Issue 9, 2021

Development of a handheld liquid extraction pen for on-site mass spectrometric analysis of daily goods


We present a handheld liquid extraction pen (LEP) combined with a self-sustaining electrospray ionization platform for ambient mass spectrometry within a laboratory-independent workspace. The LEP enables direct sampling from various surfaces and textures, independent of sample shape without precise sample positioning or dedicated sample preparation. The combination of liquid extraction of analytes through the pen and electrospray ionization (ESI) opens a broad field of applications. Qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis is presented for pesticides, plasticizers and drugs which were analyzed from representative consumer goods, such as fruits, toys and pills. Food authentication via metabolomic fingerprinting and multivariate statistics is demonstrated for the analysis of fish fillets and coffee. The LEP source uses a rechargeable battery to power a compressor. Ambient air is used for solvent nebulization in ESI. Through a pressure pump with integrated solvent reservoir, a solvent flow through the LEP and ESI source is generated. Measurement times of more than three hours are possible. The ion source is adaptable to any kind of mass spectrometer equipped with an atmospheric pressure interface. Measurements were performed on orbital trapping instruments and on a miniature mass spectrometer. Coupled to the miniaturized mass spectrometer, the completely portable LEP-MS instrument has dimensions of 48.4 × 27.0 × 18.0 cm (l × w × h).

Graphical abstract: Development of a handheld liquid extraction pen for on-site mass spectrometric analysis of daily goods

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
25 11 2020
17 3 2021
First published
22 3 2021

Analyst, 2021,146, 3004-3015

Development of a handheld liquid extraction pen for on-site mass spectrometric analysis of daily goods

F. Lotz, P. Baar, B. Spengler and S. Schulz, Analyst, 2021, 146, 3004 DOI: 10.1039/D0AN02281K

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