Issue 39, 2021

RbPb8O4Cl9: the first alkali metal lead oxyhalide with distorted [PbO3Cl3] and [PbOCl5] mixed-anion groups


A new heavy metal oxychloride, RbPb8O4Cl9, has been synthesized by a high-temperature solution method. The compound crystallizes in the centrosymmetric space group P4/n (no. 85) and exhibits a three-dimensional (3D) framework constructed from [PbO3Cl3], [PbOCl5] and [RbCl8] polyhedra. RbPb8O4Cl9 is an indirect band gap compound with an experimental band gap of 3.66 eV. The first-principles calculations indicate that the band gap mainly originated from the interaction of Pb 6p, O 2p and Cl 2p states. Meanwhile, the calculated birefringence of RbPb8O4Cl9 is about 0.012 at 1064 nm. The compound is the first alkali metal lead oxyhalide, which enriches the structural diversity of oxyhalides and provides an insight for the exploration of new functional materials.

Graphical abstract: RbPb8O4Cl9: the first alkali metal lead oxyhalide with distorted [PbO3Cl3] and [PbOCl5] mixed-anion groups

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Article information

Article type
10 8 2021
01 9 2021
First published
02 9 2021

Dalton Trans., 2021,50, 14038-14043

RbPb8O4Cl9: the first alkali metal lead oxyhalide with distorted [PbO3Cl3] and [PbOCl5] mixed-anion groups

Z. Fan, C. Bai, H. Shi, M. Zhang, B. Zhang, J. Zhang and J. Li, Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 14038 DOI: 10.1039/D1DT02665H

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