Ashley A.
Sundar Rajan
*a and
aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA 01854, USA. E-mail:;
bAvCarb Material Solutions, Lowell, MA 01854, USA
First published on 3rd July 2024
This research aims to advance the field of vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFBs) by introducing a pioneering approach to optimize the microstructural characteristics of carbon cloth electrodes. Addressing the traditional challenge of developing high-performance electrode materials for VRFBs, this study employs a robust, generalizable, and cost-effective data-driven modeling and optimization framework. A novel sampling strategy using low-discrepancy Latin Hypercube and quasi-Monte Carlo methods generates a small-scale, high-fidelity dataset with essential space-filling qualities for training supervised machine learning models. This study goes beyond conventional methods by constructing two surrogate models: a random forest regressor and a gradient boosting regressor as objective functions for optimization. The integration of a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) for multi-objective optimization facilitates exhaustive exploration of the surrogate models, leading to the identification of electrode designs that yield enhanced energy efficiencies (EEs) under specific operating conditions. The application of NSGA-II in exploring surrogate models not only facilitates the discovery of realistic design combinations but also adeptly manages trade-offs between features. The mean pore diameter was reduced compared to the tested carbon cloth electrodes while maintaining a similar permeability value based on the results obtained using the developed algorithms. Based on this suggestion, a new type of carbon cloth electrode has been fabricated by introducing a carbonaceous binder into the woven fabric to make carbon cloths with more complex pore structures and reduced mean pore diameter. The new electrode demonstrates 24% and 66% reduction in average ohmic and mass transport resistances, respectively, validating the machine-learning recommendations. This research highlights the critical role of improved electrical conductivity and porosity in carbon materials, showing their direct correlation with increased EE. Overall, this study represents a significant step forward in developing more efficient and practical VRFBs, offering a valuable contribution to the renewable energy storage landscape.
In recent decades, renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar, have experienced significant market growth. Despite their increasing popularity, these low-carbon alternatives are sometimes considered unreliable for long-duration demands due to their intermittent nature.6 To address this issue and balance the energy supply and demand, cost-effective, large-scale energy storage capabilities are essential.7,8
Among the potential candidates for large-scale stationary energy storage are lead–acid batteries, lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, pumped storage hydropower (PSH), compressed air energy storage (CAES), and redox flow batteries (RFB).9 Li-ion batteries, predominant in consumer electronics and electric vehicles (EVs), face obstacles in grid-scale energy storage implementation due to their limited natural abundance and high cost for long-duration solutions.9–12 PHS and CAES, while effective, require specific conditions for safe operation and are geographically restricted due to the necessity for suitable topography. These challenges are extensively discussed in review studies.4,6,8,13,14
The search for a highly efficient, reliable, large-scale, and modular energy storage system continues to be a focus of active research.15 Among various options, RFB technology has received considerable attention due to its scalability, efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness for long-duration storage.16–19 VRFBs, where vanadium serves as the electroactive species that is dissolved in the electrolyte, are the most common RFB technology.20 In RFBs, energy is attributed to the charged active species in the electrolytes; enabling decoupled power generation and energy storage – a key feature that underscores the promise of RFBs for grid-scale and long-duration energy storage.18,21–23Fig. 1 illustrates the structure of a RFB setup, with the negative and positive half-cells are separated by an ion exchange membrane. The negative and positive electrodes, critical for facilitating electrochemical reactions and providing pathways for reactant/product transport, are shown.
