Susana M.
Karol P.
Gareth O.
*f and
Yaroslav Z.
aSchool of Pharmacy, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, NR2 1TS, UK. E-mail:
bDepartment of Drug Form Technology, Wroclaw Medical University, Borowska 211A, 50-556 Wroclaw, Poland
cInstitute of Chemical Sciences, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK
dInstituto de Investigaciones Químicas (CSIC-US), Avda. Américo Vespucio, 49, Sevilla 41092, Spain
eDepartment of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK
fSchool of Chemistry, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, LN6 7DL, UK. E-mail:
First published on 23rd May 2024
Supramolecular hydrogels have a wide range of applications in the biomedical field, acting as scaffolds for cell culture, matrices for tissue engineering and vehicles for drug delivery. L-Phenylalanine (Phe) is a natural amino acid that plays a significant role in several physiological and pathophysiological processes (phenylketonuria and assembly of fibrils linked to tissue damage). Since Myerson et al. [Chem. Eng. Commun., 2002, 189(8), 1079–1090] reported that Phe forms a fibrous network in vitro, Phe's self-assembly processes in water have been thoroughly investigated. We have reported structural control over gelation by introduction of a halogen atom in the aromatic ring of Phe, driving changes in the packing motifs, and therefore, dictating gelation functionality. The additional level of control gained over supramolecular gelation via the preparation of multi-component gel systems offers significant advantages in tuning functional properties of such materials. Gaining molecular-level information on the distribution of gelators between the inherent structural and dynamic heterogeneities of these materials remains a considerable challenge. Using multicomponent gels based on Phe and amino-L-phenylalanine (NH2-Phe), we will explore the patterns of ordered/disordered domains in the gel fibres and will attempt to come up with general trends of interactions in the gel fibres and at the fibre/solution interfaces. Phe and NH2-Phe were found to self-assemble in water into crystalline hydrogels. The determined faster dynamics of exchange between the gel and solution states of NH2-Phe in comparison with Phe were correlated with weaker intermolecular interactions, highlighting the role of head groups in dictating the strength of intermolecular interactions. In the mixed Phe/NH2-Phe systems, at a low concentration of NH2-Phe, disruption of the network was promoted by interference of the aliphatics of NH2-Phe with the electrostatic interactions between Phe molecules. At high concentrations of NH2-Phe, multiple-gelator hydrogels were formed with crystal habits different from those of the pure gel fibres. NMR crystallography approaches combining the strengths of solid- and solution-state NMR proved particularly suitable to obtain structural and dynamic insights into the “ordered” fibres, solution phase and fibre/solution interfaces in these gels. These findings are supported by a plethora of experimental (diffraction, rheology, microscopy and thermal analysis) and computational methods.
Multi-component gel systems are composed of two or more molecules.9,10 They can form gels only when combined, gel independently (Fig. 1a), or have their properties modified in the presence of non-gelling additives (Fig. 1b).9 When both molecules form gel networks on their own, the resulting mixed system may be formed by interpenetrated structures of the pure gelators, termed self-sorting, or might give rise to new mixed architectures, a process designated as co-assembly (Fig. 1a).9 Understanding, at the molecular level, the structure of multi-component gels provides opportunities to design customised soft materials.
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Fig. 1 Two-component self-association. (a) Supramolecular co-assembly and self-sorting processes can occur when both molecules are LMW gelators. (b) When the additive is a non-gelling molecule, the physical properties of the resulting gel material might be modified. Adapted from ref. 9. |
Phenylketonuria is an autosomal recessive disease that originates from mutations in the gene coding for phenylalanine hydroxylase.11,12 The absence of this enzyme leads to large accumulation of L-phenylalanine (Phe) in the plasma, brain tissue and cerebral fluids.11 The resultant accumulation of Phe leads to formation of stable toxic aggregates, which have been detected at micromolar concentrations in vivo.11–13 It has also been determined previously that Phe self-assembles into long fibres that give rise to a supramolecular crystalline hydrogel at millimolar concentrations in vitro.11,13–16
In this report, we discuss our findings on amino-L-phenylalanine (NH2-Phe) and its solution- and solid-state interactions with Phe (Fig. 2). The main purpose of this research project was to study single and multi-component hydrogels of Phe and NH2-Phe, and to pinpoint the interactions responsible for the disruption of Phe hydrogels upon the addition of NH2-Phe. Hence, the present study describes the mechanism of disruption of Phe hydrogels upon adding low concentrations of NH2-Phe, and how this information provides an insight into the structure and dynamics of single- and multiple-gelator hydrogels (which are formed at high concentrations of NH2-Phe). The resulting materials were characterised using microscopy, rheology, diffraction and advanced nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, methodologies that are able to probe different regimes of mobility, levels of self-organisation and intermolecular connectivities.
Phe gives rise to white opaque hydrogels (Fig. 3a), composed of long hair-like fibres (Fig. 5a), at concentrations higher than 212 mM.16 When small concentrations of NH2-Phe were added (up to 1:
0.2), a brownish colouration appeared, but the self-sustaining properties of the material were kept (Fig. 3b). Between the ratios of 1
0.2 and 1
0.4, a heterogeneous sample was obtained, containing white bulky clouds in suspension. These samples exhibited flow when inverted. When the concentration of NH2-Phe was increased further, thin white particles were observed in suspension (Fig. 3c). Above a 1
1 ratio, these particles were fully solubilised and a clear brown solution was obtained (Fig. 3d). When both molecules were mixed above their individual critical gelation concentrations (CGC) (CGCPhe = 212 mM and CGCNH2-Phe = 388 mM), brown hydrogels containing white crystalline structures were formed (Fig. 3e and 5b). The white elements were attributed to the long hair-like fibres belonging to Phe, interpenetrated with shorter and thicker needle-like crystals belonging to NH2-Phe (Fig. 5b). The presence of distinguishable morphologies is commonly associated with self-sorted materials, composed of intertwined fibres of the pure hydrogels.9
Throughout these studies, we discovered that NH2-Phe is also able to self-assemble in water into organised structures, forming brown opaque crystalline hydrogels (Fig. 3f) composed of wide needle-like fibres (Fig. 5c) at concentrations above 388 mM. The gelation process of NH2-Phe was found to be very dependent on quenching and agitation rates. Gel materials were successfully obtained only when the hot solutions were immediately cooled down in an ice bath with constant agitation, as slow cooling rates and lack of agitation favoured precipitation of crystalline needle-like components over gel formation. The three-dimensional habit of these needles corresponded to the crystal structure of the NH2-Phe gel fibres.
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Fig. 6 Storage (G′) and loss (G′′) moduli for Phe (303 mM), Phe/NH2-Phe (1![]() ![]() |
Interestingly, weaker gel fibres with lower resistance to deformation were found for the mixed hydrogel Phe/NH2-Phe (1:
2). The higher values of the phase angle (δ > 10) in combination with the lower elastic response (
= 2.7 × 105) and the higher inelastic response (
= 7.1 × 104 Pa) for these hydrogels compared to the pure materials pointed towards a system showing less elastic behaviour. These variations in the bulk properties of the pure and mixed gels reflected differences in their molecular and supramolecular level arrangements.
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Fig. 8 PXRD patterns of Phe (303 mM), Phe/NH2-Phe (1![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The structure determined from samples of NH2-Phe in water was ascertained to be a NH2-Phe hydrate [the stoichiometry of the asymmetric unit is (NH2-Phe)2(H2O)3]. The structure of the gel fibres of the Phe gels has a crystallographic stoichiometry of (Phe)2(H2O)2, from the asymmetric unit. The “extra hydration” of the NH2-Phe hydrate is not unexpected, as the amino group provides both hydrogen-bond donation and acceptor character, but these components are not stoichiometric. The amino groups of both molecules in the asymmetric unit only interact with water as a donor hydrogen-bond group (the amino groups also donate hydrogen bonding to the carboxylate groups), with the acceptor hydrogen-bonding property of the amino groups interacting with the ammonium group only, and not water. To better understand the interactions of NH2-Phe within the crystal structure, we turned to the determination of not only the hydrogen bonding, but estimates of the interaction energies.26–29
Interaction maps of Phe and NH2-Phe were calculated to determine if there was a preferential direction associated with intermolecular interactions. This preferred-direction hypothesis has been utilised by a number of researchers to understand the relationship between crystal structures and gelation/fibre formation.3,30–33 Both single crystal structures' hydrogen positions were normalised using Mercury (CCDC). The Crystallographic Information Files (CIFs) were then analysed utilising the Crystal Explorer software and Tonto. The Phe structure reveals a strong unidirectional preference for the dimer of Phe molecules. The dimers interact through a total interaction energy of 168.1 kJ mol−1, but this dimer interaction does not form a periodic pattern. However, the two molecules in the asymmetric unit strongly interact with each other through directional periodic interactions (along the b axis) of 125.3 and 125.5 kJ mol−1. These interaction strengths are a combination of zwitterion-based ionic interactions and charge-assisted hydrogen bonds, as we and others have determined previously.16 Although the preference of the interactions is not as large in the (NH2-Phe)2(H2O)3 structure, there is still some degree of directional preference. The stacking of the NH2-Phe zwitterions is still clearly visible and dominant, with calculated interaction energies of 115.6 kJ mol−1 and 110.1 kJ mol−1 for the two molecules in the asymmetric unit. These interactions are directed along the a axis and were found to be the strongest interaction between neighbouring NH2-Phe molecules. The next-strongest interactions are more than 20 kJ mol−1 weaker, are associated with the hydrogen bonding between the amine groups and the zwitterion end group, and are found perpendicular to the stronger interactions. The next-strongest interactions (ca. 50 kJ mol−1) are associated with water hydrogen bonding. What these calculations highlight is that the one-dimensional hypothesis often utilised in connecting gelation with crystal forms can be applied here as well, even though the hydrogen bonding and π–π interactions do not clearly show a preferential direction (the point of the energy framework analysis). Coupling these interactions with the Bravais–Friedel–Donnay–Harker (BFDH) morphology prediction (performed in the CSD Mercury program), we can clearly see how the fibrous material is generated through the intermolecular interactions of NH2-Phe, in association with water.
The addition of low amounts of NH2-Phe to the Phe hydrogels did not affect the three-dimensional molecular arrangement of the Phe gel fibres, as the PXRD patterns (Fig. 8) and 1H–13C CP/MAS NMR spectra (Fig. 9) were identical to those of pure Phe. The crystalline structures of particles in suspension – Phe/NH2-Phe (1:
0.4) – also matched the monohydrate form of Phe. However, a further increase in the concentration of NH2-Phe led to different results. The PXRD pattern of the mixed hydrogel was very similar to the one of pure NH2-Phe (Fig. 8), suggesting an analogous supramolecular arrangement. This is not surprising, as NH2-Phe is present at a higher concentration, imposing its crystalline organisation.
To help interpret the observed differences, the structure of the rigid components of the fibres was assessed using 1H–13C CP/MAS solid-state NMR spectroscopy. This method relies on the efficient transfer of polarisation from 1H to strongly dipolar-coupled 13C nuclei,34 and only the rigid gel fibres satisfy this condition. 1H–13C CP/MAS NMR spectra of Phe hydrogels showed the characteristic peak splitting of the monohydrate form, with two peaks per carbon site (Fig. 9 and 10), corresponding to two non-equivalent magnetic environments. Regarding the NH2-Phe hydrogel, the very good agreement between the 13C chemical shift values determined experimentally and those predicted using CASTEP for NH2-Phe hydrogels (Fig. 11) allowed us to confidently confirm the molecular packing motif within the gel fibres.
Even though the PXRD pattern of the Phe/NH2-Phe (1:
2) hydrogel presented a great resemblance to that of pure NH2-Phe, differences were identified in the CP/MAS studies (Fig. 10). The 1H–13C CP/MAS NMR spectrum was not a simple superposition of both spectra of the pure hydrogels (Fig. S14†). Instead, chemical shift variation was observed for the carbonyl, aromatic and CβH2 carbons (Table S6†). Moreover, the aromatic carbons of the mixtures were significantly broadened with different line shapes in comparison with the spectra of the single-gelator hydrogels. These studies showed that NH2-Phe is not imposing its supramolecular organisational preference, as suggested by PXRD data, but both molecules are intricately modifying each other's packing motifs.
15N MAS NMR experiments further supported the previous findings. 15N is an NMR-active nucleus sensitive to changes in the local environments of N-bearing groups and geometry of hydrogen bonds; therefore, it contains specific structural information.35 Due to its poor NMR sensitivity and negative gyromagnetic ratio,3515N-labelled Phe was used when monitoring the local environment of 15NH3+-motifs in single- and multiple-gelator hydrogels. The high-field 1H–15N CP/MAS spectrum of the Phe hydrogel showed two sharp peaks corresponding to the two molecules per asymmetric unit of the monohydrate form (Fig. 12). Interestingly, 15N-NMR peaks in the spectrum of the mixed gel system were significantly broadened with an additional 15N peak. The differences in peak intensities reflected that these 15N sites were structurally different. Furthermore, the presence of a variety of magnetically non-equivalent environments was consistent with the line broadening observed in the corresponding 1H–13C CP/MAS NMR spectrum, and showed that new 15NH3+-Phe environments were formed within the rigid fibres of multiple-gelator hydrogels. Altogether, these data show that molecules within the supramolecular structures of mixed gel systems have different local environments in comparison with those in pure hydrogels.
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Fig. 13 Chemical shift variation (Δ) in 1H-NMR spectra in dilution studies of the Phe/NH2-Phe (1![]() ![]() |
The dynamic character of supramolecular hydrogels is an advantageous feature, as molecules on the surface of fibres carry information from the network when returning to solution. The phenomenon of solution-state NMR spectra containing information from the hydrogel fibres due to fast molecular exchange between solution and gel states has been described previously.39,40 Therefore, the network can be investigated indirectly. 2D 1H–1H NOESY NMR experiments were conducted on the Phe/NH2-Phe (1:
0.15) hydrogel to determine the interactions responsible for disruption of the network and probable solubilisation of Phe molecules in water. Negative cross-peaks, characteristic of medium-to-large molecules,41 were observed between all protons (Fig. 14). The resulting map of through-space connectivities allowed calculation of interproton distances (Table 1). In combination with the evolution of nOe enhancements with mixing time (Fig. S22†), interproton distances enabled the conclusion that the most significant interaction was between NH2-Phe aliphatic protons and Phe CαH. NH2-Phe and Phe probably interact in solution via their electrostatic moieties, suggesting that the mechanism of disruption of Phe dimers16 occurs via mixed H-bonding of the zwitterionic parts.
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Fig. 14 2D 1H–1H NOESY NMR spectrum of the Phe/NH2-Phe (1![]() ![]() |
Correlation | r (Å) | Error (Å) |
a Distance used as reference. | ||
NH2-Phe Arom H2,6![]() ![]() |
2.28a | — |
NH2-Phe CβH2![]() ![]() |
2.48 | 0.20 |
NH2-Phe Arom H3,5![]() ![]() |
2.68 | 0.21 |
NH2Phe CαH![]() ![]() |
2.70 | 0.22 |
NH2-Phe Arom H3,5![]() ![]() |
2.80 | 0.22 |
NH2-Phe Arom H3,5![]() ![]() |
3.23 | 0.26 |
NH2-Phe Arom H2,6![]() ![]() |
3.24 | 0.26 |
NH2-Phe Arom H2,6![]() ![]() |
3.37 | 0.27 |
NH2-Phe Arom H2,6![]() ![]() |
3.50 | 0.28 |
NH2-Phe Arom H3,5![]() ![]() |
3.60 | 0.29 |
NH2-Phe Arom H2,6![]() ![]() |
3.68 | 0.29 |
As the concentration of NH2-Phe in the Phe hydrogels was continuously raised, an increased peak intensity for Phe protons was recorded, reflecting the higher concentration of Phe dissolved in solution (Fig. 16 and Table S7†). Sharp and intense 1H peaks revealed the molecular variations associated with the formation of a suspension at Phe/NH2-Phe (1:
0.3), exhibiting spectral features characteristic of isotropic solutions. It was concluded that the co-existence of Phe and NH2-Phe (at these molar ratios and concentrations) increased their water solubilities and led to disruption of the supramolecular network.
Since relaxation processes are affected by 1H mobilities, these could be used to probe molecular motions in supramolecular gels.381H longitudinal relaxation times (T1) were monitored throughout the gel-to-solution transitions of these thermoreversible materials. The 1H T1 times were similar for different 1H species in the Phe hydrogel (Fig. 17), a behaviour associated with fast exchange processes occurring between gel and solution states.37 The resulting 1H T1 values are an average of molecules in both environments.37,38
When low concentrations of NH2-Phe were added to the Phe hydrogel, the 1H T1 times were similar for different 1H sites of NH2-Phe (Fig. 17). The similarity of the 1H T1 values proved that Phe and NH2-Phe were exchanging between gel and solution states, a phenomenon reported previously by our group.37 After the addition of 40 mM of NH2-Phe (molar ratio of 1:
0.15), the similarity between T1 values for different groups was lost. A full distribution of T1 times, typical of solutions, was observed when the concentration of NH2-Phe was over 55 mM (molar ratio of 1
0.2). Above this concentration, the system was dominantly composed of fast-tumbling molecules of Phe and NH2-Phe dissolved in isotropic pools of solvent, a consequence of the destruction of the supramolecular network, in agreement with the sharp and intense peaks detected in the corresponding 1H spectrum (Fig. 16).
Similarly, the 1H T1 times in pure NH2-Phe and mixed Phe/NH2-Phe hydrogels presented a dispersion of values in the gel state similar to solutions of NH2-Phe, contrasting with the pure Phe hydrogel (Fig. 17). The linear dependence of 1H T1 times on temperature (Fig. S17†) pointed towards Phe and NH2-Phe being mainly dissolved throughout the range of temperatures. These results reflected different dynamics of exchange of molecules between gel and solution environments for the pure NH2-Phe gel and mixed gels when compared with the pure Phe gel material.
Saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR experiments were carried out to assess the dynamics of exchange at the gel/solution interfaces.37,42,43 A mono-exponential evolution of build-up of saturation in solution was observed for the Phe hydrogel (Fig. 18), indicative of fast exchange phenomena between gel and solution states on the NMR relaxation time scale.37
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Fig. 18 Initial slope of build-up curves (STD0) of Phe hydrogels with increasing concentrations of NH2-Phe, measured at 298 K. |
The initial slope for the fractional STD response, STD0, decreased gradually as higher concentrations of NH2-Phe were introduced (Fig. 18). More importantly, no build-up of saturation was detected at concentrations of NH2-Phe higher than 55 mM (molar ratio of 1:
0.2). Since STD NMR experiments rely on the transfer of saturation from a large supramolecular network, which acts as a reservoir of magnetisation, to protons in close proximity, these studies proved further that the supramolecular network lost its structural integrity at molar ratios higher than Phe/NH2-Phe (1
0.2). This was in agreement with 1H longitudinal relaxation findings and was consistent with the loss of self-sustaining properties macroscopically observed. These experiments allowed determination of the ‘breaking point’ of the network at the molecular level.
Low initial build-up values (STD0) were observed in the pure NH2-Phe and mixed Phe/NH2-Phe hydrogels (Fig. 18). Accumulation of saturation in solution for Phe was therefore less efficient in the multiple-gelator hydrogel. When variable-temperature NMR measurements were carried out to investigate exchange phenomena, the levels of accumulation of saturation in solution decreased with temperature (Fig. S8 and S9†), showing that the rate of exchange between bound and free states was increased. This allowed the conclusion that, at room temperature, Phe and NH2-Phe exchange at the gel/solution interfaces faster than the NMR relaxation time scale, as a consequence of weak intermolecular interactions.
When working at higher concentrations of NH2-Phe, a different scenario was encountered. NH2-Phe was mixed with Phe at gel-forming concentrations ([Phe] > 212 mM and [NH2-Phe] > 388 mM), and multiple-gelator hydrogels of Phe/NH2-Phe were obtained. Morphology studies showed the formation of individual fibres of Phe or NH2-Phe, pointing towards a system that maintains the structure of the pure gelators, a phenomenon named self-sorting. Their supramolecular arrangements seemed to be dominated by the NH2-Phe crystal structure, as diffraction experiments showed great similarity between the crystalline components of NH2-Phe and Phe/NH2-Phe hydrogels. However, investigation of local molecular environments via solid-state NMR spectroscopy showed a certain degree of supramolecular disorder. The line broadening observed in 1H–13C CP/MAS NMR spectra and the presence of additional 15N environments for Phe provided evidence that both gelator molecules were differently surrounded within the rigid mixed fibres. Moreover, the dispersion of 1H T1 values and the low STD NMR response reflected modification of their dynamics of exchange at the gel/solution interfaces in comparison with pure hydrogels. These data provided evidence of interaction between both gelator molecules in solution and on the surface of the mixed hydrogel fibres. It is the affinity of Phe for NH2-Phe, and vice versa, that is behind the presence of both molecules in the solid fibres. We hypothesised that multiple-gelator hydrogels were composed of purely self-sorted fibres in a delicate balance with co-assembled structures formed of both Phe and NH2-Phe molecules.
We also found out that NH2-Phe is able to independently self-assemble in water to give rise to strong brown gels above 388 mM. The three-dimensional ordering of the needle-like crystalline fibres was determined to be an (NH2-Phe)2(H2O)3 structure using diffraction methods, giving a very good agreement with solid-state NMR experiments. These fibres incorporated ca. 80% of the gelator molecules, with the rest coexisting dissolved in pools of water or partially trapped at the fibre interfaces, and exchanging between both environments. The dynamics of this exchange were faster than in the pure Phe hydrogel, highlighting the importance of the Phe head group in dictating the strength of intermolecular interactions.45
When mixed in water, different products were obtained depending on the concentration and molar ratio of the gelator molecules. At low concentrations of NH2-Phe, disruption of the network was promoted by interference of the aliphatics of NH2-Phe with the electrostatic interactions between Phe molecules, which are the anisotropic forces of self-assembly of Phe. The affinity between both molecules in solution, forming a solution complex, most likely is responsible for network disruption and provided clues on their interaction in the solid state. At high concentrations of NH2-Phe, multiple-gelator hydrogels were formed with crystal habits different from those of the pure gel fibres, as new environments were detected using solid-state NMR. Consequently, in these mixed materials, the interactions between Phe and NH2-Phe were different from those present in pure hydrogels, and the phenomenon of exchange at the gel/solution interfaces was modulated. Despite Phe and NH2-Phe forming different crystal structures, their molecular similarity and similar potential to participate in non-covalent bonds allows them to intimately interact in solution during self-assembly processes, which is manifested at larger scales by the modulation of the resulting fibres at gel-forming concentrations. These findings may provide an insight into the mechanisms of prevention of accumulation of Phe, as well as aggregation processes of peptides and proteins in pathological processes.
Crystal data for (NH2-Phe)2(H2O)3: C18 H30 N4 O7, M = 414.46, clear colourless needle, 0.40 × 0.05 × 0.01 mm3, monoclinic, space group P21 (No. 4), a = 5.9813(9) Å, b = 11.3702(15) Å, c = 14.985(2) Å, β = 93.681(8)°, V = 1017.0(2) Å3, Z = 2, Dc = 1.353 g cm−3, F000 = 444, Bruker APEX-II CCD, MoKα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å, T = 100.15 K, 2θmax = 51.6°, 2591 reflections collected, 2591 unique (Rint (merged) = 0.0726). Final GooF = 1.086, R1 = 0.0573, wR2 = 0.1576, R indices based on 2295 reflections with I > 3s(I) (refinement on F2), 277 parameters, 15 restraints. Lp and absorption corrections applied, μ = 0.105 mm−1.
1H-NMR spectra were acquired with excitation sculpting for water suppression (zgespg), a recycle delay of 10 s and 16 scans. 1H longitudinal relaxation times (T1) were measured using a standard inversion recovery pulse sequence with a recycle delay of 10 s and 8 scans. 16 points were recorded at variable time delays ranging from 0.1 to 20 s. The evolution of intensities was fitted mathematically to the mono-exponential function , where Mz is the z-component of magnetisation, M0 is the equilibrium magnetisation and τ is the time delay.46
2D 1H–1H Nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) experiments were recorded using a phase-sensitive 2D NOESY pulse sequence with WATERGATE for water suppression (noesygpph19). 16 points were recorded using variable mixing times (τm = 0.01, 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5), a recycle delay of 2 s and 32 scans. Internuclear distances were calculated according to the Initial Rate Approximation, which establishes that the initial build-up of NOE enhancements with mixing time is approximately linear. The cross-relaxation rate could therefore be determined from the initial slope of the build-up curve (IIS as a function of tm), where the NOE enhancement (IIS) was defined as the ratio between the intensity of the cross-peak and the intensity of the sum of the diagonal peaks, an approach that has been applied to organogels by Canet et al. (2012).39 In turn, the cross-relaxation rate (sIS) was proportional to the inverse sixth power of the internuclear distance,
sIS = ζrIS−6. | (1) |
This relationship between intensity and distance allowed the observed nOe intensities to be calibrated relative to a known internuclear distance (NH2-Phe H2,6 – NH2-Phe H3,5) within the supramolecular system.39,47,48
Saturation transfer difference NMR experiments were performed with selective saturation of a determined 1H frequency using a train of 40 Gaussian pulses with a duration of 50 ms (stddiffgp19.2), acquired with a recycle delay of 6 s and 16 scans. STD spectra were created by the subtraction of an on-resonance spectrum (STDon), in which a spectral region was selectively saturated, to an off-resonance spectrum (STDoff), acquired with no selective saturation. Interleaved acquisition of STDon and STDoff spectra was performed as pseudo-2D experiments to minimise artefacts caused by variations throughout the experiment. STDon spectra were acquired at a saturation frequency of 1 ppm (where only resonances of the network could be encountered), whereas the STDoff saturation frequency was set to 40 ppm. Each pair of experiments was carried out at variable saturation times ranging from 0.25 to 6 s. The signal intensity in the STD spectrum relative to the STDoff spectrum was used to determine the fractional STD response, ηSTD:
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Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Additional experimental data, structural characterisation of hydrogels including single and powder X-ray diffraction data, NMR spectra recorded in solution and solid state, and data of thermal analysis. CCDC 2350191. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: |
‡ Deceased author. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |