a and
aDepartment of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
bDepartment of Process Engineering, Eawag, Dübendorf, Switzerland
cDepartment of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, USA. E-mail: alexgg@iastate.edu
First published on 23rd March 2021
Single particle inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry (sp-ICP-TOFMS), in combination with online microdroplet calibration, allows for the determination of particle number concentrations (PNCs) and the amount (i.e. mass) of ICP-MS-accessible elements in individual particles. Because sp-ICP-TOFMS analyses of environmental samples produce rich datasets composed of both single-metal nanoparticles (smNPs) and many types of multi-metal NPs (mmNPs), interpretation of these data is well suited to automated analysis schemes. Here, we present a new data analysis approach that includes: 1. automatic particle detection and elemental mass determinations based on online microdroplet calibration, 2. correction of false (randomly occurring) multi-metal associations caused by measurement of coincident but distinct NPs, and 3. unsupervised clustering analysis of mmNPs to identify unique classes of NPs based on their element compositions. To demonstrate the potential of our approach, we analyzed water samples collected from the influent and effluent of five wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) across Switzerland. We determined elemental masses in individual NPs, as well as PNCs, to estimate the NP removal efficiencies of the individual WWTPs. From WWTP samples collected at two points in time, we found an average of 90% and 94% removal efficiencies of single-metal and multi-metal NPs, respectively. Between 5% to 27% of detected NPs were multi-metal; the most abundant particle types were those rich in Ce–La, Fe–Al, Ti–Zr, and Zn–Cu. Through hierarchical clustering, we identified NP classes conserved across all WWTPs, as well as particle types that are unique to one or a few WWTPs. These uniquely occurring particle types may represent point sources of anthropogenic NPs. We describe the utility of clustering analysis of mmNPs for identifying natural, geogenic NPs, and also for the discovery of new, potentially anthropogenic, NP targets.
Environmental significanceThe sp-ICP-TOFMS approach described here is a method for the determination metal- and metalloid-containing micro- and nano-particles (NPs) in environmental samples. The approach combines high-throughput measurement and quantification of individual particles with automated data analysis schemes to deliver non-targeted clustering and classification of NP types. Unique NP types are developed based on multi-element compositions measured in individual particles and the conservation of particle types between samples. Automated sp-ICP-TOFMS presents a means to detect and identify both expected and unexpected particle types within large particle backgrounds characteristic of e.g. surface waters. Key areas of impact include continued development of element-fingerprints to distinguish anthropogenic from natural NPs, high-throughput screening for monitoring nano-pollution, and discovery of novel particle targets in diverse environmental compartments. |
There are two basic approaches to measure NPs in the environment: either through bulk measurements or particle-by-particle approaches. For bulk measurements, size fractionation followed by analytical measurement is often used to determine abundance of particulates and dissolved species in a sample; this fractionation may be off-line such as with serial filtration steps or may be accomplished online with separation procedures such as size exclusion chromatography or field flow fractionation.12,13 Analytical measurements of fractions can be accomplished with either non-specific detection such as with light scattering, or element-specific detection such as with ICP-OES or -MS. Bulk methods can provide an overall picture of the possible NP release, but generally can't be used to detect low particle number concentrations (PNCs), don't provide direct information about individual NPs, and also may produce biased results based on selectivity of the filter.14 Particle-by-particle measurements include approaches such as scanning and transmission electron microscopies15 and single-particle ICP-MS (sp-ICP-MS).16–18 Electron microscopy techniques, with the help of an energy dispersive spectrometer, can provide information on shape, size, crystal structure, and elemental composition of individual NPs. However, these approaches are low throughput, which limits—even the most sophisticated automated setups—to PNC detection limits of ∼106 particles mL−1, and the detection of target particle types/compositions against an overwhelming number of ‘background’ NPs, as is observed in natural samples, is especially challenging.19
Single-particle-ICP-MS enables direct measurement of analyte element mass in individual NPs and offers high throughput detection, with PNC detection limits down to ∼102 particles mL−1. However, sp-ICP-MS alone provides no information on particle size or morphology. In combination with m/z-dispersive mass spectrometry with multi-channel detection, such as time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS), sp-ICP-MS can be used to quantitatively determine the amounts of several elements and isotopes in single NPs. In ICP-TOFMS, the complete elemental mass spectrum (from Li to U) is recorded continuously at time resolutions down to 1 ms. At this time resolution, ICP-TOFMS can be used to record NP-derived signals, which are short transients typically between 300–500 μs in duration.20 Through multi-element and multi-isotope detection, sp-ICP-MS provides a more comprehensive analysis of the composition of individual NPs, which is ideal for classifying and sorting NPs, especially those with partially overlapping element compositions. Still, with ICP-MS, some elements commonly present in NPs, such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and fluorine, are not readily detectable at the single-particle level.21 Throughout this manuscript, we use the terms “single-metal” and “multi-metal” NPs (smNP and mmNP) to refer to particles measured with just one and with two or more ICP-TOFMS-detectable elements, respectively.
Being able to distinguish between naturally occurring NPs (NNPs) and engineered NPs (ENPs) has been the topic of many studies.10,22–29 Although there is ambiguity on the best method of investigation of these particles types, the most prominent NP characteristics used to categorize a NP as either engineered or natural include composition, crystal structure, particle morphology, and shape.30,31 An advantage of sp-ICP-TOFMS is that one can simultaneously measure most of the metal and metalloid elements in single run, which means that non-targeted analysis can be used to detect variable and unique elemental fingerprints of different particle types. Due to manufacturing processes, it is assumed that ENPs will have fairly pure and controlled elemental fingerprints, which will differ from those of NNPs.16,25 For example, a previous study on Ce-containing NPs demonstrated that prominent Ce-containing NNPs also contain La, Pr, Nd, and Th, whereas in CeO2 ENPs only Ce was detected.25 Researchers have also focused on the measurement of Ti-containing NPs and the discrimination of Ti-containing NNPs and TiO2 ENPs.14,22,26–28,32 In one such study, researchers demonstrated that Ti-containing NNPs are associated with Mn, Fe, V, and Pb;14 in another study, researchers suggested that Nb is an indicator of Ti-containing NNPs and such NPs could also contains traces of Ta, W, and other elements.27 In fact, both of these elemental associations are consistent with geochemical knowledge: titanium iron oxide (e.g. ilmenite, FeTiO3) often has Mn and V impurities, while naturally occurring titanium oxide (e.g. rutile, TiO2) has common impurities of Nb, Ta, and W, among others.33,34 The uncertainty and discrepancies reported in elemental fingerprints of natural and anthropogenic Ti-containing NPs illustrate a challenge in multi-metal sp-ICP-TOFMS: the large amount of data generated requires an automated and robust data processing strategy. Human-based evaluation of elemental associations through visual inspection of data and user-based pattern recognition is extremely time consuming and is prone to user error and bias.32 For example, a user might limit the analyte element list to simplify multi-metal patterns in the data and so miss unanticipated multi-metal associations. Similarly, low-abundance multi-metal associations are more likely to be overlooked in non-automated data analysis schemes.
Here, we present a high throughput data acquisition and data evaluation approach for non-targeted analysis of NPs measured via sp-ICP-TOFMS. We discuss the critical steps required to process raw ICP-TOFMS data into quantified information on NPs, and then we apply these techniques to extract NP information from sp-ICP-TOFMS measurements of influent and effluent from five waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) across Switzerland. Our method delivers high-throughput, in situ characterization of NP populations in order to provide holistic (e.g. comprehensive) datasets on inorganic NPs reaching and passing WWTPs. Through the analysis of mmNP compositions, we report a new means—via hierarchical clustering—to discover both conserved and unique mmNP types across the wastewater samples. This mmNP clustering approach provides new insights into the origins of various particle types present in the wastewater samples. With sp-ICP-TOFMS, we determine element mass(es) per particle. Here, we do not convert measured mass to particle diameters; however, if a particle stoichiometry and density were known or assumed, then element mass could be converted into an equivalent spherical particle diameter. Throughout this manuscript, we use the term “nanoparticle” (NP) to discuss all measured particle signals because we estimate that the majority of detected particles have diameters ranging from a few tens to hundreds of nanometers. Measured “NPs” by sp-ICP-TOFMS would be more completely described as a combination micro- and nano-particles, depending on the working definition used.
WWTP (effluent, influent) | Location | Altitude (m a.s.l.) | Average daily waste water inflow (m3 d−1) | Average sludge production (kg d−1) | Connected population equivalents | Treatment type |
W1 (E1,I1) | Yverdon | 431 | 10![]() |
840 | 10![]() |
Mechanical-biological with Phosphorus elimination |
W2 (E2,I2) | St. Gallen | 580 | 21![]() |
12![]() |
37![]() |
Mechanical-biological with Phosphorus elimination |
W3 (E3,I3) | SG-Hofen | 596 | 27![]() |
20![]() |
52![]() |
Mechanical-biological with Phosphorus elimination |
W4 (E4,I4) | Buchs | 445 | 850 | 2100 | 24![]() |
Mechanical-biological with Phosphorus elimination and nitrification |
W5 (E5,I5) | ProRheno (Basel) | 250 | 90![]() |
36![]() |
246![]() |
Mechanical-biological with Phosphorus elimination |
From each WWTP, we collected influent (I) samples after primary clarification and effluent (E) samples in 500 mL glass media bottles and measured the samples by sp-ICP-TOFMS on the day of collection. Prior to sp-ICP-TOFMS analysis, we sonicated 2 mL aliquots of samples in 2 mL polypropylene centrifuge tubes for a total sonication time of 15 seconds at 100% sonication power (200 W, UP200St VialTweeter Sonotrode, Hielscher Ultrasound Technology, Germany). The sonicated samples were allowed to settle for 10 minutes and then the top 1 mL of the sonicated samples was diluted into 8.9 mL of DI water and spiked with a 100 μL of a nominally 100 ng mL−1 solution of Cs for a final Cs concentration of 1 ng mL−1 in each sample. All samples were diluted 10 times; in addition, due to the high particulate contents, we diluted samples from I1 and I2 from the Nov. sampling by 100 times. The Cs standard was made in DI water from standard stock solution of 1000 μg mL−1 (Inorganic Ventures, Christiansburg, VA, USA). All dilutions were made gravimetrically. Microdroplet solutions were prepared from 1000 μg mL−1 single-element standard solutions (Inorganic Ventures, USA) in trace-grade 3% HCl (TraceSelect, Fluka Analytical, Switzerland) and in-house sub-boiled 1% HNO3 (DuoPUR sub-boiling distillation system, Milestone GmbH, Germany).
1. Select elements and isotopes of interest, generate time traces of selected elements.
2. Determine critical value (LC) expressions based on compound-Poisson modelling.38,41
3. Determine background (dissolved signal) count rates (λbkgd) for all elements.
4. Background subtract all time traces.
5. Find microdroplet signals, determine mass sensitivities for each element i (Sdrop,i) and qplasma.36,39,40
6. Correct all time traces for split events.42
7. Find NP signals above the single-particle critical value (Lc,sp).
8. Correct data set for particle-coincidence to remove spurious mmNP signals caused by concurrent measurement of two or more discrete particles with unique element fingerprints.
9. Quantify elemental masses from detectable individual NP signals.
10. Perform hierarchical clustering analysis of mmNP signals; discovery of conserved and non-conserved mmNP types.
11. Quantify detectable PNCs of both smNPs and mmNPs.
12. Report smNP and mmNP data.
Automated data analysis is critical for high-throughput sp-ICP-TOFMS because of the amount of data obtained. For example, let us consider the analysis of just one of our datasets: one replicate of sample I5. From this ICP-TOFMS dataset, we selected 33 elements of interest, which requires the determination of 33 independent sample-specific background count rates (λbkgd) and the associated critical values (Lc,sp) to threshold the data for particle signals. In each time trace, we extracted microdroplet signals and determined matrix-matched absolute mass sensitivities (Sdrop,i) and plasma uptake rates (qplasma). The single-particle region of each time trace contains 75000 data points, i.e. 2.475 × 106 data points for all elements combined. For each of these time traces, we background-subtracted the signals, parsed through the data to correct for split events, and collected NP signals above Lc,sp. For sample I5, we found 45
008 particle signals. We identified mmNPs based on concurrent particle signals for two or more elements, and then corrected these events to account for predicted particle coincidences. For I5, we found 8215 mmNPs, of which 6085 are true mmNPs. After identifying the mmNPs, we compiled the element combinations of these particles: of the 6085 mmNPs, there were around 820 unique mmNP element combinations. This list of mmNP element combinations is cumbersome, and was, thus, reduced through hierarchical clustering. These data processing steps were repeated for every replicate and sample analyzed. Clearly, is not possible to sift through sp-ICP-TOFMS data by hand. For data from the 10 samples (I1–5 and E1–5) presented here, we made 30 sp-ICP-TOFMS measurements, i.e. we processed data spread across 990 unique time traces and composed of a total of 2.45 billion data points. With automatic and robust sp-ICP-TOFMS quantification, we were able to process large data files and reduce these data to a reportable format that can be used to help interrogate the data with regard to scientific questions such as understanding of particle inputs, compositions, transport properties, etc.
For each element, we calculated single-particle critical values (Lc,sp) based on a compound Poisson distribution.38 As previously reported, the critical value for a given false-positive (alpha) rate can be determined as a linear relationship with the λbkgd, as shown in the generalized eqn 1.
LC,sp(@α′) = m(@α′)(λbkgd)1/2 + b(@α′) | (1) |
![]() | (2) |
If we assume that particle coincidence events are random, then the probability of such events can be calculated following eqn 3, in which PA and PB are the probabilities of measuring particles A and B independently.36 In our data set, we compute the probabilities of different hetero-particle combinations: including smNPs overlapping to form false binary mmNPs, and also the likelihood of true mmNPs coinciding with smNPs and other mmNPs. To accomplish this task, we have developed a hpCC algorithm to predict the numbers of expected false mmNPs for each mmNP signature, as well as to rank the likelihood of whether individual mmNPs are true or false based on the similarities of element-abundance ratios between specific events and the composite mmNP group. A more complete discussion of our hpCC algorithm is provided in the ESI† and in Fig. S3. After hpCC, the numbers and recorded compositions of both smNPs and mmNPs more accurately describe the true smNP and mmNP populations. We use hetero-particle coincidence corrected NP data in all subsequent analysis steps.
PA∩B = PA × PB | (3) |
For clustering analysis, we processed mmNP datasets through two-stage hierarchical clustering (HC) using a standard hierarchical clustering library in MATLAB (verR2020b Mathworks, MA, USA). A schematic of this HC process is provided as Fig. S4.† In the first step of HC, we listed the quantified elemental masses present in each mmNP to generate fundamental clusters that best account for variance in mmNP composition and frequency in each sample. Replicates of each sample were pooled for clustering analysis. For intra-sample clustering, we used the correlation distance and averaging method. After calculating the average correlation distance between all the particle-events, we generated an agglomerative hierarchical cluster tree, in which each particle is connected to the cluster tree by a single linkage and linkages are merged together to minimize average distance between all mmNPs. “Distance” represents the similarity of mmNPs to one another; the smaller the distance between two mmNPs the more similar they are. In agglomerative clustering, a cutoff threshold is required to divide the dendrogram into recognized clusters; we use a distance cutoff of 0.85 to identify major clusters in each wastewater sample. For influent samples, the intra-sample HC analyses resulted in 11–17 major clusters. In order to compare the similarities between the mmNP clusters developed for the different WWTPs, we performed a second inter-sample hierarchical clustering analysis. In this second analysis, we performed HC analysis on representative mmNP proxies that were pooled from each of the initial intra-sample clusters. The mmNP proxies were composed of elements that occur in more than 10% of the particles that are part of given intra-sample cluster. The amplitude of each element in a mmNP proxy is the median of the ratio of element mass to the mass of the normalizing element in individual particles. The normalizing element is cluster specific and is the element with the highest occurrence frequency in a particular cluster. For inter-sample clustering of the mmNP proxies, we again used the correlation distance metric with average unweighted linkages, but used a lower cluster cutoff of 0.5 to define the major clusters. Subgroups of the major intra-sample clusters, which break up the major clusters into contributions from different WWTPs, are apparent below correlation distances of 0.5 on the resultant dendrogram, which we will discuss in more detail below.