The major obstacle to the global implementation of VRFB technology is their high capital cost. Large-scale commercialization will remain unrealistic until the capital costs of VRFBs are reduced to meet the DOE's cost target of $100 per kW h.24 Performance improvement, achieved by increasing power-density and reducing resistances, will lead to reduced system costs.25,26 Enhancing power density involves research focused on performance diagnostics at the cell level and improving the functionality and efficiency of components.27
The porous electrode plays a crucial role in key functions such as facilitating ion/charge transfer, providing reaction sites for electrochemical reactions, and distributing liquid electrolytes.27–32 Positioned adjacent to current collectors, which typically have flow channels machined within, porous electrodes benefit from interdigitated flow channel designs that increase average velocity and enhance overall battery performance.30,33,34 Amongst other cell-level components, porous carbon electrodes are yet to be fully customized specifically for RFB applications. Operating conditions such as current density, flow rate, temperature, and electrolyte composition heavily impact the functionality of the porous carbon electrode, meaning that there is no singular optimal electrode design; performance will vary significantly based on operating conditions. Research aimed at improving the morphology of porous carbon electrodes has focused on maximizing active surface area for redox reactions and enhancing pathways for effective electrolyte transport.35–38
Recent studies have made significant contributions to understanding and improving electrode materials for VRFBs. For example, Zhou et al. explored highly permeable carbon cloth electrode materials for VRFBs, investigating the activation of carbon cloth with KOH to increase active surface area. This study demonstrated that woven carbon fiber arrangements enhance mass transport, with the KOH-activated carbon-cloth electrode achieving notable performance metrics: at a current density of 400 mA cm−2, the VRFB displayed an energy efficiency of 80.1% and electrolyte utilization of 74.6%.39 The improved performance seen in the VRFB with carbon cloth electrodes could be attributed to the low tortuosity, low pressure drops, and high ionic conductivity associated with the larger pore sizes.39 Furthermore, Forner-Cuenca et al. conducted a thorough investigation of three commonly used carbon fiber-based electrode materials: carbon paper, carbon felt, and carbon cloth to understand the influence of carbon cloth microstructure on electrode performance through microscopic, analytical, and electrochemical methods under fixed operating conditions.40 The research presented by Nourani et al. aligns with the conclusions made by Tenny et al., indicating that while all three carbon fiber materials have benefits and drawbacks, the structured, ordered arrangement of fibers in carbon cloth can be strategically modified or tuned.41,42 Thus, it can be concluded that significant performance improvements can be achieved with fabric, carbon cloth electrodes due to their tunable microstructure and ability to create structured woven patterns.
Previous investigations have identified key microstructural characteristics that affect the functionality of porous carbon electrodes, such as porosity, fiber diameter, and active surface area.27,43–45 However, the expenses associated with laboratory-scale testing are often impractical, leading most studies to include limited experimental results supplemented with synthetic data that is collected numerically or computationally via zero-to-three-dimensional modeling.46–51 To augment sparse datasets, it has become customary to incorporate machine learning (ML) techniques to aid the data generation process. Wan et al., for instance, proposed a coupled machine learning and genetic algorithm approach to design porous electrodes for RFBs.52 By created a dataset of 2275 fibrous electrode structures using a stochastic reconstruction method to generate three-dimensional fibrous structures, and then applying the Lattice Boltzmann method and a morphological algorithm to calculate specific surface area and hydraulic permeability, the authors were able to use a genetic algorithm to screen and pinpoint morphological traits of 700 porous electrode candidates. Results showed that fiber diameter (df) and porosity (ε) are impactful structural properties, and that tuning these properties can increase hydraulic permeability and specific surface area by 50% and 80%, respectively, thus improving overall energy efficiency.52
As an emerging technology, much remains to be discovered about the electrochemical and physical properties of carbon cloth electrodes in VRFBs. This research highlights that improved electrode designs can be uncovered using interpretable ML methods to develop cost-effective and generalizable surrogate models. While the methodology is focused on vanadium chemistries, it can be extended to various flow battery chemistries, offering a versatile approach for researchers to apply to their specific conditions. This modeling and optimization framework will reveal improved electrode designs that can be mapped back to the physical domain, providing insight and quantifiable metrics that can be associated with specific and ordered fiber arrangements. The sequential steps taken to reach improved electrode properties within the modeling and optimization framework are outlined below:
• Baseline experimental microstructure characterization and performance results are obtained to gain a physical understanding of structure–property–performance linkages.
• Experimental results are used to enhance a 2D COMSOL Multiphysics® model of a VRFB. This model is used for data-generation.
• A high-fidelity sampling plan is designed with Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) using Quasi-Monte-Carlo methods. This modified LHS strategy uses low-discrepancy methods to uniformly distribute an arbitrarily small number of samples (n < 500) throughout the design domain. The space-filling quality of this plan is not compromised when implemented in high-dimensions.
• The data-generation process consists of acquiring responses for each sample (electrode design) in the modified LHS plan. The charge–discharge curves produced by the computational model are used to calculate the response information for each sample. Three response values are calculated: energy efficiency (EE), coulombic efficiency (CE), and voltage efficiency (VE). This computational data-generation step will result in training data to support the data-driven modeling.
• Supervised regression techniques are utilized to produce an ML-based surrogate model with high prediction accuracy. Multi-output gradient boosting regression models and multi-output random forest regression models result in the lowest prediction error. A multi-output regressor is crucial to develop a surrogate model that accurately maps the relationships between the input design variables and the three target values.
• Multi-objective optimization then explores the surrogate model to obtain a Pareto set of design solutions. A nondominated genetic sorting algorithm-II (NGSA-II) is an elite multi-objective optimization algorithm that will maximize the efficiency targets while managing tradeoffs between the three target efficiencies to produce a set of the most advantageous designs.
• Combining the well-defined design constraints, accurate ML based surrogate modeling process, and optimization with NSGA-II increases likelihood that one of the designs in the Pareto set will be manufacturable.
The overall structure of this study and the elemental steps taken to develop this framework are highlighted in Fig. 2.
i. Pore size distribution, tortuosity, specific surface area, and porosity measurements.
ii. Electrolyte flow resistance measurements.
iii. Charge transport resistance measurements.
iv. Mechanical properties and surface feature characterization is achieved.
v. Flow cell performance is evaluated by collecting polarization curves, charge/discharge curves for cycling analysis to determine area specific resistance (ASR) and energy efficiency (EE).
The initial features are displayed in Table 1 along with their units in the computational model. Each feature has a lower bound, upper bound, and recommended step size that were defined based on the baseline experimental setup and physical limitations of the materials or operating conditions that are being used in the lab. The full set of features that were initially considered and their subsequent ranges are displayed in the table below.
Parameter description | Units | Lower bound | Upper bound | Step size |
Porosity | % | 0.7 | 0.97 | 0.03 |
Electrical conductivity of the electrode | S m−1 | 66.7 | 66.7 | — |
Current density | A m−2 | 1000 | 1500 | 100 |
Permeability of the electrode | m2 | 1.0 × 10−10 | 5.0 × 10−10 | 0.01 × 10−10 |
Mean pore diameter | m | 1.0 × 10−4 | 1.2 × 10−4 | 0.001 × 10−4 |
Average fiber diameter | m | 1.0 × 10−5 | 2.0 × 10−5 | 1.0 × 10−7 |
Reaction rate constant for reaction (1) | m s−1 | 1.0 × 10−8 | 9.0 × 10−8 | 0.1 × 10−8 |
Reaction rate constant for reaction (2) | m s−1 | 1.0 × 10−8 | 9.0 × 10−8 | 0.1 × 10−8 |
Flow rate | m3 s−1 | 10 | 200 | 5 |
Electrical conductivity of the current collector | S m−1 | 750 | 1200 | 50 |
The semi-automatic cleaning of the raw csv files involves removing unnecessary columns or default outputs from COMSOL Multiphysics® and renaming headers for integration into MATLAB®.56 A custom MATLAB® peak finder algorithm facilitates manual peak selection, and the charging, discharging, and oscillating peak data are saved as a.mat file. A MATLAB® function then calculates the coulombic efficiency (CE), voltage efficiency (VE), and energy efficiency (EE) using the saved peak data. The efficiency values can be obtained from the cycling data and are good measures of electrode and cell performance, therefore they will be used as the target or response variables in the data-driven modeling process. These efficiencies can be calculated using the eqn (1) –(3), where charging and discharging are denoted by the subscripts c and d, respectively. For each cycle, the coulombic efficiency (CE) calculation requires the charging and discharging time are represented as tc and td, respectively.
![]() | (1) |
The voltage efficiency (VE) calculation requires the average charging voltage (Vave,c) and average discharging voltage (Vave,d) for a given cycle.
![]() | (2) |
The overall energy efficiency is represented by EE and calculated using the voltage efficiency (VE) and coulombic efficiency (CE).
EE = CE x VE | (3) |
Design space | |||
Fixed operating conditions: current density = 1000 [A m−2] and flow rate = 3.3333 × 10−7 [m3 s−1] | |||
Index | Parameter description | Lower bound | Upper bound |
1 | Porosity | 0.7 | 0.97 |
2 | Electric conductivity of the electrode [S m−1] | 60 | 110 |
3 | Permeability of the electrode [m2] | 1.0 × 10−10 | 5.0 × 10−10 |
4 | Mean pore diameter [m] | 1.0 × 10−4 | 1.2 × 10−4 |
5 | Average fiber diameter [m2] | 1.0 × 10−5 | 2.0 × 10−5 |
6 | Cycle number | 2 | 6 |
The mean pore diameter in the Multiphysics model accounts for a 30% compression ratio. Compression and permeability are the two key components of mass transport in porous carbon electrodes. Energy efficiency will increase or decrease depending on how well the geometrical features of the carbon cloth electrode perform.
LHS with Quasi-Monte-Carlo methods is used to create a set of samples that are uniformly distributed throughout the multi-dimensional feature space. This plan randomly selects n uniformly distributed points within the constrained feature space. The constraints refer to the lower and upper bounds for each feature. Reducing the number of samples will reduce computational or experimental expenses but may lead to a less robust training dataset. The following notation can be used to represent the sampling plan, where m is the features and n is the number of samples.
![]() | (4) |
![]() | (5) |
![]() | (6) |
![]() | (7) |
All machine learning models aim to learn a function, f, that maps observed data, x, to the corresponding response, y.
f: x → y | (8) |
Typically, engineering design problems are multi-variate, meaning they contain multiple design variables. Design variables are also commonly called features or predictors. This results in a design variable vector, also called a feature vector, where the number of features is denoted as m. The number of features also defines the dimensionality of the problem where a m-dimensional problems contain m number of features.
Tree-based methods are based on an application called decision-trees, which are algorithms that can solve both classification and regression problems for single output and multiple output problems.57 The following characteristics of tree-based methods make them desirable for the application of this paper; (1) tree-based methods are interpretable and typically do not require feature standardization since these methods do not weigh the magnitude of feature vector values, (2) outliers are managed well in both the target and the features space, (3) these methods are able to be computationally scaled for larger datasets, (4) tree-based methods provide a good balance between model complexity and model.63Fig. 5 illustrates the phases of building a ML model.
The generated data is broken into subsets for training, validating and testing the ML model. Fig. 6 depicts how the dataset is typically split into the three subsets. Before tuning the ML model on all the data, it is customary practice to split the data into training, validation, and testing sets (samples of the larger dataset). The model trains on approximately 70% of the data. The model is then validated using the validation subset of data that it has never seen before. The process of training and validation is repeated for a defined number of iterations.
Occasionally, when ML models learn from small datasets (<1000), hyperparameter tuning can quickly lead to overfitting or underfitting. This is especially true for tree-based methods trained on small datasets. k-Fold cross validation is used in the hyperparameter tuning stages to prevent overfitting. k-Fold cross validation repeats the process of splitting the dataset into training, validation, and testing five times; each iteration uses a different subset of data for training and validation. This method of cross validation assures that your dataset is generalizable. Referring to the ML flow diagram, the dataset is split into a training, testing, and validation data set. The k in k-fold cross validation refers to the number of validation folds (typically 5 or 10).
The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) is another risk metric used to evaluate regression problems. In the Python module scikit-learn, MAPE falls between zero and one. Values outside of this range suggest that the model is overfitting, underfitting, or the selected model may not be appropriate for the dataset and other models should be explored.64
![]() | (10) |
This equation will be used in the model evaluation process to determine how well the ML model will respond to new or unseen data. Lower errors mean that it is highly probable that the model will make good predictions on new data. High error metrics suggest that it is unlikely that the ML model is making accurate predictions on new data.
The machine learning methods utilized in surrogate modeling are not universally interpretable, and their complexity tends to escalate with an increasing number of features. Despite this, the application of surrogate models remains crucial in situations where understanding the underlying mechanisms is paramount.
Akin to the steps involved in developing a conventional ML model, surrogate modeling comprises several integral stages, each contributing to the overall efficacy of the process.
For evaluating the performance of the binder coated electrode (AvCarb T2314B), electrochemical testing is performed and compared amongst the baseline results for AvCarb 1071. The experimental setup uses a symmetric RFB cell with a 40 mL single tank of electrolyte which has been described in detail in the subsection “2.1 Experimental benchmarking of the computational model” of the Methodology section. One experiment performed consists of the baseline electrode (AvCarb 1071 HCBA), and the second experiment utilizes a binder-coated electrode (AvCarb T2314B). The overall compression ratio of the cell is around 41% for the experiment consisting of 1071 HCBA and around 49.7% when T2314B electrodes are used. EIS results are analyzed to quantify the resistance for direct comparison of electrode performance within a VRFB.
Parameter description | Lower bound | Upper bound |
Porosity | 0.7 | 0.97 |
Electric conductivity of the electrode (S m−1) | 60 | 110 |
Permeability of the electrode (m2) | 1 × 10−10 | 5 × 10−10 |
Mean pore diameter (m) | 1 × 10−4 | 1.2 × 10−4 |
Average fiber diameter (m2) | 1 × 10−5 | 2 × 10−5 |
Cycle number | 2 | 6 |
The bounds can also be written as shown in eqn (13) using porosity as an example.
σe ∈ [0.7, 0.97] | (13) |
The six features and their bounds shown in Table 3 describe the design domain. Please note that cycle number is an output of the computational model and may not be directly perceived as a statistical feature. However, it was used in training the ML algorithms and was deemed useful. Recalling that each feature, xi, typically has lower and an upper bound constraints that needs to be specified, the feature vector, x, must be within the ML domain, represented by , which is a subset of all real numbers.
is also a vector with m number of elements (features). This explanation is clearly summarized in eqn (14).65
![]() | (14) |
There are six selected features, but permeability is also not included in the sampling plan design since the permeability is calculated for each sample using the Carman–Kozeny equation. This equation relates the morphological parameters of porosity and average fiber diameter for each sample to calculate the permeability and can be shown below in eqn (15).66
![]() | (15) |
The response value of cycle number for each electrode design is recorded although it is not included in the sampling plan since it is technically a response that is output by the computational model. The porosity can be raised by the mean pore diameter depending on the pore sizes and the pore distribution in the material. Higher porosity can also be achieved by decreasing the fiber diameter to increase active surface area.
![]() | (16) |
Each sample in the LHS plan is an electrode design. Table 4 clearly outlines the first four electrode designs. For data visualization and ML model interpretability purposes, the mathematical notation displayed in Table 5 is used to describe the features and targets.
Feature and target names | Symbol |
Electrical conductivity of the electrode | σ e |
Porosity | ε |
Permeability | κ |
Average fiber diameter | d f |
Mean pore diameter | d p |
Voltage efficiency | VE |
Coulombic efficiency | CE |
Energy efficiency | EE |
Table 4 provides clear examples of what each electrode design (sample) from the LHS plan will look like. Each sample, n, has a selected value for electrical conductivity, porosity, permeability, average fiber diameter, and mean pore diameter.
The selected values fall between the lower and upper bounds assigned to each feature (shown in Table 3). The resulting distribution of values that the sampling plan created for each feature is shown in the Pairplot in Fig. 7. A Pairplot, or matrix of scatterplots, is used to show the distribution of samples for the features. The LHS plan using quasi-Monte-Carlo methods ensures that a representative subset of values is selected for each feature. The limited white space in each scatterplot in Fig. 7 shows that the sampling plan selected a representative subset of values for each feature. The permeability is calculated from df and ε. The script to generate the LHS plan with QMC methods considered four features; permeability is calculated using the Carman–Kozeny equation.66 Therefore, sparse scatterplots in Fig. 7 can be attributed to permeability being a function of porosity and average fiber diameter.
![]() | ||
Fig. 7 Feature distribution of the 200-point Latin hypercube sampling plan generated using QMC methods. |
Table 4 displays the design combinations from the LHS sampling plan, which are displayed in Fig. 7. The numerical values for each of the five features for the first four electrode design combinations are displayed.
![]() | ||
Fig. 8 Charge–discharge curve plotted in MATLAB (refer to Table 4 for the electrode design details for sample 4 that produced this cycling curve). |
![]() | ||
Fig. 9 Pairplot (matrix of scatterplots) showing the feature and target distributions for the collected data from the sampling plan. |
The Pearson correlation heatmap show that CE and VE are positively linearly correlated to EE with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.85 and r = 0.56, respectively. All three efficiency values are linearly related to porosity. The voltage and coulombic efficiency trends can be summarized by the energy efficiency target. The one exception is that VE is linearly related to σe with r = 0.93. The Pearson correlation coefficients correlation coefficients summarized in Fig. 10 offer a thorough understanding of the design space and will guide machine learning model selection. The lack of linear feature-target correlations indicates that simple linear regression techniques are unable to capture the complex non-linear relationships.
![]() | ||
Fig. 11 Histogram and kernel density estimates (KDEs) containing the distribution of values collected for the three response variables, VE, CE, and EE. |
VE | CE | EE | |
Minimum (%) | 78.94 | 89.02 | 67.61 |
Maximum (%) | 76.15 | 99.85 | 75.04 |
A more refined, higher resolution histogram for the EE has been provided below in Fig. 12. The relatively wide range of values (ranges from 0.68 to 0.75) obtained is an indication of the relatively large potential improvements on the energy efficiency that can be obtained with an optimized electrode design.
Model | Target values |
Model 1 | VE |
Model 2 | CE |
Model 3 | EE |
Model 4 | VE, CE, EE |
The feature importance analysis conducted for all the baseline RFR models reveal that the features in Model 3 and Model 4 have approximately the same importance scores. Model 2 follows similar trends when compared to Model 3 and Model 4. Model 1, where the target value is VE, has a noticeably different distribution of feature importance scores. Model 1 heavily relies on conductivity, whereas the other models rely more so on porosity. The comparisons of the four models can be seen in Fig. 13 and Table 8.
![]() | ||
Fig. 13 Feature importance scores for single and multiple output random forest regression models (models 1, 2, 3, and 4). |
Feature importance scores | ||||
Model 1 | Model 2 | Model 3 | Model 4 | |
Conductivity | 90.41 | 8.79 | 30.89 | 30.13 |
Porosity | 5.86 | 51.97 | 45.69 | 43.12 |
Average fiber diameter | 1.31 | 12.23 | 6.77 | 7.7 |
Mean pore diameter | 2.06 | 8.5 | 6.38 | 7.79 |
Cycle number | 0.36 | 18.5 | 10.27 | 11.27 |
The single output models are prone to overfitting, a tell-tale sign of overfitting is if the testing error is larger than the training error.70–72 The single output models also did not account for certain inherent physical limitations that can be accounted for when using a multiple objective model. The best performing ML models that will be used as surrogate models are a multiple output gradient boosting regressor and a multi-output RFR.
![]() | ||
Fig. 14 Multi-output RFR; model 2: multi-output GBR – training and testing scores using mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) scoring metric. |
The MAPE values in Fig. 14 show that the surrogate models prediction errors are less than 0.15% on the training dataset. The testing error is slightly higher, though still less than 0.3%. The model does not show evidence of overfitting, if the testing error is not excessively higher than the training error.
To further emphasize the validity using k-fold cross validation, the final hyperparameters for the multi-output random forest regressor are shown in Table 9 where MAPE remains low for all five folds.
Hyperparameter description | Hyperparameter value |
mean_fit_time | 0.429506 |
std_fit_time | 0.009786 |
mean_score_time | 0.028945 |
std_score_time | 0.001787 |
param_estimator__max_depth | 33 |
param_estimator__max_features | None |
param_estimator__min_samples_leaf | 2 |
param_estimator__min_samples_split | 7 |
split0_test_score | 0.480926 |
split1_test_score | −0.064334 |
split2_test_score | 0.678854 |
split3_test_score | 0.39821 |
split4_test_score | 0.331645 |
mean_test_score | 0.36506 |
std_test_score | 0.24433 |
rank_test_score | 1 |
The main nuance to this approach is that each design combination is evaluated on its fitness score and the combinations are also ranked based on their location in the design domain. This will eliminate the chance of having repetitive offspring in future generations as well as assuring that the entirety of the design space is explored. The final electrode design parameters for surrogate Model 1 and 2 using NSGA-II are listed in Table 10. The multiple objective optimization with 5 inputs (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) and 3 outputs (f1, f2, f3) = (CE, VE, EE) using the NSGA-II, the optimization problem can be represented as follows: the objective function is represented by eqn (17) and the decision variables are σe, κ, ε, df, dp shown as x.
![]() | (17) |
Surrogate Model 1 | Surrogate Model 2 | |
Iteration number | 227 | 212 |
Electrical conductivity (S m−1) | 106.4 | 107.4 |
Porosity | 0.799 | 0.900 |
Permeability (m2) | 8.1 × 10−10 | 5.71 × 10−10 |
Average fiber diameter (m) | 1.2 × 10−5 | 1.4 × 10−5 |
Mean pore diameter (m) | 1.11 × 10−4 | 1.85 × 10−4 |
Predicted voltage efficiency | 75.75% | 75.70% |
Predicted coulombic efficiency | 96.10% | 95.72% |
Predicted energy efficiency | 73.12% | 72.52% |
The objective functions from eqn (17) are then evaluated for each solution P. The solutions are ranked based on non-domination, each solution is assigned to a front, the crowding distance for solutions in each front is found. The parents for the next generation are selected abased on the non-dominated fronts and crowding distance. Generic operations are applied to create offspring solutions.
The parents of the offspring form a new population. This process continues to repeat until termination criteria are met.73 The general trend obtained using the ML-based screening and optimization tool suggests that mean pore diameter should be reduced compared to the tested carbon cloth electrodes while maintaining a similar permeability value. Based on this suggestion, a new type of carbon cloth electrode has been fabricated by introducing a carbonaceous binder into woven fabric to make hydrophilic cloths with more complex pore structure and reduced mean pore diameter.
To evaluate the performance of the VRFB with each electrode, ASR values were quantified and compared to visualize the effects of adding a binder to the carbon cloth electrode. Ohmic, charge transfer, and mass transport resistances are determined through curve fitting of the EIS plots, which can be seen in Fig. 15a. It is known that the left-most intersection point on the x-axis demonstrates the ohmic resistance for the recorded cycle, the diameter of the first semi-circle of an EIS plot represents charge transfer resistance, and the diameter of the second semi-circle corresponds to mass transport resistance when reading the plot from left to right. Using a Z-fit curve fitting analysis within EC-Lab software, the Randles equation is utilized which represents the circuit of the physical system. This equation is commonly used to interpret impedance data and confirm the values of corresponding resistances obtained from the semi-circle intersection points.74Fig. 15b below displays the comparison of associated resistance values throughout the duration of the symmetric cell experiments.
![]() | ||
Fig. 15 (a) EIS data from the beginning and end of each experiment and (b) comparison of total resistance values of the VRFB with AvCarb 1071 HCBA and AvCarb T2314B electrodes. |
Fig. 15b illustrates the comparative analysis of electrode resistances, showcasing the superior performance of the novel binder-coated electrode over the standard 1071 HCBA electrode. Symmetric cell cycling coupled with EIS provides a direct correlation of the performance enhancement of the electrode. A constant SOC symmetric cell experiment is advantageous for multiple reasons, such as the mitigation of cross-over of the active species and the absence of chemical or electrical potential gradients which makes the effects of side reactions negligible.44,75 Resistance data from the analysis of EIS experiments can then be used to quantify the performance of the electrode itself without concern for the effects of electrolyte degradation. The performance enhancement of the VRFB with the new electrodes is evidenced by the reduction in both ohmic and mass transport resistances by 24% and 66% respectively, attributed to modifications in the electrode's microstructural parameters induced by the binder coating. However, it is critical to note the observed increase in charge transfer resistance, which can be attributed to the suboptimal activation conditions for the newly fabricated electrodes, underscoring the preliminary nature of these findings. The AvCarb T2314B electrode underwent 24 hours of thermal activation in a furnace at a temperature of 425 °C as an initial activating condition. An in-depth investigation focused on refining these thermal activation conditions is currently underway, promising to address this limitation and reduce charge transfer resistance.
The aforementioned enhancements in mass transport, ohmic, and total resistance values signify a marked improvement in carbon cloth electrode performance within VRFB applications. EIS experiments, performed to compare the base electrode, AvCarb 1071 HCBA, and the electrode with the addition of a porous binder, AvCarb T2314B, display promising results utilizing the newly fabricated electrode in terms of reduced total ASRs. These findings corroborate the hypothesis that integrating a carbonaceous, porous binder layer—as recommended by our optimization analysis—substantially benefits VRFB performance. Such findings not only highlight the critical role of electrode composition and structure in optimizing battery performance but also open avenues for future research to unlock the full potential of VRFB technologies.
Crucially, the adaptability of our framework positions it as a valuable tool for both single- and multi-objective optimization problems, enabling the discovery of improved electrode design combinations under the specified operating conditions outlined in the case study. The novel electrode design not only reduces average ohmic and mass transport resistances but also results in a reduction to the overall increase of total resistances from 29% to 0.4% during the 24-hour constant SOC symmetric cycling experiment. It is noteworthy that ongoing experimental results, set to be disclosed soon, will provide additional empirical insights, further validating the robustness and applicability of our proposed framework. This study not only represents a significant step forward but also lays the groundwork for future investigations, offering a platform for discovering enhanced electrode combinations tailored to specific operating conditions, thereby eliminating the need for extensive laboratory testing or substantial computational resources. By addressing the nuanced challenges of electrode design and optimization, this work paves the way for significant advancements in energy storage solutions, catering to the growing global demand for renewable energy integration and grid stabilization.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |