Issue 3, 2014

Chiral N,N′-dioxide ligands: synthesis, coordination chemistry and asymmetric catalysis


A class of conformationally flexible ligands composed of a tertiary amino oxide–amide backbone and a straight-chain alkyl spacer was developed. These C2-symmetric chiral N,N′-dioxide ligands could be straightforwardly synthesized from readily available amino acids and amines. They act as neutral tetradentate ligands to bind a wide variety of metal ions. Non-planar cis-α M(N,N′-dioxide) complexes enable an intriguing and easily fine-tuned chiral platform for a number of asymmetric reactions. Privileged N,N′-dioxide ligands frequently show wide substrate generality and exceptional levels of stereocontrol for a specific catalytic reaction. We describe approaches to the ligand design and synthesis, structure and bonding in coordination complexes, and the recent developments in asymmetric catalysis.

Graphical abstract: Chiral N,N′-dioxide ligands: synthesis, coordination chemistry and asymmetric catalysis

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Article information

Article type
Tutorial Account
29 11 2013
05 1 2014
First published
04 2 2014

Org. Chem. Front., 2014,1, 298-302

Chiral N,N′-dioxide ligands: synthesis, coordination chemistry and asymmetric catalysis

X. Liu, L. Lin and X. Feng, Org. Chem. Front., 2014, 1, 298 DOI: 10.1039/C3QO00059A

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