In Fig. 1a, elements are presented from the left to the right according to the fraction of their NPs recorded as mmNPs. Even after hpCC, many elements have high mmNP fractions, meaning that these elements are most often present as mmNPs in our samples. All elements to the left of Ba have mmNP fractions >75%. The fact that these elements are often associated with mmNPs is in agreement with geochemical knowledge: REEs such as Er and Nd, mostly appear in combination with other REEs, as we find in naturally occurring NP signatures.44 On the right side of Fig. 1a, we provide the elements that are least likely to exist as mmNPs: these elements mostly occur as smNPs. For example, Pt and Au occur as mmNPs less than 25% of the time; these elements are noble metals and are often produced as single element ENPs.45 Ti and Al, which are present at two of the highest PNCs in these samples, also are measured as mmNPs less than 30% of the time. The fact that Al and Ti are highly present as smNPs could indicate influxes of engineered Al- and Ti-containing NPs, or it could be that associated elements with these NPs are below measurement detection limits. Between the extremes of abundant mmNP or smNP fractions, there are some elements—such as Ce and Zn—that have moderate mmNP fractions (between 40–60% mmNPs). These elements are known to exist as both smNPs and mmNPs;10,25 an even distribution of smNP and mmNP types could indicate an equal contribution (on a particle-number basis) of natural and anthropogenic NPs in the wastewater samples. Or again, this could be an artifact caused by associated elements at masses below the critical value in some of the registered smNPs.
The mass distributions of all elements in smNPs and in mmNP in both the influent and effluent samples are presented in Fig. S5.† As shown, the median mass of each element tends to be higher in mmNPs compared to that in smNPs. This can, to some extent, be explained by measurement bias of element fingerprints: in small NPs, a major-constituent element could be present at a large enough mass to be detected, but minor-constituent elements could have mass below their critical values. In this case, a true mmNP would be detected as a smNP. For larger NPs, the masses of major and minor-constituent elements will increase proportionally, and so it is more likely minor constituents will be measured, i.e. a mmNP will be recorded. Because the large NPs are more likely to have measurable amounts of minor-elements, the element mass distribution in mmNPs will tend to be higher. Importantly, for NPs from which at least two elements from the element fingerprint are recorded, variability in measured elements according to particle size is less critical because, as we discuss below, clustering analysis enables mmNPs with variable associated elements to still cluster into accurate NP classes.
In Fig. 3, we present PNCs for several smNPs and clusters of mmNPs measured in the influent and effluent of the five WWTPs from samples collected in Nov. 2019. (Analogous data from samples collected in May 2019 are reported in Fig. S7†). While we find many of the same particle clusters in the influent and effluent, there are dramatically fewer NPs in the effluent. This more detailed view of removal efficiency by particle type demonstrates that, in our analyses, NPs composed primarily of Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Ce are the dominant particle types in both influent and effluent, but are efficiently removed in most cases. (It is likely that silicate (SiO2) NPs, which we could not measure at the single-particle level due to low sensitivity at m/z 28 with the instrument settings used, would also be a dominant NNP species). Interestingly, some particle types seem to be less retained in WWTPs than others. For example, Fe-containing smNPs are less well removed than other particle types in three WWTPs from the Nov. sampling and in all the WWTPs from the May sampling. The apparent low removal efficiency of Fe NPs in terms of particle number could be due to the addition iron in the wastewater treatment process to retain phosphorus;46 some of the created ‘Fe–P’ colloids may pass the wastewater treatment. Through the characterization of mmNPs, we also find that most NP types are removed efficiently from the wastewater stream. Overall, the most abundant mmNP types include Ti–Zr, Zn–Cu, Al–Fe, and Ce–La. Conservation of NP type and abundance across all WWTPs suggests that the NPs are naturally occurring and ubiquitous. On the other hand, we find some NP types such as of Rh–Pd or Bi–V in just one or two WWTPs, which suggests that these NP types originate from specific (anthropogenic) point sources.
![]() | ||
Fig. 3 smNPs and mmNPs detection across different WWTPs. Heat maps show the PNCs in the influent (a) and effluent (b), and the PNC-based removal efficiency of each particle type in percentage (c). mmNP clusters are labeled according to the two most abundant elements measured in each particle cluster. Classification of the mmNPs is obtained via hierarchical clustering analysis as described in text (cf.Fig. 4). |
In Fig. 4a, the major clusters from each WWTP are “leaves” in the cluster tree and are represented with a name that corresponds to the wastewater sample and the most frequent elements in the mmNPs of that cluster. The branches of the cluster tree show the relation of mmNP clusters across the different WWTPs. Inter-sample clusters that have a distance of 0.5 or greater are considered distinct; overall, we identify 23 mmNP clusters across the five WWTP samples. The dendrogram also reveals that some mmNP clusters are conserved across all WWTPs (i.e. have branches from all WWTPs [I1–I5]) and other clusters are only present in one or a few WWTPs. Our hierarchical clustering scheme reduces mmNP data into just 23 clusters and 77 leaves; however, the original data from each of these mmNPs is still accessible. Cluster tree representation offers the possibility to select branches or leaves of interest, and then extract and examine mmNP data from that subset. For example, one can evaluate the PNCs or element masses per particle for any given branch or leaf. For the remainder of this manuscript, we explore selected aspects of the mmNP dataset that become apparent through clustering analysis.
The dendrogram in Fig. 4a shows that some clusters of mmNPs are more conserved than others: mmNP types that exist in all samples include those rich in Ti–Zr, Zn–Cu, Au–Ag, Ce–La, and Zr–Y. These mmNPs are found in both the May and Nov. measurements. The ubiquity of these mmNP types suggests a natural origin, or at least common anthropogenic sources: if mmNPs were from specific point sources of anthropogenic NP pollution, they would likely be found only in selected WWTPs. In addition, we know from previous research that our mmNP types match, at least in part, results from studies focused on Ce, Ti, Zr, and Zn natural NPs.14,15,22,24–29 In Fig. 4b–g, we extract data from selected mmNP clusters and plot the normalized mass of elements that are measured in at least 1% of the particles that make up each clusters. Normalization was done at the particle level: the quantified masses of each element were divided by the mass of the most frequently occurring element from the cluster. For example, in Fig. 4b–g, the normalizing elements were Ti, Zn, Ag, V, Ce, and Zr, respectively, because these elements were detected most often in particles that make up the clusters. The rather well conserved element ratios in these mmNP clusters further emphasizes that these mmNP clusters likely originate from comparable sources. In Table 2, we report the number of NPs measured, the number fractions, and the PNCs of each of the mmNP types reported in Fig. 4b–g. Of all the major clusters of mmNPs, we find most variance of the element ratios for the Ti–Zr mmNP type. This finding again supports previous research results in which the element fingerprints of Ti-rich naturally occurring NPs most often contain Al, Zr, and Nb, with rare instances of Ta and Zn association. Our data also match what might be expected from geochemistry, as it is known that titanium oxide (e.g. rutile, TiO2) has common associations with Nb, Ta, and W, among others.33,34 The Zr–Y rich cluster (see Fig. 4g) also has a well-defined element distribution that matches the expected fingerprint of naturally occurring zircon (ZrSiO4), which has associations with Hf, Th, U, Y and rare earth elements.48,49 In Fig. S9,† we present expanded inter-sample HCs with the median masses of elements in each of the representative mmNP proxies, as well as number concentrations.
Ti–Zr | Zn–Cu | Au–Ag | Bi–V | Ce–La | Zr–Y | |
Number of detected particles | ||||||
I5 | 2320 | 2637 | 14 | 970 | 220 | |
I4 | 3946 | 378 | 6 | 134 | 56 | |
I3 | 3786 | 916 | 38 | 137 | 2442 | 179 |
I2 | 211 | 113 | 2 | 56 | 29 | |
I1 | 307 | 323 | 2 | 4 | 4642 | 34 |
Number fraction (%) | ||||||
I5 | 2.72 | 3.09 | 0.02 | 1.14 | 0.26 | |
I4 | 19.09 | 1.83 | 0.03 | 0.65 | 0.27 | |
I3 | 6.51 | 1.58 | 0.07 | 0.24 | 4.2 | 0.31 |
I2 | 3.24 | 1.74 | 0.03 | 0.86 | 0.45 | |
I1 | 1.51 | 1.59 | 0.01 | 0.02 | 22.81 | 0.17 |
PNC (particles per mL) | ||||||
I5 | 2.1 × 105 | 2.4 × 105 | 1.3 × 103 | 8.7 × 104 | 2.0 × 104 | |
I4 | 3.7 × 105 | 3.6 × 104 | 5.7 × 102 | 1.3 × 104 | 5.3 × 103 | |
I3 | 4.8 × 105 | 1.2 × 105 | 4.8 × 103 | 1.7 × 104 | 3.1 × 105 | 2.3 × 104 |
I2 | 2.2 × 105 | 1.2 × 105 | 2.1 × 103 | 5.9 × 104 | 3.0 × 104 | |
I1 | 3.1 × 105 | 3.3 × 105 | 2.0 × 103 | 4.1 × 103 | 4.8 × 106 | 3.5 × 104 |
In addition to ubiquitous NNPs, hierarchical clustering also identifies rather exotic particle types including NPs rich in Au–Ag, Rh–Pd, Bi–V–(Mo), Sb–W, Cr–Ni, Zn–Cu, Mn–Cu, and Ba–La. We find a unique Bi–V-rich mmNP cluster in two of the WWTP influent samples. As shown in Fig. 4e, the mean mass ratios of Bi:
V in this cluster are 5 in I3 and 6.8 in I1. Because 209Bi is about four-times heavier than 51V, the measured element ratios are reasonably consistent with a one-to-one atomic ratio (4.1
1, Bi
V mass ratio) of bismuth vanadate (BiVO4), especially considering the low numbers of particles recorded. Bismuth vanadate—which is sometimes doped with molybdenum (as also found in the Bi–V–Mo cluster from I3)—is used as yellow pigment in industry50 and as a catalyst,51 and therefore is very likely anthropogenic in origin. BiVO4 synthetic NPs have been previously measured by sp-ICP-TOFMS;52 however, to the best of our knowledge, have never been observed as a contaminant in a wastewater or environmental sample. Another unexpected mmNP class found by hierarchical clustering is the fairly well conserved Au–Ag cluster (Fig. 4d) that contains 5–10 times more Au than Ag on a mass basis. We find the Au–Ag cluster in all WWTP samples from both of our collection days. These NPs may originate from gold alloys used in the jewelry manufacturing industry, and thus are likely anthropogenic in origin.
The Ce–La mmNPs found in sample I1 represent a distinct class of mmNP that is demonstrably different that the Ce–La-containing mmNPs in samples I2–I5. Combined with the fact that these Ce–La mmNPs were measured at about ten-times higher concentration in sample I1 (both in terms of mass concentration and PNC), this suggests that these Ce–La only mmNPs come from a unique source that could be anthropogenic. Our finding indicates that measurement of La and Ce alone could be insufficient to classify Ce-containing NPs as natural or anthropogenic in origin. The sub-class of Ce–La-only NPs did not separate by our initial clustering analysis because the La-to-Ce ratios in these NPs are not significantly different, as shown in Fig. S11.† Our results are consistent with those of a recent study,54 which reports the measurement of high industrial contribution of Ce to the sludge of W1 based on REE ratios of the sludge compared to that of local soils. Additionally, recent X-ray absorption spectroscopy analysis of Ce–La NPs from W1,23 also suggest that Ce–La association is not a definitive marker for naturally sourced Ce-containing NPs. The source of the Ce–La-only NPs in I1 is currently unknown and is under investigation, but it could be related to glass industry55 or other technical industries in the area of W1. In the extraction of Nd from REE ores, it is common practice separate Ce + La as a mixture from other REEs,44 so anthropogenic Ce–La only NPs are reasonable. Moreover, the Nd-depleted characteristics of the Ce–La mmNPs do not match expectations for common Ce-bearing minerals such as allanite, monazite, or bastnäsite.
A more definitive assignment of the anthropogenic or natural origin of the Ce–La mmNPs might, in principle, be possible with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis based on morphological features combined with elemental composition. However, TEM-EDX measurements have to be conducted manually by operators, as automated TEM-EDX solutions are still in their early stage of development.19 Without automated analysis (and excluding sample preparation and instrument tuning), a good rule of thumb would be that, for TEM-EDX, a best-case particle analysis rate would be ∼1 minute per particle. In sample I1—which has the highest concentration of Ce–La NPs by far—22.8% of the measurable particles we record are Ce–La containing NPs. Thus, if TEM-EDX analysis were performed for 1 hour, we would expect to measure at most 14 Ce–La containing NPs. In contrast, for this sample, 4642 Ce–La particles were measured in just 7.5 minutes by sp-ICP-TOFMS. Moreover, there are likely many particles (e.g. particles below size detection limits and silicate, clay, or organic NPs) that are undetectable by sp-ICP-TOFMS, but would interfere with TEM analysis and further reduce the probability of measuring representative samples of specific mmNPs. The chance of finding mmNP types that exist at low number concentrations and at number fractions <1% are very low for TEM. TEM-EDX is currently not a viable approach for element composition determination of particles in complex particle-rich environmental samples. Single particle ICP-TOFMS provides the unique capability to simultaneously evaluate widely variable number concentrations of many populations of smNPs and mmNPs and to identify particle clusters (i.e. types) based on correlation within elemental compositions of the measured NPs.
As case study, we presented a multiplexed analysis of metal and metalloid-containing NPs in wastewater samples from five WWTPs across Switzerland. Wastewater analysis is a complex case because it has inputs of municipal, industrial, and environmental origins. In our study, we found more than 30 different types of smNPs at number concentrations ranging from 3 × 102 to 4 × 106 particles mL−1 in the influent and effluent of the WWTPs. We also found that mmNPs are prominent in many of the WWTPs, making up as much as 27% of the total particle number. Our study indicates high removal efficiencies of the WWTPs for both smNPs and mmNPs based on total mass and PNC for different elements and mmNP types. In general, NP removal efficiencies based on particle mass concentrations are higher than those based on number concentration, which suggests that larger NPs are, generally, retained to a greater extent in the WWTPs than smaller NPs. Through an unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis, we identified 23 major unique mmNP types in the influent of the WWTPs. At least five of these mmNP types are present in all WWTP samples, including mmNPs rich in Ti–Zr, Zn–Cu, Ag–Au, Ce–La, and Zr–Y. In our analysis, we looked in more detail at the Ti–Zr, Zn–Cu, Ce–La, and Zr–Y mmNP types and found comparable element mass ratios within individual NPs in all wastewater samples, which points toward a natural origin of these mmNP types. On the other hand, hierarchical clustering also uncovered several particle types present in just a few wastewater samples. These uniquely occurring NP types may originate from specific point sources and likely represent anthropogenic NP types. Examples, of such NP types include Bi–V and Rh–Pd NPs, which have not been reported from environmental / wastewater samples to date. Further, our data suggest that, in at least one influent sample, there is a sub-class of Ce–La-only mmNPs; this particle class is distinct from Ce–La–Nd mmNPs and may be of anthropogenic origin. A key feature of our measurement approach is that it enables the detection and preliminary classification of both expected and unexpected or unforeseen NP types. Here, we presented our results as an exemplar of particle-screening analysis by high-throughput sp-ICP-TOFMS. Such screening analysis is essential to expand our understanding of particle types—both anthropogenic and natural—and abundances in environmental compartments. As such, sp-ICP-TOFMS is attractive tool to refine mass-transport models, to monitor nano-pollution, and also to discover novel particle targets.
Interpretation of our sp-ICP-TOFMS data set in terms of NP origin is an ongoing process and we expect continued refinement of our understandings. In fact, the continued refinement of our knowledge about mmNP fingerprints (both of natural and anthropogenic NP types) and the expected types of mmNPs in various environmental compartments is a substantial benefit of our current measurement approach. Because our approach allows for both high throughput data collection and data analysis, we are now able to expand our inventory of NPs—which will, in turn, improve our classification models. An eventual aim of such studies is to establish a database approach for the identification of different NP types. In this vein, we anticipate the expanded use of high-throughput sp-ICP-TOFMS analysis for the continued exploration of the presence both of natural and anthropogenic NPs in environmental systems.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0en01066a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |