Issue 48, 2024

Electroanalytical characterization of Np(vi)/Np(v) redox in a pentadentate ligand environment and stabilization of [NpVO2]+ by hydrogen bonding


The redox chemistry of the actinyl cations (AnO2n+) heavily influences their reactivity and speciation in solution, but the redox properties of the actinyls in non-aqueous media have received far less attention than they deserve. Here, the non-aqueous electrochemistry of a chemically reversible Np(VI)/Np(V) redox manifold is reported in both protic (CH3OH) and aprotic (CH3CN) organic media. Using a neutral Np(VI) complex supported by a chelating and strongly donating pentadentate ligand that was fully characterized in prior work, a clean Np(VI)/Np(V) redox couple was found to be accessible under ambient conditions. Coupled electrochemical and spectroscopic studies, as well as simulations of cyclic voltammetry data, confirm the 1e nature of this couple and establish it to be chemically reversible and nearly electrochemically reversible as well. Bulk electrolysis of a solution of the neutral Np(VI) complex facilitated isolation of the corresponding anionic and monomeric Np(V) species. Data from X-ray diffraction analysis as well as optical and vibrational spectroscopies provide strong evidence in support of metal-centered reduction and the Np(V) oxidation state, findings that are in accord with the measured reduction potentials. Distinctive hydrogen bonding interactions between the terminal (yl) oxo groups and water molecules appear to stabilize the isolated Np(V) species in the solid state, providing insight into the features that afford the uncommon chemically reversible redox encountered in this system.

Graphical abstract: Electroanalytical characterization of Np(vi)/Np(v) redox in a pentadentate ligand environment and stabilization of [NpVO2]+ by hydrogen bonding

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Article type
08 9 2024
16 10 2024
First published
28 10 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 19126-19142

Electroanalytical characterization of Np(VI)/Np(V) redox in a pentadentate ligand environment and stabilization of [NpVO2]+ by hydrogen bonding

E. R. Mikeska, T. D. Curry, R. E. Wilson and J. D. Blakemore, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 19126 DOI: 10.1039/D4DT02557A

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