*a and
aDepartment of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University Hlavova 8, Prague 12843, Czech Republic. E-mail: maksym.opanasenko@natur.cuni.cz
bLaboratoire Catalyse et Spectrochimie, Normandie Université, ENSICAEN, UNICAEN, CNRS, Caen 14050, France
cDepartment of Low-Temperature Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, V Holešovičkách 2, Prague 8 180 00, Czech Republic
First published on 21st October 2024
Germanosilicate zeolites are attractive adsorbents and catalysts, thanks to their diverse structures and versatile textural properties. However, hydrolytic instability of such zeolites, even under ambient conditions, restricts their practical applications. In this study, we report dynamic changes in the state of the zeolite framework atoms due to Ge de-intercalation and Si re-insertion in aqueous medium and propose a strategy for stabilizing zeolites with planar and orthogonal locations of Ge-rich domains by managing both processes. Adjusting the acidity or temperature of the aqueous environment enabled Ge and Si atoms to reach balanced mobility, allowing Ge atoms to be leached and Si atoms to be inserted into the released positions, thereby stabilizing the zeolite framework. The developed approach offers a practical and controllable method for structural stabilization of any labile germanosilicate material, with potential applications in catalysis, as demonstrated after the incorporation of Al-associated acid centers.
The hydrolytic stability of germanosilicate zeolites is conventionally influenced by three main factors:
(i) The presence of an organic structure-directing agent (OSDA) is required for the synthesis of a zeolite. After the synthesis, OSDA stays in the voids and stabilizes the framework due to van der Waals interactions, but it needs to be removed by calcination for the practical application of a zeolite.
(ii) The number of Ge atoms per D4R – hydrolytic stability is reached when a D4R unit contains fewer than four Ge atoms on average.13,14
(iii) The location of these D4R units within the zeolite structure (1DD4R, 2DD4R, or 3DD4R) – hydrolytic stability usually increases in the sequence of 1DD4R < 2DD4R < 3DD4R zeolites.
1DD4R zeolites (for example, IWV, *CTH and ITR) have cubic units located along only one crystallographic axis, so the structure comprises silica layers connected by Ge-D4Rs. These zeolites can maintain their structures in OSDA-free form under ambient conditions for months, but gradually degrade upon contact with water. Conversely, 2DD4R zeolites (such as UWY, SOV, and SOR) feature silica chains connected by Ge-D4R units along two orthogonal crystallographic axes. Lastly, 3DD4R zeolites (such as IWS, POS, and -IFY) have silica clusters connected by Ge-D4R units along three mutually orthogonal directions, making them extremely sensitive to humidity. Most of these structures collapse upon OSDA removal.15,16
To date, two primary strategies have been developed to address the hydrolytic instability of germanosilicates by Ge depletion (Fig. 1a). The first one involves the transformation of labile germanosilicates into new zeolites by replacing Ge-rich D4Rs with Ge-depleted –S4R–, –S4R–/O–, or –O– linkages of smaller size17 or organic/inorganic pillars of larger size.18,19 The second strategy involves the stabilization of OSDA-containing (otherwise labile20,21) 1DD4R and 2DD4R germanosilicate zeolites by isomorphous substitution of Ge with Si using treatment with a source of Si atoms.20 However, these methods do not solve the important issues associated with germanosilicate zeolite stabilization: the presence of OSDA in the pores hinders the incorporation of potential heteroatoms,22–24 while daughter zeolites produced by the structural transformation of D4Rs have micropores smaller than their parent structures.22,25,26
This study proposes a robust approach for structural stabilization of germanosilicate zeolites in OSDA-free form (Fig. 1b), which allows either the maintenance of their microporosity or the tailoring of hydrolytically stable zeolites with a combined system of micro- and mesopores. The proposed method is based on recent findings suggesting the competition of two processes in germanosilicate zeolite–water systems (Fig. 1c): (1) Ge atom de-intercalation from the framework, forming defects or even causing framework collapse and (2) Si atom re-insertion into the vacant positions, ‘healing’ the defects and preventing framework degradation.27,28 The extent of these processes was found to depend on the treatment conditions, such as temperature, pH, and the water/zeolite ratio. Accordingly, we hypothesized that promotion of conditions for the predominance of Si re-insertion (SiR) over Ge de-intercalation (GeD) could preserve the structural integrity of germanosilicate zeolites in aqueous medium and verified our hypothesis by identifying the respective conditions for the UWY framework as a typical representative of hydrolytically unstable 2DD4R germanosilicates. Furthermore, we showed that our stabilization strategy was equally effective for 1DD4R zeolites, such as ITR, IWV, and *CTH, thus presenting a practical method for structurally stabilizing a variety of labile germanosilicate materials.
To study the relationship between chemical composition and hydrolytic stability of UWY, the Si/Ge molar ratio of the starting zeolite was varied in the range of 1.5–3, while the concentration of the HCl used for the treatment was set at 0, 0.1, 6, and 12 M.
According to the literature, phase-pure UWY zeolites can be prepared by conventional hydrothermal crystallization but only from reaction mixtures with Si/Ge ≤ 1.5, whereas decreasing the Ge concentration yields undesired zeolites phases.30,31 To overcome this limitation and produce UWY zeolites with higher Si/Ge ratios (1.5–3), we applied a set of seeded syntheses.32 The resulting phase-pure UWY samples had similar crystallinity in terms of the widths and relative intensities of diffraction lines (Fig. S2†). Chemical analysis revealed that the Si/Ge ratios of the zeolites (1.6, 1.9, and 2.6) correlated with the composition of the initial synthesis mixture (Si/Ge = 1.5, 2 and 3, respectively). According to the Le Bail refinement (Fig. S16†), UWY-1.6, UWY-1.9, and UWY-2.6 display similar b and c unit cell parameters, but a slight reduction along the a-axis is particularly noted for the Ge-poor UWY-2.6 relative to the Ge-rich UWY-1.6 (Table S1†). This difference can be attributed to the contraction of D4R units, resulting from shorter T-O linkages due to Ge-for-Si substitution.
19F is a useful NMR probe to elucidate the local composition of D4R-containing zeolites, because its chemical shift strongly depends on the Ge content in the D4R units. Specifically, the unique signal at −38 ppm observed for all-silica systems was reported to split into several NMR lines in Ge-containing zeolites, with each line corresponding to F− ions located at the center of D4R units with specific chemical compositions: −38 ppm [8Si, 0Ge], −20 ppm [7Si, 1Ge], and −10 ppm [4Si, 4Ge].33 The 19F MAS NMR spectra of fluorinated UWY samples confirmed that the majority of D4R units were enriched in Ge, regardless of the chemical composition of the UWY zeolites (Fig. S3†). All the samples showed a prominent signal at −10 ppm, attributed to [4Si, 4Ge] D4R units, accompanied by marginal signals at −20 ppm, characteristic of [7Si, 1Ge] D4Rs with isolated Ge atoms, and at −38 ppm, typical for silica [8Si, 0Ge] D4Rs.31,33
Although the prepared OSDA-free UWY zeolites experienced amorphization upon contact with water at RT irrespective of the Si/Ge ratio (Fig. S2†), the UWY-2.6 with the lowest Ge content maintained its crystalline structure in 6 M HCl (Fig. S4†). By contrast, UWY-1.6 and UWY-1.9 with higher Ge concentrations were unable to withstand the acid treatment under similar conditions (Fig. S5†). Suboptimal acid concentrations (0.1 or 12 M) resulted in structural changes in UWY-2.6, manifested by changes in the positions of diffraction lines. Specifically, in 6 M HCl, all XRD peaks characteristic of UWY remained unchanged, but in HCl solutions with non-optimal concentrations, the (010) and (200) diffraction lines shifted to higher angles, and the (hkl) peaks with h ≠ 0, k ≠ 0 either decreased or disappeared (Fig. S4†).
While maintaining the structural integrity, UWY-2.6 stabilized in 6 M HCl at RT showed an increased Si/Ge ratio (Table S2†), and slightly decreased micropore sizes (based on Ar physisorption, Fig. S6†). This result is in line with the replacement of Ge–O–Si and/or Ge–O–Ge bonds with shorter Si–O–Si linkages, resulting in a decrease in the unit cell parameter a by 0.4 Å in the stabilized sample, while the b and c parameters were less affected (Table S1†). The stabilization treatment significantly altered neither the shape of the Ar physisorption isotherm of type-I, characteristic of microporous materials, (Fig. S6†) nor the micropore volume of the parent UWY-2.6 (0.13 vs. 0.12 cm3 g−1, Table S2†). Furthermore, SEM images revealed the maintenance of the crystal morphology in all acid-treated samples (Fig. S7†). These results indicate that OSDA-free 2DD4R germanosilicate UWY can retain the structural and textural integrity under optimized conditions of acid treatment. As such, these findings contradict the consensus that OSDA-free 2DD4R germanosilicate zeolites cannot withstand aqueous media.
To demonstrate that the performed treatment increased the stability of the initially labile UWY germanosilicate, the following two-step experiment was conducted: UWY-2.6 was stabilized in 6 M HCl at RT for 20 h, and then the stabilized product with Si/Ge = 6.1 was examined in water at RT for 24 h. The XRD patterns (Fig. S8†) indicate that the structure of the stabilized UWY was preserved in aqueous medium, while the starting zeolite did not withstand the same treatment (Fig. S2†).
As such, both GeD and SiR occur in germanosilicate zeolites in aqueous solutions at neutral or acidic pH.27,28 Defects appearing upon Ge de-intercalation can be healed by subsequent Si re-insertion, while the resulting Si–O–Si
moiety is hydrolytically more stable than the initial
moiety. In the absence of an additional source of silicon atoms, partial sacrificial dissolution of the amorphous phase or zeolite framework has been previously reported to generate silica species contributing to the re-insertion process.20 Both mechanisms are possible under the stabilization conditions used in this study, as a small fraction of an amorphous phase cannot be excluded in the parent zeolite samples, while the formation of structural defects and additional micropores upon harsh treatments (vide infra) indicates the sacrificial consumption of framework Si atoms.
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Fig. 2 Evolution of the structure, composition and state of framework atoms in OSDA-free UWY-2.6 zeolite (designated as “0 min”) treated with 6 M HCl at RT for different times (2 min, 5 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, 6 h, 24 h, and 48 h) followed by calcination. (a) XRD patterns (full patterns are shown in Fig. S8†). (b) Si/Ge ratio. (c) 29Si MAS NMR spectra. (d) 1H–29Si CP MAS NMR spectra. (e) Population of Q3 Si atoms in silanol groups (corresponding to the band at −103 ppm) and Q4 Si atoms originating from D4R units (band at around −108 ppm). Fitting plots are shown in Fig. S10.† |
Notably, the change in the chemical composition of the UWY framework was accompanied by the evolution of the local environment of the framework atoms (Fig. 2c–e). Due to the anisotropic environment of Si atoms in Ge-enriched D4R units and Si-enriched chains, 29Si MAS NMR spectra of UWY-2.6 revealed two types of Q4 signals (Fig. 2c): 1) −108 ppm, assigned to Si atoms surrounded by Ge atoms in D4Rs (Q4 Si4−nGen) and 2) −115 ppm, assigned to Si atoms surrounded by other silicon atoms in silica chains.13,34 In acid-treated samples, an additional peak centered at −103 ppm and assigned to Q3 Si of silanols appeared, while no Q2 signal (usually ca. > −100 ppm) related to deeper hydrolysis was identified in NMR spectra (Fig. 2c). The selective enhancement of the resonance band at −103 ppm in the respective 1H–29Si CP MAS NMR spectra (Fig. 2d) confirms the assignment of the corresponding signal to silicon atoms coupled with the hydrogens of the hydroxyl groups through dipolar interaction in (SiO)3Si–OH moieties.
The evolution of the local environment of Si atoms in UWY zeolites upon stabilization was analyzed based on the relative intensities of the signals observed in 29Si MAS NMR spectra (Fig. 2e). The starting UWY contained 41% of Q4 Si atoms in D4Rs, while their fraction decreased to 30% after immersion of the zeolite in acid solution for 2 min. Simultaneously, the fraction of defective Q3 Si atoms increased by 10% indicating fast breaking of SiO–Ge linkages upon acid treatment. Prolonging the treatment up to 24 h resulted in gradual restoration of the Q4 Si fraction (40%), whereas the population of Q3 Si reached its minimum (3%). Such progressive healing of silanol defects suggests that Ge atoms are replaced by Si atoms relatively rapidly.
However, prolonging the treatment for an additional 24 h (totaling 48 h of treatment time) slightly decreased the population of Q4 Si atoms (38%) and increased the fraction of Q3 Si (7%) without affecting the UWY structural integrity at the nanoscale level (Fig. S9†). This result suggests the existence of an optimal treatment time for a given acidity, when the zeolite structure is stabilized without forming a significant fraction of Q3 defects. Further prolongation of the treatment apparently leads to greater deficiencies in the zeolite likely due to deeper sacrificial framework dissolution, which may potentially result in structure degradation.
A slight right-shift of the peaks in the diffraction patterns of the stabilized UWY zeolites is in accordance with the replacement of Ge atoms by smaller Si atoms.35 This replacement was further confirmed by chemical analysis: Si/Ge increased from 2.6 to 18.5, 26.8, and >150 after treatment at 100 °C in 0.1, 6, and 12 M HCl, respectively (Table S2†). The lack of amorphization of UWY upon high-temperature acid treatment suggests that SiR can be further accelerated at higher temperatures.
On the other hand, compared to stabilization at RT, UWY treated with 12 M HCl at 100 °C showed a decrease in micropore volume and intensity of the diffraction peaks accompanied by the appearance of additional larger micropores, which indicates the presence of non-restored structural defects. While the size of characteristic micropores (<1 nm) was maintained suggesting successful stabilization (Fig. S13†), harsh treatments can be useful for the generation of additional micropores with sizes >1 nm and the development of additional external surface (Table S2†), the parameters considered beneficial for catalytic applications.
Acidic treatments at 100 °C were also applied to UWY-1.6 and UWY-1.9, but similar to the RT case, the UWY structure was not preserved (Fig. S14†), suggesting that GeD prevails over SiR in UWY samples with relatively high Ge content, irrespective of temperature and acid concentration.
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Fig. 3 Structural features of the studied zeolites and the summary of the treatment results. Orange squares indicate structural disordering, while green squares indicate structural preservation (the numbers represent the degree of crystallinity of the stabilized zeolites with respect to the corresponding parent germanosilicate, which was evaluated through full profile La Bail refinement, Fig. S16†). |
The XRD patterns of 1DD4R zeolites treated with solutions of different concentrations at different temperatures (Fig. S17 and 18†) evidence structural preservation when using 6 M HCl at 100 °C irrespective of the zeolite topology (Fig. 3). Such conditions were also found to be optimal for the structural stabilization of the 2DD4R UWY zeolite, confirming that accelerating the mobility of framework atoms and balancing the rates of their elimination/insertion by adjustment of acid treatment is a robust method irrespective of the zeolite structure. In general, stabilized zeolites (green squares in Fig. 3) showed a minor or even negligible decrease in crystallinity with respect to the parent zeolites. While the increase in the Si/Ge ratio is in line with the de-intercalation of Ge from the zeolite framework, a decrease in Vmicro and an enhancement of Sext, especially in 12 M HCl, can be related to the substantial dissolution of the framework (Fig. S19 and Table S2†).
In contrast to other tested germanosilicates, *CTH zeolite did not withstand treatment with 6 M HCl at RT (Fig. 3), which can be related to the disorder in stacking of cfi-type layers connected by D4Rs, characteristic of this zeolite.36 Assumedly, the tendency of *CTH for disorder can result in deceleration of the rearrangement of cfi layers “delaying” the restoration of a crystalline phase, especially at RT. According to the findings described in Section 3.3, applying harsher conditions (100 °C) led to the successful stabilization of *CTH. Besides, the mentioned “delay” results in an interesting collapse–restoration phenomenon revealed during a kinetic study at 100 °C (Fig. S20†). At an early stage of the treatment (0.5–2 h), the XRD patterns showed broadening and a right-shift of reflections characteristic of *CTH, indicating partial structural disorder with framework shrinkage caused by the removal of D4R units. Prolonging the treatment (>5 h) enabled restoration of *CTH with high crystallinity, albeit with slightly different positions of diffraction peaks, indicating a minor change in unit cell parameters due to the replacement of framework atoms. A similar phenomenon has been observed for UTL zeolite,27,37 but it required the presence of additional Al ions as mobile building blocks in solution to restore the structure.
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Fig. 4 Schematic representation showing the mechanism of structural reconstruction and collapse of germanosilicate zeolites in an acid solution. |
Although 2DD4R UWY is considered less stable than most 1DD4R materials, the decrease in the concentration of Ge atoms in D4R units allowed to reach r(GeD) ≤ r(SiR) for this zeolite in low-concentration 0.1 M HCl, albeit at 100 °C. In contrast, 1DD4R with a higher fraction of Ge collapsed under similar conditions suggesting that r(GeD) > r(SiR). Therefore, reaching r(GeD) ≤ r(SiR) for the structural stabilization of germanosilicates may require not only optimizing treatment conditions (acid concentration and temperature), but also adjusting the chemical composition of the starting materials, especially in extremely labile structures, such as 3DD4R zeolites, as recently reviewed by P. Wu et al.38 Our studies showed that simply varying the stabilization conditions was insufficient to prevent the hydrolytic degradation of the 3DD4R ITT zeolite with a typical Si/Ge ratio of 1.9. Therefore, our future efforts will be focused on optimizing the chemical composition of this 3DD4R zeolite to make it a more suitable candidate for stabilization.
As the experimental results suggest, changes in the Si/Ge ratio not only improve the hydrolytic stability of a germanosilicate zeolite (Fig. S8†) but also modify textural properties, such as the micro-to-mesopore volume ratio (Table S2†) and pore size distribution (Fig. S6, S13 and S19†). For example, low-temperature treatment with 6 M HCl increases the Si/Ge ratio in the stabilized zeolites, while maintaining the framework integrity and micropore volume. This is the preferred stabilization method for both 1DD4R and 2DD4R germanosilicates when the goal is to maintain the microporous character of a zeolite with a characteristic pore-size-distribution. Alternatively, high-temperature treatment with 6 M or 12 M HCl (depending on the zeolite structure) is the method of choice for developing mesoporosity (Fig. S13 and S19†). Importantly, regardless of the treatment conditions or the germanosilicate structure, the stabilized zeolites show a homogeneous distribution of the framework-building elements within their crystals (Fig. S21†). This highlights the applicability of the developed deintercalation/reinsertion approach for the preparation of chemically uniform, yet hydrolytically stable 1DD4R and 2DD4R zeolites.
Post-synthesis alumination of UWY-2.6 zeolite, stabilized using low-temperature treatment with 6 M HCl did not significantly alter the structural integrity of the material (Fig. S22†) or its textural properties (Fig. S23 and Table S2†), but it resulted in generation of Brønsted (the characteristic band at 1545 cm−1 in FTIR-Py spectra, Fig. S24†) and Lewis (the characteristic band at 1455 cm−1 in FTIR-Py spectra, Fig. S24†) acid sites. According to pyridine thermodesorption results, ∼20% of Brønsted acid sites and ∼40% of Lewis acid sites in UWY-2.6/SBZ/Al retain pyridine at 450 °C (Fig. S25†). The incorporation of these active sites led to the distinct catalytic performance of UWY-2.6/SBZ/Al in acid-catalyzed benzoylation of p-xylene. The studied reaction over zeolite catalysts may result in the formation of targeted 2,5-dimethylbenzophenone as well as side products, such as benzoic anhydride and benzoic acid (Fig. S26†). Benzoic anhydride was the only product formed over Al-free UWY-2.6 zeolite with weak Lewis acidity (Fig. S25†), similar to the blank experiment. In contrast, the UWY-2.6/SBZ/Al catalyst facilitated the formation of the targeted 2,5-dimethylbenzophenone (selectivity = 60% at conversion = 40% after 300 min, Fig. S26†), aligning with the previously reported efficiency of strong acid sites located in large pores in the Friedel–Crafts acylation.
Since the impact of stabilization conditions on the framework integrity and related textural properties is substantial, the developed approach can be used for the preparation of micro- or micro-mesoporous zeolites, showing distinct catalytic behavior after the incorporation of active sites. Thus, isomorphous substitution combined with the recovery and recycling of rarely abundant germanium is considered a viable way to use the unique structural characteristics of stabilized germanosilicate zeolites in catalytic applications.
Our stabilization strategy is reliable not only for UWY with Ge-enriched D4R units propagating in two directions but also for many other germanosilicate zeolites containing D4R units propagating along one crystallographic axis, including ITR, IWV, and *CTH. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that labile germanosilicates zeolites can yield products with a high Si/Ge ratio suitable for prospective applications or further modifications of their chemical properties.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4ta05539j |
‡ These authors contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |