Issue 37, 2024

The applications of Keggin-based metal–organic compounds in sensing and catalysis


Environmental pollution and energy problems caused by excessive use of fossil fuels deviate from the theme of green and sustainable development. It is very promising to detect small molecules or catalyze the conversion of pollutants to obtain renewable energy by using photoelectric technology. Therefore, there is an urgent requirement to develop materials with low detection limits and high catalytic performance. Keggin polyoxometalate-based metal–organic compounds (POMOCs) hold great promise for sensing, and catalytic applications due to their controllable structure, remarkable reversible multi-electron transfer capability and multi-component synergistic activity. In this review, the applications of Keggin POMOCs in photocatalytic/electrocatalytic conversion of energy materials and the detection of metal ion/inorganic molecule are introduced. The different mechanisms of Keggin POM units and MOF units in sensors and catalysis are discussed. Additionally, the prospects of the Keggin POMOCs as electrode materials or catalysts for enhancing the performance of sensors and catalysts are discussed, which will provide a platform for further development of advanced Keggin POMOC material-based sensors and catalytic systems.

Graphical abstract: The applications of Keggin-based metal–organic compounds in sensing and catalysis

Article information

Article type
01 7 2024
07 8 2024
First published
08 8 2024

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 15412-15420

The applications of Keggin-based metal–organic compounds in sensing and catalysis

M. Yang, J. Li, K. Hui, J. Ying and A. Tian, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 15412 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT01894J

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