Issue 40, 2024

Exo- or endo-1H-pyrazole metal coordination modulated by the polyamine chain length in [1 + 1] condensation azamacrocycles. Binuclear complexes with remarkable SOD activity


The Cu2+ complexes of three [1 + 1] azacyclophane macrocycles having the 1H-pyrazole ring as the spacer and the pentaamine 1,5,8,11,15-pentaazadecane (L1) or hexaamines 1,5,8,12,15,19-hexaazanonadecane (L2) and 1,5,9,13,17,21-hexaazaheneicosane (L3) as bridges show endo- coordination of the pyrazolate bridge giving rise to discrete monomeric species. Previously reported pyrazolacyclophanes evidenced, however, exo-coordination with the formation of dimeric species of 2 : 2, 3 : 2 or even 4 : 2 Cu2+ : L stoichiometry. The complexes have been characterized in solution using potentiometric studies, UV-Vis spectroscopy, paramagnetic NMR, cyclic voltammetry and mass spectrometry. The measurements show that all three ligands have as many protonation steps in water as secondary amines are in the bridge, while they are able to form both mono- and binuclear Cu2+ species. The crystal structures of the complexes [Cu(HL1)Br]Br(1+x)(ClO4)(1−x)·yH2O (1) and [Cu2(H−1L2)Cl(ClO4)](ClO4)·H2O·C2H5OH (2) have been solved by X-ray diffraction studies. In 1 the metal ion lies at one side of the macrocyclic cavity being coordinated by one nitrogen of the pyrazolate moiety and the three consecutive nitrogen atoms of the polyamine bridge. The other nitrogen of the pyrazole ring is hydrogen-bonded to an amine group. In 2 the two metal ions are interconnected by a pyrazolate bis(monodentate) moiety and complete their coordination spheres with three amines and either a bromide or a perchlorate anion, which occupy the axial positions of distorted square pyramid geometries. Paramagnetic NMR studies of the binuclear complexes confirm the coordination pattern observed in the crystal structures. Cyclic voltamperommetry data show potentials within the adequate range to exhibit superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. The IC50 values calculated by McCord–Fridovich enzymatic assays show that the binuclear Cu2+ complexes of L2 and L3 have SOD activities that rank amongst the highest ones reported so far.

Graphical abstract: Exo- or endo-1H-pyrazole metal coordination modulated by the polyamine chain length in [1 + 1] condensation azamacrocycles. Binuclear complexes with remarkable SOD activity

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Article type
26 4 2024
27 6 2024
First published
02 7 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 16480-16494

Exo- or endo-1H-pyrazole metal coordination modulated by the polyamine chain length in [1 + 1] condensation azamacrocycles. Binuclear complexes with remarkable SOD activity

I. Bonastre-Sabater, A. Lopera, Á. Martínez-Camarena, S. Blasco, A. Doménech-Carbó, H. R. Jiménez, B. Verdejo, E. García-España and M. P. Clares, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 16480 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT01236D

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