Issue 2, 2023

Machine learning for soft and liquid molecular materials


This review discusses three types of soft matter and liquid molecular materials, namely hydrogels, liquid crystals and gas bubbles in liquids, which are explored with an emergent machine learning approach. We summarize specific examples of the use of machine learning technique to study the structure and properties of soft matter at the molecular, microscopic and macroscopic levels. The approaches of artificial intelligence have greatly improved the prediction of material properties, stimulated the progress in modeling methodologies capable of revealing physical phenomena, and opened up new perspectives in the design and use of soft material devices. For this reason we also provide guidance on machine learning methods and recommendations on best practices for data understanding.

Graphical abstract: Machine learning for soft and liquid molecular materials

Article information

Article type
Review Article
27 11 2022
15 2 2023
First published
20 2 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Digital Discovery, 2023,2, 298-315

Machine learning for soft and liquid molecular materials

T. Orlova, A. Piven, D. Darmoroz, T. Aliev, T. M. Tamer Abdel Razik, A. Boitsev, N. Grafeeva and E. Skorb, Digital Discovery, 2023, 2, 298 DOI: 10.1039/D2DD00132B

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