cases. |
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Fig. 24 Schematic figures explaining the non-cooperative and cooperative contributions to slow dynamics for the cases of ordinary liquids (a) and hard-sphere liquids. |
On top of these non-cooperative sources of slow dynamics, the slowness originating from cooperativity contributes, which causes glassy slow dynamics. We proposed a possible empirical functional form describing both contributions.19,26,27,30–32,35 For example, a stronger liquid has a larger contribution from non-cooperative Arrhenius dynamics. We should always take this contribution into account when analysing slow dynamics. In the case of weakly polydisperse hard spheres, since the contribution of the non-cooperative part is not so significant in the volume fraction ϕ we can access either experimentally or numerically, we may ignore it. For highly polydisperse hard spheres, this contribution may become more important.34 Furthermore, with an increase in the spatial dimensionality d, the tendency of forming bond orientational order may become weaker since the loss of configurational entropy to gain bond orientational order steeply increases with an increase in d. This may explain why bond orientational ordering becomes less important for a system with higher d.229
We note that the presence of structural ordering in a supercooled liquid and the resulting cooperativity can be detected by the Stokes–Einstein violation. The onset of the violation is the reflection of the onset of cooperativity. The degree of the violation is stronger for a more fragile glass-forming liquid. As can be seen in hard-sphere-like liquids, the non-Arrhenius behaviour is not necessarily linked to the fragility in some liquids. Even in such cases, the Stokes–Einstein violation may be used as a finger print of cooperativity (or glassy structural ordering). For example, the Gaussian core model at a high pressure, which exhibits mean-field behaviour,209 should be regarded as a glass-forming liquid without cooperativity, although it apparently shows the non-Arrhenius behaviour.
Hereafter, we consider a case in which bond orientational order is relevant, just for simplicity. In regions of high bond orientational order, particle motion is on average slow since only the coherent motion while keeping bond orientational order is allowed. A distinct correlation between glassy structural order and slowness of particle motion can be clearly seen for a 2D polydisperse colloidal simulation in Fig. 25. We can see a similar structure-dynamics correlation for a 3D polydisperse colloid experiment in Fig. 26. As mentioned above, the length scale of the structural order, or the coherency of particle motion, is a key to the slowness of dynamics. This may also be the origin of dynamic heterogeneity.
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Fig. 25 Relationship between glassy structural order and local mobility in 2DPC (ϕ = 0.740 and the polydispersity Δ = 9%). (a) The spatial distribution of the coarse-grained hexatic order parameter ψ. (b) The spatial distribution of the mean-square displacement over 10τα. We can see the almost one-to-one correspondence between highly ordered regions and regions of low mobility (or low fluidity). This figure is reproduced using a part of Fig. 1 of ref. 67. |
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Fig. 26 Computer reconstruction from confocal microscopy coordinates for a polydisperse colloidal suspension (ϕ = 0.575). Only particles of interest and their neighbours are displayed. The depth of the image is 12 times of diameters. Each particle is plotted with its real radius. (a) Particles having high crystal-like bond orientational order alone (the order parameter was averaged over the order of the structural relaxation time). (b) Slow particles with respect to the coarse-grained displacement. Due to particles going in and out of the field of view, assignment of particles located very near the edges of (a) and (b) were not accurate and have been removed. This figure is reproduced from a part of Fig. 4 of ref. 44. |
Here it may be worth noting a possible difference in the dynamic and static correlation length. In Fig. 25, we can see almost the one-to-one correspondence between static order and mobility. However, this visual comparison is affected by the color codes we employ. There is no proportionality between the static glassy structural order and the local dynamics, which is clear from a strongly nonlinear relation between them. Thus, the bare correlation length can be different between the static and dynamic ones.
Dynamic heterogeneity is an important characteristic feature in supercooled liquids.230 Now there is a consensus that there is a growing dynamic length in supercooled liquids, although it is not yet clarified whether it is the consequence or the origin of glassy slow dynamics. This length can be estimated, e.g., by bond-breakage correlations231 or by four-point density correlator.232 Recently intrinsic differences between the two methods were discussed in detail in connection with underlying vibrational motions by Onuki and his coworkers.233–235 The detailed characterization of dynamic heterogeneity including its lifetime has also been made by Kim et al.236,237 The above observation suggests that the dynamical correlation length ξ4 is comparable to the bond orientational correlation length ξ6. Thus, it may be interesting to go a step further and study a link between bond orientational order fluctuations and these new features of dynamic heterogeneity.
The increase in glassy structural order and the resulting decrease in defective structures lead to the decrease in the fluidity and thus to the slowing down of structural relaxation. Such a direct link between glassy structural ordering and slow structural relaxation dynamics is a characteristic nature of glass transition and is absent in ordinary critical phenomena. In the latter, the slowing down of the dynamics is linked to the characteristic size of the order parameter fluctuations alone, but not directly to the transport coefficient such as viscosity. For example, in a critical binary mixture, viscosity exhibits only a very weak logarithmic divergence towards a critical point.186 This suggests that a link between low free-energy configurations (bond orientational order in the systems we discuss) and local mobility (or, coherency of particle motion) is the key to glassy slow dynamics. In other words, motion of individual particles are constrained by the glassy structural order (see below).
Fig. 27(a) and (b) show, respectively, the T-dependence of the intermediate scattering function F(qp,t) (qp: the peak wavenumber of the structure factor S(q)) and the structural relaxation time τα, which is determined by fitting the stretched exponential function to the slow decay of F(qp,t). By fitting VFT relation, we obtain T0 = 0.73 and D = 3.85. The T-dependence of the stretching exponent β is also plotted in Fig. 27(c). β decreases steeply upon cooling, reflecting growing dynamic heterogeneity. The bond orientational correlation function is shown in Fig. 27(d). To estimate the spatial correlation length of the bond orientational order parameter, ξ6, we calculated the spatial correlation function G6(r):
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Fig. 27 Dynamical and structural evolution upon cooling in 3D Lennard-Jones system (3DLJ). The density ρ = 1.2 and the polydispersity Δ3DLJ = 6%. (a) T-dependence of the intermediate scattering function F(qp,t). The solid curve is the stretched exponential function. (b) T-dependence of the structural relaxation time τα. It slows down more than five orders of magnitude upon cooling. The solid curve is the VFT relation. (c) T-dependence of the stretching exponent β. (d) The spatial correlation function of the bond orientational order parameter Q6, g3D6(r). The solid lines are the fittings by the 3D Ornstein–Zernike function. (e) T-dependence of the correlation length ξ. The solid curve is the power law fitting (see text). (f) The relation between τα and ξ. |
The decay is well described by the 3D Ornstein–Zernike function (∝ r−1exp(−r/ξ6)). Fig. 27(e) shows the T-dependence of the correlation length ξ6.
We can see that ξ = ξ6 grows as a system approaches the ideal glass-transition point T0 as ξ = ξ0[(T − T0)/T0]−2/3 with ξ0 = 3.05. The relation between τα and ξ is shown in Fig. 27(f), which indicates that τα ∝ exp[D(ξ/ξ0)3/2].
Here we present only the results of a 3D polydisperse LJ system, but the behaviour is essentially the same for 3D polydisperse hard spheres.67,222 Including 2D polydisperse hard disks,221,224 2D driven granular matter,243 and 2D spin liquids,36,223 we obtain the following general relations:67ξ = ξ0[(T − T0)/T0]−2/d and τα ∝ exp[D(ξ/ξ0)d/2], where d is the spatial dimensionality. This suggests the Ising-like criticality scenario of glass transition.35,67,70,71 The Ising-like exponent for the static correlation length was also recently reported numerically244,245 and theoretically246–248 on different grounds.
A recent study by Furukawa and Tanaka251–253 has clearly shown that the viscous dissipation in a supercooled liquid takes place predominantly in the length scale over ξ4 (see also ref. 254, 255), which indicates the intrinsic importance of the growing mesoscopic correlation length in the viscous transport. The crossover length ξη from macroscopic to microscopic transport was found to be comparable to the dynamical correlation length ξ4. Implications of this crossover has recently been discussed by Furukawa in detail.256 Although we need to clarify whether it has a static or a kinetic origin, this study clearly indicates that the mean-field (or microscopic) mechanism may not be relevant, but the mesoscopic spatial correlation is essential to glassy slow dynamics.
The next question is then whether the mesoscopic spatial correlation is of purely kinetic or static origin. One possible scenario is based on the kinetically constrained model (see, e.g., ref. 213, 250, 257), which does not involve any static correlation but still exhibits strong dynamic correlation. Another scenario is based on the presence of static spatial correlation.67,221,222–244,258–263 The low fluidity of our glassy structural order indicates that slow dynamics may be due to the growing static correlation over ξ, which can explain the above-mentioned crossover from persistent to diffusional motion quite naturally. The point-to-set length219,229,264–271 based on the random first order transition theory12,207,216,218,272–274 is another candidate for the static lengthscale. We note that it was proven275 that if τα diverges in a super-Arrhenius manner towards a certain temperature, then ξPTS must diverge too, faster than the lower bound given by (T logτα)1/d (d: the space dimension). However, it was reported by many researchers229,248,265–267,270,276 that the static point-to-set(-like) length ξPTS is much shorter than ξ4 and the temperature dependence is different between them, that is, the static mosaic length is decoupled from the dynamical correlation length, which further means its decoupling from the characteristic length of viscous transport ξη. Since the viscous transport is the most fundamental nature, we infer that the point-to-set length may not be the relevant length scale for glassy slow dynamics. However, Szamel and his coworkers277 recently suggested a possible link between the point-to-set and dynamical lengths by combining a relation of the structural relaxation time with the dynamical correlation length ξ4 found by them and that with the point-to-set length ξPTS found by Hocky et al.267 This controversial situation might be linked to the delicateness of the estimation of the point-to-set length, or the its dependence on the pinning geometry.268,278 Interestingly, Biroli et al.279 have recently shown that the point-to-set length ξPTS estimated by the cavity method coincides with the length ξλ where the lowest eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix becomes sensitive to disorder, or plasticity. It was also suggested that τα = τ0exp(AξΨ/kBT) (1 ≤ Ψ ≤ 2), where ξ = ξPTS = ξλ and A is a constant. Although the value of Ψ is not yet determined firmly, this is not inconsistent with our scenario together with τα = τ0exp(AξΨ4/kBT) reported by Szamel and his coworkers.277 Furthermore, Mosayebi et al.244,245 estimated the static correlation length ξnad from the correlation length of the non-affine displacement field for the corresponding inherent structure of a supercooled state and found its Ising-like divergence towards T0, similar to our scenario. It is also interesting to note that their correlation length ξnad may have a connection to ξλ since the non-affine nature of deformation is linked to plasticity. We emphasize that the above-mentioned works244,245,267,277,279 commonly include results of the Kob–Andersen binary Lennards-Jones liquid. Thus, there is a chance to reveal the relationship between all these lengths. This point needs further careful study. We will discuss this problem in detail elsewhere.280
We also mention another static length called “patch correlation length”,281,282 which is also expected to be order-agnostic. This length is obtained by computing the entropy of patches of a given size R appearing in a system, which is related to the frequency of occurrence of similar structural motifs. Its usefulness was shown for 2D hard disks frustrated by a curvature of the space.282 How this works for binary systems is curious, but a possible lack of unique structural motifs for low free-energy configurations may cause a problem.
At this moment, we prefer the simplest physical scenario that there is only one relevant lengthscale, i.e., ξ6 = ξ4 = ξη (see also section 6.11.2). However, we should mention that the relation ξ6 = ξη has not been examined yet for polydisperse colloidal systems and thus there might be a possibility that there is no such a link.256
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Fig. 28 Importance of many-body correlations. (a) Scattering function S(q) for 2D polydisperse hard disks. The inset shows a wider q-range. (b) The correlation function of ψ6, g6(r), for 2D polydisperse hard disks. (c) Scattering function S(q) for 3D polydisperse hard spheres. The inset shows a wider q-range. (b) The correlation function of Q6, g6(r), for 2D polydisperse hard disks. |
Here we consider the nature of crystal-like bond orientational ordering in a supercooled liquid and its decoupling with translational order, or density field. As shown above, spatial fluctuations of bond orientational ordering can be seen neither by the two-body density correlator that is a measure of translational order nor by the density field (see also ref. 52). This originates from the asymmetry in the coupling between bond orientational order and translational order (see eqn (7)). Translational ordering must accompany bond orientational ordering, but the latter needs not to accompany the former. A supercooled liquid locally takes a configuration whose rotational symmetry is related to the densest packing configuration. However, particles increase only bond orientational order without enhancement of translational order or densification. This configuration, which has an ability to become much denser yet is not dense, provides extra free volume to particles in that region and lowers local free energy (see Fig. 2). With the expense of configurational entropy associated with orientational ordering, a system gains correlational entropy. This is the case not only for hard spheres but also for systems with attractive interactions, e.g., 2D spin liquids and 3D Lennard-Jones liquids (see above). This absence of translational ordering or densification in a mesoscopic lengthscale in a supercooled state is a direct consequence of the fact that translational ordering or densification beyond a short range take place only when crystallization takes place. We stress that because of the strong first order nature of translational ordering, or crystallization, there is only weak pre-ordering in a liquid state. This also means that the loss of configurational entropy is mainly associated with the loss of bond orientational degrees of freedom. This is the reason why structural ordering cannot be detected by any scattering experiments probing the two-body density correlation function. We argue that any structural ordering in a supercooled liquid should primarily be associated with orientational ordering. This also explains why there is little change in the bulk modulus in a supercooled liquid state.
We note that this decoupling scenario applies to crystal-like bond orientational ordering, but not to locally favoured structures: for example, locally favoured structures (pentagons) formed in 2D spin liquids has a larger specific volume compared to normal liquid structures. See section 2.2 on the origin of coupling.
