M. A.
E. G.
J. S.
L. G.
Garmendia Aguirre
J. M. L.
a and
aDepartment of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Via Torino 155, Venice, 30172, Italy. E-mail: andrea.brunelli@unive.it; elena.badetti@unive.it
bSpectroscopy and Industrial Catalysis, Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica, CSIC-ICP, Marie Curie 2, E-28049-Madrid, Spain
cNational Research Council, Institute of Science, Technology and Sustainability for Ceramic Materials ISSMC-CNR (Former ISTEC-CNR), Faenza, Italy
dInstitute of Environmental Science, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
eNational Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Center for Safety of Substances and Products, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
fITENE, C/Albert Einstein, 1, Paterna, 46980, Valencia, Spain
gEuropean Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy
hInstitute of Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and Bioengineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
iFCIAC Centro de Innovación Andaluz para la Construcción Sostenible, Cordoba, Spain
jGreenDecision Srl, Venice, Italy
First published on 23rd October 2024
Safety aspects of chemicals/materials are transversal in all sustainability dimensions, representing a pillar at the early innovation stages of the European Commission's “safe and sustainable by design” (SSbD) framework for chemicals and materials. The first three of the five SSbD framework steps cover different safety aspects, namely, hazard assessment based on intrinsic properties (step 1), occupational health and safety (including exposure) assessment during the production/processing phase (step 2) and exposure in the final application phase (step 3). The goal of this work was to identify a set of characterization tools/procedures to support the operationalization of the first three safety steps in multi-component nanomaterials (MCNMs), applying the findings to an SiO2 core–ZnO shell MCNM. The safety of this MCNM, which is used as an additive to silicate/calcium hydroxide mortar to improve air quality through photocatalytic NOx removal, was investigated from different perspectives along its value chain. Existing and newly generated data on its hazard profile were collected, the exposure of workers during its synthesis was assessed, and potential exposure to hazardous substances during its final application phase was investigated. In step 1, physico-chemical properties, hazard classification and cytotoxicity assays were considered. In step 2, a three-tiered established methodology for evaluating occupational exposure assessment was performed. Lastly, in step 3, the release of inorganic substances from MCNM-based mortars in the final application phase was investigated. Safety assessment according to the SSbD framework was performed by selecting tools and procedures suitable for application in the early innovation stage, resulting in a preliminary hazard assessment of MCNMs and a suggestion for redesigning a step in the process.
Environmental significanceMulticomponent nanomaterials (MCNMs) integrate several functions into one material, leading to innovative applications. SiO2@ZnO MCNMs incorporated in mortars increase the mechanical strength of the material while providing photocatalytic activity for NOx removal. However, the combination of these multiple features may also lead to unexplored risks, making it necessary to carefully evaluate their human health and environmental aspects before entering the market. In this context, a safety assessment of SiO2@ZnO MCNMs using setting tools/procedures to operationalize the safety aspects of the safe and sustainable by design (SSbD) framework is needed for the creation of safer and functional materials. The main goal of this approach, in the early phase of the design process, is to decrease the likelihood of adverse impacts on human health and the environment. |
Thus, to guide the innovation process for chemicals and materials, including MCNMs, the Joint Research Centre (JRC)11 proposed a safe and sustainable by design (SSbD) framework, which forms the basis of the recommendation by the European Commission (EC).12 This framework was developed by considering SbD methods and frameworks to diagnose potential risks from the use of NMs in different commercial products.13,14 Recently, Sudheshwar et al.15 reviewed the existing studies prior to the SSbD framework, showing that the SbD concept is originally linked to the nanotechnology sector. They also noted that the 89 SbD studies examined predominantly addressed human safety aspects over environmental issues, with only 14 of them being relevant to the SSbD framework. These studies were compared based on aspects such as the tools used/developed, the applicability domain, suggested guidance, life cycle stages addressed, case study presence/absence, and link to the SSbD framework. With respect to previous SbD frameworks, the main novelty of the SSbD by the EC is the integration of safety and sustainability aspects of chemicals and materials with a desirable function (or service) as early as possible in the innovation process. This premarket approach considers safety, environmental, social and economic aspects along the entire life cycle of a chemical/material and consists of 5 steps, as follows: i) hazard assessment; ii) human health and safety aspects in the production and processing phase; iii) human health and environmental aspects in the final application phase; iv) environmental sustainability assessment; and v) social and economic sustainability assessment. The framework proposes the integral assessment of all steps in an iterative manner as the innovation proceeds. This means that all steps should be addressed together in the different innovation stages, which leads to an iterative approach of the framework as the innovation proceeds and more data become available. In this work, we focused on safety as a transversal aspect of sustainability, and specifically steps 1–3 of the SSbD framework. In the case of MCNM, this is already challenging and not straightforward and requires specific attention to the physical, chemical and toxicological characterization procedures to be used and the exposure assessments to be performed for MCNMs.
Given the current lack of knowledge on the safety aspects of nano-enabled products and the need for effective characterization procedures and suitable exposure assessments for MCNMs according to the SSbD approach, it is crucial to identify physical, chemical and toxicological testing strategies for the safety assessment of new materials throughout the design phase before they enter the market. These strategies must be able to carefully evaluate their hazard profile in line with the policy initiatives launched by the European Green Deal and regulatory requirements.
The case study used is an SiO2 core–ZnO-shell MCNM embedded in a cement mortar for the photocatalytic decontamination of NOx in air. In this study, according to the safety pillar of the SSbD framework, a safety assessment of the MCNM was performed in the very early stages of the design process. This work was performed in the frame of the European H2020 SUNSHINE project (https://h2020sunshine.eu), which strives to develop an overarching approach for the SSbD of MCNMs, including demonstration via industrially relevant case studies.16
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Fig. 1 Safety dimension assessment of the SSbD framework (in dashed rectangle) and corresponding implementation within SUNSHINE. Tools/procedures for each step are displayed in ellipses. |
Concerning the MCNM-enabled product, the mortar used for testing was Morcemsec® Capa Fina CR CSIV W2 (Grupo PUMA S.L., Cordoba, Spain) based on Portland cement (between 9 and <40 wt%) and calcium dihydroxide (<5 wt%). The formulation of the MCNM-based mortars was performed by adding the SiO2@ZnO MCNM powder to commercial mortar, obtaining homogeneous dust, and then mixing it with water, following the procedure described in EN 196-1:2016 (ref. 17) before placing in a mold for 48 h. Afterwards, according to the curing conditions of EN 1015-11:2019,18 the samples were exposed to 95 ± 5% relative humidity and 20 ± 2 °C for 5 days and 65 ± 5% relative humidity and 20 ± 2 °C for an additional 21 days.
The XRD patterns were recorded using an X'Pert PRO diffractometer by PANalytical and data were collected in the 2θ range of 5° to 55° at a time step of 50 s. The quantification of the elemental composition was performed using an ICP-OES 5100 – Vertical Dual View apparatus coupled with a OneNeb nebulizer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA), using a mixture of 10% v/v HNO3, 10% v/v H2SO4 and 1% v/v HF (ultrapure analytical grade from Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) to ensure complete digestion. Calibration curves were obtained with 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mg L−1 of Si and Zn standards prepared in ultrapure water using the same procedure applied to the samples.
The reactivity of both individual and MCNMs and the degree of coverage of SiO2 by ZnO was assessed via temperature programmed reaction (TPRx) using methanol as the probe molecule. The potential reaction products include carbon dioxide (CO2) for materials with basic sites, methyl formate (HCOOCH3) for materials possessing bifunctional basic-redox sites, formaldehyde (HCHO) for materials with redox sites, dimethoxymethane ((CH3O)2CH2) for materials featuring bifunctional acid-redox sites, and dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3) for materials with acidic sites. The reaction products were detected using a Pfeiffer OmniStar mass spectrometer. The experimental procedure involved four phases including pretreatment, initial purge, methanol chemisorption, and TPRx. Pretreatment involved heating the sample from 100 °C to 450 °C at a rate of 10 °C min−1 with the introduction of 150 mL min−1 of synthetic air to eliminate surface moisture and impurities. Following pretreatment, an initial purge with inert gas (150 mL min−1 of Ar) at 100 °C was conducted until impurities were no longer detected in the mass spectra. Subsequently, methanol chemisorption was carried out with a methanol/argon mixture at a constant temperature of 100 °C, concluding when a stable methanol signal was observed in the mass spectrum (m/z = 31). The final phase, TPRx, involved maintaining the methanol/argon flow, while increasing the temperature from 100 °C to 450 °C at a rate of 10 °C min−1. The experiment utilized a sample of 0.1 g (mesh size: 25–100 μm) diluted with 0.5 g of SiC (black 180, Navarro SiC S.A.) to ensure a uniform temperature distribution.
In this study, a frequently used cell line was employed (THP-1 monocyte cells; ATCC (TIB 202), passage number 15–20), which was treated to differentiate the cells to behave like mature macrophages. A standard operating procedure (SOP) was utilised to culture the cells and treat them with controls, NMs or MCNMs to enhance the reproducibility of the results and comparison with previous studies using the same SOP (https://www.patrols-h2020.eu/publications/sops/index.php).26
SiO2@ZnO MCNM, SiO2 NM or ZnO NM were suspended at a concentration of 1 mg mL−1 in phosphate buffered saline with 0.05% w/v bovine serum albumin (BSA) and dispersed by sonication using an ultrasonicating water bath for 16 min. Dispersion was followed immediately by dilution in RPMI medium (without serum) to obtain the required final concentrations (final concentration 0–100 μg mL−1). The treatments were added to each well of a 96-well plate containing cells prior to incubation at 37 °C in the presence of 5% CO2 for 24 h.
The deposited dose was not assessed as this was not deemed appropriate for hazard screening at such an early innovation stage given that it is important to keep the experimental work manageable and affordable.
Cytotoxicity was assessed as a decrease in cell viability to indicate short term hazard, but more importantly it allowed the selection of appropriate concentrations to investigate the production of IL-1β at sublethal concentrations.23 Cell viability was assessed using the Alamar blue (ThermoFisher, catalog number: DAL1025) assay, which measures the ability of cells to reduce the non-fluorescent dye 7-hydroxy-3H-phenoxazin-3-one 10-oxide (resazurin) to the fluorescent product resorufin. A decrease in the ability to generate the fluorescent product (excitation/emission wavelengths of 560/590 nm) was used as the measure of cytotoxicity. Data were expressed as % cell viability. The control cells were treated with RPMI medium (without FCS) without particles added. The production of IL-1β was measured in the cell culture supernatant, according to the R&D Human IL-1β/IL-1F2 DuoSet protocol (catalog numbers: DY201-05).
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Fig. 2 Schematic of the three-tiered methodology approach applied to assess the occupational safety and health (OSH) aspects in the production and processing of (MC)NMs. ES = exposure scenario. |
In the first tier, a standard industrial hygiene survey through questionnaires following the EN 17058:2018 (ref. 32) “workplace exposure – assessment of exposure by inhalation of nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomerates” was filled in by CIAC Foundation and included in the ESI† (Tables S1 and S2), for gathering information on potential sources/points of (MC)NMs emission. The target areas, processes or tasks from which any (MC)NMs can be released were identified.
Afterwards, tier two covered the occupational exposure assessment at different stages of the material production and processing of mortars with embedded SiO2@ZnO MCNM, performing a quantitative exposure assessment. An overview of the exposure scenarios (ES) and the contributing exposure scenarios (CES), which refer to specific activities where the release of (MC)NMs may take place, were identified and listed in Table 1, according to ECHA guidance documents.33,34 The maps of each ES are displayed in Fig. S1–S3.†
Exposure scenario (ES) | Contributing exposure scenario (CES) | (MC)NMs |
ES1 (material synthesis) | 1. Background measurement | SiO2 |
2. ZnAc2·2H2O weighing | ||
3. SiO2 weighing | ||
4. SiO2 addition | ||
5. Local exhaust ventilation | ||
6. 1st ZnAc2·2H2O addition | ||
6. 2nd ZnAc2·2H2O addition | ||
ES2_I (calcination) | 7. Background measurement | SiO2, ZnO |
8. Moving the dispersion | ||
9. Muffle opening | ||
ES2_II (calcination) | 10. High temperature ramp | SiO2, ZnO |
ES3 (mortar formulation) | 11. Background measurement | SiO2, ZnO |
12. Low temperature ramp | ||
13. Mortar addition to the stirring tank | ||
14. Additive addition to the stirring tank | ||
15. Additive addition to the stirring tank + stirring | ||
16. Test specimen unmolding |
In particular, the potential exposure to (MC)NMs was evaluated over around 50 min during both their synthesis (i.e., material weighing and calcination) and the (MC)NM-based mortar formulation. The particle number and mass concentrations both in air and in the personal breathing zone (i.e., PBZ, around 30 cm from the respiratory tract) of the workers was determined by using a portable condensation particle counter (CPC, model TSI 3007) and NanoTracer PNT 1000. To gain insights into the possible transport of particles through the air, measurements were performed at around 0.5–1 m (near field, NF) and 5–7 m from the source (far field, FF). Regarding the chemical composition and morphology of the particles potentially released during the monitoring campaign, a Tygon tube (length 1 m) at 30 cm from the mouth of the worker was set to monitor particle release near the breathing zone. Moreover, two high-flow peristaltic pumps (Casella, model APEX) containing a polycarbonate HEPA filter with a diameter of 37 mm and pore size of 0.4 μm, were fixed on the lab coat of the worker at 30 cm from their mouth to collect the particles in air during the monitoring campaign. Subsequently, the filters were observed by scanning electronic microscopy analysis using a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM, Carl Zeiss Sigma NTS, Germany). Elemental analysis was performed by image analysis using FESEM coupled to an energy dispersive X-ray micro-analyser (EDS, mod. INCA).
Finally, according to the standard operating procedure published as part of the three-tiered methodology,27 the criterion used to evaluate the results from tier 2 was the comparison of the particle concentration values obtained during the different activities monitored and the particle background concentrations using eqn (1), as follows:
Cnet − Cbg > 3·S2(DBI) | (1) |
Firstly, a preliminary release study of Zn and Si from both individual and MCNM pristine powders was conducted. In detail, stock dispersions of (MC)NMs (i.e., SiO2, ZnO and SiO2@ZnO) at 0.5 g L−1 (20 mg in 40 mL ultrapure water, UPW) were sonicated with an ultrasound probe (UP-200S Hielscher Ultrasonics GmbH, Germany) in an ice bath for 4 min (power = 80%, frequency = 0.5 and sonication energy = 43 J mL−1 (ref. 35)). Afterwards, ultrafiltration of each sample was performed using Amicon Ultra 15 mL centrifugal 3k filters (Millipore) at 0.5, 1, 3, 24 and 48 h after sample preparation and acidified with 2% HNO3 prior to the ICP-OES analysis. The calibration curves and limits of detection (LOD) are reported in the ESI.†
Subsequently, the potential release of hazardous substances from the MCNM-based mortars was studied. In brief, the dissolution of Zn, Si and Ti was estimated from cement mortars with different percentages of MCNMs (i.e., 1% or 5% of SiO2@ZnO, and as references, 1% or 5% of TiO2 and 1% or 5% of silica-fume), according to the ISO 2812:2007 on Paints and varnishes – determination of resistance to liquids-Part 2: Water immersion method36 and to EN 12457-3:2004 for leaching evaluation.37 Before the release experiment, each mortar tested (weight: 29 ± 0.7 g, size: 4 × 4 cm) was subjected to a thorough cleaning process with compressed air to get rid of potential impurities on its surface and weighed. After this pre-treatment, each mortar was totally immersed in 200 mL of UPW, placed on an upside-down glass petri dish to avoid contact with the bottom of the beaker and magnetically stirred during the test. Leachates were collected at different intervals (i.e., 0.5, 3, 24, 48 and 72 h, which correspond to the typical time points used in (eco)toxicity assays) and filtered through a 0.2 μm mesh filter. Afterwards, each sample was acidified with 2% HNO3, and then analysed by ICP-OES to determine the concentration of Zn, Si and Ti.
The crystalline structure of MCNM was determined via XRD analysis, showing that the SiO2 core was amorphous, whereas the ZnO shell revealed a crystalline phase, as observed for the individual components (Fig. S4†).
To gather further information on the coating, energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) mapping, reactivity analysis via MeOH-TPRx and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) analysis were also performed. The EDX mapping of the single elements, i.e., Si (Fig. S5c†), Zn (Fig. S5d†), O (Fig. S5f†), and the overlayed mapping of Si–Zn (Fig. S5e†) confirmed that MCNM was an Si core–Zn shell structure with a non-homogeneous coverage. Finally, the reactivity analysis via MeOH-TPRx provided insight into the primary reactivity of the surface reactive sites of (MC)NMs. SiO2 (Fig. S6a†) exhibited acidic reactivity, as indicated by the formation of dimethyl ether (DME, green trace). ZnO (Fig. S6b†) displayed redox character, as evidenced by the formation of formaldehyde. Lastly, the presence of ZnO on the surface of SiO2 resulted in a system that has both acidic and redox properties (DME and HCHO formation, respectively) (Fig. S6c†). This reactive profile indicated that silica (acidic) is not totally covered by ZnO. Therefore, SiO2@ZnO exhibited reactive properties similar to that of its individual components ZnO and SiO2, without any distinct effects arising from the interaction between SiO2 and ZnO being clearly observed. Finally, the non-homogeneous coverage of SiO2 by ZnO was also corroborated by STEM (Fig. S7†).
The SiO2 NM powder (CAS no. 7631-86-9), which was used to improve the stability, compatibility, and dispersibility of the cementitious material with respect to its bulk phase,39 was classified as non-hazardous according to the current Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). However, given that there is still no final consensus on the risk assessment of NMs,40,41 this classification may be updated by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) if new insights on their toxicity are provided.
Alternatively, the hazard identification of ZnAc2·2H2O (CAS no. 557-34-6) showed both health and environmental hazards, i.e., acute toxicity (oral, category 4, H302), serious eye damage (category 1, H318) and long-term (chronic) aquatic hazard (category 2, H411). The workflow to assess the hazard of the chemicals used for the synthesis of SiO2@ZnO MCNM is displayed in Fig. 4.
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Fig. 4 Workflow to assess hazard of SiO2@ZnO MCNM based on step 1 of the SSbD framework. The pathway followed is represented by solid lines and colored rectangles. |
Therefore, based on the three criteria defined in Table 3 of the SSbD framework,11 SiO2 NMs and ZnAc2·2H2O pass the H1 but not H2 criteria, which refers to substances of concern described in the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) and not already included in the H1 criteria. In addition to these criteria, the framework suggests the use of an evaluation system, which includes 4 levels for step 1, moving from level 0 (chemicals or materials that do not pass hazard criterion H1 (e.g., considered most harmful substances) to level 3 (chemicals or materials that pass all the safety criteria in step 1). Accordingly, the NMs and chemicals used for the synthesis of SiO2@ZnO MCNM belong to level 1, corresponding to chemicals or materials that pass hazard criterion H1 but not criterion H2 (i.e., ZnAc2·2H2O has the potential to induce chronic adverse effects to aquatic life).
In addition to the preliminary evaluation of the hazard properties, the cytotoxicity of the (MC)NMs was assessed and the results are displayed in Fig. 5. Fig. 5a shows the viability of THP-1 cells exposed to SiO2@ZnO, SiO2 or ZnO NMs for 24 h. Viability is expressed as a percentage of control over a range of exposure concentrations from 0 (control) to 100 μg mL−1. All three materials induced a concentration-dependent decrease in viability, with the ZnO material being the most potent and SiO2 being the least potent. Considering that MCNM is a combination of both ZnO and SiO2, and that the curve for MCNM was between the curves for the individual materials, the interaction is additive rather than synergistic or antagonistic. The production of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β by the NM- and MCNM-treated THP-1 cells (Fig. 5b) also exhibited a concentration-dependent effect. For this particular indicator, there was no significant difference between any of the materials assessed, suggesting that none of the components dominated the pro-inflammatory activity of MCNM and there was no mixture effect.
The in vitro assessment of the MCNM hazard indicated that MCNM was more reflective of the cytotoxicity and pro-inflammatory responses induced by ZnO NM rather than SiO2 compared at the same mass exposure concentration. This suggested the responses are driven by the ZnO NM component. There is no evidence of an enhanced hazard response due to the SiO2 NM; however, a slight increase in response compared to ZnO alone means some interaction between the NM components may impact the bioactivity of ZnO when in MCNM form. Considering the worst-case scenario, it can be assumed in the early innovation stages that the hazard of MCNM is comparable to that of ZnO. Further work in a wider array of human and environmental models for both acute and longer-term exposure will be required in later innovation stages for regulatory risk assessment.
The results of the monitoring campaign through portable air monitoring devices for the three ES, showing particle concentration (number of particles per cm3) vs. time, are displayed in Fig. 6.
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Fig. 6 Particle number concentration for different exposure scenarios considered (ES1, ES2_1, ES2_2, and ES3). Dot lines refer to a specific contributing exposure scenario (CES) listed in Table 1. CPC-FF = condensation particle counter-far field (5–7 m from the source) and CPC-NF (0.5–1 m from the source) = condensation particle counter-near field. |
Regarding the measurements for ES1, corresponding to weighing ZnAc2·2H2O and SiO2 powders, Fig. 6 shows that the particle concentration was relatively stable during the whole activity monitored and did not exceed 5000 # cm−3. The only significant increment in the values recorded was observed when ZnAc2·2H2O was added. As observed for ES1, the monitoring campaign for ES2 related to the calcination step again revealed that the particle concentration was relatively stable over time, even if all the values started at least 1000 # cm−3 higher than that in ES1. Concerning the mortar formulation step (ES3), the results in Fig. 6 highlight that while the CPC values were approximately the same during all the activities monitored, the data collected by the NanoTracer presented a peak reaching 6000 # cm−3. This is related to the addition of mortar to the stirring tank. According to the NanoGEM Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) for assessing exposure to nanomaterials,27 a peak is statistically significant as follows:
![]() | (2) |
Therefore, given that and (3 × S2(BG)) = 1354 # cm−3, the peak recorded by NanoTracer was considered statistically significant.
The corresponding SEM-EDX images obtained during the monitoring campaign are displayed in Fig. S14–S19,† highlighting the presence of some agglomerated particles in the micrometer size range, mainly composed of C, O, Si, while a very low signal corresponding to Zn emerged, which was not present in the background samples.
Subsequently, the results from the monitoring campaign were assessed by adopting the approach reported by Asbach et al., 2014 (ref. 27) as the criteria to follow, where the values of the background (Table S3†) and data from tier 2 were compared (Tables S4–S6†). Based on this comparison, no significant exposure to particles (i.e., almost all agglomerates in the μm size range) in any of the three exposure scenarios was determined. A further comparison was also performed between the results included in this work and some recommended limit values (recommended benchmark level – RBL or nano reference values – NRV) proposed by various international bodies, as reported in the literature.42 For example, according to the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA), considering an average airborne concentration during an 8 h workday, the RBL values are 20000 # cm−3 (from 1 to 100 nm) for bio persistent granular NMs with a density of >6000 kg m−3 and 40
000 # cm−3 for particles with a density of <6000 kg m−3. Following the RBL values proposed by IFA, the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER) proposed the same values, referred to as NRV. According to the results obtained, it can be concluded that none of the exposure scenarios investigated generate a particle concentration higher than the RBL/NRV values. However, considering the continuous improvements in the risk assessment of advanced materials, including NMs, a further SSbD measure to mitigate the potential exposure to SiO2 NMs in powder form through inhalation would be its replacement with colloidal SiO2, but ensuring that the same functionality of the SiO2@ZnO MCNM is achieved.
The dissolution of the (MC)NM powder dispersed in UPW was investigated at room temperature by ICP-OES at 0.5, 1, 3, 24 and 48 h after preparation of the dispersion and the values are displayed in Fig. 7. The data are expressed as % of undissolved Zn and Si normalized by the molecular weight for each (MC)NM, considering the 4:
1 ratio of SiO2
ZnO for the MCNM, as initially determined by ICP-OES. The results showed that Si dissolution in UPW, from both individual and MCNM, was negligible over time (around 2%), while Zn dissolution revealed some differences between ZnO and SiO2@ZnO MCNM only at 48 h, reaching around 9% and 6%, respectively. This slight difference could be ascribed to their particle size and surface chemistry, which are generally recognized to be the main physico-chemical parameters affecting the colloidal behaviour of NMs.44,45 Specifically, as the particle size decreases, the surface area and number of reactive surface sites increase, which often results in different behavior in NMs with respect to their bulk state. In the case of the ZnO NMs investigated in this study, their particle size was <200 nm with an elliptic/roundish shape, while in the case of the core–shell structure, ZnO was present as a thin coating on the surface of SiO2 NMs.
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Fig. 7 Dissolution of Si and Zn from both individual and MCNM. a) Si% from SiO2 NM and SiO2@ZnO MCNM. b) Zn% from ZnO NM and SiO2@ZnO MCNM. |
Moving from the synthesis to the use phase, the potential release of hazardous substances from (MC)NMs embedded in mortars was investigated. According to the experimental design followed in this work, no release of Zn and Ti from the mortars immersed in UPW after 72 h was detected, while the Si release data (expressed as mg of Si per cm2 of mortar) are displayed in Fig. 8. The results of this experiment allowed us to discriminate whether the source of Si was the mortar itself or the MCNMs embedded in the mortar, showing that the mortar sample with a higher percentage of MCNM (5% SiO2@ZnO) was the only material that released a different Si amount than the others, especially at 48 and 72 h. Therefore, the difference between the maximum amount of Si released from the 5% SiO2@ZnO mortar and that released by the mortars without Si-based NMs allowed the determination of the amount of Si ascribable to the MCNM. For example, at 72 h, this amount ranged from around 0.4 to 0.6 mg cm−2, suggesting the maximum Si release of 4% with respect to the maximum amount potentially released by the MCNM.
The following tools/procedures related to experimental activities were identified to operationalize the safety aspects of the SSbD framework to evaluate the safety of the SiO2@ZnO MCNM in the early innovation stage including basic physicochemical characterization, hazard classification, rapid in vitro assays, the three-tiered methodology developed by the nanoGEM research project and the release investigation of potential hazardous substances from MCNM-based mortars. It is worth noting that except for the procedure addressing step 3 of the SSbD framework, chosen specifically for this case study, the tools identified in this study are generally applicable. As a result, they can be effectively utilized for implementing the safety aspect of the SSbD framework for MCNMs.
Concerning the re-design phase of this MCNM, a valid alternative to decrease the exposure of workers during the synthesis of MCNM, acting in the early-stage design will be the replacement of the SiO2 powder with colloidal SiO2, ensuring the same material functionality. Therefore, this approach can have a positive impact in the early stage of the design phase of chemicals/materials, steering innovation towards the green industrial transition, beyond current regulatory compliance.
In line with the framework, further assessments are ongoing to include the estimation of the environmental, social and economic impacts to address the other steps not covered in this work. For example, even if recycling of building materials is constantly increasing, it is worth noting that the end-of-life phase of MCNM-based mortars was not considered in this work, although it may be a critical step contributing to a more comprehensive safety and sustainability assessment. The ongoing research activity within SUNSHINE is now focusing on integrating the information generated herein with the screening level approach already developed by project partners,16 with the aim to include all these information in the SUNSHINE SSbD e-infrastructure. This methodology will provide an interactive tool to meet the expectations of stakeholders along the value chain of this MCNM, which can also be extended to other advanced materials. The digital integration of information through the e-infrastructure will help producers, both large companies and small and medium enterprises, to clearly identify criticalities along the entire MCNM life cycle in which to take action by eliminating hazardous materials, replacing them with less hazardous ones and disclosing the environmental, economic and social impacts compared to a benchmark. Overall, we believe that this approach is consistent with the Green Deal ambition towards a zero-pollution toxic-free environment to adequately protect citizens and the environment.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4en00352g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |