Issue 7, 2023

In-source fragmentation of nucleosides in electrospray ionization towards more sensitive and accurate nucleoside analysis


Nucleosides have been found to suffer in-source fragmentation (ISF) in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, which leads to reduced sensitivity and ambiguous identification. In this work, a combination of theoretical calculations and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis revealed the key role of protonation at N3 near the glycosidic bond during ISF. Therefore, an ultrasensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry system for 5-formylcytosine detection was developed with 300 fold signal enhancement. Also, we established a MS1-only platform for nucleoside profiling and successfully identified sixteen nucleosides in the total RNA of MCF-7 cells. Taking ISF into account, we can realize analysis with higher sensitivity and less ambiguity, not only for nucleosides, but for other molecules with similar protonation and fragmentation behaviors.

Graphical abstract: In-source fragmentation of nucleosides in electrospray ionization towards more sensitive and accurate nucleoside analysis

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
10 1 2023
19 2 2023
First published
21 2 2023

Analyst, 2023,148, 1500-1506

In-source fragmentation of nucleosides in electrospray ionization towards more sensitive and accurate nucleoside analysis

Y. Chen, X. Shen, Y. Yu, C. Xue, Y. Zhou and X. Zhang, Analyst, 2023, 148, 1500 DOI: 10.1039/D3AN00047H

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