Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany. E-mail: Sabine.schulz@anorg.chemie.uni-giessen.de
First published on 22nd March 2021
We present a handheld liquid extraction pen (LEP) combined with a self-sustaining electrospray ionization platform for ambient mass spectrometry within a laboratory-independent workspace. The LEP enables direct sampling from various surfaces and textures, independent of sample shape without precise sample positioning or dedicated sample preparation. The combination of liquid extraction of analytes through the pen and electrospray ionization (ESI) opens a broad field of applications. Qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis is presented for pesticides, plasticizers and drugs which were analyzed from representative consumer goods, such as fruits, toys and pills. Food authentication via metabolomic fingerprinting and multivariate statistics is demonstrated for the analysis of fish fillets and coffee. The LEP source uses a rechargeable battery to power a compressor. Ambient air is used for solvent nebulization in ESI. Through a pressure pump with integrated solvent reservoir, a solvent flow through the LEP and ESI source is generated. Measurement times of more than three hours are possible. The ion source is adaptable to any kind of mass spectrometer equipped with an atmospheric pressure interface. Measurements were performed on orbital trapping instruments and on a miniature mass spectrometer. Coupled to the miniaturized mass spectrometer, the completely portable LEP-MS instrument has dimensions of 48.4 × 27.0 × 18.0 cm (l × w × h).
The three main established techniques in the field of liquid extraction from solid sample materials using microjunctions are nanospray desorption electrospray ionization (nano-DESI),2 liquid extraction surface analysis (LESA),3 and the liquid micro junction surface sampling probe (LMJ-SSP).4 Each of these three approaches use ESI for ionization and vaporization. A common characteristic is that analyte sampling and analyte ionization occur spatially and temporally separated. The methods differ in the way how the solvent is directed onto the sample and towards the ESI tip after analyte extraction, qualifying each method for different applications.
In nano-DESI the solvent is pumped onto the surface of interest with a primary capillary. A secondary capillary with a length of a few centimeters is placed directly next to the primary capillary. A liquid bridge is formed between the two capillaries and the sample surface, with a liquid flow from the primary to the secondary capillary. The other end of the secondary capillary points to the inlet of a mass spectrometer and generates the nano-ESI spray. The ESI plume is forced by a high voltage applied between secondary capillary and the mass spectrometer inlet. The continuous liquid flow is self-aspirating with flow rates in the sub-microliter range.2 As one of the applications of nano-DESI is mass spectrometry imaging (MSI),5 the capillary diameters are typically chosen as small as possible to obtain a high lateral resolution.
A further methodological step was made with the development of liquid extraction surface analysis (LESA)3 which is based on a discontinuous sample extraction. A small amount of solvent (0.5–2.5 μL) is transferred to the sample and picked up again by the same probe.3 The probe is then moved to a commercially available chip with an array of nano-ESI tips where an ESI spray is generated from the analyte solution. To prevent any sample carry-over, each measurement uses a new ESI tip of the chip.6 The broad usability of LESA, especially for tissue samples, led to commercialized instruments.7,8 One LESA-like device is the MasSpec Pen which uses the handheld-pen principle for clinical applications.9 Defined volumes of solvent in the range of several microliters are directed through a channel to the tip of a handheld pen probe. A small droplet contacts the sample and desorbs analyte. Then a second channel pumps gas into the probe tip area and pushes the droplet trough a third channel to the mass spectrometer inlet where solvent evaporation and ionization takes place by solvent-assisted inlet ionization. Optional ionization methods like ESI, atmospheric pressure chemical ionization and others can be installed. The MasSpec Pen is a useful tool for rapid non-destructive tissue analysis, used for in vivo cancer diagnosis.9,10
Extending the concept of handheld probes, a tool that accomplishes DESI, easy ambient sonic-spray ionization (EASI) and low-temperature plasma (LTP) ionization was presented. This device performs both, analyte desorption and ionization on the sample surface, and ions are transported in the gas phase through up to 1 m long transfer tubing. An implemented camera module allows for interactive mass spectrometry imaging (IMSI) with a lateral resolution in the mm range.11
LMJ-SSP is based on a two-capillary setup, usually designed in a coaxial manner with one capillary inside the other. The outer capillary transfers the solvent to the sample surface. The capillary end is placed closely above the sample surface, forming a microjunction between capillary tip and sample surface. The inner capillary ends on the same level as the outer capillary or is drawn inward up to three times the inner diameter of the inner capillary at maximum.12 It transfers the solvent back from the sample surface to an ESI sprayer. Like nano-DESI, LMJ-SSP maintains a continuous flow of solvent between the two capillaries and the sample surface. LMJ-SSP was also used for the analyses of microbial colonies. The so-called flow-probe uses the coaxial capillary design in combination with an automated sampling mechanism. During sampling, the capillaries of the flow probe do not directly contact the sample but form a liquid bridge between outer capillary, sample surface and inner capillary. To maintain the small probe-to-sample-distance of 20 μm for different sample spots on heterogeneous shaped samples, a precise computer controlled x, y and z positioning is used.12,13 Later it was shown, that a liquid flow rate that exceeds the aspiration rate, maintains effective sampling but also allows a direct contact to the sample surface.14 First attempts to expand the distance between sampling and ionization were recently realized with the tethered, open-port sampling interface (TOPSI). Here the transport of analyte solution from a handheld sampling probe to the atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) source is supported by an external vacuum line.15
Due to identical analyte transition principles from solid into the solvent, the sample classes which can be analyzed are comparable for the three techniques. Nevertheless, the methods have different fields of application. Nano-DESI is designed for a minimized contact between sample and probe tip via a liquid bridge to achieve an optimized lateral resolution for MSI. The achievable spatial resolution is in the range of some ten micrometers. In this matter, tissue sections of biological materials are often the object of interest. LMJ-SSP deals with higher liquid flow rates compared to nano-DESI and its design causes bigger sampling spots.16 Typical applications are in the field of spatially resolved liquid–solid extraction from biological sample materials often combined with liquid chromatography analyses.13,17,18 Even if imaging applications were performed with LMJ-SSP, the method is typically not the method of choice because of its limited lateral resolution.13,19 A clear advantage is its robustness regarding efficiency of analyte sampling and ionization via ESI. Such continuous flow LMJ-SSP sources are already commercially available.20
Recently we developed an self-sustaining DESI platform for on-site analysis of consumer goods.21 We found that it is well suited for qualitative high-throughput analysis, but quantification and sensitivity is still limited. We figured that a flexible and handheld LMJ-SSP probe would provide better sensitivity, reproducibility, and quantitative results, especially in a portable MS system. Therefore, we developed a handheld LMJ-SSP based pen named liquid extraction pen (LEP) and integrated it in the existing self-sustaining DESI platform, then operated in ESI mode. The handheld pen device allows a flexible measurement procedure without any precise placement of the sample object. Design and function of the LEP as well as qualitative and quantitative capabilities of the portable LEP source are presented for the analysis of representative consumer goods.
For the analyses of plasticizers, the LEP was placed directly on the sample surface. For quantitative measurements, three calibration rows were measured consecutively, consisting of the different plastisol pills analyzed in order of increasing concentration, followed by the real samples. Each plastisol pill and real sample was analyzed at three different sampling spots, representing three technical replicates with other samples measured in between. Each plastisol pill and real sample was measured for about 20–30 s by moving the pen along the surface or from a single spot. At the miniaturized mass spectrometer, ten consecutive single spectra were averaged to a sum spectrum for each pill and sample. After sampling, the LEP tip was placed for 30 s on a glass slide to avoid carry-over. During the measurement procedure of pesticides, the LEP was moved 20 s across each sample spot with direct contact to the pepper peel. Three calibration rows were measured consecutively. Sample spots were analyzed in order of increasing concentration. Each pesticide concentration was analyzed at three different sampling spots, representing three technical replicates with other samples measured in between. After each concentration, the LEP tip was placed for 10 s on a glass slide to avoid carry-over. Medical pills were analyzed by placing the LEP for 30 s onto the surface without movement. The fish and coffee samples were measured by moving the LEP slowly over the surface until 50 spectra were recorded.
