Issue 2, 2023

An integrated ion-exchange membrane-based microfluidic device for irreversible dissociation and quantification of miRNA from ribonucleoproteins


Ribonucleoproteins (RNPs), particularly microRNA-induced silencing complex (miRISC), have been associated with cancer-related gene regulation. Specific RNA-protein associations in miRISC complexes or those found in let-7 lin28A complexes can downregulate tumor-suppressing genes and can be directly linked to cancer. The high protein-RNA electrostatic binding affinity is a particular challenge for the quantification of the associated microRNAs (miRNAs). We report here the first microfluidic point-of-care assay that allows direct quantification of RNP-associated RNAs, which has the potential to greatly advance RNP profiling for liquid biopsy. Key to the technology is an integrated cation-anion exchange membrane (CEM/AEM) platform for rapid and irreversible dissociation (k = 0.0025 s−1) of the RNP (Cas9-miR-21) complex and quantification of its associated miR-21 in 40 minutes. The CEM-induced depletion front is used to concentrate the RNP at the depletion front such that the high electric field (>100 V cm−1) within the concentration boundary layer induces irreversible dissociation of the low KD (∼0.5 nM) complex, with ∼100% dissociation even though the association rate (kon = 6.1 s−1) is 1000 times higher. The high field also electrophoretically drives the dissociated RNA out of the concentrated zone without reassociation. A detection limit of 1.1 nM is achieved for Cy3 labelled miR-21.

Graphical abstract: An integrated ion-exchange membrane-based microfluidic device for irreversible dissociation and quantification of miRNA from ribonucleoproteins

Article information

Article type
08 6 2022
30 11 2022
First published
01 12 2022

Lab Chip, 2023,23, 285-294

An integrated ion-exchange membrane-based microfluidic device for irreversible dissociation and quantification of miRNA from ribonucleoproteins

K. P. McCarthy, D. B. Go, S. Senapati and H. Chang, Lab Chip, 2023, 23, 285 DOI: 10.1039/D2LC00517D

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