Issue 43, 2024

Optical detection strategies for Ni(ii) ion using metal–organic chemosensors: from molecular design to environmental applications


Nickel is an important element utilized in various industrial/metallurgical processes, such as surgical and dental prostheses, Ni–Cd batteries, paint pigments, electroplating, ceramics, computer magnetic tapes, catalysis, and alloy manufacturing. However, its extensive use and associated waste production have led to increased nickel pollution in soils and water bodies, which adversely affects human health, animals and plants. This issue has prompted researchers to develop various optical probes, hereafter luminescent/colorimetric sensors, for the facile, sensitive and selective detection of nickel, particularly in biological and environmental contexts. In recent years, numerous functionalized chemosensors have been reported for imaging Ni2+, both in vivo and in vitro. In this context, metal-based receptors offer clear advantages over conventional organic sensors (viz., organic ligands, polymers, and membranes) in terms of cost, durability, stability, water solubility, recyclability, chemical flexibility and scope. This review highlights recent advancements in the design and fabrication of hybrid receptors (i.e., metal complexes and MOFs) for the specific detection of Ni2+ ions in complex environmental and biological mixtures.

Graphical abstract: Optical detection strategies for Ni(ii) ion using metal–organic chemosensors: from molecular design to environmental applications

Article information

Article type
21 8 2024
17 9 2024
First published
18 9 2024

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 17409-17428

Optical detection strategies for Ni(II) ion using metal–organic chemosensors: from molecular design to environmental applications

S. Naithani, R. Dubey, T. Goswami, F. Thetiot and S. Kumar, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 17409 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT02376E

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