Issue 2, 2012

Design, synthesis, and application of tartaric acid derived N-spiroquaternary ammonium salts as chiral phase-transfer catalysts


A novel class of tartaric acid-derived N-spiro quaternary ammonium salts was synthesised starting from known TADDOLs. These compounds were found to catalyse the asymmetric α-alkylation of glycine Schiff bases with high enantioselectivities and in good yields.

Graphical abstract: Design, synthesis, and application of tartaric acid derived N-spiro quaternary ammonium salts as chiral phase-transfer catalysts

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Article information

Article type
14 9 2011
14 10 2011
First published
17 10 2011
This article is Open Access

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012,10, 251-254

Design, synthesis, and application of tartaric acid derived N-spiro quaternary ammonium salts as chiral phase-transfer catalysts

M. Waser, K. Gratzer, R. Herchl and N. Müller, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012, 10, 251 DOI: 10.1039/C1OB06573D

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