Issue 84, 2024

Aqueous two-phase systems – versatile and advanced (bio)process engineering tools


Aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS), also known as Aqueous Biphasic Systems (ABS), have been extensively studied as platforms for the separation and purification of biomolecules and other valuable compounds. These liquid–liquid extraction (LLE) systems have been a tool for biotechnology since its origin (Albertsson, 1950's), recently expanding to exciting fields such as health, biomedicine and material sciences. Due to their biocompatibility, amenability, flexibility, and versatility, ATPS have been applied across various research areas, addressing many challenges associated with conventional methodologies. In this feature article, we first discuss the fundamentals of ATPS and the molecular mechanisms that govern their formation and are crucial for their application. We then explore the most prominent and innovative applications of these systems in downstream processing. Additionally, we provide insights into the design of in situ upstream–downstream integrated platforms, and their use as pre-treatment and analytical tools. The latest advancements in ATPS applications within disruptive bioengineering and biotechnology fields are presented, along with their pioneering use in emerging scientific areas, such as the formation of all-aqueous (water-in-water) emulsions, microfluidic systems, and membrane-free batteries. Overall, this work underscores the transformative potential of ATPS in various branches of science, pinpointing directions for future research to fully explore and maximize ATPS capabilities, overcome existing hurdles, and drive innovation forward.

Graphical abstract: Aqueous two-phase systems – versatile and advanced (bio)process engineering tools

Article information

Article type
Feature Article
31 5 2024
20 9 2024
First published
23 9 2024

Chem. Commun., 2024,60, 12144-12168

Aqueous two-phase systems – versatile and advanced (bio)process engineering tools

A. M. S. Jorge and J. F. B. Pereira, Chem. Commun., 2024, 60, 12144 DOI: 10.1039/D4CC02663B

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