Issue 9, 2023

Singlet fission preserves polarisation correlation of excitons


Singlet fission (SF) holds the promise to circumvent the photovoltaic efficiency limit to reach a power-conversion efficiency above 34%. SF of TIPS-pentacene (TIPS-Pn) has been investigated but its mechanism is yet to be well elucidated. Recently, we developed a nanoparticle (NP) system, in which doping of TIPS-Pn in a host matrix yields a range of average intermolecular distances, d, to study the dependence of SF in TIPS-Pn on d. At large d values, where the bimolecular SF process should be unfavourable, a relatively high SF quantum yield (ΦSF) is still observed, which implies a deviation from a random distribution of TIPS-Pn throughout the NP. Here, using polarisation-sensitive femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy and Monte Carlo simulations of exciton migration and SF, we quantify the level of clustering of TIPS-Pn in the host matrix, which is responsible for the higher than expected ΦSF. The experimental data indicate a preservation of polarisation correlation by SF, which is uncommon because energy transfer in amorphous materials tends to result in depolarisation. We show that the preservation of polarisation correlation is due to SF upon exciton migration. Although exciton migration decorrelates polarisation, SF acts to remove decorrelated excitons to give an overall preservation of polarisation correlation.

Graphical abstract: Singlet fission preserves polarisation correlation of excitons

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Article information

Article type
28 4 2022
18 1 2023
First published
09 2 2023

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023,25, 6817-6829

Singlet fission preserves polarisation correlation of excitons

J. M. de la Perrelle, P. C. Tapping, E. Schrefl, A. N. Stuart, D. M. Huang and T. W. Kee, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 6817 DOI: 10.1039/D2CP01943D

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