Aniruddha Baral*ab,
Jose-Luis Galvez-Martos
*c and
Theodore Hanein
aSchool of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9LG, UK. E-mail:;
bDepartment of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA
cTecnalia Research & Innovation, Astondo Bidea, Edificio 700, 48160, Derio, Bizkaia, Spain. E-mail:
dearth4Earth Technology Ltd, London, W1W 7LT, UK
First published on 21st February 2025
Lime (CaO) and soda ash (Na2CO3) are two foundational chemicals for modern civilization, and the CO2 emissions from their production processes are challenging to reduce. Furthermore, decarbonization of the lime industry could also reduce the CO2 emissions associated with cement production, for which lime is the key precursor. In this paper, we show that an anion exchange process to co-produce CaO and Na2CO3 from CaCO3 and NaOH can reduce the carbon footprint of both chemicals through industrial symbiosis. Heating energy and NaOH production are the major contributing factors towards the cost and CO2 emissions of this process, which can supply the global annual soda ash demand (∼65 Mt) and co-produce ∼50 Mt of lime in an economically sustainable manner (16% gross margin) while immediately reducing global CO2 emission by 37 Mt compared to current production methods. Using electrified industrial heat sources and heat pumps to reuse heating energy would further reduce the cost and CO2 emissions of the anion exchange process.
Green foundation1. Lime and soda ash production belong to the “hard-to-abate” sector, where reduction of CO2 emissions is difficult. In this paper, we have shown that an anion-exchange process to co-produce lime and soda ash can reduce global CO2 emissions by 37 Mt per year in an economically feasible manner.2. Lime and soda ash are fundamentally essential chemicals for today's human civilization. They are used for carbon capture, cement, detergent, and glass manufacturing, and they are critical for energy storage applications, including lithium and sodium ion batteries, and renewable energy generation, such as solar panels. 3. Integrating soda ash and lime manufacturing is a pivotal step in decarbonizing the inorganic bulk chemical sector, which can have a ripple effect on decarbonizing other hard-to-abate sectors. |
Both lime and soda ash production are considered part of hard-to-abate sectors13,14 and are expected to require radical transformation in their production processes to make them carbon-neutral. Recently, a novel chemical process has been developed to simultaneously produce Ca(OH)2 and Na2CO3 from CaCO3 and NaOH through anion exchange without direct CO2 emission (eqn (1)).15
CaCO3 + 2Na(OH) (aq.) ⇌ Ca(OH)2 + Na2CO3 | (1) |
Eqn (1) is a reversible anion-exchange reaction, and the output is always a mix of CaCO3, NaOH, Ca(OH)2, and Na2CO3. However, the conversion efficiency of CaCO3 into Ca(OH)2 (eqn (2)) can be as high as 96%, depending on the initial amount of CaCO3, NaOH, and water (H2O).
![]() | (2) |
The different compounds are separated by leveraging the high solubility of NaOH in alcohol (methanol or ethanol) and Na2CO3 in water. This anion exchange reaction occurs at ambient pressure and temperature and is successful even when utilizing industrial sources of limestone containing various impurities such as Si, Al, and Fe.16 Furthermore, it is not highly sensitive to reaction temperature.17 Although this anion-exchange process shows promise in reducing carbon emissions, a thorough and systematic techno-economic analysis has not been performed to evaluate its potential for scaling up within the timeframe necessary to achieve climate goals.
In this work, we have evaluated the energy, cost, and carbon footprint of executing the processes previously suggested,15 along with proposing a new process for better techno-economic opportunities. The aim of our analysis was to identify the process and the initial amounts of CaCO3, NaOH, and water in eqn (1) that would provide the lowest cost and CO2 footprint, as well as to compare them to the current global emission and cost values to evaluate the potential of this technology for successful scaling up in the short term.
The production of Ca(OH)2 and Na2CO3 from CaCO3 and NaOH can involve various steps depending on the order of separation and purification after the anion exchange reaction (Fig. 1). In this paper, two processes, process A and process B, proposed by Hanein et al.,15 would be considered. Process A involves removing the unreacted NaOH using methanol, and then separating Na2CO3 from the mixture of Ca-containing compounds, Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3. In process B, the Ca-containing compounds are first separated after adding excess water to dissolve NaOH and Na2CO3.
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Fig. 1 Flow diagrams of the two processes (a: process A, b: process B). In process “A”, the unreacted NaOH after the anion exchange reaction is separated first before separating the Na2CO3 from the mixture of Ca-containing compounds, Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3. In process “B”, the Ca-containing compounds are separated from the mixture after adding excess water to remove/dissolve both NaOH and Na2CO3.15 |
For a techno-economic assessment, a set of 71 observed experimental results15 that evaluated the conversion rate of CaCO3 into Ca(OH)2 as in eqn (1), when different amounts of CaCO3, NaOH, and water are mixed, are considered. As the chemical reaction described in eqn (1) is never 100% complete and depends on a complex equilibrium, the Ca-containing product will always be a mixture of different compositions of Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3, and for comparison purposes, the mixture of Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3 is here assumed to be heated at 1000 °C using natural gas to form CaO as the final product.
For the title study, two types of NaOH, (1) “commercial NaOH” (obtained from the currently available supply chain) and (2) “renewable NaOH” (produced using 100% renewable green electricity), have been considered. In terms of output materials, two cases for the Na2CO3 generated were also considered: (1) “commercialized Na2CO3”, where the Na2CO3 is sold in the market, or (2) “recycled Na2CO3”, where the Na2CO3 produced is used to the regenerate NaOH (input in eqn (1)). Thus, a total of 4 cases were considered for each process, process A and B – (1) commercial NaOH, commercialized Na2CO3, (2) renewable NaOH, commercialized Na2CO3, (3) commercial NaOH, recycled Na2CO3, and (4) renewable NaOH, recycled Na2CO3. A detailed description of the cost and CO2 footprint of these materials is provided below and in the ESI (Tables 1 and S1†).
Feature | Value/calculation/comment |
RM: raw materials, U: utilities, C&A: consumables and auxiliaries, OL&S: Labour, supervision, laboratory and overheads, IN: insurance, M: maintenance. | |
Base year | 2019 |
Currency | USD |
Geographical scope | Europe |
Annual total costs | Variable costs + fixed costs |
Variable costs | RM + U + C&A |
Raw materials (RM) | NaOH: USD 219 per t |
Renewable NaOH: USD 218 per t | |
Methanol: USD 254 per t (ref. 26) | |
Sodium carbonate: USD 223 per t | |
Recycled NaOH: USD 363 per t | |
Recycled renewable NaOH: USD 362 per t | |
CaO: USD 140 per t (ref. 10) | |
Utilities (U) | Natural gas: USD 8.5 per GJ (ref. 27) |
Power: | |
Grid – USD 16.3 per GJ (ref. 28) | |
Renewable (wind) – USD 15.5 per GJ (ref. 29) | |
Water: USD 3.7 per m3 | |
Consumables and auxiliaries (C&A) | 5% of M |
Fixed costs | OL&S + IN + M |
Labour, supervision, laboratory and overheads (OL&S) | Based on European labour costs for manufacturing sectors (USD 32.0 per h)30 + 15% overhead |
Insurance (IN) | 1% of TIC |
Maintenance (M) | 3% of TIC |
Evaporators were calculated using an adiabatic flash block to estimate the heat requirements for drying and evaporation at 150 °C. The rest of the processes (mixers, reprecipitations and/or redissolutions) were estimated from solubility data, while the thermal balance of each block was estimated using Aspen Plus. The two options (A and B) were integrated into the same simulation flowsheet with a stream multiplicator to calculate the mass and energy balance for all the 142 potential cases (71 experimental results through 2 different processing options) in one simulation run. These calculations and the solubilities were integrated into a worksheet calculator that includes the 71 case studies developed by Hanein et al.15 and feeds to the Aspen model the conversion of calcite and the amount of required methanol or water for reprecipitation/redissolution.
The mass and energy balance results are then calculated through a sensitivity analysis for all the laboratory results reported by Hanein et al. (Table S4†).15 Methanol was assumed to be recovered in a closed cycle, as for conventional solvents. However, a 5% loss per cycle was considered to estimate the potential impact of various losses in an industrial plant. Evaporated water is not recovered, while electricity needs, calculated for pumping and pressure-driven filtrations, are lower than 1 kW h per ton of input calcite for options A and B.
The system is multifunctional since the by-product consists of a solid composed mainly of sodium carbonate that may be recycled to make NaOH (case – “recycled Na2CO3”) or commercialized (case – “commercialized Na2CO3”). In order to evaluate the influence of the by-product on the carbon footprint, for the case of “commercialized Na2CO3”, the system was expanded in order to include the avoidance of the production of commercial sodium carbonate and lime. For the case “recycled Na2CO3”, sodium carbonate was assumed to be recycled back to sodium hydroxide through an electrolytic system; pure CO2 would then be produced, which would be stored underground and not considered in the GHG balance.
The background system inventories were taken from ecoinvent 3.8,21 except for sodium hydroxide, for which the inventory model is modified to account for realistic and current electricity market-derived emissions during the electrolytic process of sodium hydroxide. For the foreground system, i.e. the production of CaO through the reaction of sodium hydroxide and calcite, the mass and energy balances for the two design options described above (A and B) were taken from the mass and energy balances produced in Aspen Plus. Energy supply was modeled considering an average, from the latest available European inventory for natural gas heat and the European mix for electricity. Average water, limestone, and methanol supplies in Europe were accounted for from ecoinvent 3.8, maximizing its representativeness.
Table 1 also summarizes the main economic assumptions used in the calculations and shows all the prices and costs already converted into USD2019.
Cost data were all actualized to December 2019, i.e., a pre-pandemic situation and without the current (2024) price volatility, by using the Producer Price Index (PPI)23 for raw materials and the Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI)24 for investment costs unless originally sourced from 2019 (Table S3†). For consistency, as most cost references for raw materials were found on a USD basis, we utilized the PPI reported by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. The yearly exchange rates USD/EUR were taken as the average December exchange rates each year.
Sodium hydroxide costs were estimated from the weighted average flow of import and export values reported in the UN Comtrade database.25 The average was weighed considering the suppliers’ traded flow covering 90% of the total traded flow and then converted into USD2019 per ton of NaOH, which is taken as the “Commercial NaOH” price. The price of “Renewable NaOH” was calculated based on the “Commercial NaOH” price and the difference between European average electricity prices for non-household consumers and European average electricity prices from wind turbines.
From this value, the estimate for the price of sodium hydroxide manufactured from 100% renewable electricity (Re-NaOH) was calculated using eqn (3).
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The heat requirement of the processes was generated using a natural gas heater.
The net carbon footprints of the anion exchange system are shown in Fig. S2† and Fig. 2 for processes A and B, respectively. The net carbon footprint was dependent on the NaOH type (commercial vs. renewable) and the fate of the Na2CO3 produced (recycled vs. commercialized). The net carbon footprint of the system was in the following order: commercial NaOH and recycled Na2CO3 > renewable NaOH and recycled Na2CO3 > commercial NaOH and commercialized Na2CO3 > renewable NaOH and commercialized Na2CO3. Recycling Na2CO3 increased the carbon footprint of the system significantly, and apart from a few cases where it was assumed that the CaO produced replaced existing CaO production with a high carbon footprint, the net carbon footprint was positive. Recycling Na2CO3 to regenerate NaOH has a carbon footprint of 0.92 t CO2 per t NaOH regenerated, which is higher than the CO2 footprint of the currently used NaOH production process (0.78 and 0.31 t CO2eq per t NaOH for commercial and renewable NaOH, respectively). Furthermore, recycling Na2CO3 also eliminates the CO2 savings from replacing current Na2CO3 production (0.67 t CO2 per t Na2CO3), making the recycling of Na2CO3 to regenerate NaOH an unattractive method.
For the cases where Na2CO3 is commercialized, the net representative carbon footprint for process A could be as low as −0.15 t CO2 per t CaCO3 processed for commercial NaOH, and −0.47 t CO2 per t CaCO3 processed for renewable NaOH. Similarly, when Na2CO3 was commercialized for process B, a minimum net representative carbon footprint of −0.20 and −0.50 t CO2 per t CaCO3 processed was achieved for commercial NaOH and renewable NaOH, respectively. When Na2CO3 was commercialized, the net representative carbon footprint was lower when the water content in the mix design was within ∼25 to 50%, compared to that for very high or low water content. The net representative carbon footprint decreased with an increase in the conversion efficiency of CaCO3 in the anion exchange process (Fig. 3a), as a lower conversion efficiency implies that a higher fraction of unreacted CaCO3 is later calcined to form CaO, which directly releases 0.44 t CO2 per t CaCO3 calcined.
In terms of effects of NaOH type and Na2CO3 usage compared to the control case (i.e., commercial NaOH and commercialized Na2CO3), using renewable NaOH reduced the net carbon footprint, and the reduction increased linearly with increasing conversion efficiency, as an increased efficiency implies that an increasing amount of NaOH is consumed per ton of CaCO3 processed (Fig. 3b). Similarly, the recycling of Na2CO3 increased the net carbon footprint linearly with increasing conversion efficiency as Na2CO3 generation increased with conversion efficiency. As recycling Na2CO3 made the net carbon footprint positive for both processes A and B, we will not further consider these cases for techno-economic assessment. Using process B instead of process A, in general, reduced the net carbon footprint, but process B had a higher net carbon footprint when the ratio of NaOH to H2O was higher than 1.5, similar to the trend observed in the net heat energy requirement in the next section (Fig. 4), as a higher amount of excess water had to be added to dissolve both Na2CO3 and NaOH to separate the Ca-containing compounds (Fig. 3d). In terms of mix design, the mix with water, NaOH, and CaCO3 contents of 33.3, 33.4, and 33.3 wt% (Experiment ID 6) provided the lowest net carbon footprint for both processes and NaOH types.
The net carbon footprint also generally decreased with increasing profitability (Fig. S5†), as both parameters showed a strong correlation with conversion efficiency. Although the anion exchange process is profitable, the gross profit margin is relatively low (∼2% for process B). However, selling carbon credits ($80 per t CO2) arising from the net carbon footprint reduction would make this process more profitable (Fig. 5), with a gross margin of 16% for renewable NaOH and 6% for commercial NaOH. Even after selling carbon credits, the mix design with Experiment ID 19 remains most profitable for both processes and NaOH types. This mix design had a CaCO3 conversion efficiency of 69%, and thus, for 1-ton CaO production, 1.3 ton of Na2CO3 is generated and 0.49 kg of NaOH is consumed. In terms of major factors affecting the costs (Fig. 6), we found that heating energy and NaOH both contribute to almost ∼50% of the total cost each for both commercial and renewable NaOH usage, whereas selling carbon credits, and selling CaO and Na2CO3 were the major sources of revenue. The CO2 emissions had another major contributor along with NaOH and heating energy – the direct CO2 emission arising from calcining the unreacted CaCO3 to form CaO. Thus, the economic viability of the process is sensitive to changes in the price of carbon credit, natural gas, NaOH, Na2CO3, and CaO.
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Fig. 7 Schematic diagram showing the integration of anion exchange process B with the cement kiln system. |
Considering Experiment ID 19 mix design with renewable NaOH, we found that the amount of CO2 produced by the cement plant using the lime from the anion exchange process was sufficient to convert all the unreacted NaOH into Na2CO3. Integrating the anion exchange process with a cement plant for Experiment ID 19 mix design would reduce the net carbon footprint by 0.15 t CO2 per t CaCO3 with a final net footprint of −0.45 t CO2 per t CaCO3. However, as recycling Na2CO3 to generate NaOH was not environmentally friendly, modifying a significant portion of global cement production capacity with this anion exchange process in an economically sustainable way would not currently be possible without finding a new avenue for utilizing the significant amount of Na2CO3 co-produced or realising advances in NaOH production that may allow the storage of Na2CO3 to be economical. Assuming that the annual global consumption of Na2CO3 stays unchanged (65 Mt), this anion exchange process could produce ∼50 Mt of lime, immediately reducing the global CO2 emission by 37.3 Mt per year using process B.
Currently, the Na2CO3 and Ca(OH)2 production processes are decoupled, as the modified Solvay process (or Hou's process) no longer uses CaO to regenerate NH3, the catalyst used in the original Solvay method. Adopting co-production of Na2CO3 and Ca(OH)2 would change the current global material flow, which may affect the costs and CO2 footprint of transporting these materials from the production location to the customers. The limited global demand for Na2CO3 compared to that for Ca(OH)2 (including potential demand for Portland cement production) is one of the bottlenecks of scaling-up the anion-exchange process beyond satisfying the global Na2CO3 demand. Potential avenues of increased usage of Na2CO3 are in glass production, water purification, and the construction industry, including activating secondary raw materials (slags) with Na2CO3 (∼5 wt% of slag)33,34 to reduce the global clinker demand and thus reduce global CO2 footprint.35
To understand the effect of pricing volatility and changing carbon footprint associated with the materials involved in the anion exchange process, we performed a sensitivity analysis of the anion exchange process for the mix design Experiment ID 19 (water: 30.7, NaOH: 30.9, and CaCO3: 38.4 wt%), when the various factors were changed by 20% (Fig. 8). The economic feasibility of this anion-exchange process is highly sensitive to the market price of the major input and output raw materials, i.e., Na2CO3, NaOH, and CaO, apart from CaCO3, as CaCO3 is inexpensive compared to the other materials. Heating energy is also one of the key parameters – and the high volatility in the price of natural gas (or any other fuel) needs to be considered when implementing this process. The initial investment cost and fixed operating expense do not influence the economic feasibility of this simple process. Similarly, the net CO2 footprint of the process is also primarily sensitive to the CO2 footprint of the raw materials other than CaCO3 and heating energy. The CO2 emission and cost of the anion exchange process could be further lowered by electrifying the industrial process heat used.36,37
Decarbonizing a significant portion of the cement industry using this technology requires new avenues for utilizing the Na2CO3 produced and significant developments in global NaOH production, as recycling Na2CO3 to regenerate NaOH was not economically and environmentally favorable. The proposed process is highly sensitive to the CO2 emissions and market price associated with NaOH and Na2CO3, and the supply of heating energy.
We show that this anion exchange technology, even when using natural gas to supply heating energy, can be used immediately to decarbonize the lime and soda ash industries. When NaOH produced using renewable energy is utilized to produce soda ash and lime employing process B, an annual reduction of 37.3 Mt CO2 emission can be achieved compared to the current production process.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2025 |