Enhanced thermoelectric and mechanical properties of Cu1.8S1−xPx bulks mediated by mixed phase engineering


Copper sulfide is considered an advanced thermoelectric material due to its non-toxic nature and cost-effectiveness. Nevertheless, as a superionic conductor, Cu1.8S demonstrates exceptionally high conductivity, and its thermoelectric properties can be improved by adjusting the carrier concentration. In this study, samples of Cu1.8S1−xPx (x = 0–0.04, with an interval of 0.01) were designed using a combination of melting and spark plasma sintering techniques. The phase composition of the matrix changed from Cu1.8S to Cu1.96S and Cu2S through the artificial reduction of S content, resulting in increased grain size and lower concentrations of multidimensional defects. Compared to the pure sample, the carrier mobility of the Cu1.8S0.97P0.03 sample ultimately increased from 32 to 71 cm2 V−1 s−1, attaining a maximum ZT value of 1.25 at 873 K. Furthermore, the reduced defect concentration and local stress concentration enhanced the mechanical properties (microhardness and Young's modulus) of the Cu1.8S0.97P0.03. Thus, this study provides novel insights into the optimization of the thermoelectric properties of the Cu–S system and underscores its significant potential for application in other sulfide thermoelectric materials.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced thermoelectric and mechanical properties of Cu1.8S1−xPx bulks mediated by mixed phase engineering

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Article type
15 1 2025
09 2 2025
First published
11 2 2025

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025, Advance Article

Enhanced thermoelectric and mechanical properties of Cu1.8S1−xPx bulks mediated by mixed phase engineering

X. Yan, Q. Huang, T. Yang, D. Yu, H. Yin, C. Wang, Z. Ge, Y. Zhang and H. Pan, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D5TC00170F

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