c and
aEarth Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. E-mail: berelson@usc.edu
bSchool of Architecture, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
cSpatial Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
First published on 11th July 2023
Using low-cost air quality sensors (PM2.5, NO2, CO), air pumps, and a Raspberry Pi computer, we constructed a system by which air quality in tree canopies could be interrogated and quantified. The system involves pumping air into a sensor-containing box alternatively from tree canopy air and ambient air; repeating often enough to document if there are concentration differences between these two sources. By using the same set of sensors for air analysis from two sources, we eliminate issues such as sensor offset or drift and/or sensitivity to environmental conditions. True differences between tree canopy air and ambient air can be verified only after it has been established that the concentration difference between co-located inlet tubes is negligible. We've documented co-location results, described data summary protocol and as proof of concept, we show true differences in PM2.5 (production) and CO (consumption) between ambient air and tree canopies on the University of Southern California's campus. In one tree tested, NO2 between tree canopy and ambient air fluctuated as a function of day/night indicating periods of production and consumption. This system can be applied to document which tree species modify air quality, and how much, and can thus help urban forestry decision-makers when choosing tree planting under various environmental conditions.
Environmental significanceUrban air quality is a growing concern as it relates to human health and global change. A strategy for increasing the desirability and livability of urban settings has been to ‘green’ them, add trees. Yet the type of trees suitable for a given location might be different from those planted if tree uptake and emission of certain air constituents were documented and quantified. Our goal was to build low cost air quality sensors that could interrogate tree canopy air and compare it to ambient air so as to establish which tree is emitting or taking up how much particulate matter, CO and NO2. |
Urban tree planting is often seen through a lens that focuses on the benefits of shade and cooling and the aesthetics of green space.5 Yet urban trees likely function quite differently than trees in a natural or native setting given the isolation of trees planted along roadways, their soil composition and water supply is very different than for trees growing naturally. Further, trees can impact air quality in urban settings by the physical dispersion or trapping of pollution plumes in addition to their capability of biochemical uptake and/or production. For these reasons we advocate studies of urban trees on a tree-by-tree response basis.
The kinetics of pollutant uptake by trees is not well known and thus the residence time of air in contact with the foliage of a tree, its canopy, must be another important variable regarding the importance of trees impacting air quality. Canopy air residence time is likely a function of the density of the canopy and the strength of air movement, i.e. wind speed and turbulence. As every tree will have a different canopy, exposure to wind and physiological state, every tree might behave differently in terms of modifying air chemistry. The objective of this work is not to quantify fluxes, although that would be most useful from a modeling perspective, rather it is to demonstrate a methodology whereby quantitative differences between tree species in terms of air quality impact can be determined.
Another key factor to consider in terms of a tree's air quality impact is the dynamic range of air constituent variability and how sensitive a sensor is to small changes against a larger background. In the Los Angeles, mid-city region where tree canopy air testing took place, the ranges in PM2.5, CO and NO2 are typically 0–50 μg m−3; 0.2–2 ppm; 0–0.50 ppm respectively. The lowest values represent times when marine air is well mixed into the city as this air has near zero concentrations of these constituents. Highest concentrations are found during overnight hours when the planetary boundary layer is lowest.6 These ranges represent measured values from January through August, 2022 obtained using a BEACO2N (https://beacon.berkeley.edu/about/) sensor located at the University of Southern California (USC) which was calibrated by co-locating it for 2 weeks next to South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) sensors located in downtown Los Angeles (1630 N. Main Street). The tree canopy study took place on USC's campus.
We aim to address tree canopy air quality relative to the air that is not directly within the tree canopy. We are asking if these two air measurements are significantly different from each other, and if so, in what direction. We developed a sensor system that could make measurements over 24 hours because concentrations change considerably over the diurnal period as does the average wind speed. With a solar panel (not discussed here), the sensors can run continuously. We found that using two sensors, one located in a tree canopy and another outside the tree canopy was not the optimal experimental design because of inherent offsets and sensitivities of low-cost sensors to environmental conditions. Instead, we've designed and tested a method to interrogate air quality within a tree canopy and outside the tree canopy with a single set of sensors and an alternating pumping system.
![]() | ||
Fig. 1 Schematic of air quality sensor box configured to pump air through either a tube running up to a tree canopy (tube #1) or a tube sampling ambient air from outside the tree canopy (tube #2). |
Sensor | Make/model | Output | Response time |
CO | Alphasense B4 | ∼280 mV @ 0 ppm | <90 s |
∼730 mV @ 1 ppm | |||
https://www.alphasense.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Alphasense_CO-B4_datasheet.pdf | |||
NO2 | Alphasense B43F | ∼205 mV @ 0 ppm | <90 s |
∼240 mV @ 0.2 ppm | |||
https://www.alphasense.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Alphasense_NO2-B43F_datasheet.pdf | |||
PM2.5 | Plantower PMSA003 | Output in μg m−3 | <10 s |
https://plantower.com/en/products_33/77.html |
Fig. 2B shows the hand wiring connecting power and data lines to battery and the Raspberry Pi microcontroller. The air quality sensors require 5 V, a small LED screen draws 3 V. Data is logged every second, averaged to a single value every minute. Battery life is advertised at 26000 mA h; but our system, which draws ∼0.5 A, only lasted for ∼30–40 hours.
Two air pumps (BAENRCY air pump 5–6 vDC) were wired to the power source and controlled by the Raspberry Pi to switch on/off alternatively on a 15 minute cycle. Each air pump is connected to the box housing on the pump outlet side and tubing on the inlet side. One pump has tubing that runs to the tree canopy, the second pump has tubing that runs to a location outside the tree canopy but immediately adjacent. Each pump moves air at ∼1.5 L air per minute.
CO = k1 × VWE − k2 × VAE − exp(k3 × (T − k4)) − (k5 × H − exp(k6 × (H − k7))) − k8 | (1) |
NO2 = k1 × VWE − k2 × VAE − exp(k3 × (T − k4)) − (k5 × H − exp(k6 × (H − k7))) − k8 | (2) |
PM2.5 = [PM2.5]raw − exp(k6 × (H − k7)) − k8 | (3) |
Values for these fitting parameters are in Table 2. In these Alphasense sensors, CO and NO2 diffuse through a membrane into an electrolyte where it comes into contact with a working electrode (WE). Additionally, the sensor features an auxiliary electrode (AE) that shares the same catalyst structure as the working electrode but is isolated from the ambient environment. Ideally, subtracting auxiliary voltage (VAE) from the working voltage (VWE) would yield a signal that is directly proportional to ambient gas concentration. However, in reality, we have discovered that VAE in most sensors are unable to accurately follow the variations in VWE. Temperature (T) and humidity interference (H) should be corrected allowing for a nonlinear effect.9 To correct the humidity interference, absolute humidity is calculated from observed temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) by combining the August–Roche–Magnus approximation of the Clausius–Clapeyron relation (eqn (4)) and the ideal gas law for water vapor (eqn (5)):
![]() | (4) |
PH2O = H × RH2O × T | (5) |
Sensor | k 1 | k 2 | k 3 | k 4 | k 5 | k 6 | k 7 | k 8 | MBE | RMSE |
CO | 2.1 | 1.6 | 4.3 × 10−1 | 16.3 | −3.4 × 10−3 | −3.5 × 10−1 | 8.3 | 8.1 × 10−2 | <0.001 | 0.1 |
NO2 | 2.8 | 0.0 | 2.2 × 10−1 | 30.3 | −2.2 × 10−3 | −4.1 × 10−1 | 2.6 | 7.2 × 10−1 | <0.001 | 0.006 |
PM2.5 | 1.0 | 10.4 | −6.6 | <0.1 | 3.2 |
Sensor | Without T & H correction | Without T correction | Without H correction | With T & H correction |
CO | 0.67 | 0.79 | 0.72 | 0.83 |
NO2 | <0 | 0.41 | <0 | 0.84 |
PM2.5 | <0 | 0.59 |
We tested various types of tubing to avoid artifacts associated with gas loss or gain during transport through the tubing and PM loss or gain, the latter being a more serious problem. Tubing with a larger inner diameter is preferred to minimize surface area of tubing inner wall to volume. Various tubes we tested showed demonstrative uptake of PM2.5, presumably adhering to tubing walls. We found that the best tubing for this application is Synflex, which has an ID of 6.3 mm and 9.5 mm OD and has a nylon-lined inner wall and aluminum reinforced plastic outer wall. We used tubing of equal lengths for tubes #1 and 2, both approximately 10 m.
The concentration of constituents in air can be changing while this pump box is switching between tree and no-tree conditions, and this natural variability can generate offsets between these two readings that does not reflect changes occurring due to the location of the sampling tube. By sampling prior and post time intervals, we are assuming that any change in constituent concentration is roughly linear through this 45 minute period. Ambient concentrations sometimes vary or change slope (increasing to decreasing or vice versa) over this time thus we add a correction to take into account these fluctuations. If the slope between reading (a) and (b) is >2 times the slope between (b) and (c) readings (Fig. 5), we cull this data from our comparison. In this way, we are avoiding biases in our data created by rapid changes in ambient air quality and not related to the difference between tree canopy air and ambient.
There is a trade-off between the duration of pumping and the degree to which the sensor box is flushed of previous air and the potential artifact discussed above; longer intervals between switching pumps allows for greater flushing of the box. But longer intervals between switching pumps provides lower resolution in detecting differences between air within and outside the tree canopy. One solution is to use pumps that draw air at a faster rate. This would both minimize time air spent in the tubing but also flush out the sensor box more rapidly. Yet faster pumps draw more power. We find that pump interval durations of 7–15 minutes yield identical results so that we could have gone with shorter pump intervals and generated higher time-resolved data, but the outcome would be the same. If pump times are shorter than 7 minutes, the sensors do not have enough time to come to a stable reading after the box is completely flushed out.
Air flow around and in a tree canopy will vary and the tree's physiology also varies from day-to-night and due to other environmental stressors. Thus, a single, short-term measurement is unlikely to capture the average condition of tree canopy air quality vs. surrounding air quality. For testing this system, we aimed for comparisons for >24 hours to include the overnight period when Los Angeles wind speeds decrease. Comparing tree canopy to ambient air for extended day/night cycles during different seasons and in different trees (of the same species) is recommended for the most robust test of how a particular tree species influences air quality. Such experiments are in progress.
Some trees emit volatile organic compounds which can act as precursors for particle formation.10 It is possible that during the time we conducted these measurements, this tree was emitting precursors enabling the formation of particulate matter. The production and release of pollen is also a possible source of tree PM. That we documented a temporal pattern in PM emission needs to be verified with many more measurements, but also signals physiological and environmental controls on PM production which should be considered when interpreting these results.
Aside from diurnal changes in tree physiology, there are also seasonal variations that are important to consider. While Los Angeles climate does not change dramatically, there is a still a seasonal temperature and moisture variation. The best measurements of tree canopy impact on air quality will include seasonal measurements and including trees of different ages.
Location of the inlet tube placed in the tree canopy and outside the tree canopy might make a difference to the data outcome. Some trees don't have foliage until quite a great distance off the ground. Testing such a tree would require getting the inlet tube high enough to sample air from within the canopy. Many urban trees, those in Los Angeles, are not so tall and a 3–5 m inlet location is usually going to be within the tree canopy, surrounded by foliage. Systematizing the location of the inlet, as mentioned, can be achieved by attaching the inlet tube to an extendable rod and fastening this rod to the tree trunk.
The location of the inlet tube sampling ambient air should ideally be upwind from the location of the tree, but only just outside the tree canopy. Testing a tree in a densely vegetated area with many surrounding trees may not be ideal. Testing a solidary tree is easily achieved in most urban settings.
The co-location of both inlet tubes is essential to establish that the system is not creating any artifactual data. This could come about via electronic interferences, PM generation or consumption by the tubing and pump materials, or other sources. Taking a time-integrated sample is also important so as to minimize the impact of what might be a short-lived biological event occurring near the inlet tube, e.g. squirrel chasing squirrel or simply patchiness in AQ. Clearly the physiology of trees changes between day and night, so making measurements across both time periods is essential. Tree physiology also changes due to tree stressors, such as heat and/or water supply. Measuring tree canopy air quality as a function of tree physiological state could be a future application for such a system as we are well aware that climate change impacts will affect tree physiology.
Yet there is value in the static measurements we make as illustrated by this example. Assume an air volume of 1 km × 1 km × 300 m. In this example, 300 m represents an arbitrary planetary boundary layer height. Urban tree density is often counted as trees per length of roadway, 1–10 trees per 100 m is a typical range of values.13 However, a large fraction of urban trees are on private property thus we use areal values for Los Angeles from Gillespie et al., 2012 (ref. 14) for this calculation, 10000 trees per km2 (which is larger than counts made in and around downtown Los Angeles by the USC Urban Tree Initiative (https://publicexchange.usc.edu/urban-trees-initiative/) that show tree densities between 1600 and 4000 trees per km2). If we further assume an average tree canopy height of 10 m and it occupies a volume defined by a cylinder 10 m diameter, then the volume of air within a single tree canopy is 785 m3. Thus, the total volume of air contained within tree canopies in this hypothetical example is 7
000 m3. This tree canopy volume exists within a total volume of air = 300
000 m3. Tree canopy air represents 2.6% of the total ‘hypothetical’ volume. If the ambient air had a PM2.5 concentration of 15 μg m−3 and the trees increased the PM2.5 by 1 μg m−3, their impact on air concentration would be to increase ambient values to 15.03 μg m−3.
Of course, this is a ‘static’ calculation, which assumes that there is only air in contact with tree canopy and air that is not in contact with tree canopy within our hypothetical volume. In reality, air is always moving and mixing. A better way to achieve a quantification of how a tree will impact air quality will be to know the residence time that air is in contact with a tree canopy. This will depend on the density of the canopy and the velocity of the wind. Such a determination is necessary to scale this static measurement to a more realistic flux value.
This calculation showing the potential impact of trees on air quality is consistent with recent studies that do not show significant differences in air PM concentration between urban tree areas and open areas.5,15 Whether this is due to the density of trees, the volume of well mixed air that is not in contact with trees, or tree emission/consumption rates (kinetics) are all very important considerations. The sensor system we describe is intended for use to help quantify tree canopy impact on air constituents and thereby enhance our understanding and ability to quantify the potential benefits of urban trees.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |