Issue 11, 2019

Analyzing the scaffold immune microenvironment using flow cytometry: practices, methods and considerations for immune analysis of biomaterials


The immune system has evolved as a powerful tool for our body to combat infections, and is being engineered for new treatments in cancer and autoimmune disease. More recently, the complex role of the immune system is being recognized in tissue repair, regenerative medicine and biomaterial responses. From these combined interests, the field of immunoengineering is rapidly growing. However, bridging immunology with engineering poses numerous challenges including the biological complexity, language of immunology and accurately leveraging the powerful techniques of immunology to new applications. Elucidating the identity and function of immune cell populations responding to engineering systems will be required for continued advancement. Multi-color flow cytometry is a central technique used by immunologists for this purpose that requires careful control of variables, data acquisition, and interpretation. Here, we present methods for multi-color flow cytometry experimental design and analysis focused on characterizing the scaffold immune microenvironment in regenerative medicine research.

Graphical abstract: Analyzing the scaffold immune microenvironment using flow cytometry: practices, methods and considerations for immune analysis of biomaterials

Article information

Article type
Review Article
04 3 2019
24 6 2019
First published
19 8 2019
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Biomater. Sci., 2019,7, 4472-4481

Analyzing the scaffold immune microenvironment using flow cytometry: practices, methods and considerations for immune analysis of biomaterials

K. Sadtler and J. H. Elisseeff, Biomater. Sci., 2019, 7, 4472 DOI: 10.1039/C9BM00349E

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