Issue 38, 2011

syn-Selective asymmetric cross-aldol reactions between aldehydes and glyoxylic acid derivatives catalyzed by an axially chiral amino sulfonamide


syn-Selective asymmetric cross-aldol reactions of aldehydes with tert-butyl glyoxylate and glyoxamide were realized by the use of an axially chiral amino sulfonamide (S)-1. The cross-aldol products obtained are densely functionalized and readily converted to synthetically useful and important chiral building blocks such as γ-lactone and γ-lactam.

Graphical abstract: syn-Selective asymmetric cross-aldol reactions between aldehydes and glyoxylic acid derivatives catalyzed by an axially chiral amino sulfonamide

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Article information

Article type
19 7 2011
22 8 2011
First published
05 9 2011

Chem. Commun., 2011,47, 10626-10628

syn-Selective asymmetric cross-aldol reactions between aldehydes and glyoxylic acid derivatives catalyzed by an axially chiral amino sulfonamide

T. Kano, A. Noishiki, R. Sakamoto and K. Maruoka, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 10626 DOI: 10.1039/C1CC14347F

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