a and
Yun Jeong
aDepartment of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea. E-mail:
bInstitute for Data Innovation in Science, Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea
cCenter for Nanoparticle Research, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea
First published on 5th June 2024
The introduction of non-metal elements including boron has been identified as a significant means to enhance oxygen evolution reaction (OER) performance in NiFe-based catalysts. To understand the catalytic activity and stability, recent attention has widened toward the Fe species as a potential contributor, prompting exploration from various perspectives. Here, boron incorporation in NiFe hydroxide achieves significantly enhanced activity and stability compared to the boron-free NiFe hydroxide. The boron inclusion in NiFe hydroxide is found to show exceptionally improved stability from 12 to 100 hours at a high current density (200 mA cm−2). It facilitates the production and redeposition of OER-active, high-valent Fe species in NiFe hydroxide based on the operando Raman, UV-vis, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy analysis. It is proposed that preserving a homogenous distribution of Fe across the boron-containing catalyst surface enhances OER stability, unlike the bare NiFe hydroxide electrocatalyst, which exhibits uneven Fe dissolution, confirmed through elementary mapping analysis. These findings shed light on the potential of anionic regulation to augment the activity of iron, an aspect not previously explored in depth, and thus are expected to aid in designing practical OER electrocatalysts.
Recently, there has been much advancement within transition metal-based catalysts to replace the past noble-metal catalysts. Among those, nickel-iron hydroxides (NiFeOxHy) are seen as the most practical alternative, due to their high activity and abundance.8,9 For NiFeOxHy catalysts, Ni has been acknowledged as the predominantly responsible element of the active site for OER. When applying anodic potentials, Ni shows obvious electronic shifts to higher oxidation states and the apparent NiOOH phase evolution, investigated by operando X-ray absorption (XAS) and Raman spectroscopy.9 Therefore, catalyst design strategies were focused on promoting the activity of Ni by introducing foreign elements to induce higher oxidation states, which is known to stabilize OER intermediates more and promote oxygen production.10,11
On the other hand, although researchers state in unison that Fe is a crucial factor for high activity, Fe has been less highlighted due to the lack of apparent changes from operando observation.12 When Fe is incorporated, its Lewis acidity aids in the formation of more OER-active Ni4+.13–16 However, recent reports also elucidate the significance of Fe as an active component for OER because highly oxidized Fe is detected at oxygen-producing potentials by in situ Mössbauer spectroscopy and surface interrogation scanning electrochemical microscopy revealing that the ratio of Fe to Ni within the catalyst is correlated to the ratio of kinetically fast to slow active sites.17,18 Building on these findings, Hunter et al. detected the highly oxidized FeVIO42− species under the anodic condition in a nonaqueous electrolyte and found that upon the introduction of an alkaline solution, these species would diminish while producing oxygen, thus providing strong evidence of Fe as an OER active site.19
The Fe also becomes more emphasized from the perspective of stability. A study of pristine Fe (oxy)hydroxides and Fe–M (M = Ni or Co) (oxy)hydroxides elaborated that OER active Fe requires a stable host material. Otherwise, it would suffer from severe dissolution and lead to low stability of the catalyst.20 Other types of research show that phase segregation or loss of Fe within the catalyst surface results in a catalytic dead site and performance loss.21 The NiFe catalysts often showed the drawback of low stability when operating at high current densities (>100 mA cm−2). Researchers have suggested various approaches such as implementing more Fe into the electrolyte to prevent the leaching of Fe from the catalyst to build practical electrocatalysts that not only have high activity but also long-term stability.22 However, there are debates regarding the effects of and the roles of Fe within NiFe catalysts, and for these reasons, profound efforts are required to comprehend the contribution of Fe, and strategies should be devised to develop effective methodologies for preserving durable Fe and ensuring the sustained performance of OER.
Meanwhile, one of the key strategies for the designing of practical and highly active electrocatalysts is non-metal regulation strategies, which introduce non-metal elements such as B, N, S, or P through intercalation within the hydroxide layers.23–28 The introduction of non-metal elements is proposed to be capable of modulating the electronic structure of the metal sites and tuning the covalency and bond strength between the metal and non-metal atoms, facilitating surface reconstruction, creating defects, or alleviating charge transfer to facilitate OER activity. These effects can be beneficial to reach high performances of the electrocatalysts. However, the elucidation on the higher performances is mostly centralized toward Ni instead of Fe, and thus the effects of non-metal regulation strategies on Fe are still not fully understood, such as whether it can promote the oxidation states of Fe, or whether it can affect the Fe dissolution/segregation. Although a recent report on NO3− incorporated NiFe catalyst demonstrated to remain within the catalyst, contrary to other non-metal atoms such as P and S, and retain the OER stability through its strong interaction with Fe, whether other non-metal elements can also have a strong interaction, promote the oxidation states, or affect the dissolution/segregation of Fe is still unknown29 similar to NO3−, another element that has been found to not leach out and thus continuously interact with metal hydroxide surfaces is boron.9,30–32 Recent advances in boron inclusion achieve promising improvement in OER activity with low overpotentials. However, the reason for higher performance upon boron inclusion is not well defined, especially from the perspective of Fe, and the impact of boron on stability is still premature, necessitating further investigation.
Herein, we constructed a B-containing NiFe hydroxide catalyst (B-NiFeOxHy) which features high OER activity and enhanced stability under high current density compared to the B-free counterpart. Through a series of material characterizations, we found that the interaction between Ni–B, as well as Fe–B was existent while maintaining the hydroxide crystal phase. We directly observed the more robust oxidation of Fe when boron was present in the electrocatalyst, indicating the production of OER active Fe and thus significantly enhancing the catalytic activity of NiFe hydroxide using operando UV-Vis spectroscopy and XAS analysis. The input of boron also resulted in a faster redeposition of Fe onto the surface of the catalyst and preserved the homogeneity of Fe spatial distribution on the catalyst surface. These results propose a robust catalytic active cycle of Fe facilitated by boron, preventing instability issues associated with Fe local structure or formation of Fe-poor sites. Our work provides an understanding of the activity and stability enhancement by the effect of boron incorporation from a perspective of Fe which has not been dealt with in depth before this study, and thus highlights boron engineering as a promising strategy to develop robust and durable OER electrocatalysts.
E(vs. RHE) = E(vs. Hg/HgO) + 0.098 + 0.05916 × pH. | (1) |
The double-layer capacitance (Cdl) of the catalyst was calculated based on the CV curves obtained in a non-faradaic potential region (1.10 to 1.20 V) at various scan rates from 5 to 200 mV s−1. The slopes obtained from the graph depicting half of the capacitive current densities against the scan rate are indicative of the double-layer capacitance (Cdl). The electrochemical surface area (ECSA) of catalysts was determined through the formula: ECSA = Cdl/Cs, where Cs represents the nominal specific capacitance (Cs = 0.04 mF cm−2).8 Turnover Frequency (TOF) was estimated by the following eqn (2):
TOF = j × Ageo/n × F × Nsite | (2) |
To investigate the effect of boron on the electronic states and structure of Ni and Fe, we employed an X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) analysis of B-NiFeOxHy and NiFeOxHy (Fig. 1c, f, and Fig. S5†). Ni and Fe K-edge XANES spectra exhibit the ensemble oxidation states of Ni and Fe in both B-NiFeOxHy and NiFeOxHy. We found the electronic structures for NiFeOxHy closely resemble previous findings on NiFe hydroxides.38 However, notable differences emerged upon the introduction of boron. The oxidation state of Ni shifted towards a less oxidative state (<+2), attributable to the incorporation of boron in the catalyst (Fig. 1c).39 Similarly, the oxidation states of Fe also shifted toward less oxidative states (Fig. 1f). In the Ni K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) of B-NiFeOxHy, an elongated peak appeared near 2 Å other than the distances of 1.50 and 2.64 Å, assigned to the Ni–O and Ni–Ni/Fe bonds, respectively (Fig. S5a†). A similar phenomenon appeared in the Fe K-edge EXAFS. This phenomenon is reported to be related to a metal–B bond, which has been reported to be longer than the bonds of M–O. The alteration in the electronic structure of B-NiFeOxHy compared to its B-free counterpart and the results that the addition of boron induces a discernible change to less oxidized states at both metal sites indicate that boron is incorporated and interacts with the Ni and Fe elements of the catalyst.40
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) supports the XAS observations of less oxidized states of Ni and Fe in B-NiFeOxHy (Fig. S6–S8†). The two spin–orbital doublets seen in both B-NiFeOxHy and NiFeOxHy in 855.8 eV (2p3/2) and 873.5 eV (2p1/2), and the two satellite peaks in Fig. S6† are typical features of Ni2+. These features match well with previously reported NiFe hydroxide catalysts.41 Notably, a distinct peak attributed to lower oxidized species Niδ+ (0 < δ < 1) emerges in B-NiFeOxHy, as the result of Ni interaction with less electronegative boron.39 Similarly, the Fe 2p spectra demonstrate an increase in the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio of NiFeOxHy and B-NiFeOxHy, rising from 0.42 to 0.78 upon boron introduction. The results indicate the inclusion of boron modulates the electronic structure of Fe to increase the proportion of Fe2+ and have a less oxidized ensemble state (Fig. S7†). The results of the B 1s XPS spectrum reveal a feature at 187.8 eV corresponding to metal–B alongside the presence of B–O at 192 eV (Fig. S8a†).39 Meanwhile, the O 1s spectra of B-NiFeOxHy and NiFeOxHy are not significantly different and can be similarly deconvoluted to the lattice oxygen (M–O), hydroxyl group (M–OH), and absorbed H2O peaks at 529.8, 531.3, and 532.8 eV.9 With this understanding of the material structure, we compared the OER activity of the synthesized catalysts.
The OER activity of surface reconstructed B-NiFeOxHy (sr_B-NiFeOxHy) and NiFeOxHy (sr_NiFeOxHy) catalysts was characterized in 1 M KOH electrolyte using a reverse polarization scan with a scan rate of 5 mV s−1 to exclude the effects of the Ni(II) to Ni(III) oxidative current and other capacitive currents which can overestimate the intrinsic OER activity.43,44 Through the observed potential range, sr_B-NiFeOxHy surpassed the activity of sr_NiFeOxHy, having an overpotential of 250 mV at 10 mA cm−2 which is greatly lower than that of sr_NiFeOxHy (369 mV at 10 mA cm−1) (Fig. 2a and Table S2†). The kinetics of the catalyst were evaluated from the Tafel slopes (Fig. 2b), showing the sr_B-NiFeOxHy (54 mV dec−1) was measured to have much faster kinetics compared to sr_NiFeOxHy (119 mV dec−1). The turnover frequency (TOF), an intrinsic property of a catalyst and thus indicative of the activity of an active site, was estimated at 1.64 V vs. RHE based on the ICP-MS characterization results assuming all metal atoms of the electrode participated in the active sites (eqn (2)). sr_B-NiFeOxHy was calculated to be 0.046 S−1, which is 13 times higher than sr_NiFeOxHy (0.0035 S−1). The electrochemically active surface area (ECSA) was not influenced significantly by boron, proving the high specific activity of sr_B-NiFeOxHy (Fig. 2c and S13†). In addition, the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) of sr_B-NiFeOxHy shows a smaller charge transfer resistance (Rct) than sr_NiFeOxHy at 1.5 V vs. RHE, being 29.7 Ω and 168.5 Ω, respectively, further supporting the faster electron transfer kinetics (Fig. 2d and Table S3†). Overall, these results confirm that the introduction of boron significantly promotes the intrinsic activity of the active sites and facilitates higher kinetics for OER.
For a thorough analysis of the origin of enhanced activity, we examined the surface reconstruction potential on B-NiFeOxHy and NiFeOxHy as it is indicative of the faster evolution of NiOOH which enables OER to evolve at a lower anodic potential (Fig. 2e and f). A widely utilized approach to elucidate this potential is operando Raman spectroscopy measurement, as when the NiOOH phase evolves on the catalyst surface, prominent Raman shift features at 478 cm−1 and 557 cm−1 are seen. These measurements were conducted in 1.0 M KOH electrolyte within the potential range of 1.30 to 1.44 V vs. RHE. At lower potentials, both catalysts exhibited a Raman shift at 525 cm−1 associated with the vibration of disordered Ni(OH)2 (ν(Ni2+–O)).21 Upon applying more anodic potentials, the NiOOH features became prominent at 1.40 V vs. RHE in sr_B-NiFeOxHy, in contrast to sr_NiFeOxHy where features became prominent at 1.42 V vs. RHE. In addition to finding the surface reconstruction potential of each electrocatalyst, we determined the extent of structural disorder within the NiOOH phase, where the ratio between the intensity of the NiOOH peaks (I557/I478), would indicate a greater degree of structural disorder of NiOOH. A higher ratio is indicative of a greater degree of disorder in the defective NiOOH, proposed to be more active for oxidation reactions.23 However, at 1.44 V vs. RHE, the I557/I478 was measured to be 0.59 for sr_B-NiFeOxHy and 0.80 for sr_NiFeOxHy, exhibiting contrasting results that indicate a less disordered NiOOH phase on sr_B-NiFeOxHy catalyst. Although the operando Raman spectra results imply that the introduction of B facilitates faster surface reconstruction for NiOOH, the small 20 mV difference and the opposing results of the lesser disorder of sr_B-NiFeOxHy are insufficient to state that the greater activity in sr_B-NiFeOxHy compared to sr_NiFeOxHy is solely due to a promotion of the OER active phase of Ni made by boron.
The FeO42− species are short-lived in 1.0 M KOH and rapidly decompose into other Fe species, posing a challenge in capturing the dynamic changes of Fe during reaction conditions.47,48 To address this issue and observe the species of interest, the OER of both catalysts was performed using a chronopotentiometry (CP) method at a constant current density of 300 mA cm−2 in an H-cell to ensure the continuous oxidation of Fe species under highly alkaline conditions. When FeO42− is present in the electrolyte, the electrolyte yields a violet colour and UV-Vis adsorption peaks corresponding to the 3A2 → 3T1 transition and 3A2 → 3T2 transition at 505 nm and 780 nm, respectively, become evident. Therefore, the concentration of FeO42− within the electrolyte was monitored with an in situ UV-Vis cuvette cell. Detailed experimental conditions, following previous reports, are provided in the Experimental section and an overview of the system is provided in Fig. S14.†
Our in situ UV-Vis analysis concluded that a higher quantity of FeO42− was produced in sr_B-NiFeOxHy, indirectly evidencing that the introduction of B indeed induced more Fe to become oxidized (Fig. 3a). More specifically, the colour of the anolyte was converted from transparent to violet after 12 h of the operation time, and the accumulation of FeO42− species was obvious in the UV-Vis spectra. Upon elongated reaction time, we were able to observe that the FeO42− species did not further accumulate after 12 h, indicating that a steady state between the highly oxidized Fe species and dissolved FeO42− species was present. In contrast, the colour change was not as evident in the case of sr_NiFeOxHy, and minuscule peaks of FeO42− evolved at the same period showing the input of B induced a significantly different response to the Fe species (Fig. 3b). Combining the in situ UV-Vis results between the two catalysts, we suggest that the inclusion of boron induces an increase of Fe to FeO42− formation, hinting the reason to differing OER activity could be due to the differing contribution of OER active Fe.
To investigate the related electronic structure changes during OER, we conducted an in situ X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) analysis of the Fe and Ni K-edge of sr_B-NiFeOxHy and sr_NiFeOxHy (Fig. S15 and S16†). Both sr_B-NiFeOxHy and sr_NiFeOxHy evolved into a higher oxidation state compared to their pristine counterparts. More specifically, in the Fe K-edge, the sr_B-NiFeOxHy went through an oxidation state change (Δ) of 2.0 eV whereas sr_NiFeOxHy only went through a 0.8 eV change. Likewise, the oxidation state difference of Ni between the pristine state and after applying potential was larger for sr_B-NiFeOxHy (1.1 eV) than sr_NiFeOxHy (0.9 eV), which was expected due to the surface reconstruction of the catalyst to the oxyhydroxide structure, seen in our previous operando Raman results. This reflects the hypothesis presented in Fig. 3 if higher quantities of Fe species are capable of oxidation during OER when boron is present, then a greater disparity would be observed between the pristine and the operando OER conditions. In addition, the oxidation state of Fe did not change after 1.43 V vs. RHE for sr_B-NiFeOxHy and 1.50 V vs. RHE for sr_NiFeOxHy, respectively, indicating that B induced a faster evolution of active Fe state on the catalyst surface allowing it to reach a steady state at a lower potential. To conclude, we investigated the Fe species and saw that B in NiFeOxHy induces a more feasible evolution of highly oxidized Fe species on the catalyst surface from the in situ XANES results and in situ UV-Vis analysis. From our results and previous literature that state the mechanism of Fe, we propose the effect of boron as Fig. 3c, to contribute additional improved activity of the catalyst through facilitating the catalytic active cycle of Fe including their dissolution and redeposition.
To examine whether the varying stabilities of the two catalysts originated from the substantial dissolution of metal elements from the catalyst surface, we measured the metal concentration in the electrolyte throughout the stability test using the ICP-MS. In addition to Fe, which is of interest due to its configuration being a main cause of decay in performance, Ni was also analyzed to not overlook the possibility of the degradation of the catalyst.52,53 Before all experiments, the as-prepared electrolytes had Fe and Ni concentrations of 59.9 ppb and 16.5 ppb, respectively, which was expected due to commercial KOH being known to contain metal impurities (Fig. 4b and c). After activation of the catalyst, the concentrations of Fe in the electrolyte diminished to 8.62 ppb for sr_B-NiFeOxHy and 35.7 ppb for sr_NiFeOxHy, due to the initial incorporation of Fe into the catalyst surface.12 In the course of the stability test, no noticeable increase in the concentration of either metal was observed in either electrolyte using B-NiFeOxHy or NiFeOxHy, indicating that stability loss was not attributable to metal leaching. Moreover, it is noteworthy that the average concentration of Fe throughout the stability test was lower for sr_B-NiFeOxHy (16.3 ppb) compared to sr_NiFeOxHy (31.4 ppb), indicating that the B-containing catalyst promoted the redeposition of Fe ions onto the catalyst surface and shifted the equilibrium at lower concentration values of Fe ions in the electrolyte (Fig. S20†). These results taken together with the in situ UV-Vis analysis, suggest that the introduction of boron promotes the formation/redeposition cycle of Fe species onto the catalyst surfaces, contributing to the enhanced OER activity.
To envision the spatial distribution of Fe relative to Ni on the catalyst, an electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) was implemented before and after the stability test. Fig. 4d and f show that before the stability test, the relative intensities of Fe follow the intensities of Ni over the catalyst surface area, indicating the homogeneous distribution on the initial catalyst, consistent with the previously mentioned EDX mapping images. In sr_B-NiFeOxHy, after 12 h and 100 h of operation, there was no indication of inhomogeneous distribution of Fe (Fig. S21† and Fig. 4e). However, after 12 h of operation for sr_NiFeOxHy, we observed the Fe-poor areas, evident from the orange boxes that displayed a noticeable loss of Fe relative to Ni compared to the regions marked with red boxes, although all areas exhibited similar intensities of Ni (Fig. 4g). The Fe ions lost in this region might have redeposited in areas where Fe is present, making it challenging to identify an extremely segregated Fe site. Nevertheless, the findings still affirm that the absence of boron will result in an uneven distribution of Fe during OER, influencing the catalyst's performance in long-term operation.
To observe the local reconstruction of Fe with the OER stability test process, the Fe K-edge EXAFS spectrum for sr_B-NiFeOxHy was further analyzed. Fig. 5a demonstrates the EXAFS spectra of the pristine state, post 12 h and 100 h reaction of sr_B-NiFeOxHy. When compared with the pristine state, the increasing evolution of the Fe–M (M = Fe or Ni) radial distance at 2.70 Å is noticeably observed. This confirms the reconstruction of the Fe on the catalyst surface. If Fe is dissolved and redeposited on the catalyst surface, the local structure surrounding the Fe atom would vary, leading to consequential changes in the radial distances. A similar trend was seen in the radial distance of the Ni–M (M = Fe or Ni) bond of Ni K-edge EXAFS analysis drawn in Fig. 5b. The oxidation state variations of post-OER sr_B-NiFeOxHy were also examined by Fe and Ni K-edge XANES spectra. The Fe/Ni K-edges of post-12 h and 100 h sr_B-NiFeOxHy electrodes are shifted to a higher energy state by 1.5 (0.68) and 1.85 (0.83), respectively, compared to that of B-NiFeOxHy (Fig. S22 and S23†). In addition, the larger shifted value of Fe K-edge XANES spectra suggests the oxidation of Fe species during the long-term OER process. This analysis, along with the growth of distinct thin layers in the Cs-corrected STEM images of long-term post-OER sr_B-NiFeOxHy shown in Fig. S24,† confirms the active reconstruction of Fe and Ni on the B-NiFeOxHy catalyst during OER.44 Furthermore, to clarify the evolution of boron species and to determine whether boron had leached out from the catalyst, an XPS analysis of the electrodes after long-term stability was taken (Fig. 5c and Table S5†). After 12 h and 100 h of long-term operation, the M–B bond that was initially seen disappeared and only the boron–oxo bond continued to remain. The Ni:
B ratio slightly diminished from 0.52 to 0.4 and 0.42 respectively. ICP-MS results further proved that the boron species retained on the catalyst after long-term operation, showing a Ni
B atomic ratio of 0.34 (Tables S6 and S7†). These results suggest that the boron species will modulate the active metal elements and prevent performance degradation as boron would remain within the catalyst.
Our B-incorporated catalyst demonstrated that the enhanced OER activity attributed to the incorporation of boron, which increased the production of high-valent Fe, and facilitated the regeneration cycle of Fe. This also prevented Fe inhomogeneity and mitigated activity degradation. These results imply that introducing boron and potentially other non-metal elements will induce changes in the dynamic cycle of Fe, leading to improvements in catalytic performance. Furthermore, we suggest the introduction of non-metal elements as a promising strategy for OER electrocatalysts and advise future studies to consider and monitor the dynamic processes and changes of Fe alongside Ni for the design of practical and efficient electrocatalysts.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
‡ These authors equally contributed to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |