Issue 4, 2024

Chemical recycling of polycarbonate and polyester without solvent and catalyst: mechanochemical methanolysis


In this study, we present a green and economical approach to chemical recycling of commercial polycarbonates and poly-esters, specifically poly(bisphenol A carbonate), poly(ethylene terephthalate), and poly(lactic acid). Our method involves mechanochemical ball-milling of a heterogeneous mixture of plastic and methanol, resulting in quantitative depolymerization to yield monomers or useful chemical units that already have high demands. We found that the energy-intensive step is forming physical contact between the reactants, rather than the chemical methanolysis itself. Mechanochemical ball-milling facilitates sufficient physical contact and energy transfer between plastics and methanol, eliminating the need for solvents and catalysts. Our study demonstrates a practical and sustainable process with minimal chemical input and simple output for the chemical recycling of these plastics.

Graphical abstract: Chemical recycling of polycarbonate and polyester without solvent and catalyst: mechanochemical methanolysis

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
26 9 2023
03 1 2024
First published
04 1 2024

Green Chem., 2024,26, 2087-2093

Chemical recycling of polycarbonate and polyester without solvent and catalyst: mechanochemical methanolysis

H. W. Lee, K. Yoo, L. Borchardt and J. G. Kim, Green Chem., 2024, 26, 2087 DOI: 10.1039/D3GC03643J

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