Issue 33, 2023

Spray pyrolysis-derived robust ferroelectric BiFeO3 thin films


Scalable and low-cost synthesis of high-quality ferroic films is critical for the development of advanced electronic devices and sensors. Here, we employ solution-based spray pyrolysis to fabricate bismuth ferrite thin films on glass substrates and explore the impact of annealing conditions to attain functional thin films of superior quality and switchable polarization. Optimised thin films display polycrystalline nanostructured grains with the highest X-ray diffraction intensity along the (110) orientation and a mixed Fe2+/3+ valence suggesting the presence of oxygen vacancies. The optimized films show a complex ferroelectric domain microstructure and exhibit robust nanoscale polarization switching in the range of several volts. Domains are found to scale with the sizes of nanocrystalline grains, which points to the role of surface-energy-related mechanisms affecting the domain patterns. Our results demonstrate the potential of spray pyrolysis for the fabrication of high-quality ferroelectric thin films and provide new opportunities for the development of low-cost scalable advanced electronic devices.

Graphical abstract: Spray pyrolysis-derived robust ferroelectric BiFeO3 thin films

Article information

Article type
21 6 2023
07 8 2023
First published
08 8 2023

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023,25, 22286-22293

Spray pyrolysis-derived robust ferroelectric BiFeO3 thin films

M. C. Nagashree, S. D. Kulkarni, B. V. Rajendra, J. Seidel, M. S. Murari and P. Sharma, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 22286 DOI: 10.1039/D3CP02877A

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