Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Geneva, Quai Ernest Ansermet 24, 1211, Geneva, Switzerland. E-mail: gerard.hopfgartner@unige.ch
First published on 9th August 2022
The present work describes the application of an in-house developed 3D-printed open port probe (3DP-OPP) with differential ion mobility spectrometry (DMS) mass spectrometry. Targeted quantitative analysis in urine was performed with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer in the selected reaction monitoring mode (OPP-DMS-SRM/MS) and illicit pill screening using data independent acquisition (OPP-DMS-SWATH/MS). The combination of compensation voltage (CoV) scanning in DMS using modifiers with SWATH/MS acquisition for MS/MS spectrum generation enabled the differentiation of isobaric signals with a large dynamic range and enhance the information contained in the screening of illicit ecstasy pills. As for any direct MS introduction technique where no chromatographic separation is applied DMS with acetonitrile as a modifier allows the separation of cocaine and tramadol, and their isomeric metabolites in urine samples. Quantitative application using OPP-DMS-SRM/MS is presented without the need for sample preparation with a lower limit of quantification at 10–25 ng mL−1 for the analytes and less than 40 seconds for sample to sample analysis.
To thoroughly benefit from the potential of OPP, especially when focusing on quantitative aspects, an automatic and reproducible way of sample introduction is necessary. One of the efficient methods of sampling is acoustic droplet ejection (ADE).5 With this technique, small droplets of ∼2.5nL are being ejected through an ultrasonic pulse into the sampling dome of the OPP, which greatly reduces the ion suppression effect due to high dilution (1000×). The injected droplets generate very sharp peaks with a width of ∼1.2s. This provides high-throughput analysis and was recently applied to the in situ kinetics of dextromethorphan conversion to dextrorphan,6 quality control of dose–response and chemical synthesis experiments,7 and screening of diacylglycerol acyltransferase 2 inhibitors.8
An alternative way of sampling is the use of a robotic autosampler operating with single-use, low volume (10 μL) pipette tips.9 Here, the droplet falls on top of the OPP sampling dome through non-contact pneumatic ejection with a syringe plunger. With 3D printing, robotic samplers can be adapted and modified to work with different brands of labware and custom tools. This sampling solution seems to be more cost-effective, compared to ADE which requires a compatible custom microtiter plate. Additionally, even though the volume of the sample used is 5–15 μL, only a limited amount of sample (∼3%)9 is being aspirated due to the self-cleaning counterflow of the mobile phase. This volume is further diluted in the sampling dome of 3DP-OPP in the flow of the mobile phase, which in sum reduces the ionization suppression from the matrix.
Due to the lack of any separation prior to the MS, it may be an issue to quickly and reliably analyze multiple compounds using 3DP-OPP. Full scan and fixed precursor/product ion scan modes require either prior information about targeted compounds or multiple runs to obtain optimized data. Alternatively, data-dependent acquisition (DDA) could be considered, but this method is not optimal in the case of coelution of multiple species as it may lead to missed signals.10
Sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH-MS) is an example of the data-independent acquisition (DIA)11,12 method which enables the collection of all precursors and all fragments. MS/MS spectra are being acquired for all molecules that are passing through the quadrupole filter, set in Q1 window isolation (e.g. m/z 100–150) mode. Multiple fixed or variable size windows can be set to cover the full mass range.13 This way of recording data enables the gathering of information about every ionized analyte in the introduced sample (MS/MSALL). It can provide structural information, with the specificity increasing by reducing the window size.14 Yet smaller isolation windows also increase the number of scans and total cycle time, which can be reduced by decreasing the scan period, on the other hand, may negatively affect data quality. Thus, either compromise needs to be made between specificity and sensitivity, or an additional level of separation needs to be provided by hyphenating an MS analyzer with e.g. liquid chromatography or ion mobility.
Interfacing ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and mass spectrometry (MS) can provide multiple benefits in the cases of targeted and untargeted analyses. Selectivity tuning on an example of sulphonamide isomers in human plasma15 or orthogonality to HPLC-MS methods for metabolomic studies on patients with chronic kidney disease16 was presented in the past. The application of IMS has been described for the analysis of amino acids, peptides, proteins, lipids, oligonucleotides, carbohydrates, and pharmaceutical and recreational drugs.17–21 Differential ion mobility spectrometry (DMS),22 alternatively called high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS),23 utilizes separation voltage (SV) as an alternating electric field to force trajectory on the ion based on its collisional cross section. An additional DC voltage named compensation voltage (CoV) is also applied to correct the trajectory and enable the ions to pass through the DMS cell. This provides an additional level of separation and confirmation based on the compound structure, which can be applied for molecules that may not be distinguishable by mass spectrometry only.
In this report, we present the hyphenation of a 3D printed open port probe with SWATH-MS, DMS-SWATH-MS, and DMS-SRM/MS. The design, optimization, and application of 3DP-OPP were already described in our previous work.3 In the first part, the hyphenation of a 3DP-OPP with high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), by utilizing SWATH-MS and DMS-SWATH-MS methods is presented. Applied methods can be used for the detection of illegal drugs in unknown origin solid samples, where DMS provides an additional dimension of separation and confirmation for isobaric compounds. This can also reduce false-positive results that could be generated by interferences. In the second part, we present quantification of cocaine and tramadol, and their metabolites including isomeric compounds (benzoylecgonine/norcocaine, O-desmethyltramadol/N-desmethyltramadol), separated in a DMS cell prior to entering the mass analyzer set in the selected reaction monitoring mode. The application of the method for spiked urine and samples obtained during traffic control is described.
8 calibrators and 4 quality control samples were prepared by spiking pooled urine. 50 μL of urine standards were diluted with 450 μL (10 ng mL−1) of internal standard ice-cold methanolic solution. Samples were next vortexed and centrifuged. 100 μL of each solution was transferred into a 96-well plate, which was delivered using a liquid handler mounted on an autosampler (Fig. S2†).
Calibration curves were constructed by plotting the ratio of integrated SRM signals of drugs and their corresponding internal standards (Aanalyte/AIS) as a function of concentration (canalyte). 1/x2 weighting was applied for all compounds, except methylecgonine (1/x).
The majority of used tools were already described in detail in our previous work (Table S1†).3 A 3DP-OPP holder was redesigned to improve the robustness of the setup. When mounted on the PAL system, we observed that rapid movement of the robotic arm could generate strong vibrations and influence the position of the pipette tip above the sampling dome during injection. Therefore, the holder is now always directly installed on the turbo ion source and 3DP-OPP is inserted into the port with spherical insets, locking it in place (Fig. S3†). On the other hand, the waste box and tip removal tool are now assembled together with a single metal screw, to ensure that the position of the box will not change during analysis or during emptying the box, as this may result in collision and damage to pipette tool (Fig. S4†). An injection cycle was also updated. The pipette tip position over the OPP sampling dome is calibrated for position 1 of the tip rack. When taking the new tip, it is gently pressed onto the rack to attach it. We observed that for other positions, the pipette tip may be attached but shifted slightly to the left or right, which resulted in an incorrect position during droplet fall. To prevent that, after taking a new tip the pipette tool is returned to position 1 of the tip holder and presses the tip again. It does not affect the analysis time as it occurs during previous sample acquisition, and at the same time it ensures a reproducible tip attachment.
The advantages of SWATH/MS (DIA) over DDA are visible when considering Fig. 2B and C. For DDA, without setting an exclusion list, precursor selection will be done according to the signal intensity. In this situation, the first 5 precursors for the MS/MS experiment selected would be MDMA (m/z 194.1), MDMA in-source decay fragments (m/z 105.1, 135.0, 163.1) and a 2MDMA + HCl cluster (m/z 423.2). SWATH/MS, on the other hand, has a predetermined precursor selection window, which enables the identification of cocaine (Fig. 2C). However, in DDA the precursor ion selection is based on the intensity and the peak of cocaine or the even lower intensity peaks have a risk to be missed which is a general limitation of DDA. All of the results were next manually reviewed to ensure similarity in the fragmentation pattern (Fig. S5†).Table 1 presents the compounds identified in the set of 6 analyzed pills. The main ingredient of each sample is MDMA, but in all of them also MDEA is present, an MDMA analog extended by a single –CH2– group in the alkyl chain on the amine group. Cocaine was detected in half of the analyzed set. Caffeine, amphetamine, and ketamine were present in single samples. Less common compounds were also found. MDHOET is an MDMA analog with an extended alkyl chain by –C2H4– and terminated with a hydroxyl group.24 DPIA, an impurity of amphetamine synthesis, which through biotransformation may form amphetamine,25 was present only in the pill in which amphetamine itself was detected. The presence of 2DPMP, a long-lasting stimulant that can cause dangerous agitation and psychosis, is particularly interesting.26 Unfortunately, the used library did not include MDHOET and DPIA reference mass spectra and we were not able to obtain analytical standards for these compounds. Tentative identification of these molecules was based on accurate mass and proposed fragments (Fig. S6†).
One of the challenges that are present when using flow injection methods, which OPP-MS is an example of, is that all of the compounds are eluting at the same time. While HRMS is already separating the compounds based on their m/z ratios, in the case of isobaric or isomeric compounds it may not be possible to distinguish them without prior chromatographic separation. We observed for 3DP-OPP-SWATH/MS that the signal corresponding to intact MDMA and its in-source decay fragments was multiple times more abundant, compared to other analytes. This is not surprising as MDMA is supposed to be the main ingredient of these pills. In the case of pill 1, in the m/z 194–200 Q1 window, we observed extra fragment ions not related to MDMA, but the ones that could indicate the presence of caffeine. Yet we did not observe the caffeine precursor ion (m/z 195.0877). At the same time, the 2nd isotopic peak of the MDMA [M + H]+ signal was shifted (theoretical mass m/z 195.1209, found mass m/z 195.0936, 140 ppm error), which could be related to the limited resolving power (Fig. 3A).
To confirm the presence of caffeine, an additional level of separation using DMS was applied, where instead of recording multiple different m/z windows, a single m/z 90–250 window was set for all experiments, while CoV values were increased incrementally (1 V) for each experiment in the range of −34 V to −4 V. Acetonitrile was selected as the DMS modifier, providing substantial separation in our previous results.21 This provided separation of MDMA, which was transmitted through the cell at −17 CoV, from caffeine transmitted at −24 CoV (Fig. 3B). While 5x–10x loss of sensitivity was observed, ion mobility separation filtering still provided good quality MS/MS spectrathat could be used for the identification of caffeine. If necessary, the method itself could be further optimized by multiple runs with smaller m/z windows, or as a single experiment with a longer cycle time.
To test the application of our new setup for rapid analysis of drugs in urine, with DMS providing an additional level of separation, we prepared a series of dilutions of cocaine and tramadol, and their metabolites in pooled urine. Internal standards (cocaine-d3 and tramadol-d3) at a concentration of 8 ng mL−1 were used to minimize quantitation error. DMS parameters were optimized to ensure that isomeric compounds will be resolved at the baseline level (Fig. 4 and Fig. S7†) to minimize multiple different ions passing through Q1 and Q3 in the same scan. This separation is important as e.g. benzoylecgonine and norcocaine share SRM transition (m/z 290 > m/z 168) which may lead to incorrect estimation of the concentration of the compounds. It also gives an additional level of confirmation for the cocaine/tramadol intake and the presence of their metabolites.
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Fig. 4 Ionograms obtained during the CoV value ramp for cocaine and its metabolites infused at 100 ng mL−1. The separation voltage was 2600 V and the modifier was acetonitrile. |
Selected validation results are presented in Table 2 and full validation can be found in the ESI (Tables S4–S10 and Fig. S8†). The total run time for each sample was 36s with peak widths of 6–10s. The method preserved linearity over the applied range of concentrations (0–1000 and 0–2500 ng mL−1) with 1/x2 weighting applied, except methylecgonine where 1/x weighting was used. Correlation coefficient (r) values were always above 0.99. The lower limit of quantitation (LLOQ) was the lowest non-zero concentration of the calibration curve, the values of which are 25 ng mL−1 for benzoylecgonine, norcocaine, and methylecgonine, and 10 ng mL−1 for other tested compounds. The precision of all of the quality control samples was within ≤11% difference and the accuracy was within ±13% (16% for QCLLOQ). The back calculated accuracy for at least 6 out of 7 non-zero calibrators (>75%) was within ±15% (±20% for LLOQ; Table S6†). The typical confirmatory cut-off applied for all the compounds in urine is 100 ng mL−1. When 3 blank samples were analyzed directly after the highest calibration point, the carryover did not exceed 20% of LLOQ.
QC sample | Nominal concentration | Within-run accuracy (%; 3 runs) | Between runs accuracy (%) | Within-run precision (%CV; 3 runs) | Between runs precision (%CV) | |||||
Benzoylecgonine | QCLLOQ | 25 | 94.8 | 90.7 | 102 | 96.0 | 8.0 | 7.0 | 3.3 | 6.2 |
QCL | 75 | 105 | 92.5 | 103 | 100 | 3.1 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 6.6 | |
QCM | 400 | 100 | 98.2 | 106 | 101 | 1.2 | 3.2 | 4.4 | 3.7 | |
QCH | 2000 | 101 | 101 | 108 | 103 | 2.6 | 5.0 | 1.8 | 4.1 | |
Norcocaine | QCLLOQ | 25 | 98.2 | 89.7 | 88.2 | 92.0 | 4.0 | 10.0 | 5.4 | 5.8 |
QCL | 75 | 112 | 92.0 | 101 | 102 | 2.0 | 3.6 | 1.1 | 9.8 | |
QCM | 400 | 102 | 99.8 | 98.7 | 100 | 4.1 | 3.9 | 2.1 | 1.6 | |
QCH | 2000 | 106 | 103 | 107 | 105 | 4.8 | 5.4 | 7.0 | 2.3 | |
O-Desmethyltramadol | QCLLOQ | 10 | 106 | 116 | 108 | 110 | 6.0 | 7.4 | 4.8 | 6.7 |
QCL | 30 | 110 | 110 | 110 | 110 | 6.8 | 2.8 | 0.1 | 2.5 | |
QCM | 200 | 104 | 100 | 99.3 | 101 | 3.4 | 1.3 | 2.4 | 3.2 | |
QCH | 800 | 110 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 5.6 | 3.0 | 2.6 | 1.9 | |
N-Desmethyltramadol | QCLLOQ | 10 | 107 | 101 | 97.3 | 99.2 | 4.4 | 8.2 | 2.5 | 2.7 |
QCL | 30 | 107 | 102 | 113 | 107 | 5.4 | 5.9 | 2.9 | 6.9 | |
QCM | 200 | 100 | 102 | 100 | 101 | 3.0 | 1.2 | 2.9 | 0.9 | |
QCH | 800 | 104 | 107 | 106 | 107 | 2.5 | 2.7 | 3.7 | 0.9 |
The method was next applied to measure the concentrations of cocaine and tramadol, and their metabolites in urine samples taken during traffic control. The cut-off applied for all the compounds was 100 ng mL−1, based on SAMSHA requirements.27 If necessary, the samples were diluted 100× using pooled urine to fit in the calibration curve. Out of 49 measured samples, 8 were positive for cocaine or its metabolites and 3 were positive for tramadol or its metabolites. Benzoylecgonine (8), norcocaine (3), methylecgonine (7), cocaine (4), cocaethylene (3), tramadol (3), O-desmethyltramadol (1) and N-desmethyltramadol (3) were all detected. Cocaethylene is especially interesting, as it is a metabolite that is present when both cocaine and ethanol are being taken. Table 3 shows the median concentration of each compound for positive samples.
The DMS-SRM/MS method is applied for validated fast and robust quantification of cocaine and tramadol, and their metabolites in urine, with the validated method applied for samples obtained during traffic control with improved selectivity. Overall, both SWATH-MS and DMS-MS can be successfully applied to supplement direct analysis with a 3D printed open port probe.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2an00925k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |