Dan J.
Department of Chemical Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 100 44, Sweden. E-mail:
First published on 30th January 2024
We extend the use of our recently developed Near-Ambient Pressure Velocity Map Imaging (NAP-VMI) technique to study the kinetics and dynamics of catalytic reactions in the pressure gap. As an example, we show that NAP-VMI combined with molecular beam surface scattering allows the direct measurement of time- and velocity-resolved kinetics of the scattering and oxidation of CO on the Pd(110) surface with oxygen pressures at the surface up to 1 × 10−5 mbar, where different metastable surface structures form. Our results show that the c(2 × 4) oxide structure formed at low O2 pressure is highly active for CO oxidation. The velocity distribution of the CO2 products shows the presence of two reaction channels, which we attribute to reactions starting from two distinct but rapidly interconverting CO binding sites. The effective CO oxidation reaction activation energy is Er = (1.0 ± 0.13) eV. The CO2 production is suppressed at higher O2 pressure due to the number of antiphase domain boundaries increasing, and the missing row sites are filled by O-atoms at O2 pressures approaching 1 × 10−6 mbar. Filling of these sites by O-atoms reduces the CO surface lifetime, meaning the surface oxide is inactive for CO oxidation. We briefly outline further developments planned for the NAP-VMI and its application to other types of experiments.
Among the low Miller index palladium surfaces, CO oxidation on Pd(110) is the least explored, probably due to the surface reconstructions that occur during adsorption. Despite this, research on the Pd(110) surface has been conducted in a pressure range from ultra-high vacuum (UHV) up to several bars using different techniques. Interactions of Pd(110) and oxygen have been studied with low energy electron diffraction (LEED),1,21–23 thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS),21,23–25 scanning tunneling microscopy (STM),26–28 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS),22,23,29,30 surface X-ray diffraction (SXRD)22 and DFT.22,28 Oxygen adsorbs dissociatively on Pd(110) above 160 K and several structures were observed, p(1 × 3), p(1 × 2), (2 × 3)-1D, c(2 × 4), c(2 × 6) and complex structures at different surface temperatures and oxygen exposures.21 The oxygen-induced reconstructions of Pd(110) are complicated and the c(2 × 4) structure is by far the most investigated. The c(2 × 4) structure consists of a Pd(110) (1 × 2)-missing row structure and oxygen atoms adsorbed on the ridge rows in a zigzag pattern.22 The O/Pd(110) surface forms the c(2 × 4) structure at 10−8 mbar which remains up to oxygen pressures of 10−7 mbar. On further increase of the oxygen pressure, the anti-phase domain boundaries fill up the Pd(110) missing row structure until, at oxygen pressure 5 × 10−6 mbar, all missing row structure disappears. Higher oxygen pressures lead to complex (7 × ) and (9 ×
) surface oxide structure.22
CO adsorbs molecularly on Pd(110) at room temperature and can also cause a (1 × 2)-missing row reconstruction.30–34 At low CO coverage (θCO < 0.3), CO randomly adsorbs on (1 × 1)-pristine surface; at high CO coverage (0.3 < θCO < 0.75), Pd(110) reconstructs into (1 × 2)-missing row structure and forms a c(4 × 2)–CO structure in which CO molecules are able to adsorb both on the ridges and in the troughs.31,33 This interpretation of the adsorption sites is suggested by IR spectra and XPS; however, it has been questioned by Zhang et al.34 They suggested that CO adsorbs on first-layer Pd short-bridge sites and second-layer Pd bridge sites using the extended London–Eyring–Polyani–Sato (LEPS) method. CO oxidation on Pd(110) has been studied in conventional UHV setups with LEED,3,35 RAIRS35 and XPS;36,37 or in operando setups with PM-IRAS,15,16 AP-XPS6,30,38 and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF).10,38 Many of these studies come to conflicting conclusions, presumably due to differences in measurement methods and reactor design. Kondoh et al. used AP-XPS to study the Pd(110) surface structure during CO oxidation at 200 mTorr.6 They observed the increase in CO2 production, which coincided with the formation of the complex (7 × ) and (9 ×
) surface oxides and concluded that these surface oxides are the active phases. On the other hand, Gao et al. showed a transient high CO2 turnover frequency (TOF) just after “light-off” and reached a lower plateau due to mass transfer limitation (MTL).15,18 In the MTL region, only ∼0.01% of active sites are required to sustain this level of reaction. From this observation, they concluded that the surface oxide is not the most active phase. Instead, they asserted that the reduced metal is the most active phase at both low- and high-pressure conditions.
In this work, we demonstrate the extension of NAP-VMI to directly study the time-resolved kinetics and dynamics of CO oxidation reactions on Pd(110) in the “pressure gap”. To obtain a full understanding of the scattering/reaction processes, both CO and CO2 are probed. Time-resolved kinetics and speed distributions of the CO2 products are presented. The results show that while CO2 production first increases with oxygen pressure, it is highly suppressed at O2 pressures above 1 × 10−7 mbar. CO surface lifetimes measured under the same conditions are shown to be much shorter than those on clean surfaces. The CO2 speed distribution shows evidence for two reaction channels, which we attribute to CO approaching O-atoms from different binding sites.
Tunable UV laser pulses (210–216 nm) are generated by tripling the fundamental output (630–648 nm) of a dye laser (DCM in ethanol) pumped by the second harmonic output of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser (532 nm). CO molecules are ionized using a 2+1 REMPI process via the E1Π ← X1Σ+ transition.40 We use the S(10) transition for detection of scattered molecules as the J = 10 state is barely populated in the incident beam but is one of the most populated in the scattered distribution. CO2 is detected using laser ionization around 212 nm. We expect this to be a 2+1 REMPI process, presumably via 1-photon-forbidden 1Σ+g and/or 1Πg Rydberg states.41–46 Work is ongoing in our lab to try to determine these details. Typical laser power is around 0.7 mJ per pulse before the laser enters the scattering chamber. Using resonant ionization schemes opens the possibility to make product-state-resolved scattering measurements for CO and, with more work, CO2; however, we do not do that in the current study.
Ions are velocity-mapped and projected onto a Z-stack microchannel plate (MCP) detector (Photek), which is located in the detector chamber. This is separated by a 3 mm aperture from the scattering chamber. A short gate pulse applied to the MCP allows us to select the targeted ions and reduce background noise. A phosphor screen mounted after the MCP converts the electron pulses into light pulses, which are captured by a CCD camera. Imaging detection offers the possibility to measure scattering angular distributions quickly and with high resolution. However, one of the compromises we made in designing the NAP-VMI was the small size of the VMI volume and the corresponding small acceptance angle for particles scattered from the surface. In our previous report,39 we determined a maximum angular acceptance of ±25° for surface scattering. In practice, the angular acceptance is smaller (<±15° in the x–y plane) due to combination of the molecular beam radius, laser ionization volume, and the VMI region, which prevents us from measuring angular distributions for CO2 reaction products. Further developments of the ion optics will attempt to increase the angular acceptance.
We extend the NAP-VMI to obtain kinetic measurements by taking advantage of using a pulsed laser and a pulsed molecular beam. Controlling the delay between the two allows for time-dependent measurements. A delay generator is used to control the delay times for several components: the laser pulse, the molecular beam pulse, the MCP gating, and the camera shutter. The laser has a repetition rate of 10 Hz. The pulsed valve (Amsterdam Piezo Valve) operates at a 10 Hz repetition rate with a valve opening time of 50 μs.47 A gas pressure of 1–3 bar is maintained behind the pulsed valve; we use either pure gas or a mixture of 10% to 40% of the gas with helium. With a 10% beam, we estimate that around 1012 molecules reach the scattering chamber per pulse, which means that less than 0.002 ML of CO is introduced to the surface per molecular beam pulse. In the CO oxidation experiment, the second gas is introduced to the scattering chamber using a leak valve, maintaining a constant pressure of up to 10−3 mbar as measured by a cold cathode gauge. Dosing in this way has several advantages: we can achieve higher pressures, which the NAP-VMI is designed for. Our method is a simple alternative to using a second molecular beam, including an easier method for estimating the flux to the surface. Additionally, the system's chemical potential is better defined than with pulsed molecular beams. Compared to earlier titration experiments, where the surface was first dosed with oxygen and then the reaction with CO was studied, we are able to maintain the surface at different oxygen coverages for extended periods.
Fig. 2 shows the basic data treatment workflow from a single image to the full speed distribution. In principle, a single laser shot at a fixed molecular beam delay provides an image of the scattering velocity distribution. In practice, due to the limited signals in each image, we combine several tens or hundreds of laser shots to acquire a complete velocity map image. For time-resolved measurements, we recorded images while varying the delay between the pulsed molecular beam and the pulsed laser. Fig. 2(a) shows the individual images of CO scattering on Pd(110) across a series of molecular-beam delays; while Fig. 2(c) shows the images combined over all delay scans, which represents the whole scattering event. Three distinct features are visible in the images: (1) the background build-up at the center of the image, these are molecules which have undergone multiple scattering events with the surface and with the ion optics and are centered at zero velocity in the lab frame; (2) the upper part represents the incident molecular beam; and (3) the lower part represents the scattered molecules. Velocity calibration was determined from the known velocities of N2 fragments from N2O photodissociation.39 For CO (m/z = 28), one pixel is equivalent to 12 m s−1. Fig. 2(b) shows the time-resolved measurement of CO scattering, with each data point collected from an individual molecular-beam delay image, as shown in Fig. 2(a). For the CO scattering signals, we selected a region spanning 40–60 pixels and a 20-degree sector below the center. Fig. 2(d) shows the speed distribution of both the CO incident beam (a 20-degree sector above the center) and the scattered molecules (a 20-degree sector below the center); the contribution of background build-up is removed by averaging the build-up signal outside the surface normal direction. The flux of CO is calculated by multiplying the CO signal by its velocity. The same method was used for measuring CO2. However, the pixel to velocity calibration was different. For CO2 (m/z = 44), one pixel is equivalent to 10 m s−1.
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We fit this kinetic model to the experimental kinetic traces to determine the desorption rate coefficients of CO on Pd(110) for the known surface temperatures. The red curves in Fig. 3(a) show typical fits. Fig. 3(b) shows the Arrhenius plot of the rate coefficients determined in this way for CO trapping desorption. From this, we determine a desorption activation energy of (1.17 ± 0.02) eV and a pre-factor of (0.42 ± 0.38) × 1013 s−1. Jones et al. report a desorption activation energy of 1.27 eV to 1.37 eV,37 depending on coverage determined from a Redhead analysis50 of TPD spectra with an assumed pre-factor of 5 × 1013 s−1. The discrepancy between our activation energy and that of Jones et al.37 appears to be due to the large value of the pre-factor they used, leading to a larger activation energy.
Transition state theory (TST)51 allows us to derive the CO binding energy on Pd(110) and compare it with other studies. The sticking probability is a key parameter in TST. Several studies have reported varying values for the initial sticking probability of CO on Pd(110), ranging from 0.4 to 1.37,52–54 We determine binding energies from a 2D TST calculation48,55 and obtain D2D0 = (1.46–1.52) eV, depending on the value of the sticking probability that we use, which is consistent with previous findings. Conrad et al. used TPD to determine the isosteric energy of adsorption of 1.17 eV to 1.73 eV.56 Raval et al. reported the heats of adsorption of 1.38 eV to 1.9 eV.32 The reasons for the broad spread of the heats of adsorption in their reported adsorption energy are unclear but might be due to the relative ease with which surface reconstructions can be induced on Pd(110), leading to different surface structures and various adsorption sites, that are beyond the scope of this study.
Several reaction mechanisms have been proposed for CO oxidation on metal surfaces, especially when modeling CO oxidation oscillations.2 These include reactions involving subsurface oxygen and reactions occurring on different active sites (step, terrace, atop, bridge, hole, …).57,62,63 To investigate the potential role of subsurface oxygen atoms in CO oxidation, we conducted the experiment using an O2 beam with leaked CO molecules in the scattering chamber, shown in Fig. 4(b) and (d). Under these experimental conditions, we assume we can rule out the involvement of subsurface oxygen. The results from the CO2 speed distribution still indicate two reaction channels, suggesting that subsurface oxygen atoms are not essential for producing these two channels. It does not imply that subsurface oxygen atoms do not exist; rather, it emphasizes that they are unimportant in the context of the active surface O-atoms. Therefore, we will only consider surface oxygen atoms in subsequent discussions.
With VMI detection, we can independently measure the kinetics of the reactions producing thermal and hyperthermal CO2 based on the different product velocity distributions. Fig. 5(a) shows the kinetic traces of CO2 production for surface temperature Ts = 550–625 K at pO2 = 8 × 10−8 mbar in the scattering chamber, with a CO pure beam. The blue dots, representing the slow component, are integrated from the 20–50 pixel range within a 20-degree sector below the center; the red dots, which represent the fast component, are integrated from the 120–180 pixel range within a 20-degree sector below the center. Unlike the Pt(111) case,57 where the different speed components had different kinetics, the time-resolved kinetic traces of CO2 production for the slow and the fast component are almost identical. Under these reaction conditions, we expect to have pseudo-first order kinetics where the time-dependence of the reaction rate depends only on the CO coverage. The fact that we observe the same time dependence for both speed components suggests that the CO molecules are able to move freely on the surface on a faster (sub μs) time-scale than our experiment can probe. Another possibility is the existence of two types of surface oxygen atoms leading to two reaction channels. Based on previous studies, there is only one type of O-atom on the O/Pd(110) surface at this oxygen pressure22 though we cannot currently rule out the influence of steps or other defects.
We have developed a simple kinetic model to describe the reaction using a modified Langmuir–Hinshelwood (L–H) mechanism based on fast diffusion and interchange of CO between two distinct binding sites, from where the reaction can start, with one oxygen adsorption site. We assume there is no oxygen atom desorption and that CO2 immediately desorbs from the surface after reaction:
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The reaction rate coefficient is k(Ts) = kd + (kαr + kβr)·[O(a)]. Since the oxygen flux to the surface is much larger than the CO flux; therefore, we assumed the number of O-atoms on the surface, [O(a)] remained constant throughout the reaction, giving a pseudo first-order kinetics rate coefficient. By fitting eqn (7) to the kinetic traces we obtain an effective pseudo-first order rate coefficient kpf(Ts) = kd + (kαpf + kβpf). At low O-coverage, we can use the CO desorption rate coefficients (kd) obtained from CO scattering on clean Pd(110) to extract an effective pseudo-first order rate for the oxidation reaction, keffpf(Ts) = kαpf + kβpf. Fig. 5(b) shows the Arrhenius plot of the effective CO oxidation rate coefficients obtained from each channel. In both cases, an activation energy of (1.0 ± 0.13) eV is determined. The fact that we observe two reaction channels with the same time-dependence, and therefore rates, leads us to the conclusion that we are still measuring an effective rate, as the CO interchange is too fast for us to resolve. Determining the individual activation energies will require either better time-resolution to separate the two channels and/or accurate measurement of the branching fractions between the two channels. This interpretation is consistent with the observations31,32 that two binding modes are populated for CO on reconstructed Pd(110) and the insensitivity to steps and other defects compared to CO on Pt. The two sites are close (in space and energy) which makes it more likely that they remain in equilibrium during the reaction.
There are multiple values of activation energy reported for CO oxidation on Pd(110) between 0.47 eV and 1.49 eV.64–67 The broad range of activation energy in previous reports might be due to differences in experimental conditions and methods. Berlowitz et al. reported values of 1.13 eV and 1.44 eV for low surface temperatures (<460 K) and higher temperatures (475 K to 625 K), respectively.66 Ehsasi et al. obtained a low value of 0.47 eV under CO oscillation conditions.64 Nakao et al. report a high value of 1.49 eV when using a mixed CO/O2 molecular beam.65,67
Fig. 6 shows the changes in the effective CO oxidation rate coefficient, keffpf = kαpf + kβpf and total CO2 production as a function of oxygen pressure, ranging from 2.5 × 10−8 to 1 × 10−6 mbar at 650 K. The apparent rate coefficient for CO2 from both thermal and hyperthermal channel, k(Ts), increases with oxygen pressure and reaches a maximum at pO2 = 5 × 10−7 mbar. Under these conditions, the reactions are so fast that we are limited by the time resolution of the molecular beam. The total CO2 production initially increases with oxygen pressure and reaches its maximum at pO2 = 5 × 10−8 mbar. Further increases in oxygen pressure suppress the CO2 production. In an effort to understand the changes that are occurring in the reaction mechanism at higher oxygen pressure we have performed kinetic measurements probing the CO under the same conditions. Fig. 7 shows the CO scattering kinetics at Ts = 600 K with no oxygen and pO2 = 5 × 10−6 mbar in the scattering chamber. On the clean Pd(110) surface (no oxygen in the chamber), only a few CO molecules directly scatter, and most of the CO molecules have a longer residence time. At high O2 pressures, the CO scattering signal becomes stronger than that from the clean metal surface and the lifetime becomes much shorter, implying that CO molecules do not adsorb/stick as strongly on O/Pd(110) as on the clean surface. This can be due to a reduction in the CO sticking probability, leading to direct scattering, or due to a reduction in the CO binding energy, leading to faster desorption at a given temperature. We tried to derive the adsorption activation energy from the temperature-dependent desorption rates, but they are too fast even at room temperatures and we are currently unable to measure them. This very fast desorption reduces the probability of CO oxidation and suppresses the CO2 production. Westerström et al. reported a phase diagram for Pd(110) under various oxygen pressures.22 A missing row-Pd(110) with a c(2 × 4)–O structure forms at low O2 pressure (10−8 mbar to 10−7 mbar). As O2 pressure increases, the number of anti-phase domain boundaries increases, causing the missing row structure to disappear at pO2 = 1 × 10−6 mbar. The surface eventually forms a (2 × 1)–2O structure and later transforms into complex surface oxide structures. Our results directly demonstrate that the c(2 × 4)–O structure, which forms at low oxygen pressure, is highly active. In contrast, the complex surface oxide structures formed at high oxygen pressure are less reactive because CO desorbs very quickly at the relevant temperature.
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Fig. 6 Comparison of the CO oxidation apparent rate coefficients (left) and normalized total CO2 production (right) at 650 K and various O2 pressure in the scattering chamber. CO2 signal is normalized to pO2 = 5 × 10−8 mbar. (Top) shows the corresponding structure in ref. 22. |
Based on the results presented in Fig. 4–7, we propose the following reaction pathway. CO molecules on the c(2 × 4)–O surface can approach the O-atoms from the two CO adsorption sites described in previous reports31,34 and result in two reaction channels, observed in our experiment. If the CO species interconvert quickly, this can lead to two channels with the same time dependence. As the O2 pressure increases, the anti-phase domain boundaries fill up the missing row structure. This could give the appearance of a Pd(110)–c(2 × 6)–O structure when observed by LEED.3 Consequently, this complex surface oxide structure prevents the adsorption of CO molecules to the surface. Fig. 8 shows the speed distribution of CO2 at pO2 = 5 × 10−6 mbar, where the CO2 reaction is significantly suppressed. Due to the low intensity in CO2 signal, the image was acquired at a single molecular beam delay (where the most CO2 was detected) and integrated over 40000 laser shots. The results show that the slow channel is highly suppressed at both low (400 K) and high temperature (650 K); and the fast component exhibits a faster speed distribution (higher average kinetic energy) at low surface temperatures. The suppression of the slow component can be attributed to the disappearance of one of the CO adsorption sites. At pO2 > 1 × 10−6 mbar, the O/Pd(110) shows a Pd(110)–c(2 × 1)–2O surface oxide structure, and the Pd(110)-missing row structure is filled.22 The filling of the missing row suggests the elimination of the trough structures. Thus, we attribute the slow channel to the CO adsorption in the troughs of the Pd(110)–(1 × 2) missing row structure, supporting the findings of Raval et al.31 The fast channel can result from CO adsorption on the ridges of the Pd(110)–(1 × 2) missing row structure or the defect sites on the Pd(110)–c(2 × 1)–2O surface oxide (both on the top layer of O/Pd(110)). Yamanaka reported the increases of CO2 vibrational and rotational temperatures (which correspond to reductions in translational kinetic energies) on the Pd(110)–(1 × 2) missing row structure compared to the pristine Pd(110) surface.63 This observation supports our assumptions that the slow channel is associated with the Pd(110)–(1 × 2) missing row structure, where the CO can react from the troughs. The reason why a lower surface temperature results in CO2 molecules with higher average kinetic energy is currently unclear. It could be due to the rigidity of the surface.69
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Fig. 8 Comparison of the CO2 speed distribution for CO oxidation with 10% CO/He molecular beam and pO2 = 5 × 10−6 mbar in the scattering chamber at surface temperatures of (a) 400 K and (b) 650 K. |
The reaction scenario we present, involving two interchangeable CO adsorption sites and one oxygen adsorption site, is consistent with our experimental data, kinetic modeling, and previous reports. However, there are still unresolved aspects in understanding the complete reaction mechanisms, such as the CO adsorption site on the metastable Pd(110) surface structures and dynamics of CO2 products. Further experimental developments to improve the time resolution and angular acceptance of the NAP-VMI may help, as will the support of high-level theory.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |