Issue 22, 2024

An energy-efficient tellurium electrode enabled by a Cs2TeI6 perovskite structure for durable aqueous Zn–Te batteries


Tellurium (Te) is a promising high-capacity electrode material for aqueous zinc-ion batteries, capable of multi-electron redox reactions. However, the inherent hydrolysis of oxidized Te4+ exhibits significant polarization during redox, rendering it highly coupled with water in the electrolyte. This study presents a comprehensive investigation into regulating the multi-electron transfer redox chemistry of Te by incorporating cesium iodide (0.3 M CsI) into a low-concentration aqueous electrolyte (2 M ZnSO4), facilitating the formation of a stable Cs2TeI6 double perovskite during oxidation. This phase formation effectively suppresses the hydrolysis and dissolution of Te4+ species and decouples the redox reactions from water participation, leading to significantly reduced polarization. The CsI regulated Zn–Te battery delivers a high energy efficiency of 92% for the 4-electron process (Te ⇌ Te4+) and high discharge capacity of 1248 mA h g−1 for the 6-electron process (Te2− ⇌ Te ⇌ Te4+). Furthermore, the 4-electron cell exhibits exceptional cycling stability, retaining 80% capacity after 1500 cycles. This study provides valuable insights into tailoring the redox chemistry of high-capacity electrode materials, paving the way for the development of high-performance aqueous battery systems.

Graphical abstract: An energy-efficient tellurium electrode enabled by a Cs2TeI6 perovskite structure for durable aqueous Zn–Te batteries

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Article information

Article type
03 7 2024
25 9 2024
First published
02 10 2024

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024,17, 8633-8642

An energy-efficient tellurium electrode enabled by a Cs2TeI6 perovskite structure for durable aqueous Zn–Te batteries

J. Li, C. Lei, P. Jiang, C. Xu, T. Liu and X. Liang, Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, 17, 8633 DOI: 10.1039/D4EE02916J

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