The self-sustaining DESI source,21 used in ESI mode in this work, was designed to fit to the dimensions of the prototype of the miniaturized and portable mass spectrometer Mini 11.22 The prototype has a total size of 28.4 × 20.1 × 18 cm and a weight of 8 kg without batteries. The power consumption is less than 35 W, running on 24 V DC with a power adapter for lab-based measurements or with an appropriate battery for in-field applications. The rectilinear ion trap features unit resolution and was operated in full scan (m/z 50–700) mode. For each scan cycle, the magnetic valve of the discontinuous atmospheric interface was set to an opening time of 14 ms, allowing ions to enter the analyzer. Follow-up products of this instrument are commercially available (Mini β, PURSPEC Technologies Inc., West Lafayette, Indiana, USA). One measurement cycle took about 2 seconds before the next injection step. However, many sample measurements were performed with orbital trapping mass spectrometers (Exactive and Q Exactive HF-X, Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH, Bremen, Germany). An extended ion transfer capillary (48 cm length, 0.625 mm inner diameter) was used to connect the source to the Exactive mass spectrometer. Therefore, the standard capillary was exchanged according to the instruments manual in stand-by mode by a custom-made capillary with the same ID and length protruding into the instrument but with an extended length outside the instrument. Measurements were performed in a m/z range of 100–500 if not stated otherwise. Ion injection was controlled via automatic gain control (maximum injection time 500 ms) with a resolution of 100000 (Exactive) and 240
000 (Q Exactive HF-X) at 200 m/z. HCD fragmentation experiments were performed at the Q Exactive HF-X with an isolation window of ±0.5.
Aspiration of the solvent through the secondary capillary of LEP depends on the geometry of the ESI sprayer tip, the capillary length and inner diameter and the solvent viscosity. It is known,1 that a solvent flow is induced in the ESI spray capillary by the nebulizing gas flowing around it, based on the venturi effect. This effect is less intense, if the spray capillary protrudes from the surrounding gas capillary (as it is usually the case in ESI or DESI). If the spray capillary is placed back into the gas capillary, the force on the solvent is significantly higher, resulting in a higher induced flow rate. This phenomenon is exploited to transfer solvent from the sample trough the secondary capillary of the LEP to the ESI sprayer. As a result, a time delay between sampling and detection in the mass spectrometer occurs which depends on the offset of the spray capillary to the gas capillary in the ESI sprayer, the length and inner diameter of the secondary capillary and the solvent. ESI Fig. 1† shows the influence of the spray capillary offset on the flow rate for the given capillary setup and a solvent mixture of ACN/H2O (9/1) which was used as a model system. At high flow rates, analyte dilution in the solvent increases, ionization efficiency decreases and the maximum measurement time with one filling of the solvent reservoir shortens. For our setup, we found flow rates between 30 and 80 μl min−1 best suited. Within this range, detection delays were between 20 s and 50 s and in case of a 10 ml solvent reservoir the sustained measurement time was between 2 h and 5.5 h. To optimize solvent aspiration through the secondary capillary, the spray capillary was flexibly mounted in its fitting so that higher or lower desirable flow rates were adjustable by moving it manually. A longer secondary capillary resulted in longer time delays between sampling and ionization, causing longer measurement times per sample. A reduced ID of the secondary capillary increases the flow velocity, thus reduces measurement times, but also increases flow resistance and the possibility of clogging. Therefore, the inner diameter of the secondary capillary can only be reduced to a certain extend. Mixtures of water and the organic solvents methanol and acetonitrile are commonly used in ESI. The LEP setup is optimized for the mixtures ACN/H2O (9/1) and MeOH/H2O (9/1). The high organic content was chosen, since the viscosity increases with increasing portion of water, resulting in lower flow rates. In addition, quick vaporization is promoted by the high proportion of organic solvent improving ionization efficiency at the miniaturized mass spectrometer which has no heated inlet capillary. We found that MeOH/H2O (9/1) worked for all shown analytes. Change of the solvent mixture may require an adaption of the solvent leading capillaries or the pump system. ESI Fig. 2(a)† shows two consecutive measurements from a toy puppet containing the plasticizer DEHP in 25.9%w. The sampling time with the LEP was 10 s. The delay between sampling and DEHP ion signal detection at the MS was about 20 s at a flow rate of 40 μL min−1. The DEHP signal was detected for about 45 s. Due to the slowly falling signal after the time corresponding to the sampling, it is recommended to wait 30 s after each sampling to avoid carry-over. ESI Fig. 2(b)† shows two consecutive measurements of an Arabica coffee bean, naturally containing trigonelline. Due to the solvent flow rate of 30 μL min−1, an increased delay time of about 30 s was obtained. Compared to the plasticizer the carry-over of trigonelline was less pronounced. Washing intervals in the following qualitative and quantitative experiments between samples were estimated before the analysis by measuring the time till the analyte signal decreased to 10% of the signal intensity detected during sampling.
In our homebuilt ESI sprayer the spray capillary typically has unwanted contact to the inner wall of the gas capillary at some point.24 Consequently, the emerging solvent at the sprayer tip is not coaxially enclosed by gas. This can result in an uneven spray pattern in case of the common mounting. With the spray capillary ending inside the gas capillary, analyte-enriched solvent may get into contact with the inner wall of the gas capillary. Thus it was observed that slowly growing droplets formed around the gas capillary tip. To prevent such droplet formation which can disturb the ESI spray, a thermoplastic polymer coating was applied to the gas capillary as shown in ESI Fig. 3.† We did not observe any interferences caused by the polymer coating in the mass spectrometry data. With a flow rate in the range of 30–50 μl min−1 and MeOH/H2O 9:
1 as solvent, a spatial resolution of about 0.5 mm in diameter was obtained with this setup for line scans and one of 1.1 mm in diameter, if individual spots were measured. Analyte consumption and achieved spatial resolution are shown in ESI Fig. 4† where a glass slide, covered with rhodamine 6G was measured.
We did not observe any influence of the LEP movement or its speed on the detected ion signal intensities if analyte was distributed homogenous in the sample volume. We assume that the analyte transfer from the solid phase into the liquid phase occurs fast, so that the movement speed along the surface have no significant influence on the analyte concentration in the liquid phase.
Fig. 2(b) stands for rapid food analysis, needed for example to identify food fraud or adulteration. Here a dried chili pepper ‘Carolina Reaper’ was analyzed, and capsaicin was detected as one of the main compounds next to dihydrocapsaicin (+2 u). Food fingerprints as shown here can be used in combination with multivariate statistical tools for food authentication25–28 (also shown below). Because of the crumpled surface of the dried pepper, it is challenging to generate good spectra from it with DESI, but with LEP we were able to generate spectra with stable ion intensities.
Fig. 2(c) is representative for the analysis of plasticizers in plastic-containing daily goods such as toys and table ware. Here a puppet, containing the phthalate-based plasticizer DEHP in 25.9%w was analyzed with the LEP. The mass spectrum shows the three adduct ions [DEHP + H]+ (m/z 391.284), [DEHP + Na]+ (m/z 413.265) and [DEHP + K]+ (m/z 429.240). The use of phthalate-based plasticizers in daily goods with oral contact is restricted in many countries due to their hormone-disrupting properties.29–31Fig. 2(d) stands for rapid pesticide detection on fruits and vegetables as needed at border controls and for customer protection. Here the pesticide carbendazim was detected from a spiked pepper. The concentration of carbendazim was 20 ng cm−2 to mimic realistic conditions. We detected its protonated ion ([M + H]+ at m/z 192.077). The corresponding HCD fragment spectra of analytes shown in Fig. 1(a)–(d) can be found in the ESI section ‘list of mass spectra’. During the measurement procedure the pen was held in hand in a slant position, similar to writing. The sampling tip was moved along the surface following the hand movement. Apart from its own weight, the pen was not forced onto the surface, so that the 1 cm long sampling tip was only slightly bent. Pushing the pen along the sample surface with the tip ahead increases the risk that small particles detach from the sample and clog the capillaries, making a pulling movement more advisable. The analysis time per sample was 20–30 seconds. Between samples, the LEP was flushed for 30 seconds to remove any residues from the previous sample from the capillary system and to prevent carry-over. In comparison to the performance of the DESI operation, the LEP source showed similar ion signal intensities for highly concentrated analytes, such as paracetamol in the pill and DEHP in the puppet. For the lowly concentrated analytes, such as the pesticide on pepper, the LEP showed two orders of magnitude higher signal intensities than DESI, providing a better sensitivity for quantification.
In addition, rapid switching between ionization methods LEP and DESI was tested at the portable platform. First results are shown in ESI Fig. 5.† Here, four different samples (a beach ball, a chili pepper, a drug pill and a toy puppet) were analyzed in seven minutes. The first sample was analyzed with DESI, the second with LEP, the third with DESI again and the fourth with LEP again. Switching between ionization methods took only 10 seconds. Details how the switching was done are given in the figure caption of ESI Fig. 5.†
Suitability of LEP-MS for food authentication and food fraud detection was tested by an experiment focused on fish species detection. The surface of the defrosted fish fillets was directly measured. The mass spectrometric fingerprints of fish fillets obtained via LEP were used for food classification. Two different fish species were analyzed: Solea solea and Pangasianodon hypophthalmus.
These species are common suspects for food fraud by miss-labeling.32 The low-cost fish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus is labeled as the higher-priced fish Solea solea. While the species are easily distinguishable if the fish is intact, it becomes quite challenging after processing (e.g. to fillets). Then a rapid analytical method for food authentication is needed as presented in the following. For each species, 450 LEP mass spectra were recorded from three biological replicates. Each biological replicate was measured at three different areas representing three technical replicates (50 spectra each). The measurements were performed in a m/z range from 50 to 500 in positive-ion mode. Data was then subjected to principal component analysis (PCA) using the in-house developed software “MS Food classifier”.27 For PCA, data was binned with a mass window of 1 u, intensity values were log10 transformed and the QR algorithm was used with 99% variance coverage. Fig. 3(a) shows the corresponding score plot. Both fish species were separated well from each other in the PCA score plot and hence could be differentiated based on the metabolomic fingerprint. Cross validation of the PCA model via the leave-10%-out method showed 100% correct classification of the fish spectra to their species, using the LDA (linear discriminant analysis) coefficient as classifier. Robustness of the PCA model is further highlighted by the fact, that the biological replicates were measured on three days within a four weeks’ time frame. Further experiments in negative-ion mode (m/z 50–500) and the higher mass range (m/z 700–900) of positive-ion mode allowed the discrimination of the fish species with very similar quality. Related PCA score plots are given in ESI Fig. 7.† Corresponding loading plots are given in ESI Fig. 8.† In another experiment, intact coffee beans of the two species Arabica and Robusta from the regions Kerala and Karnataka in India, were analyzed with LEP. Since Arabica is higher in quality, it is often blended with lower-quality Robusta coffee.33,34 For each combination of species (Robusta or Arabica) and cultivation region (Kerala or Karnataka), 450 LEP mass spectra were collected from coffee beans of three different retailers (biological replicates). For each biological replicate 150 spectra from three coffee beans (technical replicates) were acquired. Data sets were analyzed via PCA, using the same parameters as for the fish analyses. Fig. 3(b) shows a clear grouping of the respective biological replicates and good separation of the different species. In addition, data points belonging to the two cultivation regions Kerala and Karnataka of Arabica coffee separate into two groups while the data corresponding to the cultivation regions overlap for Robusta coffee. The PCA model gives 99.1% correct classification using the LDA coefficient for the differentiation of species and growing region. Corresponding loading plots are given in ESI Fig. 8.† The binning mass window of 1 u for PCA analyses simulate the unit mass resolving power of portable mass spectrometers. In fact, we found no improvement in separation of the species using smaller bin sizes. Since biomarker detection was not the goal of these experiments, we choose this bin size to save resources during PCA analysis. Nevertheless, we performed MS/MS on some high abundant metabolites (see ESI section ‘list of mass spectra’) and labeled the corresponding m/z bins in the loading plots of fish and coffee data.
The performance of LEP in quantification was evaluated for the two pesticides carbendazim and flusilazole, measured from pepper peel. Fig. 4(a) shows the measurement procedure. The peel of a pepper was marked with several sampling spots. The spots were spiked with the pesticides in increasing concentration. Each sampling spot was analyzed for 20 s by moving the LEP in the pattern shown in Fig. 4(b). Between sampling spots, the LEP was placed on a glass slide for 10 s to flush the capillary system and to prevent carry-over. Fig. 4(c) shows the ion signal intensities of the protonated carbendazim ion, recorded from the sampling spots analyzed consecutively in the order of increasing pesticide concentrations. The measurement of one calibration row (10 concentrations) took about 6 min. This is a major improvement in measurement time compared to our previously published method using conventional DESI.35 There the measurement of a single spiked sampling spot took about 6 min. Fig. 4(d) and (e) show the calibration curves obtained for carbendazim and flusilazole.
Both calibration curves feature an R2 value of 0.99. A LOD of 0.7 ng cm−2 and a limit of quantification (LOQ) of 1.8 ng cm−2 were calculated for carbendazim. For flusilazole, the LOD was determined as 0.2 ng cm−2 and the LOQ as 0.4 ng cm−2. In comparison to conventional DESI,35 where we determined an LOD of 3.3 ng cm−2 (on apple peel, single calibration row), this corresponds to an improvement by a factor of 16.5. Reproducibility was assessed analyzing one carbendazim concentration (500 ng cm−2) on five consecutive days (5 technical replicates each day). Intra-day reproducibility ranged from 9.1 to 25.3% relative standard deviation. Inter-day reproducibility was 18.5% relative standard deviation (ESI Fig. 9†). In addition, the performance of the LEP in quantification was analyzed for phthalates. Calibration curves for DEHP, DNOP and DINP were recorded, and intra-day and inter-day reproducibility were studied (ESI Fig. 6†). The measurement of one calibration row (6 concentrations) took about 3 minutes. In comparison to DESI,21,36R2-values of the calibration curves obtained for DEHP, DNOP and DINP were all higher with the LEP. LODs for DEHP, DNOP and DINP were calculated as 0.02, 0.01 and 0.1%w for LEP. These values were by a factor of 31, 8 and 12 lower than those obtained by conventional DESI.21,36 LOQ for DEHP, DNOP and DINP were calculated as 0.02, 0.02 and 0.2%w for LEP and were by a factor of 43, 9 and 11 lower than those obtained by DESI.21,36 This illustrates that the sensitivity of the LEP is higher and it is more suited for quantification than DESI. Intra-day and inter-day reproducibility were studied on two consecutive days by analyzing a 20%w plastisol pill of DNOP on each day 10 times. On day 1, the relative standard deviation for the 10 consecutive measurements was 3.5%. The relative standard deviation for the 10 consecutive measurements on day 2 was 1.6% and inter-day was 3.6%. With DESI, the intra-day relative standard deviation was 1.8% (day 1, n = 3) and 3.5% (day 2, n = 2) and inter-day 6% (n = 5) for a 20%w plastisol pill of DEHP using a conventional source. With the self-sustaining DESI source,21 the intra-day relative standard deviation was 12% (day 1, n = 3) and 19% (day 2, n = 5) and inter-day 21% (n = 8) for a 20%w plastisol pill of DEHP. While the intra-day reproducibility was comparable for the LEP and conventional DESI, inter-day reproducibility was better with the LEP. Compared to the reproducibility of DESI with the portable DESI source, LEP reproducibility was found to be significantly better (F-Test p-value 3.3 × 10−9).
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Fig. 5 Qualitative plasticizer measurements from real sample objects. The portable LEP source was coupled to the miniaturized mass spectrometer Mini 11. For some objects, only small pieces are illustrated. The photographs of the samples are not true to scale due to distinct differences in size. Corresponding MS/MS data and analyses of other compounds using the LEP connected to the portable mass spectrometer can be found in the ESI.† |
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Fig. 6 Quantitative analysis of phthalates in consumer goods, using the self-sustaining and portable LEP-MS system. Calibration curves were obtained from plastisol pills with 0–40%w of (a) DEHP, (b) DNOP and (c) DIBP. Data points represent averages of three technical replicates. Error bars indicate standard deviations. (d) Phthalate concentrations of the real samples, determined by LEP-MS, compared to concentrations obtained by confirmatory methods such as GC-FID, GC-MS and HPLC-DAD (see ESI Table 1† for more details). Error bars indicate measurement errors. |
Even if the sampling tip is formed by only two thin coated glass capillaries, no damage of capillaries was observed during the measurements. Unintended hard impact onto the sample is damped by the spring loading of the pen or the elasticity of the capillaries. The measurement procedure can leave traces on sample objects when the surface layers are soluble to the used solvent and no persistent analyte matrix is present (ESI Fig. 4†). This should be considered if analyses of e.g. soluble paints from paintings or similar sensitive samples are of interest. None of the presented sample objects did show any destruction due to physical contact to the LEP tip. Nevertheless, chemical and structural alterations of the sample surface and bulk material due to interactions with the solvent, cannot be excluded and must be evaluated for the individual sample. The bulk material of medical pills often consists of the soluble analyte itself. Due to the porous texture and absorbed solvent, structural degradation or liquefaction can appear during longer lasting measurements of several minutes.
In case of oily analytes like phthalates and capsaicin, a carry-over for several seconds was observed. Hence non-constant liquid extraction sampling methods rely on separately controlled washing steps after each analyte measurement, the constant liquid flow of fresh solvent through the LEP automatically rinses the secondary capillary and the spray capillary. One challenging aspect when working with the LEP is the sensitivity to clogging of the secondary capillary. It is advisable to perform measurements from particle-free surfaces to suppress any intake of solid materials into the capillary system. The low pumping efficiency of the ESI spray does not allow an implementation of a porous filter. If the capillary is clogged, a solvent droplet emerges on the sample surface. In this case, both capillaries must be flushed with fresh solvent through the high-voltage connector which can be performed in two minutes. More details on this topic are given in the ESI.†
Although delay times between sampling and ionization appear to be a disadvantage of the method, this feature of the source could be turned into an advantage, e.g. in a reactive LEP approach. If reactive additives are part of the solvent, reaction with analytes can proceed during delay time. Slow reactions which do not result in a sufficient product yield during short analyte–solvent interaction times like in DESI, become available using the LEP system. Analyte modifications are also conceivable via UV irradiation, if parts of the glass capillaries are placed in the beam path of appropriate light sources. Such a setup could be a useful tool for direct analyses of phospholipids from biological samples regarding the identification of double-bond position37 and many other applications.
The LEP was designed for manual but simple operation. The distinct difference to commercial and automated sources of using a handheld probe, further expands the range of applications of LMJ-SSP. Irregular sample topologies which are hardly accessible with present liquid-extraction methods such as nano-DESI, LESA or LMJ-SSP, predominantly rely on implementing sophisticated sample preparation steps like sectioning or sample flattening. Instead of adding complex robotic mechanics for proper positioning of the sample and the probe relative to each other, we come up with a robust tool for flexible operator-driven sampling. The method is inspired and closely related to the MassSpec pen setup but can be deployed almost everywhere in combination with a portable mass spectrometer, opening up a diverse field of new applications.
There are several portable MS with atmospheric pressure interface commercially available: Mini β (PURSPEC Technologies Inc.), which is the follow-up product of the prototype we used; MT Explorer 50 (MassTech); Portability (BaySpec, Inc.) and the Griffin AI-MS 1.2 (FLIR Systems). All use ion trap mass analysers featuring MS/MS capabilities for reliable compound identification but differ in size, weight, and performance. To our knowledge LMJ-SSP has not been used in combination with portable mass spectrometers by other researchers. Besides the portable and self-sustaining design of the LEP source the main differences to the MassSpec Pen are: (i) continuous (LEP) vs. discontinuous solvent flow (MassSpec Pen), (ii) use of an ESI source for analyte transport and ionization in case of LEP, (iii) open (LEP) vs. enclosed sampling spot (MassSpec Pen). In comparison to earlier presented results using DESI for ambient analysis of consumer goods, we found significantly better signal intensities for the tested analytes, especially for samples with low analyte concentrations, resulting in better LOD values by one to two orders of magnitude.
The implementation of a LEP, supplied by a portable solvent- and gas-delivery system makes LMJ-SSP a well-suited device for in-field analysis if connected to portable mass spectrometers, but can also allow for fast sample evaluation in a laboratory environment.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Additional photos of the ESI emitter tip and the influence of the primary capillary offset on the solvent flow rate. The time delay between LEP sampling and electrospray ionization is shown for two analytes. Analyte consumption and spatial resolution of LEP are visualized on a dye covered glass slides. Fast switching between LEP-MS and DESI-MS mode is demonstrated. Quantitative plasticizer analysis with the LEP source coupled to an orbital-trapping mass spectrometer and inter-day reproducibility data are shown for plasticizer and pesticides. For the food authentication PCA results are given for fish in the low and high mass range in positive-ion mode and low mass range in negative-ion mode. Further information on the origin of the biological samples. MS and MS/MS data for all presented and additional analytes, collected with an orbital trapping mass spectrometer and a miniaturized instrument. See DOI: 10.1039/d0an02281k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |