Issue 1, 2022

In silico investigation of DNA minor groove binding bibenzimidazoles in the context of UVA phototherapy


The versatility of DNA minor groove binding bibenzimidazoles extends to applications in cancer therapy, beyond their typical use as DNA stains. In the context of UVA phototherapy, a series of halogenated analogues designated ortho-, meta-, and para-iodoHoechst have been investigated. Phototoxicity involves dehalogenation of the ligands following exposure to UVA light, resulting in the formation of a carbon-centred radical. While the cytotoxic mechanisms have been well established, the nature and severity of DNA damage induced by the ortho-, meta-, and para-iodoHoechst isomers requires clarification. Our aims were to measure and compare the binding constants of iodoHoechst analogues, and to determine the proximity of the carbon-centred radicals formed following photodehalogenation to the C1′, C4′, and C5′ DNA carbons. We performed molecular docking studies, as well as classical molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the interactions of Hoechst ligands with DNA including a well-defined B-DNA dodecamer containing the high affinity AATT minor groove binding site. Docking highlighted the binding of Hoechst analogues to AATT regions in oligonucleotides, nucleosomes, and origami DNA helical bundles. Further, MD simulations demonstrated the stability of Hoechst ligands in the AATT-containing minor groove over microsecond trajectories. Our findings reiterate that the efficiency of dehalogenation per se, rather than the proximity of the carbon-centred radicals to the DNA backbone, is responsible for the extreme phototoxicity of the ortho- isomer compared to the meta- and para-iodoHoechst isomers. More generally, our analyses are in line with the potential utility of ortho-iodoHoechst in DNA-targeted phototherapy, particularly if combined with a cell-specific delivery system.

Graphical abstract: In silico investigation of DNA minor groove binding bibenzimidazoles in the context of UVA phototherapy

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Article information

Article type
22 10 2021
03 12 2021
First published
06 12 2021

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022,24, 112-121

In silico investigation of DNA minor groove binding bibenzimidazoles in the context of UVA phototherapy

R. C. Beh, E. Pitsillou, J. J. Liang, A. Hung and T. C. Karagiannis, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 112 DOI: 10.1039/D1CP04841D

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