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While the transition is first order in α, there are many distinct (both morphologically and spatially) aperiodic states randomly distributed in free energy. Thus this transition is called the “Random First Order Transition” (RFOT).215,273 Below TA a system enters into the so-called mosaic state. This TA has a link to the mode-coupling transition temperature TMCT.272 It was indicated that this situation is similar to that of the exactly soluble mean-field Potts glass, which also exhibits a dynamic transition at a temperature TA above its thermodynamic glass transition TK. It was also shown that for finite range Potts spin glasses and supercooled liquids the transition at TA would be smeared by droplet-like excitations driven by the configurational entropy.272,273 These entropic droplet excitations would provide the route to equilibration below the mean field dynamical temperature that corresponds to the mode coupling transition at TMCT. In this way, the difficulty of the mean-field mode-coupling theory that predicts an ergodic-to-nonergodic transition at TMCT ∼ TA can be removed.
As we can see in the above, the RFOT theory is constructed on the basis of the RY free energy functional, indicating that it is basically the two-body level description.
The droplet theory, constructed by balancing the entropic driving force and the opposing cost of creating an interface between glassy states with different configurations, leads to the Vogel–Fulcher–Tammann equation.218,219,274 Although this form is the same between RFOT and our scenario, the underlying physics is different. Reflecting this, the correlation length also seems to be different between them.
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Fig. 29 Comparison of the temperature dependence of the relevant length scale(s) in two scenarios based on the diverging static length scale: (a) our scenario and (b) the RFOT scenario. |
We note that, in the RFOT scenario, droplets are excitation of ‘amorphous order’, which is apparently not consistent with what we observed in weakly frustrated systems, where crystal-like (not amorphous-like) bond orientational order develops upon cooling. For this type of well-defined order, we cannot expect entropic driving force associated with a large number of amorphous configurations, which is the key to the RFOT scenario. It is not so obvious how many-body (orientational) correlations can be incorporated in the framework of the RFOT scenario. We speculate that the correlation length of RFOT, ξPTS, is primarily translational rather than orientational. In our scenario, (bond) orientational correlation is a major player. The decoupling between bond orientational order and translational order in a supercooled liquid (see above) may be related to the decoupling between ξ6 ≅ ξ4 and ξPTS, although it is a matter of controversy whether such a decoupling exists or not (see section 6.8 and ref. 277).
As noted above, we infer that the length scale picked up by the RFOT scenario has translational nature, because of the construction of the theory based on the RY free energy functional that does not include orientational correlations at least apparently. Furthermore, in our simulation and experiments, spatial fluctuations of the crystal-like bond orientational order parameter are not like ‘droplets’ but rather continuous critical-like fluctuations. Furthermore, the dynamics of the fluctuations is found to be well-described by model A type dynamics (non-conserved order-parameter dynamics).287 So the behaviour is more second-order-like rather than first-order-like. As discussed above, the point-to-set length ξPTS that is claimed to be the lengthscale of amorphous order relevant for slow glassy dynamics is always much shorter than the dynamical correlation length ξ4, which is comparable to the viscous transport crossover length ξη and the correlation length of glassy structural order (e.g., crystal-like bond orientational order) ξ. Because of the reason we mentioned above, we infer that the key length scale for glassy slow dynamics is the latter length scales (ξ4, ξη, and/or ξ) (see Fig. 29(a)).
Here we mention a piece of evidence supporting our scenario as well as its weakness. For hard spheres, the mode-coupling theory predicts that ϕMCT ∼ 0.58. However, our simulation results show that there is no divergence of the dynamical correlation length ξ4 (≅ξ6) at ϕMCT ∼ 0.58. This seems not to be consistent with the MCT–RFOT scenario (see Fig. 29(b)), although it might be ascribed to fluctuation effects. On the other hand, for binary mixtures, we have not so far succeeded in detecting a static length scale comparable to a dynamical length scale.288–290 This indicates a failure in either detecting a relevant static length scale or our scenario itself. However, it is worth noting that as discussed in section 6.8, Szamel and his coworkers277 suggests the relation ξ4 ∝ ξPTS for a few binary systems. This may be a crucial point to elucidate what is the key lengthscale responsible for glassy slow dynamics.
At this moment, we prefer to interpret glassy slow dynamics as a consequence of ‘glassy critical dynamics’,35,67,291 although further careful study is necessary to settle this problem.
Bond orientational order is not resistive to volume deformation. The susceptibility to volume deformation is rather determined by translational order. Bond orientational order is, on the other hand, resistive to transverse shear deformation. In a liquid state, there is little change in translational order, whereas bond orientational order develops when approaching the glass transition point, indicating the importance of the latter in slow dynamics. Furthermore, since shear viscosity, which diverges towards the glass transition point, is linked to the time correlation function of the shear stress tensor, it is natural to expect the important role of bond orientational order in the viscosity increase. The importance of anisotropic correlations in structural relaxation was also pointed out many years ago by Mountain and Thirumalai.292 On the microscopic level, we can say that types of particle motion that lowers the bond orientational order is not favoured. This constraint that particles in regions of high order whose characteristic length is given by ξ must move coherently may be the origin of slow dynamics, or the enhancement of the viscosity, near glass transition.
Here we consider an interesting case of competing orderings, which also results in frustration against crystallization. One of the most characteristic cases belonging to this category can be seen in water-type liquids. Water has a very characteristic V-shaped T–P phase diagram (see Fig. 9). We argue that this is closely linked to the anomalies of water24 and liquids having this V-shaped phase diagram should share characteristics similar to water. By using this specific shape of the phase diagram as a fingerprint, we classified five elements Si, Ge, Sb, Bi, and Ga into water-type atomic liquids.24 Similarly, some group III–V (e.g., InSb, GaAS, and GaP) and II–VI compounds (e.g., HgTe, CdTe, and CdSe) can also be classified into water-type liquids. As described above, our model provides us with simple analytical predictions for the thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies of these water-type liquids.24
In these liquids, at low pressure, a system crystallizes into S crystal, which is favoured by bond orientational (tetrahedral) ordering. It may be worth noting that below PX there is ‘almost’ no frustration since tetrahedral locally favoured structures having a lower energy than normal liquid structures are basically compatible to S-crystal. In relation to this, it is worth noting that we recently found a weak source of frustration coming from a tendency of the increase of pentagonal rings upon cooling for water.114 Reflecting the open structure of tetrahedral order, the volume of the system expands upon crystallization of a liquid to S crystal, which leads to the negative slope of the melting point of S crystal in the T–P phase diagram. Under high pressures, a crystal into which a liquid crystallizes generally tends to have a more compact, denser structure. Thus, pressure destabilizes S-crystal and instead stabilizes ρ-crystal. Accordingly, the equilibrium crystal switches from S-crystal to ρ-crystal with increasing pressure at the crossover pressure PX. In other words, the primary order parameter responsible for crystallization into the equilibrium crystal switches from the bond order parameter S to the density order parameter ρ there, or more precisely, bond order parameters linked to ρ-crystal.
Above PX, thus, the melting point of ρ crystal becomes higher than that of S crystal. In this situation, we expect that locally favoured structures linked to tetrahedral ordering act as a source of frustration against crystallization to ρ crystal because of the mismatch between the symmetries and thus helps vitrification. We stress that the structure of the first shell is not enough to describe the locally favoured structure and that of the second shell may be necessary to specify it.114 Thus, water should tend to behave as an ordinary glass-forming liquid at very high pressures, which is consistent with the experimental indication.76,293 This tendency is difficult to explain in terms of the other existing theories of liquid–glass transition.
At low pressure, local structural ordering simply helps crystallization to S crystal, as explained above. Since an open tetrahedral structure has a specific volume larger than a normal-liquid structure, the increase in the pressure decreases the number density of locally favoured structures, i.e., (see eqn (10)), which should lead to the decrease in the strength of frustration against crystallization to ρ crystal. The situation is thus very similar to the case of 2D spin liquids, where the degree of frustration also decreases with an increase in pressure,223 as discussed above. Our scenario tells us that the glass-forming ability and the fragility are positively correlated with an increase and a decrease in the degree of frustration against crystallization, respectively. We indeed confirmed this prediction for both polydisperse colloids221,222 and 2D spin liquids.36,223 Thus we predict a high glass-forming ability around the minimum of a melting curve, i.e., a triple point, for water-type liquids.23,24 This enhancement of the glass-forming ability should be more significant in the ρ-crystal side rather than in the S-crystal side. Since the frustration should stronger in the ρ-crystal side. Furthermore, in the glass-forming region, the glass-forming ability should decrease and the fragility should increase with an increase in P.
We confirm this scenario experimentally by using a water–LiCl mixture.228,294 In this mixture, the addition of the salt leads to the decrease in local tetrahedral order of water and the increase in hydrated structures. We confirmed this by Raman spectroscopy measurements.228,294 Thus, the salt basically acts as the breaker of locally favoured tetrahedral structures (see Fig. 30(b)), as pressure does.295Fig. 30(a) shows the phase diagram of this mixture as a function of the salt concentration ϕ, which has a V-shape similar to the T–P phase diagram of pure water (see Fig. 9). If we replace ϕ by P in the phase diagram in Fig. 30(a), it becomes essentially the same as Fig. 9. We found that the glass-forming ability becomes maximum slightly above ϕX, where the melting point has a minimum, and the fragility index D decreases with an increase in ϕ in the glass-forming region. We confirmed, from the ϕ-dependences of the viscosity and the thermodynamic driving force of crystallization which does not include the kinetic factor, that the eutectic-like deep minimum of the melting point and the resulting slow dynamics upon crystallization there alone cannot explain the enhancement of the glass-forming ability, suggesting the importance of a thermodynamic factor (energetic frustration) in glass transition. Furthermore, this conclusion is also supported by the large discrepancy between ϕX (∼12 mol%) where the viscosity at Tm has a maximum and ϕ (∼20 mol%) where the glass-forming ability becomes maximum. This discrepancy may be a consequence of the fact that local tetrahedral (S) ordering has random disorder effects only for ρ-crystal and not for S-crystal. This leads to the asymmetry of the glass-forming ability around a triple point (see above).
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Fig. 30 (a) Schematic phase diagram of water–LiCl mixtures.228 Locally favoured structures have a symmetry consistent with ice crystals (S-crystal), but not with hydrate crystals (ρ-crystal). In this figure, if we replace the salt concentration ϕ by pressure, it represents the phase diagram of water or other water-type liquids. Although both addition of salt and application of pressure leads to the decrease in locally favoured tetrahedral structures, their roles should have some difference since the former has local effects whereas the latter has global effects. (b) Schematic representation of the ϕ dependence of the fraction of locally favoured structures and hydration structures. Note that locally favoured structures are the source of frustration against hydrate crystals (ρ-crystal). This figure is courtesy of Mika Kobayashi. |
Consistent with our prediction, Molinero et al.296 succeeded in vitrifying a monoatomic Si-like liquid by weakening the tetrahedrality in the Stillinger–Weber potential in their molecular dynamics simulations: the glass-forming ability increases around the triple point between diamond cubic (dc) crystal, body centred cubic (bcc) crystal, and liquid. We note that also in this case the effect of frustration is more pronounced in the bcc crystal side rather than in the dc crystal side. Furthermore, Bhat et al.297 succeeded in experimentally obtaining a monoatomic ‘metallic’ glass of Ge at a pressure near the triple point (see also ref. 298, 299). The similar behaviour suggesting a link between crystallization and vitrification was also reported for binary Lennard-Jones mixtures.300
Our scenario provides a possibility to predict the glass-forming ability and fragility from the shape of the equilibrium phase diagram. If this is confirmed, it is a clear signature of the importance of the thermodynamics in the physical description of glass transition (see Fig. 7). The key is the relationship between global minimization of the free energy towards crystal and local minimization towards locally favoured structures. Depending upon the consistency of these two symmetries, locally favoured structures can be either a promoter of crystallization or its preventer. A physical factor making water so unusual among ‘molecular’ liquids is the V-shaped P–T phase diagram: water is only such a molecule! Instead of changing pressure, we can add additives to a liquid to modify the number density of locally favoured structures, which opens up a new possibility to control the glass-forming ability as well as the fragility of a liquid in a systematic way.
Crystallization, or more strictly, crystal nucleation in a supercooled liquid, is a process in which a new ordered phase emerges from a disordered state. It is important not only as a fundamental problem of nonequilibrium statistical physics, but also as that of materials science.13,15,301–303 Crystallization has been basically described by the classical nucleation theory. However, nature provides intriguing ways to help crystallization beyond such a simplified picture. An important point is that the initial and final states are not necessarily the only players. This idea goes back to the step rule of Ostwald,304 which was formulated more than a century ago. He argued that the crystal phase nucleated from a liquid is not necessarily the thermodynamically most stable one, but the one whose free energy is closest to the liquid phase. Stranski and Totomanow,305 on the other hand, argued that the phase that will be nucleated should be the one that has the lowest free energy barrier. Later Alexander and McTague306 argued, on the basis of the Landau theory, that the cubic term of the Landau free energy favours nucleation of a body-centred cubic (bcc) phase in the early stage of a weak first order phase transition of a simple liquid. Since then there have been a lot of simulation studies on this problem, but with controversy (see, e.g., ref. 64, 307 and the references therein). We note that all these approaches are from the crystal side. Here we show a new scenario of crystal nucleation beyond the above classical scenarios, focusing on structural ordering intrinsic to the supercooled state of liquid. Our approach can be regarded as a new approach from the liquid side.
The density functional theory, which is based on the RY free energy functional, treats the solid as an inhomogeneous fluid. The starting point for a calculation of crystal nucleation rates is a Fourier expansion of ρ() in terms of the reciprocal lattice vectors
ρ(![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | (26) |
Oxtoby and his coworkers310,311 showed that the classical theory for the free energy of formation of the critical droplet is found to exceed that obtained in the density functional calculation. They introduced an order parameter that continuously distorts a crystal with fcc symmetry into one with bcc symmetry, to allow for the possibility that precritical bcc crystallites form first and then transform to critical fcc droplets. The latter was reported in earlier simulations of a Lennard-Jones system.64,307 Their calculation of the free energy functional showed a metastable bcc state close to the stable fcc phase. This metastable bcc phase induces a saddle point which serves as the lowest free energy barrier between the liquid and crystal, with the minimum free energy interface passing close to this saddle point. This has significant consequences for nucleation, in that a small critical droplet is largely of bcc structure at the centre and evolves into the stable fcc structure as it grows. We note that a similar framework was also applied to crystallization of hard spheres.312
The above approach has some similarity to ours in the sense that both consider the presence of at least two order parameters (density and a structural order parameter which has a link to the crystal structure). At the same time, there is a crucial difference: their order parameter is linked to translational order, whereas ours is linked not to it but to bond orientational order. For example, a supercooled liquid locally has high bond orientational order, but no translational order (μi = 0), as we have shown in section 6. In our scenario, the liquid state prior to crystal nucleation is not homogeneous but quite heterogeneous. In the density functional theory, on the other hand, it is treated as completely homogeneous: there the liquid state is simply characterized by a constant density ρ (see eqn (26)). Thus, we emphasize that despite the apparent similarity, the physical picture is essentially different between the two scenarios.
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Fig. 31 Computer reconstruction from confocal microscopy coordinates in a deeply supercooled polydisperse colloidal liquid (the polydispersity = 6%, ϕ = 0.575). Depth is ∼12σ. Only particles of interest and their neighbours are displayed. Each particle is plotted with its real radius. (a) A typical configuration of bond ordered particles. Icosahedral particles are shown in the same colour if they belong to the same cluster. If a particle is neighbouring both crystal-like and icosahedral structures, it is displayed as icosahedral. (b) Particles with more than 7 crystalline bonds. These are crystal nuclei, but their size is smaller than the critical nucleus size and thus they never grow and disappear. This figure is reproduced from a part of Fig. 4 of ref. 44. |
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Fig. 32 Birth of crystal nuclei from medium-range structural order in 3D monodisperse hard spheres (N = 16![]() |
We also compare the two types of structural order parameters in Fig. 33. One is the coarse-grained Qi6, which is the local orientational order vector i6m averaged over particle i and its surrounding,41 which we used in Fig. 32. The other is Sij = q6(i)*·q6(j) (here * means the complex conjugate) for an equilibrium and a supercooled liquid and bcc, hcp, rhcp, and fcc crystals. This parameter was used by Auer and Frenkel314 as the order parameter to characterize crystal nuclei and its kinetic pathway of crystallization. We note that both parameters are sensitive to the coherence of the phase of bond orientational order.52 We obtain almost the same results for the two order parameters, which shows the robustness of our conclusion.
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Fig. 33 Spatial distribution of order parameters for a supercooled liquid state and a liquid-crystal coexistence state. Particles coloured by the value of Sij = q6(i)*·q6(j) (a) and by the value of Q6 (b) for a supercooled liquid before nucleation (ϕ = 0.533 and N = 16![]() |
Since the Ostwald's seminal argument, intermediate states between the initial liquid and the final crystal state has been searched for from the crystal side.64,304–307 However, our study demonstrates that it is crucial to consider hidden structural ordering in a supercooled liquid. We argue that the slowness of these structural fluctuations is also crucial for nucleation to efficiently take place.
Thus, we consider which of bond order parameter fluctuations and density fluctuations is crucial for crystal nucleation. We revealed that crystallization starts from crystal-like bond orientational ordering and then density ordering (positional ordering) comes into play later:45 microscopically, crystallization starts from locally high density regions inside the regions of high bond orientational order, both of which are spontaneously formed by thermal fluctuations.45 We note that density fluctuations whose amplitude is determined by isothermal compressibility KT, allow a system to locally access the lower bound of crystal density easily. Contrary to the two-step crystallization scenario, our study45 shows that a high local density is a necessary condition for crystal nucleation, but not a sufficient condition, as discussed above. On a microscopic scale it is bond order parameter and neither density nor translational order that triggers crystal nucleation. This can be seen in Fig. 34, where the ordering towards a perfect crystal takes place exclusively along the bond orientational order Q6 and not along the density ρ. The fact that the colour gradient is almost perpendicular to the ρ axis indicates that density ordering is not a driving force of crystal nucleation, at least in the early stage. As emphasized above, we note that the process of crystal nucleation in hard spheres is ‘continuous’ rather than made of ‘discrete’ steps (see Fig. 35). Our finding is markedly different from the conventional view based on macroscopic observation where we can see a discontinuous change in the density upon crystal nucleation. This clearly indicates the crucial role of bond orientational ordering in crystallization.
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Fig. 34 Probability density for the structural order parameter ![]() ![]() |
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Fig. 35 The microscopic kinetic pathway of crystal nucleation in a two-order-parameter plane. For simplicity, we consider only one type of bond orientational order Q. In reality, this process may occur in a multi-dimensional space. The two-step and the continuous scenarios of crystal nucleation are compared. According to the two-step crystallization scenario,315–321 the formation of precursors accompanies the density change from a liquid state and thus leads to a path along the ρ axis (see orange dashed line). Such behaviour was not observed in our simulations of hard spheres, at least on a mesoscopic scale.45,67,222,313 On a microscopic scale, on the other hand, there is continuous development of the coherency of crystal-like bond orientational order in high density regions, which accompanies a gradual increase in positional order (PO) and the resulting densification (see text).45 |
Crystal nucleation is triggered by the enhancement of the phase coherence of bond orientational order coupled to density fluctuations in a metastable liquid and then translational order follows afterwards.45 Spontaneous densification due to density fluctuations leads to the enhancement of translational order in a region where bond orientational order has phase coherence (see Fig. 2). This looks quite natural, considering that crystal nucleation starts from a very small size: it is difficult to define translational order for such a small region, since it is characterized by periodicity over a long distance. Translational order can be gradually attained in the growth process of nuclei, but not in the nucleation process. The theory of crystallization may need to be fundamentally modified to incorporate these findings. How universal this scenario is to more complex liquids remains for future investigation, but our preliminary studies on soft sphere and water suggests the generality.45,46 As we mentioned in section 2, however, for energy-driven locally favoured structures bond orientational ordering and translational ordering can be much more strongly coupled than for entropy-driven one, which may provide a crystal nucleation pathway with some variety.
We argue that the controversy on the presence or absence of LLT in water may be related to this issue. If the relevant order parameter is a scalar one with cooperativity, there should be liquid–liquid transition somewhere in the phase diagram. However, if the relevant order parameter is tensorial bond orientational order, its ordering leads to crystallization. If two types or order parameters coexist, which of the order parameters is more dominant may control which of LLT and crystallization takes place. Since this is speculative, we need to check carefully whether this physical picture is correct or not.
• Water's anomaly: We have shown that water anomalies can be explained solely by the temperature and pressure dependence of the fraction of locally favoured structures, whose cores have tetrahedral structures and further have translational order in the second shell.114 We have demonstrated that this fraction is proportional to the Boltzmann factor in the experimentally accessible region of the phase diagram.
• Liquid–liquid transition: We have explained liquid–liquid transition by cooperative formation of locally favoured structures. We have shown some examples of liquid–liquid transition observed in molecular liquids and discussed the controversy in the interpretation of these phenomena.
• Glass transition: We have argued that spatially extendable bond orientational order can develop in a supercooled liquid and growth of its spatio-temporal fluctuations under frustration may be the origin of glassy slow dynamics and dynamic heterogeneity at least for weakly polydisperse hard-sphere and Lennard-Jones systems and 2D spin liquids. We have proposed a scenario of glassy critical phenomena to explain the slow dynamics associated with glass transition.35,67 When the strength of frustration on crystallization is so strong that crystallization must involve phase separation, glassy order no longer has a direct link to the symmetry of the equilibrium crystal, but may still be associated with low local free-energy configurations.33–35 The validity of this physical picture is to be checked carefully for various glass-forming systems.
• Crystallization: We have shown that crystal-like bond orientational order triggers crystal nucleation with a high probability if regions of high order can reach a density required for crystallization by spontaneous thermal density fluctuations. Frustration on crystallization (polydispersity in colloidal liquids) lowers the probability of crystal nucleation significantly since it reduces the degree of crystal-like bond orientational ordering and increases the degree of icosahedral ordering which has strong frustration effects on crystallization, both of which would significantly increase the crystal–liquid interfacial energy. This strongly suggests an intrinsic link between glass transition and crystallization.
Combining these, we argue that any liquid is not a homogeneous state, but has mesoscopic or local spatio-temporal structures (see Fig. 36). We need to change our basic view of liquids and develop a theory based on the recognition that there is intrinsically a spatio-temporal hierarchical structure in liquids as in soft matter. We stress that this feature may not be captured by the standard liquid state theory, which is largely based on the two-body correlation, or translational ordering. Our study indicates the importance of many-body orientational correlations for the physical description of all these phenomena. This also suggests an encouraging possibility that all the phenomena discussed in this article can be understood on the basis of the common free energy functional (see Fig. 7), although we need to incorporate a dynamical set of equations for the description of the dynamical phenomena such as the kinetics of liquid–liquid transition, the slow dynamics associated with glass transition, and crystallization.
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Fig. 36 Schematic figure showing the difference between a classical picture of a liquid (the homogeneous liquid picture) and a picture based on our study (the spatio-temporally inhomogeneous liquid picture). For the latter we used a typical structure of a supercooled colloidal liquid as an example.44 |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 |