Issue 46, 2024

Construction of Co/Co2P/VN heterointerfaces enhances trifunctional hydrogen and oxygen catalytic reactions


Designing efficient and serviceable electrocatalysts for overall water-splitting and metal–air batteries is crucial for advancing a green economy. Herein, we successfully synthesized a novel nanocomposite material composed of Co/Co2P/VN heterointerfaces anchored on a nitrogen (N)-doped graphitic carbon matrix through a one-step pyrolysis process. The resultant Co/Co2P/VN exhibits unparalleled electrocatalytic trifunctional properties due to abundant catalytically active sites at the heterointerfaces and the optimized electronic configuration, possessing a relatively low overpotential for the HER (η10 = 111 mV) and OER (η10 = 379 mV), and a high half-wave potential for the ORR (E1/2 = 0.865 V), while maintaining the long-term stability for all three catalytic reactions in alkaline media. This work provides critical insights into the design of future efficient multicomponent materials for trifunctional electrocatalysis.

Graphical abstract: Construction of Co/Co2P/VN heterointerfaces enhances trifunctional hydrogen and oxygen catalytic reactions

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Article information

Article type
23 9 2024
28 10 2024
First published
30 10 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 31883-31894

Construction of Co/Co2P/VN heterointerfaces enhances trifunctional hydrogen and oxygen catalytic reactions

Y. Huang, M. Li, Z. Liu, C. Lin, P. Guan, Z. Feng, Y. Zhou, Z. Dong, J. Wang, C. Liu, S. Huang, T. Wan, X. Li, Z. Han and D. Chu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 31883 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA06778A

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