Claudia J.
Pim T.
Kristiaan H.
de Ridder
Tracy L.
John R.
van den Brink
b and
Petra E.
de Jongh
aMaterials Chemistry and Catalysis, Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. E-mail:
bShell Global Solutions International, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
cShell Catalysts & Technologies, Houston, Texas, USA
dShell Global Solutions US Inc. Houston, Texas, USA
First published on 6th November 2024
Commercial ethylene epoxidation catalysts consist of α-alumina supported Ag particles and usually contain a mixture of promoters. High selectivity catalysts typically include a small amount of rhenium species. We studied a series of Ag catalysts promoted with Re loadings up to 4 at% (Re/(Re + Ag)), which is intentionally higher than in optimized commercial catalysts to facilitate characterization and to amplify the influence on catalysis. Sequential impregnation brought Re and Ag in such close contact that they formed a new characterized phase of AgReO4. Chemisorption experiments showed that both ReOx and AgReO4 species act as a reversible reservoir for O2. Ethylene epoxidation was performed without and with the industrially crucial ethyl chloride promoter in the feed. Without the chloride (Cl), the ethylene oxide selectivity increased when Re was present, whereas the combination of Re and Cl decreased the ethylene oxide selectivity at higher Re loadings. Systematic ethylene oxide isomerization experiments revealed that Re and Cl individually inhibit the isomerization on the Ag surface. However, Re and Cl combined increased the isomerization, which can be explained by the surface becoming overly electrophilic. This hence shows the importance of studying promoters both individually and combined.
With CO2 as main side-product (0.2–0.3 Mt per Mt EO),2 it is of great importance to understand how the EO selectivity is influenced, and hence optimized. In industry, ethylene epoxidation runs at relatively low ethylene conversions (7–15%),3 since the EO selectivity inversely depends on the ethylene conversion due to subsequent side reactions.14 Another approach to increase selectivity is to introduce promoters to the catalyst. Gaseous organochlorides such as ethyl or vinyl chloride decompose to Cl species on the Ag surface, blocking oxygen vacant sites which suppresses the overall activity.15 In addition, Cl was found to increase the ratio between the concentration of electrophilic oxygen and nucleophilic oxygen on the Ag surface, which is beneficial for the selective oxidation pathway.7
Besides gaseous chloride compounds, a variety of solid promoters are typically used.16,17 In general, catalysts classified as “high activity” in industrial terminology contain alkali promoters and so-called “high selectivity” catalysts contain a mixture of rhenium and alkali species.3 The mechanism behind Re promotion in ethylene oxide catalysts has been a topic of debate,18–22 but literature addresses Re in combination with Cs and chloride,18,19,22 or only Re without the industrially used chloride promoter.21 In the latter, it was found that Re2O7 species block Ag sites with high oxygen affinities, inhibiting the formation of nucleophilic oxygen and increasing the EO selectivity.21 In another study with chloride in the feed, Re–Ag catalysts were found to be less active and less selective,18 while Re2O7 increased the amount of electrophilic oxygen. Dellamorte et al. described morphological changes within Ag catalysts with 25 ppm Re and mentioned the use of vinyl chloride in the feed.23 However, catalytic data and a clear understanding of the effect of Re is limited.
In addition, “high selectivity” catalysts contain low Re loadings (35–900 ppm of the total catalyst weight5,17). As a consequence, the effect of Re on (structural) properties of Ag catalysts is difficult to investigate. An intermediate [Ag(μ-ethylenediamine)][ReO4] phase, precipitated from a precursor solution, has been investigated in an earlier study which demonstrated that Re and Ag species can have a close proximity during the preparation of commercial catalysts.20 In this work, we study Ag catalysts with 0–4 at% Re loadings. Using X-ray diffraction (XRD), the formation of AgReO4 is studied, confirming the presence of Re7+ species, but not as the earlier believed Re2O7. Re-promoted Ag catalysts were tested without and with varying amounts of ethyl chloride in the feed to compare with literature. Re in absence of Cl inhibited the ethylene conversion and hence indirectly increased the EO selectivity, whereas Re and Cl together at high concentrations resulted in an overall decrease in selectivity. In addition to ethylene epoxidation experiments, we separately investigated EO isomerization behavior with and without chloride, which is crucial to understand EO selectivity.
The Ag deposition was based on a procedure described elsewhere.24 Silver oxalate was used as Ag precursor, which was synthesized by adding an aqueous silver nitrate (≥99.0%, Sigma-Aldrich) to an aqueous solution of oxalic acid (≥99.0%, Sigma-Aldrich) in a 2:
1 mol ratio. Silver oxalate precipitated immediately and was washed three times in MilliQ® water and once in ethanol, after which it was dried in air at room temperature. Please note that silver oxalate is shock-sensitive, and should therefore be handled with great care.
For the deposition of Ag, the (Re-promoted) α-alumina samples were dried in vacuum at 200 °C for 2 h. Silver oxalate was dissolved in a MilliQ®/ethylene diamine (99%, Sigma-Aldrich) solution (4:
1 mol ratio). The dried powder was impregnated up to 90% of its pore volume with the Ag2C2O4/MilliQ®/ethylene diamine solution, aiming for a Ag loading of 15 wt%. The pore volume of the Re-promoted α-alumina powder was assumed to be similar as the pure α-alumina. After impregnation, the material was subjected to a similar drying and calcination procedure as described for the Re-impregnation, except that the heating temperature was 215 °C.
AgReO4 was deposited on α-alumina via co-impregnation. Silver oxalate and ammonium perrhenate (Ag:
Re mol ratio of 1
1) were dissolved in a MilliQ®/ethylene diamine solution (4
1 mol ratio). Dried α-alumina powder was impregnated with this solution, up to 90% of its pore volume, aiming for a AgReO4 loading of 15 wt%. A similar drying and calcination procedure as for the Ag deposition was performed after impregnation. Afterwards, a second heating step was performed for 2 h at 500 °C (5 °C min−1 ramp) in 25% O2 in N2 (GHSV of 7000 h−1).
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Crystalline phases within the samples were determined with X-ray diffraction (XRD) using a Bruker D2 Phaser equipped with a Co Kα source (λ = 0.1789 nm) and operated at 30 kV and 10 mA, under constant rotation of 15 rpm. Diffractograms were measured between 20–80° 2θ with a step size of 0.020° 2θ and 1 s per step. The measured diffractograms were analyzed with Bruker TOPAS V5 software and fitted with theoretical diffractograms from the PDF-4+ 2016 database. The following PDF cards were used: 04-004-2852 (α-Al2O3), 04-003-5319 (Ag), 04-014-4906 (AgReO4) and 04-004-1280 (ReO2).25
O2 chemisorption was used to determine the O2 uptake of the catalysts, using a Micromeritics ASAP 2020 apparatus. 100–200 mg of sample was loaded in a U-shaped quartz reactor between two layers of quartz wool. The sample was evacuated at 100 °C for 30 min with a heating ramp of 10 °C min−1. Thereafter, the sample was flushed with O2 for 10 min at 100 °C, before increasing the temperature to 215 °C (10 °C min−1). This step was followed by an evacuation step and a treatment with H2 for 60 min, in order to clean the surface. After another evacuation step of 30 min, the O2 chemisorption experiment was performed with an equilibration time of 10 s.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis was conducted utilizing the advanced Nexsa G2 Surface Analysis System, featuring an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer equipped with a hemispherical energy analyzer and a monochromatic Al Kα source. Operating at 12 keV, the monochromatic Al Kα source underwent optimization, employing a pass energy of 250 eV for the survey scan and 50 eV for the subsequent high-resolution scan. The X-ray spot size was set at 400 μm during the analyses. In preparation for XPS measurements, all samples were processed into pressed powders and affixed to a stainless steel stub using 3 M 666 double-sided tape. A charge neutralizer was used to minimize charging of the sample surfaces. The spectra referenced to the Al 2p peak with a binding energy of 74.4 eV. Further details on the XPS interpretation are listed in section A of the ESI.†
Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analysis was performed at Mikroanalytisches Laboratorium Kolbe to determine the weight loading of Re and Ag within the catalysts.
Ethylene conversion and ethylene oxide selectivity were determined using eqn (2) and (3), respectively. Average conversions and selectivities were calculated after the catalysts had equilibrated at each EC concentration for 15–20 h. The carbon mass balance was calculated using eqn (4), and was 100 ± 3% for each datapoint.
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Once Ag particles were deposited on the (Re-promoted) α-alumina, SEM was performed. Fig. 2 shows the alumina-supported silver catalysts with rhenium loadings of 0 to 4 at% compared to silver. The silver particles are depicted as white to light grey spheres on the darker grey α-alumina support. Re at such low loadings could not be distinguished from the Ag. The surface averaged particle diameters of the (Re-promoted) Ag catalysts are summarized in Table 1, together with the theoretical silver and rhenium loadings and the experimental loadings measured with ICP and XPS. The particle diameters of all catalysts are 70–80 nm, but increasing the Re loading (above 0.4Re–Ag) slightly narrowed the particle diameter distributions. In literature, Re was reported to cause a trimodal Ag particle size distribution, or to have no effect on particle size at all.18,22,23 In our present study, relatively high loadings of Re were deposited prior to the Ag, which might have increased the concentration of anchoring sites for the Ag precursor. Since the Ag loading and particle sizes are similar, differences in catalyst performance can be ascribed to the influence of Re rather than to Ag particle size effects or a different surface ratio between Ag and α-alumina.13 The experimental loadings determined with ICP were as expected, whereas the Re loading determined with XPS was higher than the ICP measurements. As XPS is a surface sensitive technique, this means that the Re is preferentially located at the surface rather than in the bulk of the material.
Catalyst | Ag particle diameter dp,s (nm) | Ag loading (wt%) | Re/(Re + Ag) (at%) | |||
Theoretical | ICP | Theoretical | Bulk, ICP | Surface, XPS | ||
Ag | 79 ± 26 | 14.8 | 14.5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0.4Re–Ag | 80 ± 27 | 14.6 | 14.6 | 0.39 | 0.37 | 3.07 |
2Re–Ag | 71 ± 23 | 15.9 | 14.8 | 2.08 | 2.22 | 9.67 |
4Re–Ag | 72 ± 15 | 14.7 | 14.3 | 3.87 | 3.55 | 15.27 |
To determine the crystalline phases in the samples, X-ray diffraction was performed. Fig. 3 shows the diffractograms of the unpromoted and Re-promoted Ag catalysts, with reference diffractograms of α-Al2O3 and Ag at the bottom of the Figure. The diffractograms of the Ag and 0.4Re–Ag catalysts only show Ag and α-Al2O3 peaks. For 2Re–Ag and 4Re–Ag, however, a small diffraction line around 32° 2θ was detected, which belongs to AgReO4 which is a thermodynamically stable phase under these conditions (Fig. S14†). Previously, an intermediate phase [Ag(μ-ethylenediamine)][ReO4] had been identified during the preparation of ethylene epoxidation catalysts,20 where Ag and Re precursors were dissolved in the same solution. In another study, AgReO4 colloids were synthesized in solution.29 We show that also sequential impregnation can bring Re and Ag in such close contact that they form a single crystalline phase upon calcination.
The Re in the samples containing Ag (and thus AgReO4) has a predominant oxidation state of +7 according to XPS (Fig. S1 and Table S1†). In literature, a similar oxidation state has been reported, but it was attributed to Re2O7 rather than to AgReO4.18 Prolonging the calcination time from 2 to 12 h increased the amount of crystalline AgReO4 from 0.5 to 0.8 wt% in the sample (Fig. S4 and Table S3†). Re2O7 has a relatively low melting temperature of 297 °C,30 which might explain its mobility on the α-Al2O3 support and contact with the Ag surface during calcination. In patent literature, Re-promoted Ag catalysts are conditioned for several hours in an O2-containing feed without ethylene.31,32 It is hence expected that AgReO4 species also form in commercial catalysts with less Re, although in a lower concentration and hence more difficult to detect.
Industrial Ag catalysts contain low Re loadings (35–900 ppm of the total catalyst weight5,17), and consequently the influence of Re on structural properties is difficult to investigate. By increasing the Re loading, characterization becomes feasible, and effects on catalysis are amplified, which can give insight into the working mechanism of Re as a promoter. Therefore, once AgReO4 was detected in the Re-promoted Ag catalysts, 15 wt% AgReO4 was deposited on α-alumina to further investigate the properties of this phase. After calcination treatments at 215 °C and 500 °C, X-ray diffractograms, SEM, and STEM-EDX images were collected (Fig. 4). At 215 °C no crystalline AgReO4 had formed, whereas at 500 °C intense diffraction lines due to AgReO4 are visible. Calculated crystallite sizes are ca. 70 nm, which is also in the upper limit of the XRD due to experimental line broadening, whereas the AgReO4 particles visible in SEM are 100–500 nm and are shaped irregularly (Fig. 4B) which implies that these particles contain multiple crystalline domains. STEM-EDX maps of Al–Re (Fig. 4C) and Al–Ag (Fig. 4D) confirm that Ag and Re are in close proximity, but also small Ag particles are present on the α-Al2O3 support. In contrast, XRD does not show crystalline Ag peaks, possibly due to the detection limit, which suggests that the bulk is mostly AgReO4. AgReO4 colloids have been reported earlier,29 but to our knowledge have never been deposited on a support material.
Sample | Crystalline AgReO4a (wt%) | Total O2 uptake (μmolO2 gsample−1) | Total O2 uptake – O2 uptake by Agb (μmolO2 gsample−1) |
a Crystalline fraction of the sample, determined with XRD after 2 h calcination at 215 °C except for sample AgReO4 which was subsequently calcined at 500 °C. b The O2 uptake of Ag was subtracted from the total O2 uptake of the Re–Ag catalysts, assuming the O2 uptake by Ag was similar in these catalysts. For the Re and AgReO4 samples no crystalline Ag was present, hence no subtraction was performed. | |||
2Re | 0 | 18.6 | 18.6 |
4Re | 0 | 37.6 | 37.6 |
Ag | 0 | 16.3 | 0 |
0.4Re–Ag | 0 | 17.0 | 0.7 |
2Re–Ag | 0.28 ± 0.02 | 45.5 | 29.2 |
4Re–Ag | 0.48 ± 0.03 | 74.5 | 58.2 |
AgReO4 | 10.78 ± 0.05 | 171.8 | 171.8 |
The 2Re and 4Re samples both contain Re2O7 and show significant O2 uptake, which can be explained by the reoxidation of the Re-containing samples after the treatment in H2 to clean the surface. In case of 2Re–Ag and 4Re–Ag, the O2 uptake is higher than of the individual Ag and Re samples combined. The formation and/or presence of AgReO4 in these samples might explain the increased O2 uptake. 0.4Re–Ag has a similar uptake as the Ag sample (Fig. S7†) and no detectable AgReO4 with XRD. The AgReO4 sample showed the highest O2 uptake of 172 μmolO2 gsample−1 with a corresponding 10.78 wt% crystalline AgReO4. It is clear from these experiments that both ReOx and AgReO4 species are a reversible reservoir for O.
Repeating the measurement on the AgReO4 sample resulted in a lower O2 uptake of 107 μmol gsample−1 (Fig. S8†). During the chemisorption experiments the samples are treated in H2 at 215 °C to clean the surface, and according to XRD this resulted in a decrease of crystalline AgReO4 from 10.8 to 6.6 wt% and the formation of 1.3 wt% Ag (Fig. S6 and Table S3†), which explains the lower O2 uptake. XPS measurements were conducted after subjecting the AgReO4, 4Re–Ag and 4Re samples to similar gas treatments used for the chemisorption experiments. After reduction, the Re was reduced, containing Re in oxidation states down to 0, but after re-oxidation almost all Re7+ was regained for the AgReO4 and 4Re–Ag samples (Fig. S2 and Table S2†). AgReO4 shows interesting behavior in these reduction and oxidation cycles, which might be relevant for other reactions that require redox-active sites, and for the role of Re as a promoter for the Ag-catalyzed ethylene epoxidation.
Ethylene conversion decreases for all catalysts upon increasing the chloride concentration. In literature, catalysts promoted with both Re and Cs are reported to show an increase in activity with increasing chloride concentrations.3 The origin of this increase in activity with both Cs and Re is still under debate: it is speculated that [ReO4]− serves as molecular spacer for Cs-species and thereby preventing the formation of CsCl.38 The Re loadings in our study are intentionally higher than in industrial catalysts to study the influence of Re and Cl on ethylene epoxidation, without Cs. Catalytic tests between 0–1 ppm ethyl chloride (EC) were performed to investigate if the conversion would show an increase within this lower EC range (Fig. S9–S11†). The Re–Ag catalysts did not show an increase in conversion between 0–1 ppm EC (Fig. S12†), and hence with such high Re loadings and without Cs behave differently than the earlier reported Re–Cs promoted Ag catalysts.
Fig. 5B shows the EO selectivity as a function of EC concentration. Rhenium increases the ethylene oxide selectivity at 0 ppm EC (albeit, at a lower conversion). For ethylene epoxidation, a decrease in conversion typically causes an increase in selectivity due to the limitation of secondary reactions.24 This effect is illustrated in Fig. 5C which displays EO selectivity vs. conversion plots of the catalysts. Interestingly, without the chloride the Re-promoted catalysts show similar selectivities of ca. 35%, while 0.4Re–Ag shows a much higher conversion compared to 2Re–Ag and 4Re–Ag. Upon increasing the chloride concentration the Ag and 0.4Re–Ag catalysts show similar selectivities at relatively similar conversions, which is in line with literature,37 but the selectivity decreases with increasing Re loading (Fig. 5C). In this research, we deliberately chose higher Re loadings compared to the optimized Re loadings used in industry (35–900 ppm of the total catalyst weight),5,17 and 0.4Re–Ag is the only catalyst that reaches the upper limit of these low Re loadings (ca. 900 ppm). Therefore, it should be noted that the influence of Re on catalysis is intentionally magnified to provide insights into the mechanism of Re promoted silver catalysts, but does not represent the optimum composition for effective catalysts.
Strikingly, introducing O2 in the feed did not change the EO conversions of the 0.4Re–Ag and 4Re–Ag catalysts. As these conversions are similar to the α-Al2O3 (ca. 20%), this suggests that the only sites active in EO isomerization are the support surface groups. Moreover, it seems that no separate ReOx species are present in the 0.4Re–Ag and 4Re–Ag samples, as these would have increased the EO conversion as shown for the 4Re sample. In contrast, the unpromoted Ag catalyst now has an EO conversion of ca. 70%. These EO conversion trends are inversely related with the selectivity trends from Fig. 5 at 0 ppm EC, where 0.4Re–Ag and 4Re–g have similarly increased EO selectivities compared to the Ag catalyst (albeit, at lower conversions). A small amount of Re thus inhibits all EO isomerization on the Ag surface without chloride in the feed, which shows the value of Re in commercial catalysts.
Product selectivities during EO isomerization experiments give further insight into the mechanism of Re-promoted Ag catalysts. Without O2 in the feed, mostly acetaldehyde is formed (Fig. 6B), which is the direct product of isomerization and its formation does not require oxygen. Strikingly, ethylene was detected during tests with 4Re, 4Re–Ag and AgReO4. Stacked-bed experiments confirmed that ethylene was formed from ethylene oxide and not from acetaldehyde in the gas feed (Fig. S15†). It is known that Re7+ species catalyze the deoxygenation of epoxides to alkenes.40 Trace amounts of O2 and CO2 were detected in the feed (Fig. S16†). In the case of the Ag catalyst this might be caused by the release of weakly adsorbed O2, resulting in EO combustion. 4Re, 4Re–Ag and AgReO4 form slightly more O2, but these samples also display high O2 uptakes at 215 °C as determined with O2 chemisorption (Table 2), which underestimates the release of O2 upon ethylene formation.
With oxygen in the feed (Fig. 6C), CO2 is formed by most of the catalysts, which is the result of the total oxidation of acetaldehyde and/or EO. Compared to the isomerization without oxygen, less ethylene is formed for the 4Re and AgReO4 samples. When increasing the Re loading from 0.4 to 4 at% the CO2 selectivity decreases drastically to 8%. Not only does a small amount of Re inhibit the EO conversion to acetaldehyde, but it also inhibits acetaldehyde (or EO) combustion on the Ag surface and decreases the amount of CO2 emitted.
The EO isomerization results are in line with the selectivity trends without ethyl chloride (EC) in the feed. With EC, the ethylene oxide selectivity decreases with increased Re loading (Fig. 5). As EC is an industrially used promotor, EO isomerization tests were also performed after stabilizing the Ag and 4Re–Ag catalysts with the chloride during catalysis (Fig. 7). In earlier EO isomerization studies no ethyl chloride was co-fed and only (alkali promoted) Ag catalysts or supports were investigated.41–43 Interestingly, EC decreases the EO conversion of the Ag catalyst from 75 to 10%. We tested another Ag catalyst supported on α-alumina from a different batch, which displayed similarly low EO conversions after stabilization with EC (Fig. S17†). This contradicts an earlier study on Cl2-promoted Ag(111) crystals where Cl2 was reported to promote EO isomerization.44 It is unclear, however, whether in these previous studies these Ag(111) crystals were stabilized with Cl2 during ethylene epoxidation for a prolonged period, which is required for a meaningful evaluation of the catalysts' performance and can take up at least 10–20 h.3,13 To our knowledge, this is the first time that (Re-promoted) Ag catalysts have been systematically studied under industrially relevant isomerization conditions including the gaseous chloride promoter.
During ethylene epoxidation, the Ag surface is partially oxidized with either electrophilic or nucleophilic oxygen.7 Electrophilic oxygen promotes the formation of ethylene oxide, whereas nucleophilic oxygen results in total combustion.8–10 EC is known to increase the concentration of electrophilic oxygen species on the silver surface and decrease the nucleophilic oxygen.7 As nucleophilic oxygen is more prone to attack the C–H bond of EO and hence to catalyze its combustion, a reduction in nucleophilic oxygen species explains a decrease in EO conversion. In contrast, the 4Re–Ag catalyst shows an increased EO conversion, which is in line with the decreased EO selectivity from Fig. 5 with EC. Possibly, electrophilic O species are promoted by the chloride, while a surplus of AgReO4 make the O species overly electrophilic. This can activate the C–O bond from ethylene oxide which hence increases the EO conversion. It is clear that by studying AgReO4 separately, it is not merely a spectator phase but influences pathways of the ethylene epoxidation mechanism. In addition, we show that for both the unmodified and EC-modified experiments, the degree of EO isomerization accounts for the difference in EO selectivity for all catalysts which emphasizes the importance of separately understanding isomerization behavior and investigating catalysts after stabilization with the chloride.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |